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For the love of the Force, add a global search to the AH


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Shift click search if you have the item or item is linked in chat

Specific armor piece search I.e only head or gloves etc

General search without having to use the drop downs

Multiple auto sell eg 4 stacks of 20 or 20 stacks of 1

Item rarity should be green and above or blue and above not only that one colour...


Look at the features auctionator addon offers wow players.



Separate note - forum search woud be just a little useful

Edited by mimikme
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Shift click search if you have the item or item is linked in chat

Specific armor piece search I.e only head or gloves etc

General search without having to use the drop downs

Multiple auto sell eg 4 stacks of 20 or 20 stacks of 1

Item rarity should be green and above or blue and above not only that one colour...


Look at the features auctionator addon offers wow players.



Separate note - forum search woud be just a little useful


I was going to type in what i wanted, but this post pretty much summarises it nicely.

Saves me typing :)


Definitely needs to have those functions. Its one of the few things i cant honestly see myself using unless i really *really* have to.

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There is no honest way to defend that UI...if you like to drill down several drop downs and spend 30 seconds to be able to find a single item then maybe you are a masochist.


Since I am new at this game I have no idea what some objects and items are...especially what category or classification they are under. Now that I am learning crew skill I need to get items to make other items. If I am asked to provide something called "A regulator" i would expect to go to an auction house and search directly for "regulator"...instead of having to know what classification, product, type, origin, date of production, radiation type, material, field generator, converter system it is under.


this is the exact problem im having... i dont know what classification some of the things are under.. making it difficult for me to use the auction house at all...


i understand bioware probably hasnt got this is system in place for launch as it would bog down the server but please sort this out soon...

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I agree as well. This should be looked at and fixed. I like to sell my goods to people but if no one is using the system it will be slow in happening. I also agree that the auctioneer features from WoW were nice and could be a benefit but I would first focus on making the thing searchable.


This might be slightly off topic but while we are discussing searching features I would also like to add that I think vendors should be looked at as well because I think it would be nice to be able to sort through their gear based on level, class, and armor class. I'm a trooper so selecting usable by me doesn't eliminate much when I am just looking to see the gear that is good for me at level 20 for PvP. The only reason I bring this up here is that I feel the two issues are linked.

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I agree with the original post 100%.


I have not read the whole thread, but I also would love for them to split the armor up into slots for head/hands/feet/legs, etc.....having all the heavy armor in one big long list is a pain in the *bleep*.

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I just don't understand why you would implement it in this way BioWare. The auction house does have the ability to search by keywords, why the heck would you implement required categories then?


If I want to search for shadowsilk, I could just as well enter shadowsilk and bam! get results.

Instead I first need to figure out which crafting skill happens to make shadowsilk, hope it's categorised correctly (which wasn't the case for underworld trading) and fill that in, if I didn't guess the right crafting skill, I am then obliged to repeat the whole process.


I simply refuse to use the auction house in this state, period. Using big words is something I usually dislike, but there are crappy free2play games that honestly have better auction houses.


The auction house needs the following presto:


1. Search by keywords first and foremost

2. No more idiotic drop down boxes, but boxes you can tick that are on the side of the interface


That is the very basis, the deepest freaking fundamentals of the auction house system. You had to put that in YESTERDAY, after that you can try to improve it more.

Edited by Fdzzaigl
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The one feature they could have copied and pasted straight from WOW and everyone would have been OK with, they instead come up with this. I have a good dozen or so items I would like to sell on the AH but now I think I'll just leave them in my cargohold till this is changed.

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