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PvP heroes - Stop blaming your team.


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I stop blaming you when you l2p...


When i see 6 ppl ("you") vs 4 enemies and you all die killing nothing or 1 at most, its afk /leave wz time.


or when i solo guard left door in voidstar vs (usualy 2-3 ppl) and they cap right with 7 defenders vs 5-6 attackers......


or when i guard 1 turret (cc play )or wait to ninja vs 3 and u you lose all other fronts while having numeric advantage...


or when enemy has 3(+) healers and i have marked them all, yet everyone is attacking a different target, not focusing fire anyone...


in hutball when u randomly fill attacker resolve bar with incapacitates (aoe ones are the best making entire teams immune to kb, pulls,cc) or are spread out on the map not doing anything objective related...


when you break a cc->cap combo because u like to mash buttons...



or when... well u get the idea, if you can not win a fight (or at least survive so that they don't cap) where u have the advantage its time for you to l2p.


This guy gets it, you don't.


I never, ever, give people crap for losing an unfair fight. If you think anybody is blaming you because you're short on numbers, a fresh 50, and fighting a premade, you are utterly delusional, and probably are super bad.


I blame you if you play bad, which has nothing to do with any of the garbage you mention.


1. You don't call when you are defeated and your node/door is getting capped

2. You lose the node/door you are defending WITHOUT being defeated.

3. You clearly did not put the pass ball ability on your bar because you intended to deathmatch the whole wz.

4. You see a ball carrier searching for a target to leap to, and you give him one.

5. You refuse to acknowledge or follow instructions and instead do your own crap. eg. leaving a node you were told to defend without saying anything, you attack the wrong area you were told to attack, you deathmatch in the midfield instead of near the objective

6. You are incapable of managing CC. You fill it on ball carriers, you break it when it is applied, and you don't apply it when it is needed. How many times must I watch a guy without full resolve interrupt my cap while 3 of my idiot teammates try to dps him?



Yup, it's TOTALLY not your fault. /s

Edited by Ahhmyface
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pvp heroes most of the time suck and rely on some sort of crutch to leverage themselves


i almost exclusively solo-queue so I have no choice but to rely on 'the mob' to win games.


i try to lead by example and when i want something done ie. scoring, defending a node, defending a door, protecting a bunker, i do it myself. i always always assume that the random player is going to let me down. it's just the nature of the beast. i am happy though when i am in games with quiet achievers that 'shut up and play'


source: 13 years of mmo experience


mostly casual now because i simply don't have the time

Edited by HBninjaX
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Again you make assumptions about someone IRL , yet will jump on others for doing the same.

Well , you actually know nothing of me. I have no problem admiting when someone is better than me , but i also have no problem understanding that i might be better than someone because that other person might need a bit of help.


Also , you definition of skill has no baring here because each class has the same abilities to the most degree. Its not about how well you know your class as much as how well the other guy knows theirs. It also has alot to do with , did he/she already use their cc on their way here? Did they blow the timer on their defenses already? Did they already use their combat stealth?


Alot of it has to do with luck. Plan and simple.


Skill is a set (pre-determined) ability. You can't have a set ability in a game where everyone can have different cool down timers at different times due to activity. Thats like saying the carpenter was better at his skill because the other guy blew his timer on his hammer.


A good example is this...Your solo guarding a door. 2-3 players try to get it. Your able to stop them. Why? Maybe in your mind its cause your a better player , in my mind , when i've done it , its cause they had already used most of their timers getting to me. They were the ones "skilled" because they had to fight through my team to get to me and survived. I wasn't "skilled" (and i only use the term skilled because thats the only way you guys see it) because i stood there and did nothing and had fresh timers. I got lucky they didn't get there with fresh timers. Thats all. No skill involved.


Skill might be the ability to recover the moral of your team (using a set skill thats available to everyone at the same time no matter what , and is learned by all no matter what) through communication and stradegy (another real skill and not a imagined one) to surpass overwelming odds and win a match.


Skill is NOT knowing when to hit a button when all you CAN do is hit a button. Everyone can hit the same button as you , but its when that button is hit that makes the difference and thats just the luck of the draw. (Did i hit mine a split second before he did? Did he already blow his cooldown? This does not require skill , because then you would have been able to surmise if that person has/is or will use that ability and that requires you to actually see their toolbar and if you can do that a world away over the interweb , then i applaud you)


Skill would be the ability to see what the enemy is planing and communicate that to your team , and mounting a counter to it.


Skill would not be sitting there , keeping that knowledge to yourself and letting everyone else try to figure out what your doing , all the while telling them to L2P (ever think they are doing nothing because they have run across this from otehr "leet" players and were berated for not knowing what to do , thus they sit there and wait for info/plaing from the "leet" ones?)


Skill would be the ability to see weakness in some of your team mates and mounting to the chalenge to cover that weakness , forgetting about your "leet" status and helping that other person , even if not in words , but at least in action.


Skill would not sitting at a node cause you can , but telling no one your plans.


I could go on and on , but those that think being on top in pvp or playing a game has skills or takes skills won't agree , and the reason for it is simple. It differs for most , but its basic point is that in order to make themselves feel better they have to be on top and to be on top they have to equate being there as skill and not just luck or the lack thereof of the other guys they used to get there (be it their team or their enemy)


The only skill there is in pvp would be the skill to communicate , because thats the only skill we all bring to the game. You can be on top of the leaderboards all you want , but if your team lost then you still failed and all that "skill" is for not , and the simple reason is you didn't use the only skill that mattered in this game. Communication. That guy who "stole the solo kill (in a team wz might i add) didn't know you used a cc or that you had the situation under control because no one said anything. No one communicated to him/her.

no assumptions were made.


you posted earlier:


"I've never looked at a game vid of another player and said "Awesome , how do they do that" , instead i watch a vid of some girl halfway around the world who can serf , but has only 1 arm , yet i can barley serf with 2. Now thats awesome.


Some guy in a vid that can take out 5-6 players by themself? First thing i say to myself is "Was it staged?" and second thing i say to myself is "He got really lucky""


and with this statement you admitted that if someone does something that you cannot do in a video game, you chalk it up to luck or its fake.


you cant admit someone is better than you at something as simple as a video game.


thats not assuming. thats not reading more into what you were saying. that is what you said.




communication is important sometimes, dont get me wrong. but you can communicate all day long and if you dont have the skills to use your class to its fullest potential then you are going to lose.


there has been many instances where i have communicated to my team in a pug that i need help at a node, and my cries for help went unanswered. because the team lacked the skills to focus target a healer at the center node and couldnt kill any of the opposition. the healer was marked. it was communicated at the beginning of the match that healers were marked. they lacked the skill to focus fire, burst, interrupt and combat control until they got the healers down.

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From my experience these guys are pretty rare at lvl50.


On the other hand, in 10-49WZs i frequently saw level 15s or lower spamming "u guyz suk" in Ops chat whilst allowing their nodes to be stealthcapped.


Funny as hell ... I hadn't played in that bracket in a couple months, just recently started playing some alts again ... and this was EXACTLY my observation.


10-49 is full of cry babies.

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This guy gets it, you don't.


I never, ever, give people crap for losing an unfair fight. If you think anybody is blaming you because you're short on numbers, a fresh 50, and fighting a premade, you are utterly delusional, and probably are super bad.


I blame you if you play bad, which has nothing to do with any of the garbage you mention.


1. You don't call when you are defeated and your node/door is getting capped

2. You lose the node/door you are defending WITHOUT being defeated.

3. You clearly did not put the pass ball ability on your bar because you intended to deathmatch the whole wz.

4. You see a ball carrier searching for a target to leap to, and you give him one.

5. You refuse to acknowledge or follow instructions and instead do your own crap. eg. leaving a node you were told to defend without saying anything, you attack the wrong area you were told to attack, you deathmatch in the midfield instead of near the objective

6. You are incapable of managing CC. You fill it on ball carriers, you break it when it is applied, and you don't apply it when it is needed. How many times must I watch a guy without full resolve interrupt my cap while 3 of my idiot teammates try to dps him?



Yup, it's TOTALLY not your fault. /s


This is the most correct comment here. It frustrates me to infinite amounts of rage when they have a Jugg or marauder with the ball and I have just grappled them into the pit and some numbskull runs directly inline with him and stands on the lip. ARGH!


You forgot a few.

7. You fill up a resolve bar when the guy has gotten onto your endzone instead of using a smaller stun and/or KBing him off the ledge. Why use a full resolve bar stun when the guy has full health?


8. You don't CC a healer ever.


9. You never think about what direction you are kbing someone. I can't tell you how many times I have seen someone kb the huttball carrier away from everyone and closer to the goal or through the fire instead of into the fire.


10. You see 3 guys about to kill the final guy on a node, and instead of continuing to attack a seperate node and let them cap you run away from the node you were attacking to "help" them, and bringing the entire enemy team down upon them. Thanks for that! (this one gets me raging faster than anything)

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pvp heroes most of the time suck and rely on some sort of crutch to leverage themselves


i almost exclusively solo-queue so I have no choice but to rely on 'the mob' to win games.


i try to lead by example and when i want something done ie. scoring, defending a node, defending a door, protecting a bunker, i do it myself. i always always assume that the random player is going to let me down. it's just the nature of the beast. i am happy though when i am in games with quiet achievers that 'shut up and play'


source: 13 years of mmo experience


mostly casual now because i simply don't have the time


My favorite pug moment:


I was on my PT in a 10-49 Voidstar. My team was attacking, and we just recenty got the bridges up. Coming back from death I notice a solo guard on right with An ally sin stealthed in waiting. No words were necessary for either of us....I grappled the guard as soon as I was in range and occupied him while the sin planted the bomb. Situation was executed perfectly and the defending team didnt know what hit em.

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You have no business being in a warzone with that type of gear at 50.


There was a time where this was absolute nonsense but now that 1.2 has been released and you can buy PVP gear, I agree. Do yourself a huge favor and go buy a recruit set. This will at least get you in the door.


I can't help much with the PVP'ers griping and bashing their team though. It is pretty annoying when an ops leader doesn't say anything the entire match until late in the game and then its to berate his team. For all you L2P'ers out there I have a new acronym...L2L (lead). You see your team putting in effort in the wrong place, tell them what to do, which looks like this:


Guys, the healer is tagged, focus on him!

Fight at the node, don't pull off to fight!


Not like this


You ******* idiots! Don't you know how to play?

L2P you ****** morons!

Edited by Hyryu
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I'm not sure what the big deal is. Defending objectives, calling INC, and not standing on ledges are such trivial things to remember, but some people just can't grasp the concept.


With the 4 man pre-made restriction we've created a game where the good players have to constantly carry the bad players. It's sort of like raiding where the core has to carry the rest of the raid.

Edited by ComeAndSee
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Again you make assumptions about someone IRL , yet will jump on others for doing the same.

Well , you actually know nothing of me. I have no problem admiting when someone is better than me , but i also have no problem understanding that i might be better than someone because that other person might need a bit of help.


Also , you definition of skill has no baring here because each class has the same abilities to the most degree. Its not about how well you know your class as much as how well the other guy knows theirs. It also has alot to do with , did he/she already use their cc on their way here? Did they blow the timer on their defenses already? Did they already use their combat stealth?


Alot of it has to do with luck. Plan and simple.


Skill is a set (pre-determined) ability. You can't have a set ability in a game where everyone can have different cool down timers at different times due to activity. Thats like saying the carpenter was better at his skill because the other guy blew his timer on his hammer.


A good example is this...Your solo guarding a door. 2-3 players try to get it. Your able to stop them. Why? Maybe in your mind its cause your a better player , in my mind , when i've done it , its cause they had already used most of their timers getting to me. They were the ones "skilled" because they had to fight through my team to get to me and survived. I wasn't "skilled" (and i only use the term skilled because thats the only way you guys see it) because i stood there and did nothing and had fresh timers. I got lucky they didn't get there with fresh timers. Thats all. No skill involved.


Skill might be the ability to recover the moral of your team (using a set skill thats available to everyone at the same time no matter what , and is learned by all no matter what) through communication and stradegy (another real skill and not a imagined one) to surpass overwelming odds and win a match.


Skill is NOT knowing when to hit a button when all you CAN do is hit a button. Everyone can hit the same button as you , but its when that button is hit that makes the difference and thats just the luck of the draw. (Did i hit mine a split second before he did? Did he already blow his cooldown? This does not require skill , because then you would have been able to surmise if that person has/is or will use that ability and that requires you to actually see their toolbar and if you can do that a world away over the interweb , then i applaud you)


Skill would be the ability to see what the enemy is planing and communicate that to your team , and mounting a counter to it.


Skill would not be sitting there , keeping that knowledge to yourself and letting everyone else try to figure out what your doing , all the while telling them to L2P (ever think they are doing nothing because they have run across this from otehr "leet" players and were berated for not knowing what to do , thus they sit there and wait for info/plaing from the "leet" ones?)


Skill would be the ability to see weakness in some of your team mates and mounting to the chalenge to cover that weakness , forgetting about your "leet" status and helping that other person , even if not in words , but at least in action.


Skill would not sitting at a node cause you can , but telling no one your plans.


I could go on and on , but those that think being on top in pvp or playing a game has skills or takes skills won't agree , and the reason for it is simple. It differs for most , but its basic point is that in order to make themselves feel better they have to be on top and to be on top they have to equate being there as skill and not just luck or the lack thereof of the other guys they used to get there (be it their team or their enemy)


The only skill there is in pvp would be the skill to communicate , because thats the only skill we all bring to the game. You can be on top of the leaderboards all you want , but if your team lost then you still failed and all that "skill" is for not , and the simple reason is you didn't use the only skill that mattered in this game. Communication. That guy who "stole the solo kill (in a team wz might i add) didn't know you used a cc or that you had the situation under control because no one said anything. No one communicated to him/her.


i forgot to ask you, what does your opponents cooldown timers have to do with YOUR skills?


your skills would be:


knowing when to hold back your cooldowns and waiting for the ball carrier to get next to a damaging obstacle such as a firepit and (forcepulling, knock back into fire, or stunning on the obstacle). that takes skill. that is not luck, that is a BASIC SKILL.


skill is attacking someone trying to cap a node. that is not luck. that is A BASIC SKILL.


skill is your team mates create a pseudo waterbucket line from the ball spawn to the opponents goal and passing the ball like a water bucket to said goal. this is not luck, but again skill.


skill is when you see a healer, mark said healer, and use your stuns and interrupts to prevent the healer from healing.


skill is knowing what ability to use and when to use it. if you are just running around blowing all your cooldowns on the first person you see in huttball, you are doing it wrong.


if you dont think everything you do in life, including playing a video game, doesnt involve some sort of skill.


then you are doing it wrong.

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I'm not sure what the big deal is. Defending objectives, calling INC, and not standing on ledges are such trivial things to remember, but some people just can't grasp the concept.


With the 4 man pre-made restriction we've created a game where the good players have to constantly carry the bad players. It's sort of like raiding where the core has to carry the rest of the raid.


I don't think that its the "remember" issue as much as it is most players don't know. I didn't know to fight at the turrets or nodes until I was scolded. Now...I fight at the nodes and turret's unless someone else has my back.

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I don't think that its the "remember" issue as much as it is most players don't know. I didn't know to fight at the turrets or nodes until I was scolded. Now...I fight at the nodes and turret's unless someone else has my back.


I remember when I was lvl 30~ and doing my first war zones. I was holding a cap and not facing it. Somebody capped behind me. I learned my lesson. I stand in a position where I can see the cap.


I learned about not standing on ledges because I constantly leap up to people who stand on the upper ramps on Huttball. When I see people trying to do that to me I LOS myself, stand in the fire pit and cackle when they jump in the fire, or move around a different way.


It's called learning from experience. Some people just don't have it. Too many people repeat the same mistakes over and over that cost games.

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Except if you play sniper ofc, then you're encouraged to crouch on ledges as much as you want.


Except noone seems to play sniper, oh well, their loss...


You can stun them and leap up. Not many people know that.

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The clear cut problem here is that (almost) no one wants to be the leader. It's much easier to ***** at ppl for being bad than it is to lead by example. 100% of the time there is at least one person that knows what they are doing. People that genuinely try to win, that can't lead, are just looking for direction. You can win games against premades with just enough coordination efforts from one person. Those people watch the chat log and do what they're told.


Personally, I'll give a quick "x go here, y go here" at the start and just let it play out to see how it goes. As long as things are in our favor, so be it. If we start showing signs of losing, I'll speak up more, regardless of the color of my ops chat text. Being ops leader only means you have to mark ppl.

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Hmm i admit i have been one to throw the odd moan but i do not rage quit /afk it is a waste of time my team NEEDS me or they will lose in 30 seconds if i am not on my healer keeping our attacking forces alive


( i am playing a level 50 opertive full healing spec which i love to play (ill get back to this guy) i also like to play my vanguard full tanking spec old champ gear and some new battlemaster gear valor rank 58, got around 220k protection one round while doing a pug queue solo which we lost (civil war) no one was to blame but the other teams last minute coordination even though alot of ppl out team QQ because they beat us by only 5, yes 5 points. guys was haveing a 2v6 at left which was held by my team (shouted and got help by whole team which was not needed imo) and we lost the mid because was only 1 guy defending (me) who shouts 5 times and turret is lost (mid). i could blame the team yet it happens and you get use to it.


playing healer opertive gives a much larger reason to QQ in my opionion, i dont go without my guild tank any more, i am the target and will always be the target however you need more than a tank to help you out these days so i was happay when a level 50 mara joined guild and now i get very lucky. and i dont even need pvp gear


PVP gear = BM legs , BM relic + end / exp and the power from click , + 2 bm medic impant , and recruit medic ear , all in all about 300 expertiese


PVE M7-R3 matrix cube ( three red opertive ) , columi medic chest , columi feet , columi bracers, tionese medic head, tionese enforcers belt and last but not least my tionese gloves.


now you could troll me for being a mostly pve geared healer in pvp yet imo not huge differnce anymore which what feels like a nerf with expertise healing wise... i will end up moaning at my team if i am not helped e.g. (protected / threats not being used by tanks who watch me die) or dps units just running past and try to plant / cap it is norm with solo queue ... just me defending a point call for help it takes 10 seconds to come i am dead in 8 seconds if a stealth unit stuns me and kills me may not be able to cap it but darn they are a pain in the back side when u no u are needed else where and left to defend a point because everyone else dont want to. (dont no where going with this so ill end my rant):wea_03:

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28 years old. Talking to people the way you do, with the attitude you do? Brilliant. The fail falls on your side, dude.


Don't hate on the guy for taking PVP seriously. Is he being a little childish with his statements...maybe, but his points are all valid. there is a well-defined caste system in this game (most noticeable in PVP) and the people at the bottom will never learn to be better; whether it's a mental condition, or fresh 50, or they're literally a monkey. For those of us that are at the top (see what I did there... ;) ), ranked 8-mans couldn't come fast enough.

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I disagree... Why do people assume that when someone else rages its a long winded thing that goes on all match? usually its just something along the lines of;


"Oi *******, notice how the carrier just leapt to you because you were standing on the edge? Dont do that."

"Are you all that stupid? I marked the fking healers for you now kill them"

Though that is usually followed by

"(insert gutter trash persons name) why are you trying to kill that assassin... notice the guy next to you with the big flame on him?"

"Why are you fighting in the middle of nowhere? L2Objectives" usually on NC or Alderaan

"Why are you mezing the ball carrier... dont do that.."


Those are just the more common ones... But when I see fail I cant help but point it out.


ah but some of those are constructive, constructive is good.

I don't mind ppl yelling at me what i should have done, or should do. But yelling i did "something" wrong doesn't help me.

Bad players can sometimes learn, if you point out to them what they are doing wrong. You may need to do it several times if they are slow learners like me, but they can improve.

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oh i get pist sometimes at a team who does something stupid. lol


like... "2 inc snow" and 6 people leave mid to go to snow.. WHAT ARE YOU DOING! lol. yeah, leave mid unguarded because all o fyou need that extra 2k damage on your medal count.



or. (has happened more than a couple times with me). running left on alderaan, and one of their guys is halfway to your close node, and while you are in the middle of capping. the guy behind you runs up to "help" you cap the node instead of running out to stun the incoming to allow for your team to cap it. yeah.. great lol. also doesn't work to run out and do the stun yourself, i tried that, and the mindless just follow you to help and get their medal, allowing more time for enemy spawns to get to your node thinking its contested.



or! voidstar. the guys who sit on the side that isn't being heavily attacked, have 2 on them and call for help right as the door is being capped..... if you are stunned, you have a few seconds to type something about needing help because you have 2 guys owning you.. it happens to everyone, getting chain stunned etc. just call it,


Or! huttball.. the guy who gets the ball and happens to be in a few pieces of bm, so you are thinking.. this is gonna be a good game, we have a decent set of people... and when he gets the ball tossed to him you are sitting in a prime spot for a forward pass, he decides its better to try to run it in himself, and when you ask him why he didnt pass he says "couldn't find my huttball pass to click it".




OR! better. the guy who sits on the ledge at the endzone while a PT/VG or guardian/jugg is in the pit waiting 5 seconds for his leap to be off CD... leap. scores and the guy dies right after, spawns, then sits at the edge again waiting because its harder for people to kill him if he is on a ledge.



and don't get me started on not attacking marked targets... not sure why, but 90% of the "casual" puggers when told "healers are marked, focus fire them down!". they say to themselves... .i don't see anything marked, just looks like a big class symbol to me, durrhurr. my ui must be bugged! :wea_02:



yes there are very very unhelpful people that play and it is unfortunate that bioware didn't implement a system that makes sure that any groups above 5 players, get pitted against only groups with more than 5 players, making it so you can do 8 on 8 premades and still have your casual 4 pre 4 pug if you wish.

Edited by Kracin
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I find it funny. People complaining about lowbies. I have a L18 P/T that I'm grinding through PVP. I came top of the combined charts in a match. Heavy scoring on protection, medals and damage. And I'm a sub level 20. Lowbies can contribute just as much.
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I stop blaming you when you l2p...


When i see 6 ppl ("you") vs 4 enemies and you all die killing nothing or 1 at most, its afk /leave wz time.


or when i solo guard left door in voidstar vs (usualy 2-3 ppl) and they cap right with 7 defenders vs 5-6 attackers......


or when i guard 1 turret (cc play )or wait to ninja vs 3 and u you lose all other fronts while having numeric advantage...


or when enemy has 3(+) healers and i have marked them all, yet everyone is attacking a different target, not focusing fire anyone...


in hutball when u randomly fill attacker resolve bar with incapacitates (aoe ones are the best making entire teams immune to kb, pulls,cc) or are spread out on the map not doing anything objective related...


when you break a cc->cap combo because u like to mash buttons...



or when... well u get the idea, if you can not win a fight (or at least survive so that they don't cap) where u have the advantage its time for you to l2p.


This ^. If you disagree then thats because you are bad and get yelled at to get good but refuse to.


Ignorance is bliss.

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