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are sith sexist?


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*Please don't talk about sexism in real life, this is only a lore discussion*


Just curious. Seems like with such a prejudice society that might come into play. Speciesism is rampant in this game just wondering if sexism is a valid idea in star wars or not.

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They don't seem to be. There are many high-ranking and powerful female Sith, to the point where the order seems to support equal gender rights.


Sith care about power. Even their disdain of aliens comes from the jingoistic clinging to the legacy of the old Pureblood race which they view as pure and powerful. In other words, if you are strong, worthy and willing to do everything neccessary to climb the ladder, you'll make it as a Sith - it won't matter if you're a boy or a girl.

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Speciesism seems to be intentional part of the empire human population. Its really emphasized, I guess to make empire appear kinda "evil". I dont remember seeing it on republic side.


I dont remember witnessing cases of sexism however.

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The Sith specifically? Not really. They are pretty egalitarian when it comes to those things, only caring truly about raw power with a slight touch of xenophobia. As far as I've seen though, if a woman is powerful enough, she is respected just the same as a man.


The Empire? Yep. It's a very male-dominated nation, and while women *do* have opportunities, at the end of the day, it's still a boy's game.

Edited by Raiellyn
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The Sith specifically? Not really. They are pretty egalitarian when it comes to those things, only caring truly about raw power with a slight touch of xenophobia. As far as I've seen though, if a woman is powerful enough, she is respected just the same as a man.


The Empire? Yep. It's a very male-dominated nation, and while women *do* have opportunities, at the end of the day, it's still a boy's game.


In the IA storyline, while leveling, I ran into quite a few female Sith Lords. A couple of my allies were also females, and high ranking officials, that guided me from base. The only sort of discrimination I see, is that on the Empire side, if you're an alien, if you don't prove yourself worthy of the Empire, you become either a slave or are kicked out, or live in poverty and the like. Luckily, my Chiss IA is worthy! But he also has the bad habit of talking back and disobeying Sith :p

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no. the sith? nah, plenty of very high ranking female sith.

lord/darth zash.

the darth from balmora and theres PLENTY of other female sith lords and darths throughout the game.


the imperial military, uh, ive seen plenty of female high ranking officers, majors and captains and such. i dont remember seeing any female moffs though. i dont think thats a sexist thing, i think its just htat moffs are supposed to be weasely type evil guys, very slimy and evil feeling, and male characters just pull it off better. females can't pull off that slimy weasely feel as well (thats a good thing).


but for the sith? yeah, plenty of super high ranking sith. hell im pretty sure theres one or two on the dark council.


whats with all the claims of sexism lately? its a bit ridiculous. i mean hell the first darth that all classes meet is the darth on balmorra and she's female. ***?

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The Sith seem pretty equal-opportunity.


Except for the Sith Warrior.


Seriously. Planetary lines, Inquisitor, other classes, there are roughly equal numbers of Sith and a roughly equal spread between idiots and powerful people of both genders.


In the Sith Warrior line's Act 2, non-party male NPCs with speaking roles outnumber non-party female NPCs with speaking roles twenty-five to one.


Twenty-five to one.


Eight female Sith appear on screen, foreground and background, in the entire Warrior line. Nine if you

turn Jaesa

, ten if you yourself are female.


The universe seems pretty even, but for some reason the Sith Warrior line is an overdone boys' club.

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There is nothing political or rule wise that make the SIth sexist (there are and have been quite a few Dark Council members after all).


However there are two things "Sith" culturally that make women inferior to men from a basic SIth (might is wright, abide no weakness) point of view,

1. A peak physical male is physically stronger than a peak physical female (that just basic human biology, nothing can be done about it really, male body structure allows for bigger muscles - Just compare male/fem body Type 3 in game).

2. Pregnancy is a weakness (it's an obvious weakness, it creates emotional instabilities, such instabilities would make the Darkside very hard to control) .


However both of these can be overcome. Most higher ranking female Sith/Imps are plotters/Sorcerers, rather than brute force Sith (though the female player SW would be an exception). And I doubt any female high ranking SIth or Imperial Officer has had children (9 months of weakness, followed by 6-12 months of absence is unacceptable to SIth).

Edited by AngelousWang
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Pureblood Females are regarded as the rarest and purest thing in the galaxy, a Pureblood womb is almost holy ground as far as the Sith are concerned and it is actually illegal and punishable by death, enforced by inquisitors, for a male not of Pureblood and red markings to approach a Female Sith Pureblood in anything but a professional way, according to Sith doctrine found in the codex and by playing a Female Pureblood, this pops up a few times in quests and in a relationship with Quinn.
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2. Pregnancy is a weakness (it's an obvious weakness, it creates emotional instabilities, such instabilities would make the Darkside very hard to control) .


However both of these can be overcome. Most higher ranking female Sith/Imps are plotters/Sorcerers, rather than brute force Sith (though the female player SW would be an exception). And I doubt any female high ranking SIth or Imperial Officer has had children (9 months of weakness, followed by 6-12 months of absence is unacceptable to SIth).


I think the lead writer said in an interview that sith in SWTOR are quite family oriented and very obssesed with getting force senstive offspring, so sith usually marry sith. I do think however that most female sith leave the caring of babies to slaves or other servants. Quite similar to how nobles did in mediaeval times. So I guess it is only for the last months of the preganancy a sith needs to be careful to stay at her estate, or try not to attract any attention. The first months, well my friend was three months pregnant and she hardly noticed it, so many women handle the first month of a pregnancy with ease

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