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Official Q&A Thread for April 27th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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Since we now have the ability to match your gear colors in the new 1.2 interface, will you be removing redundant crafting patterns where the only difference is the color? For example, in Synthweaving you have Force Battler and Force Champion bracers where the only difference in the two is one is red the other is not.
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In 1.2 I noticed there were changes made to helmet graphics and their visibility in certain situations. Specifically, items such as the Tionese/Columi/Rakata Smuggler helmets are no longer visible on Twi'Lek characters. What is the timetable for these items (and others such as hoods) being "fixed" so that all races can benefit from their visual aspects?
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While the new operation has definately increased the difficulty from the last tier of raids, the lack of bosses so far in each operation is quite underwhelming (4-5). Are there plans to increase the number of bosses for future operations? say to around 8-10? Edited by BaronZabra
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I just recently got to 50, and in doing so there is a lot to do for me. Are the plans for endgame to roll out a flashpoint or operation per big patch? And is the guild ships and other guild things something we can expect this year?


Thank you.

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Regarding character/legacy server transfers, can you give us some clarification on the direction you're working towards?


For instance, if I have three 50s on one server and a legacy level around 25, and transfer one of the 50s to a pretty low level legacy server with the highest level being, say, 35-40, how does that effect both legacies? Does the first one lose any legacy exp/levels/unlocks from the departing 50? Does the new server gain the new legacy name/level/unlocks from the incoming 50?

Edited by TareaOsmina
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Can we please see an Update to the C.E. Vendor? With how you guys mentioned 1.3 we might get a certain "friend" from the classic Kotor Game prehaps we could go retro with the vendor?


Maybe a unique color crystal(and I don't mean a black core or anything) Something fancy, Like Viridian, or maybe a Orange core Yellow? (Heart of the Guardians) or full on Black?(Its in the game files)


Gizka Pet.


A certain set of robes and mask so we can dress in respect to our favorite jedi/sith who happens to make a appearance in The Foundry?


Maybe some companion customizations in the VIP to balance out some who have 0 while Kem Val has 14 in the game.

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Citesh <Remnats> Master d-Swiftsure


Will you be adding schematics for Champain/Blackhole gear since the PvP Warhero is so easy to obtain.

At the moment i have to run HM Ops to gain the peice of gear the RE it at a 20% chance to learn it and i could lose this item.

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The Rakghoul event managed to create a great deal of open world PVP action on Tatt and it was a great deal of fun for people who enjoy open world pvp. That being said, what plans do you have to increase open world pvp? Why not give rewards for engaging in open world pvp? As it stands now all pvp in SWTOR is simply instanced encounters.
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I, too, echo the call for more information regarding the apparent change in TTK during PvP combat. We've seen some hints that the goal to fix this issue revolves largely around changes to offensive relics and stacking debuffs but this seems almost like a tangential issue.


My core question is thus: "Is the current TTK in PvP encounters in line with the goals the development team has set forth and the type of gameplay experience they envision from PvP?"

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Are there any plans to merge low population servers? or to add a service to transfer characters to a different servers? Coming from a low population server, I can say that finding a party to group with, or queuing up for pvp is extremely difficult, especially on a map that's completely barren. A server population of possibly 200 perhaps or more divided among the republic and imperial and still not enough people are active. I have worked hard on my characters in these low population servers in spite of this, however I don't im willing to start over on a different server with all the work i've put into this server. I think this an issue that must be addressed. It's hard to enjoy the game if there are hardly any people.
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