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BH are essentially worthless in pvp


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I See ppl complain about the mercs.

I play one myself and I don't realy see the big difrence from before 1.2

It depends on how i play the game.

I often hit at least top 5 over all damage.

Not on voidstar, i spend one round alone guarding the door to the left/east.

I often guard things that should not be left alone.

I have a pyro build and I love it.

Changing from Arsenal to pyro opened a new world too me playing PvP.

Arsenal build give more burst imo, but Pyro has a good dmg over time, and movability.

Arsenal ppl complaining should try it, and go back if they want..... (plz do go back if I play against you:P )

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Next time you better write "Mercs are essentially worthless in PvP" and I would fully agree with your statement. I chose the Merc class as my first toon after release but nowadays it is virtually impossible to play WZs without regretting my decision. 1.2 simply introduced an era of OP glowstick swingers and until this will be balanced I gonna spend my time on my PT Pyro since this AC is still able to compete with those insane melee classes.
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I can't say for sure this is the case because I'm not full BM yet but every time I play my Merc I notice I am a magnet for assassins, ops, snipers, juggs, and marauders to the point as soon as they see me they will instantly leave their current target and stomp me. Now I would say this is because maybe I just suck but I have seen them also do this same thing to other Mercs on my team that are full bm and they seem to get burned down just as fast. The worst part is these are mostly 1v1, if it was a matter of being focused it would be different.


It is also pretty sad we are easily interrupted over and over while we have no interrupt skills on a short reuse like every other class.


You would think having heavy armor would account for something but it doesn't.


It the same for Commandos matey, you bust your balls out in warzones just to get *** stomped in 3secs flat, merc/com are just meal tickets in 1.2.

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I play as a PT Pyro, and tbh have no issues with dmg output, BUT you can't judge everything by those damn WZ charts. Just because somebody hasn't done 300k, does not mean they can't potentially do 300k.... Some people like to play the objectives, defend, protect their healers etc. It sickens me that these games turn into who can do the biggest numbers.


In fact if I do see people with 400k dps + in games like huttball (snipers especially) I know for a fact they can't have been helping kill the carrier or assisting with running the ball in any way, just on their own little farming session ignoring the group.


To be honest, if a Sniper is doing 400k in Huttball it generally means the rest of his own team is bad because he's got near 100% combat uptime in the zone between spawn and defensive ramps (meaning his team never has control of mid). Most people don't actually understand Huttball very well though so it doesn't surprise me much to see comments like this.

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1. DPS - damage per second. The numbers you get on the scoreboard when warzone ends - OVERALL DAMAGE/HEALING

2. 300k isnt the ceiling for merc/trooper. Seen arsenal/gunnery mercs and troopers do 400k+ damage in voidstar/alderaan.

3.Your dps wasn't "nerfed to the ground" in 1.2, maybe its a "learn to play issue"? (Hello 7k HSM/Demo rounds on 1k+ expertise targets).

4.You claim that mercs/troopers are useless in Huttball. Believe me, It can be worse. Try playing as operative/scoundrel in huttball.


TL;DR version: BHs aren't worthless or useless at all.


FYI, Heatseeker missile was nerfed in 1.2C with a ninja nerf that makes it so heat signatures barely matter to heatseeker now. It wasn't in the patch notes, but a dev said it was nerfed to make dps "in line". So it'd be more like 3-4k

Edited by Adelise
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Every class has its strengths. Sorcs are a Jack of all trades and a master of all trades besides guard. Mar/jug put out great dps and have speed moves, strong knockbacks and interrupts both excel in huttball. Ops are the best healers in the game and can essentially take down a target at will before being focus fired where do bounty hunters (especially Mercs) fit in to pvp? Ever since 1.2 our damage has been reduced, our surviveability is a joke and we have no abilities to really hang our hat on. We have no cloak, speed, or closing ability for huttball, no interrupts for 1v1 and our dps is middle of the pack to bottom. I'm lvl 75 valor was bm before the valor buff and I can tell you the longer I play merc the more I realize bioware has totally screwed this class to pieces.


Someone tell me maybe I suck but ive been watching since 1.2 and I've been out dps'd as a merc twice in about 600 games id wager. We suck at pvp. If we are so easy to kill why don't we put out better dps? Give the class something if not dps. It seems to be widely known since I'm the only BH on Keller's void wearing war hero it seems. The class is garbage fix it bioware.



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Your logic fails so bad so what if we can do damage we have no reliable snare no interrupt no chase/escape mechanics weakest defensivecds (exept sorcs) we bring nothing else than damage to the table sure it´s good in a objective based pvp where everyone else can do objectives we can kill people but if it comes to deathmatches with no objective other than destroy opponents guess what we still are outgunned because of our lack of utility.


U forget about OPs, who cant do anything besides burst or aoe damage.

There is mercenary on our server who always on top of damage and know how to survive. In 1v1 situations he is really good, but without pressure he is a pure beast.

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merch dmg is still fine and we have some sweet merch healers on our server the main problem is there is so much melee in wz now and if you not in a premade merch just goes squish on the floor =p




To be honest, if a Sniper is doing 400k in Huttball it generally means the rest of his own team is bad because he's got near 100% combat uptime in the zone between spawn and defensive ramps (meaning his team never has control of mid). Most people don't actually understand Huttball very well though so it doesn't surprise me much to see comments like this.


i done 400k as a pt in huttball and seen snipers (on our winning team) do as much to all a mather of how many healers the enemy team has

Edited by mamosh
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merch dmg is still fine and we have some sweet merch healers on our server the main problem is there is so much melee in wz now and if you not in a premade merch just goes squish on the floor =p






i done 400k as a pt in huttball and seen snipers (on our winning team) do as much to all a mather of how many healers the enemy team has


^ this

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BH is not useless. It is very useful and can do a lot of damage if the composition of your teammates are nice.

To be more specific, if you have tanks and melee DPS to absorb DMG, or have a better ability to provide you better DPS environments, BH can do a lot of DMG. Moreover, you have to position yourselves in a better location.

In the current state of WZs in which there is no 8 man team, this is based in a large extent on luck, and since BM need to cast for DMG and have less mobility, it is hard. But this is by no means you are useless.

Edited by croza
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the problem isnt commando/merc its simply that there are to many interrupts in the game right now, a marauder on you u cant do anything, which isnt fun at all.


Push them after they use leap. For the same argument, you can not understand what we feel in the pit. Defend on the bridge, pushed far away, leap back, pushed far away, and opponent scores~


Very class has its own good and bad. Many people want to be a `god' in WZs, which is not reasonable.

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Activley seeking out one class in a wz just because they are easy kills is no fun on the receiving end i can asure you, and don't tell me this do's not happen because atm its rampant with maruaders/sentinels/operatives ganking the meal ticket class's ( Mercenary - commando - Sage - sorc ) in pvp atm. This type of play is not a tactical move to support the team its pure and utter tripe.


But we are just slaves to the beast, "The biowaredevmonster".

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I can't say for sure this is the case because I'm not full BM yet but every time I play my Merc I notice I am a magnet for assassins, ops, snipers, juggs, and marauders to the point as soon as they see me they will instantly leave their current target and stomp me. Now I would say this is because maybe I just suck but I have seen them also do this same thing to other Mercs on my team that are full bm and they seem to get burned down just as fast. The worst part is these are mostly 1v1, if it was a matter of being focused it would be different.


It is also pretty sad we are easily interrupted over and over while we have no interrupt skills on a short reuse like every other class.


You would think having heavy armor would account for something but it doesn't.


Its the same for me, Marauders are hitting some toher target, sees me, disengage from that target and charge to me instead.


The problem isnt really the damage, its the "you cant do ***** against melee" that is the problem (gunnery/arsenal)

We now have lower survivability, but still lack the cc and escape skills. We have no snares, no roots and no interupts.

You cant knockback marauders, that only gives them a free charge to interupt you again. When a marauder use 99% damage reduction, you cant do anything, you cant run away due to snares, and they can still dish out 100% damage.


People use the "you are ranged" card. But that one is invalid since theres SO many gapclosers for melee.

Theres so many utilitis for melee to counter ranged, but theres none for ranged to counter melee.


Standing on ledges in huttball? Its a free target for marauders to charge to, even if you stand right on the edge, if a marauder walks a bit to the side and then charge you, he will land on the side of you, and not infront.


The nerfs commando gunnery/ merc arsenal recieved was based on feedback 2 months ago when people complained about grav rounds all the time. By now people have learned how to completly lock them down and interupt them, making them the weakest class in PvP.

Edited by SeloDaoC
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The problem I've seen while healing post patch is that I've seen a lot of mercs (both in PvP and PvE) that just spray abilities and then get overheated.


My imperial main character is a powertech and I got into the heat conservation mechanic in just a few minutes, I don't understand what these guys are doing wrong. I just know that healing a character that runs around being useless 60% of the time while shooting spitballs at the opponent is not fun.

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I think mercs are probably the weakest class in pvp at the moment. We are the easy kill dog food class.



Arsenal: easily shut down by interrupts and LoS, immobile but fair dps overall. I don't have a problem with the nerfs but they appear to have been implemented wrongly, as combat logs are beginning to show, below 10% making them pretty weak now.

Pyro: Does not synergise half as well as powertechs. Still reliant on casts and channels to work the tree effectively. Still very squishy. Very hard to effectively kite given the current state of melee classes.

Bodyguard: usable but gimped along with all healing. No ac (ops included) should not be forced to heal just so they can be useful.


Above all mercs could really benefit from an interrupt (like every ac), and an escape (also present in all non tanking ac's). Our shield is also a joke. I know we can't have everything but a buffed shield or escape would give us a touch more utility to stay competitive.


I also think one of the main problems we have is that there is a definite glass ceiling on what skill we can achieve given our very limited list of abilities and utility (arsenal particularly, and slightly less so with pyro). Once you realise how to spam tracer and use your unload procs, hsm and rs when off cooldown there is not really any way to progress and become a great player. I have never seen an arsenal player and been impressed enough to remember them - have you? They are a ten-a-penny cookie cutter class because there is no other way to play it. Other classes benefiting from a rich list of abilities mean good players can really excel beyond the bads. However, marauders saying they have to work for their dps, or they're a pure dps class and should be rewarded with god like damage as a result does not hold water. Mercs do not have enough abilities to work with complex and varied rotations, but that does not mean they deserve to have proportionally lower damage and survivability as a result of the skill cap.

Edited by Diddley
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Yes merc is without a doubt, hands down the worst class now. Sadly, any of the specs are just terrible compared to other classes. Inferior in every way possible.


I expect massive buffs. I'm not even gonna play my 50 Jugg or Sin tho, I just unsubbed. Can't be a part of this moronic Dev team's game 'development,' and I use term loosely as someone who works on databases with multiple environments and knows how to do their job.

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The BHs on my server are doing much better than pre 1.2. Their burst seems a lot higher and groups of them will sit on huttball rails and drop bombs on all the melee as they scramble for the ball, quite effective. They can dish out a **** ton of damage from 30 yards away, but are vulnerable if you get them in melee, herp derp--this is the definition of a ranged class.


Wish I saved the warzone screenshot where 4 bounty hunters on one team were all top 4 dps with over 300k damage in an 8-10 minute huttball.


Then they were completely ignoring the game and standing on rails in huttball is about the dumbest thing you can do. Force leap+force push = merc on the ground and your opponent getting an easy score.

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1. DPS - damage per second. The numbers you get on the scoreboard when warzone ends - OVERALL DAMAGE/HEALING

2. 300k isnt the ceiling for merc/trooper. Seen arsenal/gunnery mercs and troopers do 400k+ damage in voidstar/alderaan.

3.Your dps wasn't "nerfed to the ground" in 1.2, maybe its a "learn to play issue"? (Hello 7k HSM/Demo rounds on 1k+ expertise targets).

4.You claim that mercs/troopers are useless in Huttball. Believe me, It can be worse. Try playing as operative/scoundrel in huttball.


TL;DR version: BHs aren't worthless or useless at all.


Lots of people showing their lack of knowledge. That was a bug it is now fixed. Heatseaker was detecting other BH's tracers and stacking them creating huge heatseeker crits. Its now 2-4k like it always was intended.

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How to play a BH in WZs.


Press 1: Tracer missle

Press 2: Death from above


Haven't seen any other abilities used by a BH apart from grapple from PTs.


Pretty simple class and very DPS heavy. Re-roll me thinks bud.

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I think you need to l2p.Merc is RANGED dps so it doesn't need a gap closer,you have a few defensive abilities that help with your survivability,you have atleast 2 knockbacks that I'm aware of((I think there is more?)) and you can crit for Massive numbers.That said I never would play a Merc in Arsenal specc,because I find most people will start attacking you when you get off a few tracers.


We don't need a gap closer? Ever wz in use right now favors someone with a gap closer regardless of range dps or not.

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How to play a BH in WZs.


Press 1: Tracer missle

Press 2: Death from above


Haven't seen any other abilities used by a BH apart from grapple from PTs.


Pretty simple class and very DPS heavy. Re-roll me thinks bud.


Death from above has been nerfed into the ground. Tracer missile is only a means to an end now.

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