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Everything posted by CrusaderRO

  1. Things like those written in the OP made me cancel my subscription. It's wasted money. Plain and simple. I'd rather play any single player game than this ****. Good luck to those staying though. You'll have to put up with this total lack of care for at least some months now, until better games appear on the market and then they'll have no choice but to care.
  2. You didn't even read the whole OP it seems or you have problems with reading comprehension
  3. Basically i'd go with only this: 1) Beam me up! -> fast travel to your ship from the planet you are on 2) Select the destination from the galaxy map and go there 3) When you click the door of your ship to exit it, you are again "beamed" to that planet's spaceport 4) Take taxi from that spaceport to wherever you need to. This would be enough for me. Leave Emergency Fleet Travel at 18 hours, and put a cooldown on this "beam me up" of 1/2 - 1 hour. It would also imply that from any spaceport, when you click your class's hangar you are taken to your ship (and IT DOES MAKE SENSE). PS: if i knew how to rate your post OP, i'd give you a +1
  4. Happened to me few times also. There is another stupid thing that not doing anything simply aggroes a nearby pack of mobs after/when killing another. In mid combat i saw my companion attacking another group that wasn't even engaged. Also, mobs aggroing because of my companion, even if i didn't aggro them and she is following my exact rute (was trying to move in between packs without aggroing since i had some levels above them), is pretty dumb. On the starting planet it seemed as if the companions don't body-aggro at all... but since dromund kaas it began doing so... My guess is that there is something wrong with the companion itself (attacking mobs not in combat by itself without having been issued the order?!?!?!?!?). Bioware won't give a **** about it soon anyway so we better find ways to avoid their stupid programming bugs (i think their employees were watching **** and couldn't think straight when they wrote the code... let alone play their own game... and let alone actually test it).
  5. They should really implement some kind of minigame or an offworld chill-out mini station where you can sit and do just that, watch the planet spin and the ships go by, maybe a little war, maybe some space debris hitting them etc but the minigame would be totally awesome, something like commanding space ships like in a chess game... or something
  6. I agree to the OP. We do need a mailbox on the ship, as well as a galactic market
  7. This. They couldn't even copy a good whisper system in all that beta time... Talk about the importance of social immersion within a MMO....
  8. Fullscreen windowed mode? what is that? is it fullscreen or windowed? I know for sure i'm running in fullscreen mode. Unless there is another obvious bug that no one cared to fix after 2 years of beta... How the hell could other games with a budget a lot less than 300millions make their games not require a loading screen after an alt-tab, in either fullscreen or windowed modes?
  9. The only loading screen that should be removed is the one when you return from an ALT-TAB !!!!! every other fwcking game that even has higher requirements won't show a load screen after you alt-tabbed. It doesn't even matter if v-sync is on or off. I wish i could make all BW programmers play hello kitty for 20h/day as a form of torture. Oh yea, and make some crappy animation when using those hangar elevators ffs. In 2 years of beta your art team was hibernating it seems... Yeah,i forgot it's still winter...
  10. It's ok that you are 3-4 levels above the next planet's entry level. You can either solo 2men heroic quests, or,with the help of your buddy, do the 4men ones. I'm level 34 on alderaan and i can assure you that no quest ever became gray. All were green or yellow. Also there is the nar shaddaa bonus series which you'll get at around 28 but is meant for levels 30+ and you'll have quite a lot of trouble with that. So don't skip the planets experience gained from quests doesn't matter when you are rested, so you won't really outlevel anything by more than 3-4 levels.
  11. Did you actually mean there are too LITTLE bug fixes compared to how much maintenance there is? Then i would agree we are paying to play a beta.
  12. Please don't nerf exp gain. I'm level 34 and did few quests in alteraan. Also was over 28 when i started tatooine. It makes things a lot easier because you only have to group up for the 4men heroics. Depending on the class and if you are near up to date with the gear, you can solo the 2men heroics but still having to think how to do it properly (it's not faceroll). I really like this idea and I don't believe it should ever be changed. I was level 28 when i started nar shaddaa bonus series and let me tell you it was a pain in the neck. Was quite difficult killing some packs of normal mobs + 1 silver. With all the stupid traveling time wasted in order to get to your ship and on/off other planets it sucks having to return there to finish the group quests after finishing the next planet. Being 3-4 levels above the "entry level" for the next planet is quite ok. This difference was present also because of being rested for 2-3 levels (quest completion experience does not count towards that though). So please don't change anything.
  13. Exactly what i said and i got reported. God i'm starting to love this community already Also the day BW adds a LFG tool to this game will be the day i cancel may subscription. Even if it's server-only. The reason is very simple - it will EVENTUALLY be expanded to all(or more) realms, like in WoW. You want a dumbed down game like that? fine. I don't.
  14. The lazy programmers didn't even consider to activate this option by default instead of us having to go to the menu every time...:mad: ...like several other options actually...
  15. Agree. It's really annoying. Anything you buy with any kind of badge is bought for good and you can only get credits for it. And that's another thing i wonder how it got out from beta... (together with items not automatically stacking when put in the cargo holds, the stupid waiting time that no other game has when returning from an alt-tab, the companion skill bar overlapping your left action bar when extended, lack of key bindings for target marking, very little description on certain items - like those from the crew skill vendor - that people are going to auction for lots of money to fool the new guys because they don't know they can be bought, the fact that companions disappear in certain cases and you can only see them for brief moments, the fact that you remain in combat even after you ran away from the mobs provided they attacked only your companion and you are forced to let her/him get killed, etc)... It really makes me wonder what was all that money spent on if not on fixing some really obvious/major bugs like these BEFORE the launch... Oh yea, they added a loading screen after you come back from an alt-tab, great... ...let alone the loading times when changing instances... WHY the hell can't we just meet inside the event or heroic area without being instanced (everyone who has the quest that is)?!?!?!?
  16. I hope they won't add any kind of LFG ... EVER. All i want is for them to fix their loot rules based on classes and AC. If you cannot find a group for your quests/flashpoints then you either leveled too fast or there aren't enough people online at that hour. Put yourself as LFG in the "WHO" window, ask in general on the planet and keep doing quests. Eventually someone will help. The reason why a LFG (even server-only) is really bad is that it will eventually extend to include all realms. And we really don't want that. So it's better to simply avoid the problem altogether and not add a LFG at all, maybe except for heroic quests, but never for the flashpoints! A new UI is definitely needed in terms of grouping (and searching for party members), but that's about it. Spamming flashpoints all over the place is not what a MMO means. If this becomes available people will stop doing the quests and only sit in some place and spam the LFG tool... With that also comes a lot of loot distribution problems, ninjas, exploiters etc. If you want to sit in a city, click a button, and level all the way to max, GO PLAY WOW. Stop this dumbing down of MMOs already. Not all the players are stupid 12 year-olds. If that's your category, please, go play WOW. I for once want something that is above medium in difficulty, something to WORK FOR, something to actually enjoy doing. And looking for the people for a group quest IS INTERESTING. Because if i don't find them then, i can keep on questing until someone also asks in general or answers me. With a LFG tool i'd just sit in a city and wait. How is that fun? So like i said in the beginning, fix the loot rules first, gives us an easier (i.e. more easily accessed, more intuitive) way to search for groups, but NEVER something automatic. You want good loot from flashpoints? work for it. If you're a lazy kid it's your problem. You don't have to be given everything with minimal effort. Also no one forces you to play this game if you don't like the lack of LFD. Please just go and play WOW.
  17. The question is why the hell did they leave it like this after months of beta and so many complaints against it?!?!?!?!?!? talk about wasted development money and not considering community feedback...
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