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Confessions of an Unsubber


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I unsubscribed back in February, after about 2 months of play. It was a mix of things. Frustration with the game’s performance on my system, disappointment that it wasn’t shaping up to be the new MMO hotness, and general anger that the developers failed to draw in millions to share in the beloved Star Wars IP.


Right or wrong, I was measuring the temperature of the community by what was said on these and other forums. Indeed, there were many that shared my upset, and so I took the only decisive action I could; I cancelled my subscription.


It felt good at first. I felt like I was cutting myself off from the discomfort of being stretched between the almost-great potential of this game, and the harsh reality that greatness wouldn’t be realized for years—if ever. I downloaded Rift and got bored in an evening. I went back to WoW, and found the old guild welcoming and still trucking along. I started up again in the forever loop of gear grinding. The community was great, but soon I was back to only logging once or twice a week.


Seven days of free access was enough. I came back.

Why even try again? What changed?


I got perspective. This game has some painful damn flaws. That said, it has a lot going for it too. Many of us want desperately for this game to succeed. Thing is, we can unsub and vote with our dollars, or we can stick it out for an indeterminate time, building the community and giving the developers the feedback they need, even if they don’t know how to ask for it.


For those who choose the latter option, we give our gaming lives over to an uncertain future. Pursued by trolls from behind, running to jump off a blind ledge, not knowing where we’ll land, but being certain that we won’t have given in. For those who choose to stand against the tide of QQ for something greater ... may the Force be with you.

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I've been playing since launch and I've never stopped having fun. I had a lull a few weeks ago where I didn't feel like playing for a few days, but otherwise, I don't think this game has one single flaw that's bad enough to make me unsub. Maybe eventually, depending on whether or not future content interests me, but I foresee many more months of gaming still left. Then again, I'm an altaholic and I enjoy leveling alts way more than grinding for end game gear. Edited by Galbatorrix
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I've been a fanboy for this game for many years leading up to launch. That said, I'm getting burned out from the PvP aspect of this game, it was better pre 1.2 (minus the OP sorcs/sages).


I want this game to succeed as well, but it's obvious that they need 1.3 out sooner then later. I'm not waiting another 4 months to see if their next combat balance creates another OP class. I'm a Sniper, as a pure DPS class I should be on par with the other DPS class which is Marauder. That is not the case anymore, and sure I know Marauders needed a buff, but this is just stupid.


Lack of open world PvP is a huge bummer, when new games coming out have 3 factional open world pvp and stuff, this game just seems like a throw back.

Edited by Mailek
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-Beta questionnaires

-Guild Summit

-Developers Polls


-They actually read all the posts in the forum, all of them!!!

-Some of the staff members actually play the game (anonymously) to get feedback from inside the game


Yeah, they know how to get their feeback...

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PVErs: the game is fine and is fun! we love it it has no flaws!


PvPers: the game is flawed and broken! and not fun!


Is general tone i see amongst those that play the game, if you pvp then typically feel game was a let down(and it was) if you pve your having decent fun and enjoying it! UNLESS your sick of a gear grind. To the OP i highly suggest you go play GW2, they removed the gear grind from that game...and have made it far more about cosmetics for end game gear and not actual stats. This means can jump into almost any end game dungeon or area, or pvp and not feel weaker then the other guys.


TOR has many flaws... but arent many games out there that measure up to it in termsof story, and general theme and game play. Only DCUO has better voice acting and story is anywhere NEAR as good as TOR OH and anyone tries to tell me VA in DCUO were bad i will reach through the screen and personally slap you... you simply can't compete with voices of mark hamil(ironic that luke is in a non-SW game) and Adam Baldwin and many more... but i digress! those are only 2 games that right now measure up... and atm i'm very torn between which one i prefer...


On the horizen is Tera which is great combat but lacks everything else... and GW2 which is so unique its hard to say if it'll measure up to the hype. I know i'll get flak for this but... i don't see TOR becoming a tyrant like WoW simply because the era of MMO is in a state of change right now. The idea of whole stand there and hotkey click everything is kind of in a decline... its moving away. Check newer mmos that are being released... almost ALL of them have some kind of action element to them! DCUO, Tera, even GW2 had some action elements and i see mmos going that way now.


People are wanting more interation in there mmo...and TOR just feels to dated combat wise... only one thing will keep TOR alive.




Its Starwars =3

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PVErs: the game is fine and is fun! we love it it has no flaws!


PvPers: the game is flawed and broken! and not fun!


Is general tone i see amongst those that play the game, if you pvp then typically feel game was a let down(and it was) if you pve your having decent fun and enjoying it! UNLESS your sick of a gear grind. To the OP i highly suggest you go play GW2, they removed the gear grind from that game...and have made it far more about cosmetics for end game gear and not actual stats. This means can jump into almost any end game dungeon or area, or pvp and not feel weaker then the other guys.


TOR has many flaws... but arent many games out there that measure up to it in termsof story, and general theme and game play. Only DCUO has better voice acting and story is anywhere NEAR as good as TOR OH and anyone tries to tell me VA in DCUO were bad i will reach through the screen and personally slap you... you simply can't compete with voices of mark hamil(ironic that luke is in a non-SW game) and Adam Baldwin and many more... but i digress! those are only 2 games that right now measure up... and atm i'm very torn between which one i prefer...


On the horizen is Tera which is great combat but lacks everything else... and GW2 which is so unique its hard to say if it'll measure up to the hype. I know i'll get flak for this but... i don't see TOR becoming a tyrant like WoW simply because the era of MMO is in a state of change right now. The idea of whole stand there and hotkey click everything is kind of in a decline... its moving away. Check newer mmos that are being released... almost ALL of them have some kind of action element to them! DCUO, Tera, even GW2 had some action elements and i see mmos going that way now.


People are wanting more interation in there mmo...and TOR just feels to dated combat wise... only one thing will keep TOR alive.




Its Starwars =3


PVE is far from fine and not broken. The one thing about pvp balancing is it always wrecks pve. This last few batches of balancing have all but ruined some specs and made the content which was balanced on previous specs seem a bit too overtuned on 16 man hardmode encounters. On my server alone was is standard - heavy most of the time, 16 man progression has come to a halt. 8 man is substantially easier after the nerf and I think that is in direct correlation with the class nerfs. So to say pvp is broken and not fun is essentially saying pve is broken now too. Just my thoughts.

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Why decide if you like something or not based on other people's opinions? Just do what you like to do and let other people do the things they like to do. Who cares really what other people think as long as you think you made the right decision.
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I unsubscribed back in February, after about 2 months of play. It was a mix of things. Frustration with the game’s performance on my system, disappointment that it wasn’t shaping up to be the new MMO hotness, and general anger that the developers failed to draw in millions to share in the beloved Star Wars IP.


Right or wrong, I was measuring the temperature of the community by what was said on these and other forums. Indeed, there were many that shared my upset, and so I took the only decisive action I could; I cancelled my subscription.


It felt good at first. I felt like I was cutting myself off from the discomfort of being stretched between the almost-great potential of this game, and the harsh reality that greatness wouldn’t be realized for years—if ever. I downloaded Rift and got bored in an evening. I went back to WoW, and found the old guild welcoming and still trucking along. I started up again in the forever loop of gear grinding. The community was great, but soon I was back to only logging once or twice a week.


Seven days of free access was enough. I came back.

Why even try again? What changed?


I got perspective. This game has some painful damn flaws. That said, it has a lot going for it too. Many of us want desperately for this game to succeed. Thing is, we can unsub and vote with our dollars, or we can stick it out for an indeterminate time, building the community and giving the developers the feedback they need, even if they don’t know how to ask for it.


For those who choose the latter option, we give our gaming lives over to an uncertain future. Pursued by trolls from behind, running to jump off a blind ledge, not knowing where we’ll land, but being certain that we won’t have given in. For those who choose to stand against the tide of QQ for something greater ... may the Force be with you.


Nice to see something positive. Thanks for sharing!

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solid post, i wish i could give you rep for it.


sadly most people will read the thread title and assume it is about something else. half will "agree" with you that the game is awful, and the other half will flame you for unsubbing.



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This game has more flaws then my ex-wife! Just kidding about the ex-wife... but the game has some serious flaws... and I seem to find them all to my own frustration. Even the Customer Service is flawed...


Maybe I should define "flawed" as not up to par with my expectations to something that is called "New". This game was not ready for release, and I do not think the Beta worked out at all because there are things in this game that would make me embarrassed to be a BioWare employee... No wonder they introduce themselves as droids.


I wont go into the flaws unless someone really wants to know those things. I am more than willing to share my lack of praise for this game as-well-as my thoughts on what really works well.


I just wish there was more from the developers side, addressing the 10 ten issues, and readdressing them until they drop from the top 10 issues that "WE" the users define on this forum. I do not feel that BioWare really grasps the fragile ice that it is treading.


GW2, MoP, TSW, DIII will be a prime proponents on if this game survives... The genre cannot carry the game forever... can it?

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I unsubscribed back in February, after about 2 months of play. It was a mix of things. Frustration with the game’s performance on my system, disappointment that it wasn’t shaping up to be the new MMO hotness, and general anger that the developers failed to draw in millions to share in the beloved Star Wars IP.


Right or wrong, I was measuring the temperature of the community by what was said on these and other forums. Indeed, there were many that shared my upset, and so I took the only decisive action I could; I cancelled my subscription.


It felt good at first. I felt like I was cutting myself off from the discomfort of being stretched between the almost-great potential of this game, and the harsh reality that greatness wouldn’t be realized for years—if ever. I downloaded Rift and got bored in an evening. I went back to WoW, and found the old guild welcoming and still trucking along. I started up again in the forever loop of gear grinding. The community was great, but soon I was back to only logging once or twice a week.


Seven days of free access was enough. I came back.

Why even try again? What changed?


I got perspective. This game has some painful damn flaws. That said, it has a lot going for it too. Many of us want desperately for this game to succeed. Thing is, we can unsub and vote with our dollars, or we can stick it out for an indeterminate time, building the community and giving the developers the feedback they need, even if they don’t know how to ask for it.


For those who choose the latter option, we give our gaming lives over to an uncertain future. Pursued by trolls from behind, running to jump off a blind ledge, not knowing where we’ll land, but being certain that we won’t have given in. For those who choose to stand against the tide of QQ for something greater ... may the Force be with you.


The in game graphics and character performance have improved since launch. I'm using the same machine as then and the 'clunkiness' of movement seems to have been corrected. The legacy system is now viable with the patch, so that is nice. There are a few quality games on the web, and a few more on the way--it is a player's market and the companies will do what it takes to rein in customers for a short duration.

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GW2, MoP, TSW, DIII will be a prime proponents on if this game survives... The genre cannot carry the game forever... can it?


I don't believe any of us wants simply for the game to survive, we want to see it thrive.


I have beta tested the Blizzard games, and plan on checking out GW2 this weekend. I see good things in all of them.


But above the others, I'd like to see this game thrive, and I believe that success will only come with the support of the community.

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