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Around 75 WZ's


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ok ill give you 300 expertise might make a difference but will 40 30 20. you are gearing up right now as are most people. And the MAJORITY of people won't be full war hero. So this 25% seems a bit high. I've got 3 pieces left to finish off my set for BM. We still don't know when ranked are coming out but by then I fully expect to have several pieces of war hero myself. There will always be someone better then you at one point in time. But I highly doubt the grind for war hero as it is right now will make those that have time to grind it all out that much overpowered then someone who is short a piece or two or three short.
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I am 3 wins shy of 100 and I already have the Main Hand and 1 Implant...It doesn't take long. Prior to them increasing it might of seemed a bit tedious, but now we are getting 40 ranked comm's for a win basically. That seems pretty legit to me.


Put in 10 wins per day and you'll have you gear in no time. Why should gear be handed to you. I had Full Battlemaster in about 10 days besides the relics pre 1.2...That was nothing. IMHO...the way they have it set up now is fine. Once Rated WZ's come to live servers it will get better.


But I'll do ya a Favor...Free pvp handouts are catered by Blizzard and Trion...your more than welcome to go that way if your looking for ez pvp gear. Good luck!!!

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I don't care about the gear I just want it so I can get armoring. If Bioware had let us carry over our set bonus from BM gear like they orig gave us the impression that they were going to then I wouldn't even be trying to get the gear. I just like the new armor look.
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HERE is a solution, give 3 dailys per day, each daily gives a bag, each bag gives 1 WH commedation. OMG everybody who plays the game a few hours a day will get the gear at the SAME PACE. BW is jumping from one extreme to another.


since I KNOW BW <3 RNG they can make the bags give credits or something and that can be RNG, I dont care


The problem with your solution is that the people that grind hours on end will say this caters to casuals. Why give the same reward to people that only play 3 wz, when they "work" harder. :)


There is no winning with any decision bw makes. Some faction will qq. Just like another big event in the news this year.

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I am 3 wins shy of 100 and I already have the Main Hand and 1 Implant.



K, Your math matched my math its around 75 WZs a piece. Here is where the issue is, They need to announce when Rated WZ is coming out so people can grind the gear accordingly, They come out with ranked TOO soon there will be a gear gap in players, if they come out with Ranked WZ too late then I can only handle so much pvp with out a matchmaking system and a ladder. its like watching a NBA team practice, it just doesnt compare to watching an actual game.

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BW made this grind long because they are probably thinking rated WZs will be months down the road. Sorry but months down the road wont cut it, for me atleast. It would have been fine 10 years ago, but face it MMO's have changed and there are new standards they have to meet, if they dont meet those standards the game flops. My standards are low (and not just with women) Ranked WZ aside cross Q ing and 8 man premades are going to be this games demise if they dont impliment them really soon.
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rated WZs will be months down the road. Sorry but months down the road wont cut it, for me atleast..


Months down the road GW2 arrives. D3 shows up, and Pandas are runnin around. my mind wont be as open then as it is now. As the saying goes, too little, too late.

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Perhaps this MMO just isnt for you ;) around diablo 3 release well see most of the ones unsub that were gonna unsub anyway, so bioware can finally admit defeat and merge the servers so we, the players who are going to stick with it anyway can finally play the game as intended :D
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I guess you need to get the WH gear, but I think most players are going to just rip the mods out and stick it into augmented gear (WH/BM, anything else it doesn't really matter because afaik set bonuses don't carry over anyway, but the augmented stuff is so much better).


It'd save a lot of time if you could just purchase the mods directly for cheaper, since you'd be able to buy mods one at a time. This would also let us customize things easier. As it is now, smarter players are using the augmented gear, and then stripping out mods from WH pieces to get the setup they want since the gear stats are actually very poorly optimized in the default gear.


Those of you that like the WH gear are lucky, I personally can't stand it for my main.

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I guess you need to get the WH gear, but I think most players are going to just rip the mods out and stick it into augmented gear (WH/BM, anything else it doesn't really matter because afaik set bonuses don't carry over anyway, but the augmented stuff is so much better).


It'd save a lot of time if you could just purchase the mods directly for cheaper, since you'd be able to buy mods one at a time. This would also let us customize things easier. As it is now, smarter players are using the augmented gear, and then stripping out mods from WH pieces to get the setup they want since the gear stats are actually very poorly optimized in the default gear.


Those of you that like the WH gear are lucky, I personally can't stand it for my main.


On the WH gear the Set bonus is on the armoring.

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THANK YOU! You get what I am saying!!! This leaves out players like me who dont want to grind 1,200 WZ's for full War hero gear just so I can compete at an even level in ranked.


Going outside would certainly solve this, am I right?!

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