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Your technology needs help... lots of help... lots and LOTS of help. :(


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With loading times as they are, I kind of wonder why they don't add the ability to go directly to your ship and to Black Hole. It's a great daily zone, I just don't want to load it D:


It is actually pretty good. If it weren't for the loading times, I'd go there more than once a week.

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I do. Smart people do. If I have a problem with my health then I want a doctor that knows what he is doing to tell me what exactly is happening, what's it called and how it's treated. These people in these threads are not game designers. They are not game developers.


I am curious, do you even know what he stated.

* If you don't, why do you even bother posting?

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I do. Smart people do. If I have a problem with my health then I want a doctor that knows what he is doing to tell me what exactly is happening, what's it called and how it's treated. These people in these threads are not game designers. They are not game developers.


How do you know he is not a game designer. How about refuting his assertions with some factually based information?

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I do. Smart people do. If I have a problem with my health then I want a doctor that knows what he is doing to tell me what exactly is happening, what's it called and how it's treated. These people in these threads are not game designers. They are not game developers.


No, smart people want to get better. If a treatment is the correct treatment the qualifications of the person suggesting it aren't relevant.


If you want to argue with the OP's suggested treatment for this disease and why it is not the appropriate one then that would be valid. Dismissing his suggestions because you don't believe he is a game designer is the absolute definition of Ad Hominem. You are the one that looks silly in this thread because you are using bad logic.


He does not look silly because his claim of expertise seems reasonable given his very apt diagnosis.

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I actually get really good FPS on around Medium Settings with Shadows Off. For some reason Shadows really up the Bang and to be honest it's not a whole lot of reward. It's not like my Computer is the greatest either. 965 AMD 4 Core, 4 GB Ram, 250 Nvidia. What I do see is long loading times and it's a long enough loading time for me to go down stairs, take a whiz, and come back upstairs... so at least a minute to 2 minutes long.

It's a big enough of a problem that I'm thinking of getting an SSD Drive and a Card to see if that lowers the loading times... Maybe Upgrading to 16GB of RAM and making a RAM Drive to see if that makes the problem better.

One thing I do know is that the Loading Times are a problem. It's the biggest problem I see with this game and it's one that happens over and over again. I don't think there would be one person who would complain about a faster loading time.

So, Thank You the person who made this thread. You said in finer detail than I ever could about the biggest problem I have with this game.

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I installed a 60GB SSD (for games) and the performance for this game was massivily improved 3-4X, i only have an ati (6850) not 6950 card typo sorry, thats almost 2 years old and im getting 60+fps average in Full HD, on my core i5 clocked to 4.5Ghz.

My friend has a geforce 260 maxcore in sli, and 2 x 160GB 10k rpm raptors which he got from ebay, this is 3 year old hard disk pair and graphics is almost ssd quick running this game with at least a 2 X increase over a single 7.2k drive and card.

DDR3 memory is also very cheap. I didnt find much difference from upgrading from 8GB to 16GB however, the game simply dosnt seem to use it.


My point is that any decent gaming pc sold today, with an SSD, should be smooth, any high speced pc in the last few 2 years with an ssd upgrade and a good graphics card would also be smooth.


This game looks very very nice for an mmo. I love the high res textures.


If your pc can't run this smooth, then upgrade because your pc is behind the technology curve.


120GB SSD drives are now less than £100 quid, DDR 3 memory has never been cheaper.

Edited by jonathandonnelly
slight mistake on model nimber of my graphics card
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If your pc can't run this smooth, then upgrade because your pc is old or badly specified.


Lordy. Didn't read the OP, I take it.


Let me summarize: It doesn't matter how great your PC specs are or how recent it is, no amount of PC specs can "fix" poorly created code. It can minimize it but the point is, you shouldn't have to resort to such measures. Most of the poor loading times and graphical hiccups happen due to this poor coding - the way the client is designed to obtain information regarding assets around it - and will happen on any system.

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i only have an ati 6950 card, thats almost 2 years old and im getting 60+fps average in Full HD, on my core i5 clocked to 4.5Ghz.

Given that the 6900 series debuted at the very end of 2010, you must have pretty amazing contacts inside the industry to have one almost two years old.


If your pc can't run this smooth, then upgrade because your pc is old or badly specified.

99% of the time, my PC has no problem maxing this game. But jump onto a packed fleet, or walk into a smoke-filled cave on Korriban, and the game ***** itself. As simple as that.


I've got a number of games that look significantly better yet never have any of the performance issues of this game.


As an additional gripe, who's bright idea was it to make the Black Hole into a separate area only accessible by a shuttle from Corellia? If I want to get to it, I have to load Corellia just so I can travel a tiny distance, then load again. I truly pity the people without SSDs. It's bad enough with.

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I get great fps, and my load times are minimal, yes some planets take longer than others but not much. As far as you so called developers, you may or may not know development but if you do then you know crap about hardware and networking. I have worked with developers in different areas and they knew their area well, but knew nothing about hardware or networking. If you get bad fps and load times then you either need to adjust your settings or do a few upgrades.
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I don't think this games engine/technology/coding is the biggest problem.

It can be worked around.

1. Turn your shadows off

2. Set the graphics to medium to improve performance.

3. Raid 2 Hard disks together or get a cheap SSD

3b, Defragment Hard Disks.

4. Trim down your startup services and applications in windows.

5. Level alts and stay out of Illum :D

Edited by jonathandonnelly
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wow , exaggeration for effect nice......but if that is the worst thing that happens to you on that particular day......


your day has been better than 3 billion people


Are long loading screens the end of the world ? No. Do they prevent me from playing the game? No. Are they still a PITA to deal with and an embarassment for a new game? Yes.

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I've been playing sw:tor for the last 4 months - no other games. this weekend I started playing several singleplayer games and bf3 again and the difference in performance and loading screens is unbelievable huge. it was the first time in 4 months that I was actually able to play on my pc without getting a headache. I had capped fps in every game and the graphics just looked awesome compared to ugly sw:tor.


I am no technician, but the sw:tor engine seems to need x4 the resources compared to other games while delivering half the performance. what an awful engine. as a pvp player I have to face abysmal low performance in warzones and horrendous loading times when not queueing from out of my ship every time I'm playing. well, not anymore, because of these very issues and bad balancing design decisions I've actually unsubbed. I doubt I'll regret it.

Edited by Rikeryo
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I've been playing sw:tor for the last 4 month - no other games. this weekend I started playing several singleplayer games and bf3 again and the difference in performance and loading screens is unbelievable huge. it was the first time in 4 months that I was actually able to play on my pc without getting a headache. I had capped fps in every game and the graphics just looked awesome compared to ugly sw:tor.


I am no technician, but the sw:tor engine seems to need x4 the resources compared to other games while delivering half the performance. what an awful engine. as a pvp player I have to face abysmal low performance in warzones and horrendous loading times when not queueing from out of my ship every time I'm playing. well, not anymore, because of these very issues and bad balancing design decisions I've actually unsubbed. I doubt I'll regret it.

If only people recognized the games issues like you.

Some players have so much loyalty towards "bioware", they will do anything to protect their precious product.

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Quite simply the most beautifully succinct post - and, indeed, informative post - I have had the pleasure to read.


I am from England and so very, very often I have the misfortune of subconsciously collating on overall 'snapshot' of the world's grammar, particularly when it comes to a certain age demographic (I speculate 13-25). All too often we see 'text speak' or bad spelling, awful grammar or just gibberish. Forums, these days, have become woeful boards for the spluttering, uneducated buffoons which have too much to say and nothing to say worth listening to...


I actually really enjoyed reading this.


Keep your posts coming, sir / madam.

Edited by SPAMBAM
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I played AoC before Sw:tor. I take almost the same amount of time to load belsavis than I need to load map on AOC. And the Aoc client is badly optimized. Also, I can hear my GPU fans screaming from time to time in Sw:tor, for apparently no reasons.

There is something really wrong. Swtor shouldn't take that much resources.

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Quite simply the most beautifully succinct post - and, indeed, informative post - I have had the pleasure to read.


I am from England and so very, very often I have the misfortune of subconsciously collating on overall 'snapshot' of the world's grammar, particularly when it comes to a certain age demographic (I speculate 13-25). All too often we see 'text speak' or bad spelling, awful grammar or just gibberish. Forums, these days, have become woeful boards for the spluttering, uneducated buffoons which have too much to say and nothing to say worth listening to...


I actually really enjoyed reading this.


Keep your posts coming, sir.


Let me translate this from colonial english into buffoonery; I am smart, I am so smart I have to post about it, if you are not as smart as me I will feel good about myself and dismiss you.


By using the word 'actually' the poster is pointing out how smart he is, because it is very rare for him to enjoy a post because he is so smart.


He ends with 'sir' again pointing out how high and mighty he is being so smart

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Let me translate this from colonial english into buffoonery; I am smart, I am so smart I have to post about it, if you are not as smart as me I will feel good about myself and dismiss you.


By using the word 'actually' the poster is pointing out how smart he is, because it is very rare for him to enjoy a post because he is so smart.


He ends with 'sir' again pointing out how high and mighty he is being so smart


:)) - well, he seems to favor the way things are said over the true content.


I must say, Sir, that more often than not I am thoroughly displeased by people who's egocentric view of the world obscures the basic fact that not all humans are native English speakers, thus, said non native English speakers usually do not have a rich knowledge about English grammar or, evidently, do not bother themselves to learn it well enough to have a civilized conversation with Oxford gentleman like yourself.


Nevertheless, they might just be smart people. In my time as a college undergraduate I have many times came across an interesting joke: Do you know what the most important resemblance is between a dog and an engineer? They both have intelligent looks but do not know how to express themselves.


back on secondary topic: a lot of people think that by throwing some grammatically correct, fancy words and such on a forum that is mostly used for informal communication they elevate themselves above normal forum posters. they do not. nevertheless, don't get me wrong, some people do need to learn how to properly write something using punctuation and such - but let's not get to the extreme, shall we?


back on topic:


- i don't really care if the OP is or is not a game designer, i'm a software engineer and you know what? this guy makes ****in' sense! even more than this, if he's not a game designer yet still makes so much ****in' sense it's... pathetic and i petty the "game designers" that work for EA/BW.


- while i have to say that there are several other problems, imho just as taxing (like end-game content, faction imbalance, low population servers, no real tools for grouping, poor communication from the dev's side, some very badly designed (or even non existent) functionalities (is this wrong? functionalities? doesn't english have a plural for functionality? the grammar auto-check says it's wrong :p) and others) this problem is a real ******. it cuts game time a lot (i call all those loading screens time sinks) and this game is full of them. wanna do some space missions? you'll spend 15% of the time just watching progress bars unless you have a top notch configuration...


- for all you out there saying that he's not a game designer or whatnot - take a break. attack the message, not the messenger if you like. a fool stating that the world is round, fool as he is, he might be right...


note: yes, the world is not round - per say. not even spherical... "oblate spheroid" for all you nit pickers

Edited by Urdnaxela
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If you guys want to try a cheap experiment, I paid the $10 monthly fee for WTFast, it supports tons of games including TOR. Basically, it logs me in from a very fast server and has really really solved a lot of performance issues and load times and error 9000 issues. I don't work there, I don't have a stake in their earnings. It is worth the $10 though. Like I said, it supports tons of games and might help you all out with this abysmally slow experience. Pity it can't fix the sound issues and the companion bugs too =)


Try it out if you want. Just a suggestion.

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This reminds me of another game that came out in which the players were constantly told to upgrade. So much so that it even became a major quote called "Buy more RAM". WWII Online had major performance issues when it first came out. Everyone that posted issues were told "Buy more RAM". Didn't matter what the issue, that was always the response they got. It was their computer, not the program. Fast-forward two years and finally the company admitted there was a coding problem with the game that caused performance issues and it was finally resolved.


It is easy to dismiss any claims of game performance by just labeling it an inferior PC, but what is being seen here is a wide spectrum of PC users with many different configurations all reporting issues. It shows this goes far beyond just someone not updating their PC.

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