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So are BH Merc's still good or did the newest patch ruin them?


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Went to the class forums for them and it seems to be almost fifty fifty, im kind of put off by the massive whining but.


Do they still do good dps?


Do they still have good survivability and soloing ability?


Are they worth while in PvP?


they cant spam tracer missle anymore...so thats good. they actually need more than 1 skill to be useful to their team

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I have been playing a BH Merc and Trooper Commando post-patch, and they appear to be effective.


However, all of my builds are squishier now than I would prefer; raising Med stops and repair costs. I should be thankful I skip Social cost items, and do not require over inflated gear for my characters.

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I have been playing a BH Merc and Trooper Commando post-patch, and they appear to be effective.


However, all of my builds are squishier now than I would prefer; raising Med stops and repair costs. I should be thankful I skip Social cost items, and do not require over inflated gear for my characters.


Everyone is more squishy than before, which is what people are moaning about. The time it takes to kill a player has dropped a lot. They claim it's because most people "dont have enough expertise", but really it makes little difference :/

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I'm a bit miffed by the death from above nerf, but I'm still doing fine solo. I don't do flash points, so I can't comment on that. Mercenary is still my favourite, but it would probably require a lot to turn my back on it, because I like the feel of the class so much. I think I might be too biased to give you a good answer :x
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I'm a bit miffed by the death from above nerf, but I'm still doing fine solo. I don't do flash points, so I can't comment on that. Mercenary is still my favourite, but it would probably require a lot to turn my back on it, because I like the feel of the class so much. I think I might be too biased to give you a good answer :x


The funny thing about the Death from Above change, is it wasn't actually nerfed, just changed slightly. It still does the same ammount of base damage, yet in smaller ammounts to make up for the extra attacks.

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The funny thing about the Death from Above change, is it wasn't actually nerfed, just changed slightly. It still does the same ammount of base damage, yet in smaller ammounts to make up for the extra attacks.


I'm not talking about the damage, it's the target area that's the problem. Unless the targets are standing shoulder to shoulder, you risk knocking them out of the target area.

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they cant spam tracer missle anymore...so thats good. they actually need more than 1 skill to be useful to their team


What the hell how can anyone buy the propaganda that patch 1.2 made rotation any harder??


This is and was also most peoples rotation before 1.2:


tracer, tracer, tracer, unload (even if barrage is not proc'd), heatseekers, tracer, tracer, railshot. :wea_02:


Nice rotation change :)

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Went to the class forums for them and it seems to be almost fifty fifty, im kind of put off by the massive whining but.


Do they still do good dps?


Do they still have good survivability and soloing ability?


Are they worth while in PvP?


you're "put off" by people complaining about the massive amount of (largely) negative and unbalanced attention this class has received from BW patch after patch? or is it when people catch BW ninja-nerfing this class into the ground and call them on it that offends you? if we don't speak out ourselves nobody else will advocate for us. it is not unreasonable to expect more utility/defensive ability if they nerf our offensive output. no interrupt as dps, try getting into a pug hm fp. people talk smack about our class for our "simple rotation" while ignoring the fact that BW made it that way. oh the irony!

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you're "put off" by people complaining about the massive amount of (largely) negative and unbalanced attention this class has received from BW patch after patch? or is it when people catch BW ninja-nerfing this class into the ground and call them on it that offends you? if we don't speak out ourselves nobody else will advocate for us. it is not unreasonable to expect more utility/defensive ability if they nerf our offensive output. no interrupt as dps, try getting into a pug hm fp. people talk smack about our class for our "simple rotation" while ignoring the fact that BW made it that way. oh the irony!


First they took the Bounty Hunters, next they took the Sorcs... etc etc.


I completely agree, we're voicing our complaints because the change was overly drastic, and more (negative) changes are being forced down our throats, this time without warning (or possibly intent, if it was the bug fix #$%$in' up). I am personally against playing my BH now just because they completely wrecked what I considered to be one of the more fun healing specs in the game (Pre 1.2 we were even with Ops, and Sorcs had the glitched heal ability. I tried healing with a Sorc, but I never really took a shining to it. Mercenary just felt as close to "perfect" as it could get for healing, and they completely changed all the philosphy behind it). I was in favour of a nerf to how hard our heals hit, but what they did to Bodyguard...

Hell, I heard about the nerfs from a Sorc healer who thought his looked bad, you know what he said to me. "Hey man, have you seen the Bodyguard nerfs yet? I though we got the shaft, but you guys just got bent over and got a sharp metal spike shoved up your..." you get the point (note this Sorc has played a BH healer and felt it already wasn't up to par with what he was doing on his main, pre 1.2). Also no pun intended.


I'd play Merc for the story, though I'd possibly just go Powertech now, since I'm loving my Shieldtech BH with a passion (she's a complete and total ^%$%, but her skills work oh so nice!).

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I used to PvP a lot every day.

I stopped. It just is not fun or entertaining any more to be dead in 10 seconds.

I'd swear that heavy armor damage reduction has been removed or broken because I feel like a paper doll.

I have full Battlemaster Gear so hitting the +20% damage, etc but I don't feel or see it when playing.

Shouldn't the extra DR from expertise give me more survivability regardless of whether someone has an extra 5-8% damage?


Even in PvE against normal mobs it seems I am taking way more damage than I used to as well.

I can't figure it out but with HSM seemingly different in the way it operates and the PvP changes I just don't bother with PvP at all anymore. I wish it was still fun but doesn't seem so.

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Given the overall state of Mercenary right now, no, no it wasn't.


The class with least utility (dont tell me knockback are usefull, i'm talking PVE, I choose to play on a pve server, bossfights pushback is a nono) should do most dmg, not hang on the bottem of the list. Why would any guild still take you along to operations ???? You can't interrupt, arsenal is one of the specs which suffer most in movement intensive fights .. and guess what, most boss fights are. So unless skill you won't hit hard like nails ..

True in hm's probably BH arsenal was pretty overpowered, just stand there and rotation ....

But having the skills do less dmg then the tooltips are indicating .. remember with got 50+ % ignore armor .. there is something wrong.

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