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CC is out of control.


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Just took a stopwatch and timed it. 20 consecutive seconds where I could literally do nothing.


Get rid of this broken chain CC. The PVP in this game is enough of a joke as it is. It's bad enough I can never use my weak CC when I need to because everyone is mysteriously immune to CC whenever I need to use it, but I'm sitting here for 20 seconds CCed.

Edited by Gungan
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Just took a stopwatch and timed it. 20 consecutive seconds where I could literally do nothing.


Get rid of this broken chain CC. The PVP in this game is enough of a joke as it is.


i agree.


but wait for a string of people to say L2P and "use your cc breaker smart, dummy".



but i love how its on a 2 minute cooldown which is used nearly every death, and if you are fighting for control of something, you are gauranteed at least being chain stunned without it being up more than your fair share of times. and with the current TTK, it makes it quite annoying to sit there for 16-18 or more seconds from two mezzes or a mezz and stun, that keep you from doing much in the way of playing. let alone living while someone heals or regains force

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Just took a stopwatch and timed it. 20 consecutive seconds where I could literally do nothing.


Get rid of this broken chain CC. The PVP in this game is enough of a joke as it is. It's bad enough I can never use my weak CC when I need to because everyone is mysteriously immune to CC whenever I need to use it, but I'm sitting here for 20 seconds CCed.


I am interested to know how you stayed alive for 20 seconds in this zergfest Bioware calls PVP. I am finding many situations where my fully BM geared toon cant make it through a 4 second stun.


If CoD had lightsabers, I would be there. I hear CC isnt outta control...

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Just took a stopwatch and timed it. 20 consecutive seconds where I could literally do nothing.


Get rid of this broken chain CC. The PVP in this game is enough of a joke as it is. It's bad enough I can never use my weak CC when I need to because everyone is mysteriously immune to CC whenever I need to use it, but I'm sitting here for 20 seconds CCed.


I actually have to agree with you, I dont know how many times I have seen well coordinated CC keep someone in place for ridiculous amounts of time. I was playing huttball on my jugg and lasted a while only cuz of the awesome healer but literally stood 6 feet from the goal unable to do crap while my healer was frantically trying to keep me from dropping, couldnt pass, move, anything:P I have to say stunlocking is one of the most annoying aspects of pvp scenarios.

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I am interested to know how you stayed alive for 20 seconds in this zergfest Bioware calls PVP. I am finding many situations where my fully BM geared toon cant make it through a 4 second stun.


If CoD had lightsabers, I would be there. I hear CC isnt outta control...


Only reason I stayed alive is cuz I'm tank spec.

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you clearly need to learn when to use your cc breaker and learn what the resolve bar is and how and when to use it.


You clearly need to learn how to write things that are intelligent. I am sure the OP had no idea there was even a CC break, thanks for bettering his or her life....


And secondly, if you have figured out the resolve bar. Can I trouble you to pass that on to Bioware? Cause its seems they are in the dark too. The idea of how it works is good. But that does not translate into reality, more often then not.


I cant say I have been stunned 20 seconds, but I know the resolve bar doesnt work the way they intended it too.

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you clearly need to learn when to use your cc breaker and learn what the resolve bar is and how and when to use it.


Of course I use my CC breaker.. then I get hit with even more CCs. If I use my CC too late so they waste their CCs first, I may as well not use it because I can't finish what I started to do. My target will have long since gotten away, or the healer I'm guarding gets jacked.


Apparently you don't remember that it has a 2 minute cooldown, or I'd use it more often.

Edited by Gungan
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Of course I use my CC breaker.. then I get hit with even more CCs. If I use my CC too late so they waste their CCs first, I may as well not use it because I can't finish what I started to do. My target will have long since gotten away, or the healer I'm guarding gets jacked.


Apparently you don't remember that it has a 2 minute cooldown, or I'd use it more often.


don't worry, that troll doesn't even know that operative have a free stun that doesn't affect Resolve at all. (knockdown, animation keeps you from doing anything), but knockdowns that force you to run an animation are not stuns and shouldn't affect resolve per bioware. working as intended for operatives at bioware

Edited by Kracin
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Just took a stopwatch and timed it. 20 consecutive seconds where I could literally do nothing.


Get rid of this broken chain CC. The PVP in this game is enough of a joke as it is. It's bad enough I can never use my weak CC when I need to because everyone is mysteriously immune to CC whenever I need to use it, but I'm sitting here for 20 seconds CCed.


On what kind of potato did you timed it? Maximum possible time for you to be able to do absolutely nothing ( cc break on cooldown) is 16 seconds , 2 x 8 second incapacitate.


it is appalling that the player base for this game can not even count.... WITH A STOPWATCH EVEN


Best advice i can give you is to stay in school

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Just took a stopwatch and timed it. 20 consecutive seconds where I could literally do nothing.


Get rid of this broken chain CC. The PVP in this game is enough of a joke as it is. It's bad enough I can never use my weak CC when I need to because everyone is mysteriously immune to CC whenever I need to use it, but I'm sitting here for 20 seconds CCed.


This statement is patently, provably false. The absolute maximum amount of time that you can be completely out of control is 16 seconds, and that assumes you are facing two enemy players who have their mezzes available, you do not have your CC Breaker available, and no enemy player attacks you for the entire duration.


don't worry, that troll doesn't even know that operative have a free stun that doesn't affect Resolve at all. (knockdown, animation keeps you from doing anything), but knockdowns that force you to run an animation are not stuns and shouldn't affect resolve per bioware. working as intended for operatives at bioware


This is also patently, provably false. All knockdowns add to Resolve and Resolve Immunity prevents knockdowns.

Edited by Darth_Philar
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Wow, what a troll thread....


First, Darth Pillar is right, longest possible period of being unable to act (ie. pass the ball) is 16 seconds, and you cant take damage during that time (and ofc your CC breaker has to be on CD).


If your healer is trying to keep you from dropping all that time, possible period of stunlock drops to 8 seconds.


Second, operatives knockdown is affecting resolve, it is worth 400 points. I tested it and I call enyone who claims otherwise a big fat liar.


Roots are not stuns, you can pass the ball.


Fact that you dont understand resolve does not mean it is not working.


CC is out of control in WoW for example, here it is not so bad.

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Even if 16 seconds was the maximum, it's still too long - and taking damage definately does not break it.


If you think otherwise, talk to the people I Harpoon into flame pits and Cryo Grenade.


Tell it anybody who gets stunned and killed by an Operative or Scoundrel before the stun wears off.


Tell them how damage breaks CC and see how long it takes before they punch you in the face.


A root on a melee class is as good as any full mezz and should affect resolve - especially when lightning is not interruptible when talented, and is puts a slow effect while channelled (W T F?). Snipers/Gunslingers are not interruptible and you can't charge or pull them.


Yeah that's totally fair.

Edited by Gungan
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Even if 16 seconds was the maximum, it's still too long - and taking damage definately does not break it.


If you think otherwise, talk to the people I Harpoon into flame pits and Cryo Grenade.


Tell it anybody who gets stunned and killed by an Operative or Scoundrel before the stun wears off.


Tell them how damage breaks CC and see how long it takes before they punch you in the face.


Stuns last no more than 4 seconds.

Mezzes last no more than 8 seconds and immediately break on damage.

Any combination of 2 of those effects will result in CC immunity.

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you clearly need to learn when to use your cc breaker and learn what the resolve bar is and how and when to use it.


I have used both Lift and Stun on toons with zero reslove and both fail to work.


I have been rooted / stunned / lifted / spinning from full health to death even using CC break in the middle.


Reslove might work and it is not equitable across professions and faction, from my experience.

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Even if 16 seconds was the maximum, it's still too long - and taking damage definately does not break it.


If you think otherwise, talk to the people I Harpoon into flame pits and Cryo Grenade.


Tell it anybody who gets stunned and killed by an Operative or Scoundrel before the stun wears off.


Tell them how damage breaks CC and see how long it takes before they punch you in the face.


A root on a melee class is as good as any full mezz and should affect resolve - especially when lightning is not interruptible when talented, and is puts a slow effect while channelled (W T F?). Snipers/Gunslingers are not interruptible and you can't charge or pull them.


Yeah that's totally fair.


Harpoon (400 points) + cryo granade (800 points) = white resolve (and probably dead target if you pulled him into hazard)


Hidden Strike (400 points) + whatever OP 4 sec stun is called (800 points) = 6 sec of stun and white resolve. If you dont have CC breaker saved for scond stun, you may die. But hey, isnt this all OP can do? Jump on someone, burst and hope it was enough;)


16 sec while taking damage? Impossible.


About roots and slows affecting resolve - you have official dev explanation in my sig.


I have used both Lift and Stun on toons with zero reslove and both fail to work.


I have been rooted / stunned / lifted / spinning from full health to death even using CC break in the middle.


Reslove might work and it is not equitable across professions and faction, from my experience.


Since there is quite a few skills granting CC immunity to certain classes, possibilityhaving a sliver left of white resolve (possible to just miss in the middle of combat) and fact that all CC skills can be parried or resisted (depending on type) I am not going to continue discusion about target not affected by CCs whithout videos.


You can be rooted all the time, this has nothing to do with resolve. Lifted and spinning as I understand are mezzes, they break on damage - I dont believe in your trolling attempt.

Edited by Kaarsa
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Since there is quite a few skills granting CC immunity to certain classes, possibilityhaving a sliver left of white resolve (possible to just miss in the middle of combat) and fact that all CC skills can be parried or resisted (depending on type) I am not going to continue discusion about target not affected by CCs whithout videos.


You can be rooted all the time, this has nothing to do with resolve. Lifted and spinning as I understand are mezzes, they break on damage - I dont believe in your trolling attempt.


Both times that neither lift or stun worked was against a Sorc.


Never said that Root affected resolve, however according to BW that was supposed to change in 1.2.


All forms of CC, be it a snare, slow or root, should all affect reslove.


Also, what is the equivalent skill on the Repub side that allows multiple targets to be rolling on the floor having a tantrum, or frozen in place?

Edited by Quinlynn
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Both times that neither lift or stun worked was against a Sorc.


Never said that Root affected resolve, however according to BW that was supposed to change in 1.2.


All forms of CC, be it a snare, slow or root, should all affect reslove.


Also, what is the equivalent skill on the Repub side that allows multiple targets to be rolling on the floor having a tantrum, or frozen in place?


1. About roots and resolve - look at my sig, offcial dev info. Never seen any BW statement that they plan to add roots to resolve.


2. Rolling on the floor - it would be Awe from jedi knights I think. Frozen in place - troopers carbonize.

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To be honest, the CC isn't so much the problem as it is the stuff that Bioware DOESN'T consider CC that's the problem.


Generally, I can wait out a 4 second stun and still be alive. If I'm being opened up on by an Operative or Assassin, then I know I'm going to pretty much eat it for 8 seconds give or take. They're the only one that I hate the lack of control from.


Every other class is somewhat less of an issue because more often than not they're using their CC reactively, not proactively. Hard CC I might take a hit or two, but nothing I can't realistically shrug off in most circumstances. Soft CC is almost always reactive and the opponent getting the hell out of dodge, so to speak. I pretty much eat those CC's because I know that either I'm going to get a free resolve boost after 8 seconds, or someone is going to come along and tap me for damage I couldn't care less about and wake me up.


My CC breaker is starting to only get used in more situational scenarios.


But back to the complain, or matter at hand. I'm finding more and more that the knockbacks and roots are causing me more issues than anything else. A lot of the really good premades I'm coming up against barely ever use hard CC anymore. Instead, I'm getting rooted, snared, knocked back or even worse - ending up like a pinball getting bounced between 3 or 4 knockbacks at a time. When you're a melee class, being knocked around like that is pretty much more effective than a hard stun - and worse yet builds absolutely no resolve at all. It's far more annoying than the stuns in the game.

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you clearly need to learn when to use your cc breaker and learn what the resolve bar is and how and when to use it.


Great advice.


I totally enjoy the no cooldown CC Break where anytime I get CC'd I can pop it.


You sir are a scholar and a genius.

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]Even if 16 seconds was the maximum' date=' it's still too long - and taking damage [i']definately does not break[/b] it[/i].


If you think otherwise, talk to the people I Harpoon into flame pits and Cryo Grenade.


Tell it anybody who gets stunned and killed by an Operative or Scoundrel before the stun wears off.


Tell them how damage breaks CC and see how long it takes before they punch you in the face.


A root on a melee class is as good as any full mezz and should affect resolve - especially when lightning is not interruptible when talented, and is puts a slow effect while channelled (W T F?). Snipers/Gunslingers are not interruptible and you can't charge or pull them.


Yeah that's totally fair.


You people crack me up. Cryo Grenade is a Stun, the situation he is referring to are dazes/mezzes. Learn the difference between CC before you go on some crusade about it. If you can't even understand something, you expect BW to give you any kind of credibility? lol.

Edited by Derian
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Great advice.


I totally enjoy the no cooldown CC Break where anytime I get CC'd I can pop it.


You sir are a scholar and a genius.


What he means is the too many people use their CC breaker too early and then get stunned again. In many cases it is more beneficial to wait.

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