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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Im tired of Marauders and Sith warriors


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Evidence??? If you make this claim, you should provide a lot of screen shots, and show that in a large proportion of WZs most players are playing senti. Otherwise, this post is another nonsense QQ.
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Evidence??? If you make this claim, you should provide a lot of screen shots, and show that in a large proportion of WZs most players are playing senti. Otherwise, this post is another nonsense QQ.


First day there were a lot of mara/sents.


A week later it looks like this:

http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/138/screenshot2012041619194.jpg/ 5800 from PT

http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/256/screenshot2012041619195.jpg/ <3 monop. battlemaster and almost got 100k


Edited by Moosestick
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these classes are being rolled for one reason they are OP with a ton of stuns/interrupts/knockbacks. Bioware needs to take a few of their tools away and then you will see more of the other classes. melee classes should be the ones with knockbacks not range. there is also way too much CC in the game. there really is no need for each class to have 2 kinds of CC. should be each class has 1 interrupt 1 long CC if you don't have a knockback. if the class has a knockback then their CC should be a short 4sec one.


also there is way too much AoE that dose way too much dmg in PVP. AoE should not be that effective in PvP. its a single target game. for people to sit and use their AoE in a warzone cause it dose more dmg than their single target is a pure joke.

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melee classes should be the ones with knockbacks not range. there is also way too much CC in the game.


Why would melee want a knockback? You kinda want them in range. Saying this kinda invalidates anything else you might post

Edited by Moosestick
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I've had 3, 7 Warrior Teams (Oddly the 8th on each was a Sniper/Gunslinger) and 1 full 8 Warrior Team I went up against.


They lost each match because lets face it, no heals means you'll lose most of the time.


However I have renewed hate for the fact Roots aren't on Resolve due to charge after charge after charge going on in these fights...

Edited by exphryl
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it's so funny how noobs claim warzones are full of sents as everyone rerolled.


rerolling a class all the way to 50 + full bm takes how long? For some freak / nerd 2-3 weeks non stop playing (that's like /RLquit)? for some casual 1-2 month?

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knockback, stuns, mezzes, call for help.


knockback, stun, full resolve, cc break, proceed to facerape


it's so funny how noobs claim warzones are full of sents as everyone rerolled.


rerolling a class all the way to 50 + full bm takes how long? For some freak / nerd 2-3 weeks non stop playing (that's like /RLquit)? for some casual 1-2 month?


you dont need BM gear to own as a sent/mara. i have a 50 sent in cent/champ gear, and he owns so much more then my commando, just using a few skills.

Edited by SeloDaoC
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lol see why i am sticking to the pve content. Nubs roll the classes because bio has this system set up like the fail SoE did in the end. by introducing flavors. First off they should have invested in more classes than the 4 that branch to 8 with advance classes for each side. I am with you on the nub re-rolls, they failed in letting people have 8 slots when two should have been enough. However, the pve content is everything I thought bio and former kotor games could be. Forget pvp and join the Pve side.:wea_02:


2 slots is note enough to do ALL the stories.


I have 8 characters. 1 of every AC













With legacy and the way crew skill missions work making characters spread across multiple servers (as I initially planned) isn't... optimal.

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knockback, stun, full resolve, cc break, proceed to facerape




you dont need BM gear to own as a sent/mara. i have a 50 sent in cent/champ gear, and he owns so much more then my commando, just using a few skills.


Okay now I KNOW you are lying. I have played Sent since Beta and the have at least eight skills they use ALL the time. I have a good twenty keybinds on my Sent. There is NO way you are using "just a few skills" and doing well.


Now if there is any class that only uses a "few skills" its the tracer spamming commando.

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It's not that they're too hard to fight against, or that they're overused a lot; it's just people don't know how to fight them. Either that or they just get ganked by a group of them.

How often do you PVP, and what sort of proficiency do you have in your classes playstyle?


Not getting mad at ya, but I'm a Sentinel and I hardly ever gank.

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Okay now I KNOW you are lying. I have played Sent since Beta and the have at least eight skills they use ALL the time. I have a good twenty keybinds on my Sent. There is NO way you are using "just a few skills" and doing well.


Now if there is any class that only uses a "few skills" its the tracer spamming commando.


Per fight, yes. Marauder can kill people so quickly in some cases their targets are dead after 4 skills. If that. Assuming he only picks on classes he knows he can dominate. I usually get beat pretty quickly as a sorc. but as a jugg I sometime beat 2 marauders at once. At the same time my jugg takes more time to wittle down a consular (without them even healing). I think this game has class specific dmamage bonuses. Marauder beats sorc. Jugg beats marauder, sniper beats melee and so on. I'd swear my jugg takes more damage from snipers than my sorc.

Edited by Dayshadow
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Per fight, yes. Marauder can kill people so quickly in some cases their targets are dead after 4 skills. If that. Assuming he only picks on classes he knows he can dominate. I usually get beat pretty quickly as a sorc. but as a jugg I sometime beat 2 marauders at once. At the same time my jugg takes more time to wittle down a consular (without them even healing). I think this game has class specific dmamage bonuses. Marauder beats sorc. Jugg beats marauder, sniper beats melee and so on. I'd swear my jugg takes more damage from snipers than my sorc.


I bet those targets were light armor

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knockback, stun, full resolve, cc break, proceed to facerape




you dont need BM gear to own as a sent/mara. i have a 50 sent in cent/champ gear, and he owns so much more then my commando, just using a few skills.


What few skills are they? Please oh wise on, tell us what "few skills" you use to own everyone.

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Whose targets?


Per fight, yes. Marauder can kill people so quickly in some cases their targets are dead after 4 skills.


those people... I am in WH/BM gear and similary geared light armors I can hurt and hurt bad, or those coming in thinking they can make do with their PVE gear... or both...but I have never 4 shotted anyone unless they were injured or being attacked by an assist of some sort.

Edited by Blloodbane
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is this why right before and after 1.2 all i see now is sentinels/guardians and juggernauts/marauders? nope, re-rolls, just like the ops re-rolls and the bh re-rolls all after they fixed that amazing dmg the sorc's once could do + healing.


all you do is QQ just play your class and enjoy the game

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all you do is QQ just play your class and enjoy the game

LOL dude.


Maras and Sents are so utterly disgustingly out of whack in PvP pre- and post-50, and you're like "dude, just play and have fun." That's funny.

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i just left another warzone with 6 marauders and i say - the game is pretty pathetic now - and made for one class now

Yep. It's fun to watch them all fight each other, while the rest of the classes sport the huttball over the goal.


GG Bioware, you broke Merc Arsenal (and refuse to even contribute to the class thread data on this), did nothing to affect the tank-pvp issue that you set out to try to fix, ridiculously overpowered Force warrior classes for PvP, tweaked Snipers to a point where the only thing that's changed is re-learning the complexity of an already average competitive pvp class, and finally, you wrapped it all up in your big 1.2xxxx patch.


GW2 anyone?

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i've played a sith jug since head start and all i can say is...


thank god bioware did something about the complete domination of pvp by ranged classes!

i hope the current state remains as it is until well after world pvp is reintroduced. pvping on ilum as a warrior was an excersize if uselessness with the way ranged classes used to dominate. maybe now we can all enjoy pvp equaly.

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i've played a sith jug since head start and all i can say is...


thank god bioware did something about the complete domination of pvp by ranged classes!

i hope the current state remains as it is until well after world pvp is reintroduced. pvping on ilum as a warrior was an excersize if uselessness with the way ranged classes used to dominate. maybe now we can all enjoy pvp equaly.




Nothing was more frustrating than playing melee pre patch when every WZ was Huttball with 6 ranged classes all capable of knocking/rooting and tanking melee if needed.

They still spam knockbacks but if you can stay on them they just die. Too bad many facerollers don't know how to correctly use their CDs and if they can't knock you back off the bridge they just stand there trying to hard cast vs melee.

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i've played a sith jug since head start and all i can say is...


thank god bioware did something about the complete domination of pvp by ranged classes!

i hope the current state remains as it is until well after world pvp is reintroduced. pvping on ilum as a warrior was an excersize if uselessness with the way ranged classes used to dominate. maybe now we can all enjoy pvp equaly.

Are you for real? That Sniper 35 meter range was gettin' ya down?


You sir must be one of the worst god-awful PvP players on earth. To say that 'ranged classes dominated' means that:

a) you don't know how to LOS

b) you always go 1v1

c) you run a PvE tank spec and expect to dominate

d) you forgot that you have a charge


I normally try not to rise to the trollbait. Holy cow man, you need to stop playing the game.

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