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Blizz is terrible


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I would like to point out that as I am a healer merc. Blizz is the most useful companion out of the BH's for 3 very simple reasons.


  • Hes A Tank
  • He gets all the aggro for me
  • Armstech crafting bonus


That said if i was a dps/tank i would probably use Mako.

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This makes me sad, but that is because I'm a sucker for Blizz.


That said, tanking companions are a bit crap in the latter part of the levelling experience. The only way to make them useful is to keep them constantly overgeared - ie, be an armormech or a cybertech.


At cap you can feed him raid hand-me-downs and he is handy.

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I would like to point out that as I am a healer merc. Blizz is the most useful companion out of the BH's for 3 very simple reasons.


  • Hes A Tank
  • He gets all the aggro for me
  • Armstech crafting bonus


That said if i was a dps/tank i would probably use Mako.



Didn't think you were a healer while leveling my bad. Still not a big fan of the tank companions. I myself have been Bodyguard since Jan. Unfortunately you have to really out gear your companions for what you're trying to kill using our tanking pets.


One suggestion make sure he is in his tank stance. It tends to click itself off quite a bit.

Edited by polopopoo
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I have been playing with Blizz and I just cannot do it anymore. he dies in every pull. I cannot dps with him out or he will die. i need to continuously heal him or he dies. This is rediculous. i just got him at 40. im 41 and he sucks. i cannot stand it.


As a Bodyguard Merc he is by far the most useful companion for tough jobs. He feels a tad more squishy than Skadge, but he is ranged and does not break CC with cleaves. My Blizz is in a mix of Tionese and Columi gear, and has no problems tanking +2 daily quests.

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You know how groups always prefers tanks to be overgeared for the content they're about to do?


Bring that exact same mentality when playing with a tank companion.


"He sucks!"


No, he's just like every other tank companion with a gun. Near perfect carbon copies, just a different skin.


Now, think of mako and how many times you see her green heal numbers pop on your screen when you take the damage for her.


Yeah... your tank companions need care too.

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In terms of most useful for an AP specced pvp geared Bounty hunter. I give all my dps gear I get to Torian (he holds them until I need them then switch it for my pvp gear when I am raiding). I give all my tanking gear to Blizz and the left over pvp/tanking gear to Skadge.


1. Blizz - I never get damage and he can roll through 3-4 groups before needing to stop for healing.

2. Torian - Outside of having to heal up after two pulls with a really well geared Torian you can blow through things much faster. Half the time I just let him kill one group while I kill the other.

3. Mako - While she is very nice, I find it easier to only use her in tougher areas, but not in heroics where her heals don't make up for the time lost and the damage I take.

4.Skadge - I don't like his melee attacks, it could be because I don't have him geared well yet.

5.Gault - Torian is significantly better simply because I can use Torian as a bank to hold my dps gear.

6. Robot - because punching someone and having weaker heals than mako is awful.

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All the tank companions are broken. They can hold aggro well enough, but they don't have any tank damage reduction, so they just die unless the player is a healer. In beta they were proper tanks, but that made a healer player and tank companion nearly invincible in PvE, so they took away the damage reduction bonus.
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Reasons for why I believe Blizz is the best companion:


1. He is a ranged tank. I noticed melee tanks are sluggish when it comes to switching targets, even when manually switching. Distances traveled to close with mobs to get aggro is time lost and potential damage inflicted on you, which then means more wasted time as you need to heal up between each fight.


As many have stated, keep him nice and geared (yes this will probably cost you money) - shoot for high endurance, shield and absorb gear for maximum survivability. I generally have all his AoE abilities on autocast as well as flare to quickly draw all mobs to him while I pound them with DFA and the like. I generally have the single target taunt autocast switched off so I can use it as required when I pull aggro from stragglers .


2. As a tank Blizz naturally will take a lot of damage and he may well be smashed down to very low health after an average encounter. This is no problem, however, because I discovered that the quickest way to move from fight to fight is simply to dismiss him then resummon for a quick health reset to full! This is much faster than sitting around using reload and recharge.


Mako, on the other hand, does not usually take much damage as you as the player will be taking the majority of the punishment. This means that instead of being at 100% as you would be with Blizz you must waste time by reloading and recharging and healing manually, which in my experience is generally slower than simply dismissing/resummoning the companion.


Additionally, I used to roll with Mako healing me, but since the companion nerf she just doesn't seem to cut it, even with decent endgame epic gear.

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I forced myself to use him on Belsavis just because I freakin love Jawa's


Things took a little longer than normal and I still had to drag Mako out for elites but he got the job done, plus his affection gain is beyond silly so he was at 10k before we'd even finished the main class series.


Plus he has a rocket launcher, seriously a Jawa with a rocket launcher, how can you not love that :)

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I would like to point out that as I am a healer merc. Blizz is the most useful companion out of the BH's for 3 very simple reasons.


  • Hes A Tank
  • He gets all the aggro for me
  • Armstech crafting bonus


That said if i was a dps/tank i would probably use Mako.


All of this +1 with an addition Blizz has a ROCKET LAUNCHA!!! :D

Blizz makes a great Bodguard companion

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Tank companions are very needy in regards to gear. DPS companions too, really. Healers are fine in random greens. Tanks? Not so much. Once you start putting your companions in the leftover loot from HM flashpoints, you'll see a huge spike in their performance.
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priorty number one , get him geared. you cant expect the wee guy to tank well if all he has is green gear. As soon as you get him buy a helmet , ears yada yada from the auction house , learn to back off and let him gain aggro etc etc Edited by Tocaseven
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He is awesome. Its obvious that you have not turned off the taunt abilities in his toolbar. Click on the companion toolbar - on the right of each ability is a little green square. Right click on each ability to toggle this on or off. If you turn off most of the taunts, i think i left the shield increase one, he will not pull all the agro. I luv him !!!
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Someone no one talks about is Torian and he kicks ***, big time. My best companion even against 50 elites. On occasion I use Mako for healing but with Torian I need no one else. Edited by RikHar
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