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1.2 age of bandwagon warriors..


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so, what do you all think of the warriors? i mean they are all over the place now, bouncing from one target to the next aoe smashing everything in sight for 7k ravaging people from 100% health down to 20% health in one go.


I'm actually seeing games where there are nothing but warriors and sages.. its kinda silly.


Also the time to kill is so insane now that it makes cc removal a moot point, since you are dead within the first stun anyway, but while im talking about that, anyone notice the insane stun locking now? i was immobile for 50 sec half of 13 of which i was fully stunned, the rest was chain root.


this game has gone from fun for all to fun for only premade in one patch...


i assume this will be blocked or filtered like every other forum post since 1.2 though... sigh

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I dont understand why people complain about warriors, their buff was insignificant, 7k ? Are you kidding me ? Care to show me a screenshot ? Marauders are easy to counter if they use ravage.. all you need to do is move, you cant move ? Interrupt it. Uninterruptable? Knockbacks.. No knockbacks ? Stun, no stuns ? Stand there and die then.


Youve got 4 ways to stop ravage, USE THEM.

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I dont understand why people complain about warriors, their buff was insignificant, 7k ? Are you kidding me ? Care to show me a screenshot ? Marauders are easy to counter if they use ravage.. all you need to do is move, you cant move ? Interrupt it. Uninterruptable? Knockbacks.. No knockbacks ? Stun, no stuns ? Stand there and die then.


Youve got 4 ways to stop ravage, USE THEM.


im sorry, this game isnt based around 1 v 1 where your scenario would be true...



get 4 warrios and 2 healers.... warriors run in precharge combo, warrior aoe stuns all warriors hit booters and use smash.. 7k crits from 4 diff warriors = those who didnt get away all die.


warrior precharges cobo, leaps to healer, unleashes 7k crit, stuns healers uses ravenge. healer dead.


2 warriors run up both use ravage on same target, target is dead.


i can go on, i dont speak about this in 1 on 1, im talking about in a group situation with healing supper, the team with the more warriors wins.


and 7k crit is norm for dps geared warriors using boosters.

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Just going to say I'm not trying to be completely negative or start a debate but I figured I'd put in my $0.02


The reason premades are a problem(?) is because the people that were waiting for ranked warzones are getting ready for them to actually come out. Simple solution to this is get in a decently pvp savvy guild and go in with at least 2 or 3 other people you know and get your strategies down yourself. Posts like yours deteriorate the idea of an MMO in which people are suppose to socialize and generally work together to get better at the game. A lot of people that complain about premades are those that solo queue and could care less about the interactions with other people and just want to win.


Also posts are getting deleted because they aren't constructive. There's literally been thousands of posts complaining about changes in 1.2 with very few of those actually giving constructive criticism to how BW can fix it. I honestly believe BW is doing a decent job filtering out all the garbage that is the SWTOR forums.


On topic... if you are reffering to a Marauder's ravage, this is easily countered by moving away from them. They can't move while it's active so if you see it happen **** of the area. One of my alts is a marauder, and I'm not going to say I'm great with it but there are a lot of pvp savvy people on my server. So most of the things that players that come and complain on these forums that are OP are countered very often in the matches I go to, making it difficult to play the class well without the help of guildmates.


One thing I CAN agree with you about is it does seem like the time to kill someone has been significantly changed, and the fact that stuns seem much more detrimental now is a bit silly. Regardless, like I've already mentioned, get with a decent communicable group and these bouts will seem much less rage inducing.

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I like how people complain about x class being overpowered, while completely ignoring the fact that expertise has been changed significantly :confused:


Instead of nerd raging over x class that just kicked your *** in a warzone, perhaps consider other possibilities first

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I think L2P your class is the firs stepp before rush to the forum to comlain.


really? i have found those to tell others to learn to play are normally the worst players.



as i said, the class isnt an issue one on one. but pray tell, how do you counter 2 warriors, assuming they are not as stupid as you.


i try to evade the smash to be choked by the other warrior... both hit me with smash, i now have 10% health left.

or i do evade only to be charge rooted and chocked by the second...


how do i evade this smash while in combat with another class? how do my team mates evade this while in a skirmish, if all the warriors are doing this dont you think the damage stacks up?


all other AOE has a ground marker, people see it and run... SMASH is instant frontloaded burst dps, you cannot avoid it unless you see the warrior first.


(btw i have 1100 expertise 45% armor and 17k health)

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I play full BM mara and I never take people from 100%-20% in 1 Ravage. Can you post a SS of that crazy dmg?


BTW I love casters just standing there and trying to hard cast while I pop my CDs and kill them in 5 sec. It's a l2play issue, casters had it too easy before the patch and most still think they can tank melee and outheal their dmg as dps specc.

Edited by Isislol
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im sorry, this game isnt based around 1 v 1 where your scenario would be true...



get 4 warrios and 2 healers.... warriors run in precharge combo, warrior aoe stuns all warriors hit booters and use smash.. 7k crits from 4 diff warriors = those who didnt get away all die.


warrior precharges cobo, leaps to healer, unleashes 7k crit, stuns healers uses ravenge. healer dead.


2 warriors run up both use ravage on same target, target is dead.


i can go on, i dont speak about this in 1 on 1, im talking about in a group situation with healing supper, the team with the more warriors wins.


and 7k crit is norm for dps geared warriors using boosters.


the biggest crit im doing with smash is like 6k on a green gear light armor. Now if you get hit for 7k go buy the recruit gear and its not gonna happen again. Otherwise jsut stay out of the warzone yout useless to your team.


Your little story about 4 warriors smashing a healer at the same time is nothing but bs. Put any 4 dps on a healer and hes gonna die within 2 sec.


Have you ever heard about the team of 8 tank assassin all guarding each other? :)

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Only way a warrior can hit for 7k or over that is if he got biochem+modded gear with maximum power, expertise adrenal popped(or the buff from the warzone) armor reduction stacks already on the target and 15% dmg increase from marauder.


Yea warriors can do huge damage when the stars align, but so does every other burst spec. I'm not saying they are not strong, but in a realistic situation they will not hit that much on a full battlemaster geared player.


Oh and you can counter us with displacement CC(he jumped on me, i'm just gonna push him).

Edited by FauxSound
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My main has been a Focus Guardian since the beginning and after 1.2 the only time I have even come close to 7k was on a fresh 50 with little to no expertise gear. A fully buffed sweep with adrenal and relic now on a light armor wearer with 1k expertise is around 5-5.5k damage at the most. Unless the Warriors on your server know something everyone else doesn't, 7k sweeps on a 1.1k expertise target is virtually impossibru.
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so, what do you all think of the warriors? i mean they are all over the place now, bouncing from one target to the next aoe smashing everything in sight for 7k ravaging people from 100% health down to 20% health in one go.


I'm actually seeing games where there are nothing but warriors and sages.. its kinda silly.


Also the time to kill is so insane now that it makes cc removal a moot point, since you are dead within the first stun anyway, but while im talking about that, anyone notice the insane stun locking now? i was immobile for 50 sec half of 13 of which i was fully stunned, the rest was chain root.


this game has gone from fun for all to fun for only premade in one patch...


i assume this will be blocked or filtered like every other forum post since 1.2 though... sigh



really? i have found those to tell others to learn to play are normally the worst players.



as i said, the class isnt an issue one on one. but pray tell, how do you counter 2 warriors, assuming they are not as stupid as you.


i try to evade the smash to be choked by the other warrior... both hit me with smash, i now have 10% health left.

or i do evade only to be charge rooted and chocked by the second...


how do i evade this smash while in combat with another class? how do my team mates evade this while in a skirmish, if all the warriors are doing this dont you think the damage stacks up?


all other AOE has a ground marker, people see it and run... SMASH is instant frontloaded burst dps, you cannot avoid it unless you see the warrior first.


(btw i have 1100 expertise 45% armor and 17k health)


Think I found your real issue... teamwork. End of thread. :rolleyes:





Also for reference: "OMG 2 operatives jumped me and I had no chance no fair!" "OMG two mercs were tracer'ing me from the rafters it was unstoppable!"



It can be said about anything.

Edited by MrXen
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if a warrior, either mara or jug, is critting your entire team for 7k with his smashes every time, then your entire team is wearing lvl 43 green pve gear.


i have a jug itemised for rage smashing, 2 pieces of warhero, rest battlemaster. since 1.2 i've seen ONE[/] 7k crit. 6k crits are rare - maybe one or two in a full day of pvping. 5k crits...i manage to get atleast one most matches, but not always.


i dont see many rage maras, but those i do see seem to smash for less than me.

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I dont understand why people complain about warriors, their buff was insignificant, 7k ? Are you kidding me ? Care to show me a screenshot ? Marauders are easy to counter if they use ravage.. all you need to do is move, you cant move ? Interrupt it. Uninterruptable? Knockbacks.. No knockbacks ? Stun, no stuns ? Stand there and die then.


Youve got 4 ways to stop ravage, USE THEM.


There is a legit gripe to how many short cooldown abilities the Mara/Sent has. No other class has anything this awesome. Either make other classes cooldowns shorter, or bring Mara/Sent defensive/stealth CDs in line with the rest of the game. There's a reason why the forums are aflame with these complaints, deal with it.

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I have a lot of respect for warriors who rolled from the start or without knowing the 1.2 changes. Many of them have stuck with it and learnt their craft and become excellent players. However, the fotm maras and sents at the moment are embarrassing. The worst thing is you can tell straight away, blue recruit gear, low hp and not playing objectives, but still outrageous dps. What's worse are the ones who have ditched their fotm sorc and picked their shelved maras up again


F*** them basically.

Edited by Diddley
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