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Regarding server queues


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I really wish I could claim to have read through all of these pages but I am just going to state outright that I didn't and I don't care that I didn't!


I know a lot of servers are having some major wait times but I would like to specifically draw the attention to the EU PVP server called Tomb of Freedon Nadd....There are obviously less EU servers anyway but even less when you reduce it to English speaking ones and so why does it seem the issue revolving around this server is not being addressed as a priority.


Some of us have lives and these queue times restrict us from being able to play at all! By the times I get home from work I have to wait 4 hours before I can log in and play for a couple of hours before I have to go to bed because it ridiculous o'clock in the morning already.


If this continues past the day of full release then people will have to be compensated...yes we have the first month free but that's no good when you haven't been able to play.


All over the forums the chatter is of Spanish, Russian and Italian guilds coming to Freedon Nadd...we then have the people at the beginning of early access seeing the popularity of the server and jumping in and of course all those that were assigned to the server in the first place. Surely common sense would dictate to do something about issues like this, just open your eyes when 90& of the servers have no wait time, 2 or 3 have a 35 min wait time and then one has a 3 hours wait time. There is obviously something that needs to be done.


Many people on here have had good suggestions on here on how to help ease the situation but no one seems to be paying attention. Get on it devs, because the game is released soon and you are going to loose many people after a month or two tops if this persists.

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People have gotten spoiled by Warcraft's instant access all the time. But it even took Blizzard 2 years to fix their servers/login systems to perform at that rate.


Sadly, EA/Bioware is not going to be given that leeway. You'll get 2 weeks tops.


I've got a small guild (6 people) who all want to be able to play together. However we all have obligations around kids, holiday parties, etc. that we do have to log out for.


The queue on Mind Trick starts mid-day and is well over an hour shortly after it starts.


This is frustrating beyond belief, and I'd like to hear something from the "powers that be" other than "we're aware of the problem and we're sorry" -- how about "hey you guys on ServerA ServerB ServerC - we put you there and we realize there's a MAJOR problem with the queues so we're fixing your servers ASAP to accommodate the populations there".


Would that be so difficult?

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to bad there is no further reaction to cool the people a bit down... i give this game 2 weeks to get better queues... and no, i wont go back to WoW... i'll go back to AoC... It's normal to have queues at the beginning phase of a game... but not that high...


To remember: this game isn't wow, wow launched 2005, i know not as the first mmo, but as the largest. until then, there were no data how to resolve with that many Players. Its 2011 now, 6 years later, better hardware, better equipment aaand on top of it: more expierience. And still, the resolve is even worse than it was on WoW back in startup compared with some servers.

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you wont be able to have fun when your in queues for 5h each day. coming home for work, cue for 5h than play for 1h maby. to day i was home 13:00 stil 2000 people in front of me. il sue have a lot of funn waching the que number dropping and wait to gett in increse, cos people stay AFK macro/moving inside theyr ships when not playing. il probably wont get in for close to 7h today..

And no i cant swhich server cos my guild i asigned to ToFN..

a new an funny day in SWTOR. GG

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1 hour 20 min on legions of lettow. And its just going up up up as it gets later in the day... Please Bioware, do something! Even if its just letting us know that you are doing something and what you are doing! Silence is not the answer! Edited by Olekalvo
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The following is a brief statement from Jeff Hickman, Executive Producer, Live Services:


"(...) we can promise you that we are taking this matter seriously (...)"


Oh come on, you know very well that "taking it seriously" is industry standard for "not giving a <brown sticky stuff>". Stop spewing hot air and name measures.

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i only can say that due to the great queue of the server i chose early (now 2 hours 2000ppl med/queue) im really thinking in buy the game or not. Dont wanna waste my 30 days of subscription of the game box waiting in front of the pc looking the great login screenshot.


After 3 days of preorder i only can talk about this screenshot. Almost cant say anything more about the game, the class i chose or anything else.


Atm i ll not buy the game. 5 days left to change my oppinion but dont think it ll change

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I always tought I preordered the game for having early access to the game, and not an early access to a queue! ...


logged in 11:30 today, still have 300 ppls in front of me now 13:30 ... so I may can login at 15:00!


=> ask the guys from EvE Online how to managae 50'000 ppls at the same time on ONE server without any login-Problems. Even not if a battle with 3'000 ppls crashes and all try to login the same secon again.

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I have the ability to start my que when I wake, have it going in the background and do other stuff while waiting. I also have the oppertunity to play as much as I wanna. My one restriction is that, if I wanna be functionable, I have to go to bed for work.


Now this waiting time of 3+ hours just to get in, and not to mention praying real hard not to get a game crash or an internet hiccup, is still straining and still annoying ...


..... dispite all my free time.


My heart goes out to all of you out there with commitments like family, kidz, work, school, friends and so on. As annoying as it has to be for me, I can't even imagine how it must be for you.

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Any queue time is not acceptable as far as I'm concerned. I can download any number of Free to Play games right now and not have a queue...


The server I'm on, The Swiftsend, was the ONLY server with a queue and wait time this morning when logging in. Someone needs to do something about this immediatley!

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"Server has encountered an error"


1200 pos in Queue <- Well atleast its not the busy hour yet, meaning I might actually get ingame in 4 hours or so.


ohh ye I know the "estimated wait time is 1h 20mins"..: but that must be the worst estimate calculator ever made.

Edited by Noznatation
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If you want to have a community you have to provide service quality, the same thing you are not providing as of right now.


If you want a prosper game you have to attend to the complaints of the future clients you are having today to wait for hours to play your game, as they have already payed for the so included upstart and 30 days period, within the game initial pack offer.


If you want to compete with the big ones, you have to provide the same service that the big ones give. Otherwise it will be a total failure.


There is no art in math; math is simple, 1 + 1 equals 2. You made a stress beta, you have your results, you tested your systems and you have the data results to give a solution to this problem. Other thing would be that you dont want to.


Sunday, 1200 am, i just woke up. I had breakfast, went to log in into the game. EU-Server Tomb of Freedon Nadd, 1600 people already in the queue. Do you think thats admissible?. As this is, i can only play on weekends, because during the week, i get from work at 19:00 pm the earliest, and i find a queue of 2000 people.


13€ per month. I want to be a happy paying customer. But as this goes, i wont be paying even for a month,, even because i miss Star Wars Galaxies too much.


Please, fix this. This is the only thing i ask.

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The following is a brief statement from Jeff Hickman, Executive Producer, Live Services:


"We know there have been questions about the queues on the servers, so we wanted to take a moment to give you some insight.


In order to ensure that the service would be smooth and stable, we staged how we brought people into the Early Game Access program, adding people in waves. As you know, there are a lot of folks who want to play the game right now and we want to make sure they have lots of people to play with. Balancing this with figuring out when to bring new servers online to help alleviate the size of the queues is part art and part science. On one hand, you do not want people to wait too long – on the other hand, you want to make sure that people have a dynamic, engaging community to play with for long after launch. Either way, we have one clear objective – to make sure folks have fun.


While we can’t promise that there won’t ever be queues, we can promise you that we are taking this matter seriously and constantly reviewing them to make sure that they are manageable and reasonable."





More explanation is allowed and surely WELLCOME!!! is going to bet a fix after the game launching so all the people who preordered can really play the preorder???? or we are going to get free days to people who cant ever login to play??? or money back??



BTW my friend asked my yesterday about this game and my experience.... only could tell...... oh wait..... i couldnt say anything......

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