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So EA BW, 4 months later and still no PvP?


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Yeah i think even the bioware "pvp team" will be in this weeks GW2 beta to learn what end game pvp

should be like. Maybe they can learn something...


What's really ironic is GW2 world pvp (the wvw stuff) is based a lot on DAOC, and I thought there were Mythic people on TOR. You'd think they'd have done that themselves, go with what works. Then again, I guess after NOT being able to pull it off in WAR I can't really blame them for not wanting to try again.

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Just hit the unsubscribe button in account management. Never felt so satisfifying. I feel born again. Everyone should try it, to see what I mean.


I have a very strong feeling this isn't the first time you have done this or said this with an MMO. Is it satisfying to unsub every game that fails to meet your expectations? At least you won't have to unsub GW2 when it fails you.


Before I get dismissed as a fan boy. Could SWTOR pvp be better... yea of course. Instanced PvP has never been my thing... but you guys must realize that GW2 is all about instanced PvP.. that is all it is. It's not DAoC 2. The only game to my knowledge that will be like DAoC is Dominus.


Also before people bash Dominus for using the Hero Engine like SWTOR. SWTOR is using a 32 bit Hero engine that handicaps them in making the game handle large battles. Dominus is using a 64 bit engine.. you know current gen tech. So while the Hero engine might fail SWTOR it's because of the choices BW made to get more people able to play the game and not an inherent trait of the Hero Engine itself.

Edited by DarkDruidSS
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If by PvP you mean open-world PvP on Illum... you might as well quit now man. This crap hero engine will never be able to handle it.


This man speaks truth.


Folks. BioWare Austin has never been upfront with the community. It's always been cryptic and vague explanations and promises.


Now they say they're waiting to develop technology to expand world PVP properly, and that it's going to be very far off in the future.


What they really mean is that they chose a game engine that can't possibly support game play of such scale, and short of scrapping and starting over it's pretty much not doable. The far off future thing is just a vague way of saying that they're hoping for a miracle to solve this problem because right now they're screwed.

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Well, hes right. Incredible how Bioware didn't manage to give us some sort of good PvP in 4 months. To keep the PvP-Players here, Guild Wars 2 has to have incredible bad gameplay and classes. Guild Wars 2 just offers exactly what PvP-Players want: Competitive, level and gear-independent PvP and good Open-PvP.


I mean, I sticked around for so long because I thought Bioware would do something to keep pvp-players here but now it seems they just do nothing and force pvp-players to switch. Ranked Warzones with only one good Warzone (Huttball) is not nearly enough for me. Civil War, Voidstar and the Coast are just awful zerg parties, nothing more.


EDIT: And there is still the bug that the position of players sometimes isn't updated. "Yes, i'm force chocking him on a fire vent.. He will die.. " *Fire starts but he takes no damage* "***" *Enemy player model teleports a meter in direction of the goal* I reported this bug so many times and this happens so freaking often. Force Speed + jumping down a cliff makes this happen all the time.

Edited by Teabaker
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Ya GW2 is going to attract practically all of the RvR/PvP people that I know, which after playing MMO's for 10 years is alot.


The DAoC model for end-game PvP is second too none, and GW2 is copying alot of DAoC's endgame. Hell just for this weekends GW2 Beta Ive received 45 emails from people I use too play with asking what server to roll on and who/which guilds from DAoC are recruiting for GW2.


The saving grace (possibly) for Swtor is that GW2 is free to play, so if they can somehow show PvPers that they are seriously committed too improving PvP in Swtor then MAYBE they can keep the subs...but that is one huge MAYBE.

Edited by Jalez
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