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Medics are broken beyond repair. The game is no longer fun.


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Correction: The game is no longer fun for you cause your not overpowered anymore.


We were never over powered to begin with, many DPS just didn't use their stuns, interrupts and other forms of CC. The good DPS never had issues with healers before the patch.


It almost seems like Bioware nerfed healers to help DPS get over their learning curve of not know how to use a CC.


All things said and done the class still is a bore to play now and PVP is just a repetitive zerg fest.

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Whilst I do feel for the OPs plight, I play a Sage Seer, which for far more squishy than a medic, and at first thought the same as him/her. It was literally a steamroller effect, I appear, I die, I appear, I die, rinse and repeat.


Then the penny dropped and I changed my approach away from pre 1.2 tactics and I do survive longer, or at least make it harder for the imps to target me. I can no longer run into the middle of the fight and drop my aoe heal surrounded by my enemies, if I do, i deserve a good *** kicking. Pre 1.2 I could do, as I had much greater survivability for some reason....game mechanics go over my head, I just say as I see from practical use.


I am now, since the quick fix patch, enjoying WZs more than I was immediately post 1.2. It is by no means perfect, often the imps team focus me down, but in all honesty, why is that a bad thing? I have no doubt that the "i like it simple" dps brigade (said tongue in cheek, noting my shadow toon...we all like to chill once in a while eh?) will eventually get their own bioware shafting, but until they do, I will continue to have fun as best as I can......though I sure as hell wont be forced to do their mind numbingly dull PVE to pay for my PVP.


No class should be able to defend against combined efforts of 2-3 enemies, to me, it is simply clever play on behalf of the opposition, and if they see me as the target of their death dealing, then I figure they want me dead for a reason.


It's all a balancing act, I wont play in my leisure time if I don't enjoy what I am doing, at the moment, I still enjoy it, when I dont, I wont, a legacy of too many RL hobbies.


The only way a commando could heal himself while 3 dps were on him was:

  1. Other healers were focusing the commando to help him out.
  2. None of the the DPS were using their stuns, interrupts and CC.
  3. A combination of both a and b.


I'm glad you are still able to enjoy the game in it's current state as a sage but as you must know different classes have different mechanics and the mechanics of trooper medics are dull and joyless post 1.2.

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Pay particular attention to the Commando healer.


No they are working 100% fine post 1.2.

All these claims of rec management being nerfed to the ground are completely ridiculous, They still can do over 800k healing in a single war zone with zero deaths ( the death he took in this game was due to exploding b/c of the stupid rahghoul plague thing). No other healer can do the same.


And no that is not me its a guildy. ^^


And how does that make them fun to play? I can get top heals now too. In fact it's even easier since most of the good healers stopped playing. PVP is just a mindless zerg fest now and that's not what I paid for.

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Do you know that annihilation marauders are designed to be healer - killers? 6sec interrupt, no min range 12sec CD charge (another interrupt), 2CC than can be used *** interrupts, good damage and respectable self healing.


They were able to crush every healer BEFORE 1.2. Patch didnt changed anything in that regard (anni dont have time for full ravage anyway). 1.2 nerfed anninhilation by removing 100% damage reduction force camo and taking away great 80% run speed during predation talent, but those 2 changes are not affecting healer-killing potential.


Against good anni marauder you would be dead before 1.2 and you are dead now. Cant see any difference.


Exactly and now it happens even faster so why the nerfs to medics? Thank you for proving my point.

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Yeah it's kinda sad that heals are broken this patch, and dps is king. 1v1 any class with significant defensive cd's will trump any other class. Seems like marauders and tank sins are top classes right now.


I feel pretty bad for healers.

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so you play 1 or 2 warzones and can tell if a class is broken huh?


l2p, 1v1 medics can outheal anyone.


I never claimed I couldn't heal when I wasn't being focused. I wrote the game play of the class is no longer fun.


L2 read. And this brings me to my second point kids. Don't do drugs!!!

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Healers are still critical on any team.


On Anchorhead the imps always have 1-3 healers per game while the reps always have 0-1. If DPS were king, as you all say, then the reps would constantly roll the imperials. That simply isn't true.


Once a good imp team (or any team) with heales take a point on a map, they basically hold it indefinitely.


I think the biggest change for people to accept is that a single healer can no longer keep themselves alive, while running and keeping multiple teamates alive. You have to strategically pick your targets and battles, just like any other player.


You are equating FUN with being able to stay alive indefinitely and keep everyone else alive.

Edited by Arkerus
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If you died to two players in the duration of one CC, your tank wasn't nearby guarding you and both players popped adrenals/relics.


More than likely "from almost full health" was more like 60% hps too.


Oh I didn't realize you were there? So what else did you observe maestro. BTW said tank is a guild mate.

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Healers are needed still in pvp, heavily. However, they are not ridiculously op like they used to be and they are still dangerously effective with proper teamwork.


If your tanks are doing their job in your team and guarding you healers and your DPS players are actually focusing on targets to keep them distracted from the tank and you, there should be no problem.


Considering Warzones are heavily teamwork (and gear) related, healers should still be effective.

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Now if they would only have played 1 or 2 warzones during testing, they would have discovered these issues before they went live.....unless they were intentional???


QFTT. At least it seems this way.

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Yeh I decided to reroll a new game. Any company that tested this long got feed back about the problems, and still decided to impliment it the way it was, broken. I do not stay around very long when a game becomes self destructive. There are too many good games still around to waste more time on a game that devs have no clue about.


This is what happens when nerfs are thrown around freely because the forum qq's. No testing, no investigation, no adjustment for numbers, or for change to warfare. Possibly they think it does not matter and they can fix it later. The problem is they lose subscribers because of the nerfs that they will never get back. Good gamers move on looking for the next game, hoping for good solid balanced PvP.

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funny I am not a full bm op healer and you know what. I would say you have one issue here. If he is healing it is because his dots are critting on you. guess what, they are physical based and you as a healer can remove them. This isn't the greatest solution because they can put them up faster then we can remove them since our cure is on a 5 Sec CD. but if you see a stack of three and cleanse mara or sent dps goes down dramatically. As does their ability to heal because they have to reapply them. So I can't say if mando heals are that much weaker but with your defensive CD it should be easier for u. A good mars will kill you eventually but this will help a lot and annoys them to no end.


Thanks this is good advice. I was using field aid to help remove them but there comes a point when your health gets so low you have the chose the heals and as you pointed out the rate at which they can put them back on is faster than we can take them off.


What i really thought was bad design was when I saw his health inch up from half to full while I'm blowing my best heals to raise mine a fraction of how fast his was raising. All the while he was continuing to dish out DPS. If Bio thinks this is fine then this game is doomed.

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OP - I feel your pain. Merc healers blow. I've tried using mine in PVP and got frustrated enough to switch to a pyro build.

My 2 cents; what I think would help Bodyguard / Medic builds be viable.

Kolto missle:

Personally - I hate the 'ground targeted area' heal - kolto missle. It's clunky, slow and takes too much time to deploy to be really effective. I'd rather this power was 'player' targeted and just heals teammates around the targeted player.


Bodyguard needs the 2 KB buffs/powers that currently are in Arsenal spec. Bodyguard needs the KB's, not DPS.


Bodyguard should also have a timer reduction feat on their 'stun' ability, to compensate for the utter lack of DPS this build has.


HOWEVER - the class is 'not' broken beyond repair. That implies bioware cannot fix it, and they most certainly can.


I do not believe changes like these would make the class OP, they would just make them more viable, like Sorc/Sage healers.

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LOL you show a guy who heals was basically left alone.. and still died once... look at your teams death and the other teams deaths... way more... first i would say they are very undergeared.. secondly they didnt target your healers all that much... or at least focus fire... 2 on each healer and all your healers would fall over...


whats even worse with 4 healers your output of dps should of been low.. that also shows me the other team was utterly horrible... and as said above obviously undergeared...


yeah man just because you play a group of bad players doesnt make the healing classes perfect.


and also this is another reason why so many posters come here claiming that healers are fine because of Warzones like this... yeah i would do a crapload of healing if I was left alone too...


wow try to come up with a better argument... better yet show me a youtube video of 2 premades facing off to each other and prove to me that your healers wont die all that much and still win


Oh how wrong u are


The Jjetro (the sin in the imp team) premade is the best imp premade on the swift sure server

Second the commando healer took over 300k DMG that game and when I find the ss I will post it

So you are wrong on your analysis


The amount of deaths they took is not a key indicator all the time. Case in point despite being out killed they won the game b/c they played the map not the players which is what we did racking up an impressive kill tally but ultimately losing the game

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A healer dies to a DPS, likely in the same level of gear and using damage boosting tools. Is the complaint that a healer cannot heal himself and DPS a target dead in a 1 v 1, that you lack crowd control to prevent a melee class from chasing and killing you, or that if you do not try to kite a target or focus on healing that you may actually die?


I can spam cure and kolto missile while kiting, and try to use my concussion missile with my instant activation to get away from people in a tight situation. If anything, 1.2 made good healers work harder and the bad healers are starting to give up. Was sick of seeing up to 5 healers in a warzone who could also do decent damage anyways, I think things are better now than they were and appropriate healers are becoming more common.

Edited by Zerogates
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To OP sorry to hear about your long queue wait. Hey I switched servers 3 times until I finally got on one with a decent population and I'm a casual player. Its very easy to level in this game so maybe you should consider that option.


As for getting focus'd because your healing..... well duh. That was happening before the patch and after the patch and will always happen. And the fact that you can't handle 3 players attacking you THAT was happening before the patch and now after the patch.


I PvP with a friend of mine who plays a trooper medic and a scoundrel healer. He dies a lot too but usually when we get outnumbered and its pretty hopeless. The rest of the time he almost never dies especially on his scoundrel. Good positioning helps but in the end if your the healer your team has to peel dps off you when your getting attacked. When I'm on my Shadow I put guard up on healers, taunt and slowtime that reduces 85% of the damage a healer would normally take. And I'm pulling people off the healers.


Play your healer or roll another class makes no matter to me. But I find that healers make a big difference in PvP and if everybody is playing the way they should healing makes the difference between winning and losing a WZ. And I'm leveling up a healer now and doing pvp.

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Guess the op shouldn't be surprised about the often over used 'l2p' comments, you get them even when the complaints are legit.


Of course it's no surprise dps will not agree with him, they like being kings which 1.2 brought about, even now you still get posts from dpsers calling for even more healing nerfs :rolleyes:


Combat Medics were always a weak one v one class, easy to shut down, no escape ability at all and 1.2 would only have made that even easier...

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Combat Medics were always a weak one v one class, easy to shut down, no escape ability at all and 1.2 would only have made that even easier...


Use reactive shield, fake casts, knock enemies back - I don't see the issue. Our combat medic rarely ever dies. All you need is a good tank who knows how to taunt/guard and dps who peel and kill enemies who are pressuring you.


Healers may have their problems now but I think combat medics have it really good compared to sages.

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working as intended, stop crying. multiple healers are now necessary, and your teammates need to be more on the job peeling, guarding and taunting. if multiple dps'ers worth their salt decide you need to die, youre going to die unless you have some really great help


this is an l2p issue, nothing to see here.

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Use reactive shield, fake casts, knock enemies back - I don't see the issue. Our combat medic rarely ever dies. All you need is a good tank who knows how to taunt/guard and dps who peel and kill enemies who are pressuring you.


Healers may have their problems now but I think combat medics have it really good compared to sages.


Obviously in a one v one situation in which you quoted a part of my reply, it would mean no taunt/guard lol


But since you brought that up ( which I wasn't talking about ), that is all fine and good in premades, but not everyone does premades, could be for any number of reasons, but when you do solo queue you can forget guards and stuff most of the time and you get little help.


You can't nerf based on just premades or because of class/spec warzone make up, premades and solo play is very very different.


You still see comments asking for healers to be nerfed because a wz had 4 or 5 healers, don't people realise that the problem does not lay at the class being op, but at the class/spec make up for warzones :rolleyes:


Fix the warzones, not the class that was fine already

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So as it stands after the release of patch 1.2 in a 1 v 1 fight a marauder can out heal a commando medic in full BM gear and no one at Bioware sees a problem with this.


LOL of course they dont see the problem, they dont properly play the game.


"We dont have ready checks?"


Its obvious Georg's metrics dont translate too well into the proper game.

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