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===>Whats the MAXimum amount of money you would pay per character transfer?<===


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..because you know EA's not going to let them do it for free. WoW currently charges $25 per character transfer. Personally I believe each should be free, similar to the system rift has.


What do you guys think?

Whats the maximum amount you would be willing to pay to transfer to another server?


My max is $10-15.... and even that is too high imo

Edited by Talsalus
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Unless they do server merges first to fill out the server numbers they should allow a 1 time free transfer. If after that you don't like your new server or want a different one they should charge something around $25.
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I think anything anyone posts will just be conjecture and speculation, I realize that to some degree this is what you are after but I fail to see what that achieves. I could say $10 and that would make it no closer to the truth than someone saying 10c.
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I think anything anyone posts will just be conjecture and speculation, I realize that to some degree this is what you are after but I fail to see what that achieves. I could say $10 and that would make it no closer to the truth than someone saying 10c.


We'll I'm asking what the maximum amount people are willing to pay is. I believe that leaves some room for feedback.

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I actually wouldn't buy a server transfer. If it gets so out of hand that I cannot enjoy the server I am on, I will just roll a new character on a new server.


I see what you're saying, but then you would have to start a whole new legacy. I wouldn't want to leave my 27 legacy behind, even though at the moment there is nothing really special with it, but it did take me since early access to get.

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I see what you're saying, but then you would have to start a whole new legacy. I wouldn't want to leave my 27 legacy behind, even though at the moment there is nothing really special with it, but it did take me since early access to get.


It wont bother me. It's just a game, and eventually I will get the legacy levels again.

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This is a game that promotes legacy with multiple characters, so for example i have 7 chars all in the same legacy, if transfers would cost $10 per char i would have to pay $70 to transfer all my legacy to a more populated server, witch is ridiculous i would never pay that, i would quit first.

So if transfers are not free, witch they should be, they need to have an option to transfer your whole legacy no matter how many chars you have and at a very AFFORDABLE price.

What do i consider affordable, no more than $20, less would be better.

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To be honest I think that there should be a fee for character transfers, nothing ridiculous but it should to an extent discourage it.


I think that addressing the server population problem requires a more elegant solution than server merges and character transfers, otherwise people will start facing the opposite problem. Server transfers definitely have their place but it won't help in this way at all.


Here's an article that was posted by another user: Daniel Erickson on Server Population.



"One of the problems we’re running into right now is kind of a classic MMO problem, which is that our overall population of players has not changed, but our peak concurrent users has changed," Erickson told NowGamer


To simplify it goes on to say that when new content and in game events are added more people will log in which will lead to heavier populations. We basically saw this on the fatman server (I don't play on this server but I would have seen half a dozen posts from people who were complaining about the ques) pretty recently.


If people perceive that their server is under populated (maybe because they don't see many people in a starting zone, or the fleet doesn't have too many people) then they reroll to the most populated server, which in turn means that the first server has a lower population and it can lead to over population on the more populated servers.


Devs can't control how often someone logs in. Often players don't even know how often they'll be playing, if there's a big event in real life, school, work, study, etc. your obviously not going to have the same amount of time to play each night. My play times vary erratically from hours each day to barely a few times a month.


Another problem is that if you leave a character that you never play on an 'under populated' sever hoping for transfers and your main is on another server, that character still appears as as part of the population on the under populated server and messing with the numbers.


Server population is a tough problem and frustrating for players. I would expect?/hope? that Bioware will want to implement a solution before introducing server transfers, just so that players don't unwittingly exacerbate the problem by all choosing the same over populated server (or complain further if transfer isn't allowed to servers with a capped population) which could certainly happen in a one time free transfer option.


Sorry to get off topic a bit there, just wanted to justify my point of view.


tldr: enough $$ to discourage everyone from transferring or we will all be queuing all day to get into fatman.

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My view is this should be included as a feature in our monthly fee. I couldnt justify spending money on a transfer personally. Never could in previous games either.


Appreciate that opening up like that could cause a huge influx, so I think some restrictions such as 1 transfer per month should be implemented and perhaps a small fee if you wanted to move an entire server of characters + legacy to another home.


Regrettably, where there is money to be made EA will take it. :(

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If I can still trust my old and rotten brain, Blizz charges 20 Euro per server transfer. It is 25 Euro for a faction change including character redesign (no server transfer). I must have spent way over 100 Euro on these alone... ;)


Anyway, If I would be sitting on a ghost server, I would expect to get one free character transfer. Other than that, I would be willing to spend 10-15 Euro.


Not to hijack this thread, but I would much rather see a character redesign option coming up. I would pay for that, as long as it is reasonable. I'm just not that happy anymore with at least one of my characters.




Edited by Electricdawn
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What if they offered 2 ways of paying?


Standard Fee: $25


In Game Fee:


1st time (whole Legacy): Free

2nd time (Whole Legacy): 1 million Credits

3rd time (Whole Legacy): 2 Million Credits


The price of Credits will just double each time. Seems reasonable right?

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I think the servers should be balanced for free, I don't see why the population should have to pay for this service.

They should look at the lowest population servers and close them giving all players free transfer to another server.

Im sure they could close a fair amout of servers which will save on running costs.

Get players to pick which servers they want to move to and keep track of who is moving and try and get the population more balanced for the players who want to play and want to have a more active community on the servers.


I really don't see why there is so much stigma with closing/merging servers, If a company believes they will have a 100% retention and not put plans in place for rebalancing the population after the inital drop off then they are living in a dreamworld.


And after the redistribution of the population then the cost of transfers should be done via in game credits not RLM.

Edited by Vicrodhe
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Nothing. I did not choose to end up on a dead server, because BW thought adding servers who can never be filled was a good idea.


In 'the other game' I've spend 100s of euros transferring characters, but that was a free choice. I wasn't on a dead server, I wanted to play with friends or get away from a very unfriendly server and choose to transfer instead of reroll. I don't think I could ever reroll here and go through all that again. It's nice the first time around, even for different classes, but not twice for the same class.

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I feel like the first round of transfers should be guided transfers from light to standard pop servers and they should be free.


Bioware is smart, they know better than to charge their customers for doing something that fixes their game.


I feel like the smart thing for them to do would be a combo of the Rift/WoW model.


For Example:


Transfers to Bioware approved servers (servers that Bioware has determined need a population injection) from Bioware approved servers (servers that are light) should be liberal and free and tightly monitored. No charge for these makes sense as this is a cooperative effort between Bioware and their customers to make the game better for everybody


Transfers that are for personal purposes only should be paid for. Somewhere between 10 and 20 bucks should be sufficient. These transfers should also be monitored very closely so we don't end up with another "Fatman" situation.


Just my opinion.

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