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Regarding server queues


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Tomb of Freedon Nad was listed as 2hour 10min when I joined the queue to play, after 6 hours 20min I'm still not in-game, thats as far from acceptable as it can get. Open up server transfers right now or I wont even buy the game I pre-ordered until I can play on same server as my guild.
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While we can’t promise that there won’t ever be queues, we can promise you that we are taking this matter seriously and constantly reviewing them to make sure that they are manageable and reasonable."[/indent]


Then gimme back my money, or another compensation for the time i spend in your reasonable queue.... i am paying (or i will pay the fee, to be correct) here a service and right now it is not a service i was expected and u promised to us. As in all business there are things u just cannot accept and unfortunately, this is one of them.

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something needs to be done about this, 35 min. Queues are not acceptable... - and that thing about joining low-populated servers is cute, but essentially pointless... - i did that when i got in on wednesday, but now i'm getting queues of 30 mins or more...


The only way to solve this is increase the amount of servers, and set up free character transfers from high to low-populated servers...


I'd leave hydian way, given half a chance - but i really don't wanna go through the first 20 lvls of the game for the 4th time in a month...


why is everyone moaning abouta 30 min queue? Try tomb of freedon nadd, its says 2-3 hrs when its actually 4-5 hrs!

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I haven't seen anyone mention this yet; but please be aware that Bioware needed to place enought people on each server to account for player drop off over the first few months. Don't get me wrong; I've been q'ing for 3 hours now of Frostclaw and it sucks. However; in a few months time people will have recoved from "new game fever" and will not be playing 12 hours a day. (like I've been) In a few months time about 30% of players will be playing another game, gone casual or settled into a pattern. If they didnt put a good amount of players on each server in a few months time each one will be a bit of a ghost town.


Yes waiting to play is awful and yes it's frustrating.


But, If you love the game as much as I do (and if you are as pasionate about waiting as I am) then you will eventually be pleased that your loyal server comunity put up with a few weeks of suffering to make a great bunch of players in a years time.


*hugs to all*


Darth Fallon (I hope!)

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I could have sworn I saw Bobby Kotick light a cigar in his armchair breathing a sigh of relief after reading this thread. It couldn't possibly run more in favor of WoW at the moment.


Just go on burying your head into the sand and withering the storm. On monday at the latest the mainstream gaming press will pick this up.

Edited by Erazor
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Really? They have a crystal ball that will tell them EXACTLY who's going to play when, where, on what server, and who they'll be friends with? Damn, I want that crystal ball, maybe it'll help me win the lottery.


NO, they didn't know ANY of that information.

Sure, they had a pretty good idea of the pre-orders, but that's IT.

That idea of pre-orders doesn't tell you who's going to roll to what server

That idea of pre-orders doesn't tell you what server guild X is going to be on

That idea of pre-orders doesn't tell you who's going to play when

That idea of pre-orders doesn't tell you who they're going to want to play with.


They had ZERO clue how many people would play before release day, on what server, with whom, with what guild, at what time. To have ANY idea what any of that would be you'd have to be a pretty decent clairvoyant , and as much as they advertise 'the force', it aint real.


Patience, it will all work itself out.


Going to make this easy to understand. I have 1000 pre-orders and 10 servers. Once I see 100 people on 1 server, I close it to new users. See, it's called budgeting. And just to add another aspect they control as I mentioned before, they do know what server many (not all) guild x's will be on because they placed you there.

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Please , Just add more servers for launch?? i know its probably eazier said then dunn but peeps be raging xD


Wont make any difference, there are already to many players on all the current server's, except a few ...


The only reason there is a Queue on any server is because they have allocated to many players to the Servers and are Over cap...


Making new servers does nothing...


Moving current players to less populated servers is the only way to fix it, and that isnt gonn happen overnight, in fact to do that will take months...


The guild programme has been around for months, they knew how many players were in each guild, and have deliberately over populated the servers


Its not Rocket science, you can only fit 6 beers in a 6 pack....Bioware seem to think you can get 24 in there though..:mad:


Started Queueing at 19:30 was position 907....Its now 21:05pm and im 498...??? TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE

Edited by Nippon
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this is why i am so glad i am waiting a few days it would suck to get on a server and level up and all that only to find that the server waiting time is very long. For the beta i had to simply restart on another lower populated server :-)


personally if you ask me it seems many people are having this problem and this should have been managed better they knew the p reorder numbers and once a certian number of players enter a server they should lock that server to no new players and so they can go on other servers


if i was a player that would be extremely frustrating to me as i waited this long to play the game and now i cant play because i have a long server wait time. Some people dont have the time to sit and wait an hour or so to log in.


Thats ok though i am smart and i think its a good idea for MMOs that launch that are highly anticpaited its better to wait a few days to join then to just try to get in the day it launches. theres no rush :-) .

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Bioware, you are already using instances to help with client performance... Just merge all servers into 3 separate types. PVE, PVP, & RP. Allow us to jump to our friend's instances just like you already do with the fragmented servers and utilize your existing capacity more effectively. Adding new servers will not help, you will end up with underpopulated servers later and thats exactly what you're trying to avoid.



Thank you,

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Really? They have a crystal ball that will tell them EXACTLY who's going to play when, where, on what server, and who they'll be friends with? Damn, I want that crystal ball, maybe it'll help me win the lottery.


NO, they didn't know ANY of that information.

Sure, they had a pretty good idea of the pre-orders, but that's IT.

That idea of pre-orders doesn't tell you who's going to roll to what server

That idea of pre-orders doesn't tell you what server guild X is going to be on

That idea of pre-orders doesn't tell you who's going to play when

That idea of pre-orders doesn't tell you who they're going to want to play with.


They had ZERO clue how many people would play before release day, on what server, with whom, with what guild, at what time. To have ANY idea what any of that would be you'd have to be a pretty decent clairvoyant , and as much as they advertise 'the force', it aint real.


Patience, it will all work itself out.


Actually, from the pre-orders and pre-launch guild programs they could get the following information:


Total number of players BEFORE official launch - it's equal to the total number of pre-orders troughout the world, information they have of course.


Total number of guilds - of course, guilds were registered to the website.


Total number of players accociated with guilds - players were registered to guilds membertabs, where they would of course show up as markings in their information.


Also, they allocated the guilds themselves, guilds did not do that. That means, they knew exactly where those involved in a guild would be playing.


Also, there are some times of the day when people play more. This gives a general idea when the servers would be most full.

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its simple, ppl like me want to enjoy the product they bought, after a long day at work.

if your solution is to go create another character in another server to avoid 1hour queue (yes, already the case on many servers), then I won't sub after the free month.

Expand the server capacity. Find the technical solution.

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The following is a brief statement from Jeff Hickman, Executive Producer, Live Services:


"We know there have been questions about the queues on the servers, so we wanted to take a moment to give you some insight.


In order to ensure that the service would be smooth and stable, we staged how we brought people into the Early Game Access program, adding people in waves. As you know, there are a lot of folks who want to play the game right now and we want to make sure they have lots of people to play with. Balancing this with figuring out when to bring new servers online to help alleviate the size of the queues is part art and part science. On one hand, you do not want people to wait too long – on the other hand, you want to make sure that people have a dynamic, engaging community to play with for long after launch. Either way, we have one clear objective – to make sure folks have fun.


While we can’t promise that there won’t ever be queues, we can promise you that we are taking this matter seriously and constantly reviewing them to make sure that they are manageable and reasonable."


The thing that you guys failed to take into consideration on your flawed launch.

1. Minimal servers guess what this cause a mass load of people to select one of the few you gave.

2. Not everyone got access the same day so friends didn't get to play so now when they those that didn't start the same time are now, guess what? thats right selecting an already over populated server due to the lack of thought behind the fact people play this game to play with friends.

3. Lack of servers now causing ridiculous queue times, and causing unneeded hatred this early in the release.

4. To be honest I could go on and on about how this system is flawed, but my queue just popped.

Edited by Hissing
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I'm already playing on a server different from friend's server due to queues... Honestly, playing alone sucks, but it's better than staring hours at screen...


I'm not a hardcore player so if it takes a long time for this to be solved guess I will not start again...

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Are you going to offer free server transfers or will the server capacities be increased?


I had to wait 20 minutes and i think even that is far too much for a game that i am going to pay for on a monthly basis...


Of course it's early access and blablabla but i think that you will lose a lot of players if these problems aren't solved in the next two weeks.


I agree with this post.


being early access is no excuse. When live release hits, there will be MORE people that join the servers, not less. Yes, there will be new servers, but there will still be people that choose the current servers.


Being 600 in que ??? really ???


you guys better figure out some better load balancing techniques ... and FAST! You will lose more people than you know if there is a 10-60 minute que time!

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Yo. Last night, after work, i waited for 3.5 hours in a queue of 1.400 people on Bloodworthy server. Just to play with my friend. I was tired when i tried to login, imagine my endurance 3.5 hours later. So we played together for like 10 minutes and went to bed. To understand the situation, it was 1.00 AM when i managed to get into the game, and i had to get up at 7.00 AM. Now, i'm not saying EA or BioWare is to blame BECAUSE I PAID THEM MONEY TO NOT EXPERIENCE THIS. It must have surely been my fault somehow. I just can't refrain myself from paying for this kind of treatment. I really must stop playing games on my time and money.


BTW: I was berated in the beta for saying exactly this. "*** mate, it's FREE, what's up with that attitude" - the answer to telling everyone that MY TIME AIN'T FREE. Now i'm also paying money besides that time. I'm not absurd, i understand the game is just launching, i also saw games like WoW or Age of Conan being failures at launch. What i don't understand is TRANSFERRING A ******** OF GUILDS ON BLOODWORTHY AND NONE ON OTHER SERVERS SO I CAN EXPERIENCE 4H QUEUES ON MY TIME&MONEY. Guess it's my fault again. Ty so much. So far i'm really enjoying myself. I'm also thinking about buying more products from you, please leave the links here.

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Had 1500 in front of me and after 3hours of waiting I still have 700 in front of me.. Something has to be done! or I fear they will loose a lot of players.


Oh yes, frustration will spread like wildfire if they dont produce at least some PROMISES

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Ok so.. does anyone else not belive a word of this statement? Ok.. so thay had about 1 million pre-orders... yet (before the game even has launched) EVERY SINGLE US SERVER IS FULL with hour que times? Seriously? I mean arent the serves worth a crap? what are you running them on.. TRS-80s with no 5 1/4 " floppy drives? A small que i can understand on some servers.. but not almost every single US server.


Look at the EU servers... most are light to standard... did all the people in EU get placed in pre-formed guilds on US servers by mistake?


Also.. the FPS problem many are having.. havent seen one post like this as to why the fps is so horrid.. and the only people that seem to be running fine are people that ran right out and popped for a new PC.. u have to understand.. most of us dont have the cash to run right out and spring for a new PC for this game. It runs horrid on my PC that is only 2 years old and is WAY over the min requirements for the game. I get maybe 10-18 FPS in populated areas and PVP is totally unplayable.. i can quest.. as long as there arent a ton of people in the area.. but i get dc'ed in quest instances (solo) and when i log back in there is a 2 hour + wait? (mind trick server 900 in que atm) I mean come on..


Is this a pre-launch stress test ( god i hope so) because if it isnt.. this game is gonna fail the first day because people that didnt care enough to get the game on pre-order wont put up with lag and fps like this for long before going back to wow or some other game (almost every other game i have tried runs 100% better than this PoS)


Fix the problems.. give us a ETA on a fix or at least some info more than your opening new servers. If server population is the problem, you shouldnt have placed so many pre-formed guilds on the same servers KNOWING that people would be crashing them.


Something just smells funny to me.. i have done a lot of pre-launches.. and the whole "wave" thing was odd.. but understandable.. but the fill servers BEFORE the street date is just wrong.. the best the servers should be at is light.. something has to be set wrong unless they are running the servers out of their moms basement on a 56k dial up or something.



I know bioware is a huge company.. and this game will make billions.. if they get this stuff fixed. If not.. TONS of people are already threatning to head back to WoW.. Please fix these issues asap... i dont wanna play panda world.!!




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Does anyone in this thread realize what it takes to manage servers and a launch of this scale. People need to chill it will all get sorted out this always happens with mmo games. The server infrastructures are very complex. They have tons of things to sort threw and iron out it is not as easy as flip a switch.
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You really need to have a system in place so that disconnects/crashes don't result in joining the back of the queue. I find it absurd that you don't already, especially considering the company stance on queues being something that we have to put up with.
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