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Sorcs struggling with 1.2 PVP, we can help if you want to improve


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Well, without any attempt at causing a flame, I could really use help in a situation where you get charged by a skilled vengeance specced jugger, then pushed and charged again. Please explain how you would deal with this particular situation.


First off, this obviously depends on your spec, and I can only answer for two cases: the corruption-lighning hybrid and full madness.

  1. Corruption-Lightning: The most important thing to remember is to save your Overload until his Unstoppable runs out. If you do this, it should buy you more than 5 seconds when you do use it (root, plus you should LoS him so he has to run up to you afterwards). Secondly, if he ravages while you're rooted., you have time to cast. Either he stops his Ravage to interrupt, which prevents the last high damage spike of it, or he completes his Ravage and you get your heal off. Apart from that, there's really not much to it.
    One more thing: as a healer it is generally bad to use your electrocute stun on an enemy melee harassing you unless he's going to die relatively soon. Why? Because it will whitebar him most of the time, which will prevent backlash and the knockback from Overload from working. If you rely on just those tools he will basically never whitebar, so use your stun only as a last escape, or rather use it to help your team instead.
    I can't really say I have had any trouble with Vengeance juggs in this spec, so I just tried pointing out things I suppose someone could miss above. If you are having trouble with them and running this spec, perhaps you can try explaining more thoroughly what's happening.
  2. Madness: This is significantly more difficult. Again, the most important thing is to save your snares/cc for when his Unstoppable ends. Blow them too early and they'll be on cooldown when you can use them, which usually results in a gruesome death. Madness against any melee comes down to effective kiting: keep moving, use your FL when you have enough room and/or CT snare on him (don't just run, but work on optimizing your position and keeping him off you for extended periods of time while you damage him).
    As madness you do not have to be afraid to use your stun or even your WW on him, whitebaring an enemy melee who's on you is not as bad as if you're a healer. In fact I pick up Oppressing Force just because I use it so often to help me against melee.
    You should only use your Overload if it will actually be effective, which means either knocking him down from some catwalk or something when he can't leap up, or when you're pillar humping so you can use the short time it buys you to LoS. In the latter case, you should try to have Force Slow on him when you use it.


In both cases: be ready to purge his slow as soon as it will buy you some space.


There's one more thing that's related to this question: it's very important for a sorcerer to have enough Endurance to survive someone's opening with more than a sliver of health. If we can survive the enemy burst with a decent amount, we can usually survive completely. That is how our class works. Don't overdo it, but it's something to think about.

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I play a lightning/madness hybrid.

Heal while ravage will not work, since I would have to pray for a crit and still would not heal for half the damage that causes. The reason why a mentioned a juggernaut in vengeance is that a friend of mine plays it and I find it to be the most frustrating opponent to kite.

Thank you for that exhaustive post, I really appreciate it, but I have naturally tried everything that is mentioned (with the exception of the heal) + chemical sludge grenades, applying DoT when whirlwinded, fake casting CD or FL to be able to pull off the Relic + Recklesness combo, slowing and forcespeed kiting around a building and the best result I could get was throwing him down to 50% Hp.

What you also need to realise is the fact, that his force push refreshes his jump, which in turn gives him a double duration of his immunities, which gives him 10seconds during which it is almost impossible to do anything against him, especially if he is good and keeps his stun in reserve for the moment I try to force speed out of reach.

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Won by the skin of your teeth?

The enemy team had 8 kills and more leavers than I can count, did not plant a single charge and you planted your first with 5 mins 22secs to go.

Your 500k healing is nice, but considering the dmg the opposing team did, they probably did not even try and focus you. Hardly something to brag about, especially in a topic where someone's intention is to share his expertise with the rest of us, clueless nubs :)


That's not me, it's a guildie. Regardless, people saying Sorcerors are broken aren't playing properly. There were numerous occasions in that wz where the enemy almost had planted the charge and 1 occasion they did, and I disarmed it. Regardless, 1k hps with only 1 other healer on our team in patch 1.2 is something to be marvelled at imo. No longer are you guys the DI spamming class you once were, and people need to learn to adapt their playstyle as the situation demands.

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Electric Binding + Backlash


Take your time, don't panic, wait the 4 sec for the buff to end -Jugg- and then knock him back and leave. If you are assuming the other guy knows what he is doing just leave, you have no chance inside a WZ.


Edit: By leave I mean leave the guy under CC and get distance not leave WZ lol

Edited by Cempa
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I play a lightning/madness hybrid.

Heal while ravage will not work, since I would have to pray for a crit and still would not heal for half the damage that causes. The reason why a mentioned a juggernaut in vengeance is that a friend of mine plays it and I find it to be the most frustrating opponent to kite.

Thank you for that exhaustive post, I really appreciate it, but I have naturally tried everything that is mentioned (with the exception of the heal) + chemical sludge grenades, applying DoT when whirlwinded, fake casting CD or FL to be able to pull off the Relic + Recklesness combo, slowing and forcespeed kiting around a building and the best result I could get was throwing him down to 50% Hp.

What you also need to realise is the fact, that his force push refreshes his jump, which in turn gives him a double duration of his immunities, which gives him 10seconds during which it is almost impossible to do anything against him, especially if he is good and keeps his stun in reserve for the moment I try to force speed out of reach.

Ok, I have not played corruption-madness myself specifically because I can see it having trouble dealing with certain melee enemies. _Minmaxer_ is fond of it though, so if we're lucky he has some useful advice.


Secondly, while one heal may not outheal his ravage, you have a steadier stream of heals than his damage, so the point is to survive his high damage skills.


Thirdly, I am well aware that force push refreshes his jump, which gives him a total of 8 seconds of immunity. As I said, I haven't played the spec you're playing, but as a corruption-lightning hybrid that's not really that big of a deal. I have no real trouble surviving through that.


I'm sure you're aware of that the relic/adrenal are useful even if you can't get reckless DIs off, but I thought I'd point it out to anyone else reading so no one gets that wrong.


Lastly, I'll just make it clear that when I'm talking about the corruption-lightning hybrid I'm not concerned with actually killing him. That's a dedicated healing spec, so as long as I survive and have time to throw heals on my team I'm happy.


EDIT: Ok, I just noticed you said Lighting-Madness, boy do I feel stupid now. Anyway, I don't really know more about that than I know about Corruption-Madness, but I can see how it would be difficult. It's just not a spec I would use, at the current state of the game. I have had good experience with Madness or Corruption-Lightning, and I know some have had similarly good experience with Corruption-Madness, so perhaps you could try a different spec?

Edited by Heimur
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Demon Hunter is rather fun if you're a fan of kiting.


Waiting to play Wizard and Witch Doctor.


Completed Act I with a witchdoctor yesterday...was very fun. Trying monk next hehe. I've completely written off SWTOR until I hear that they've un-nerfed Sorcs in some manner. PvE is toatlly do-able, but PvP is a ripe mess and will only go completely hot garbage once it's time for ranked/rated WZs if nothing changes.

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That's not me, it's a guildie. Regardless, people saying Sorcerors are broken aren't playing properly. There were numerous occasions in that wz where the enemy almost had planted the charge and 1 occasion they did, and I disarmed it. Regardless, 1k hps with only 1 other healer on our team in patch 1.2 is something to be marvelled at imo. No longer are you guys the DI spamming class you once were, and people need to learn to adapt their playstyle as the situation demands.


You just proved his point. No Sorc healer should EVER be left alone long enough to disarm a charge (and this is setting aside that a sorc healer shouldn't be the one left attempting to do so in the first place). That you were able to do so proves you were playing a team of extremely EXTREMELY bad players who didn't have the first clue what they were doing. Completely and utterly clueless and a total lack of focus fire. You will NEVER get left alone like that during rated/ranked matches unless you're playing against a group of kindergarteners. Good players will have you on the death-respawn loop in no time flat and you'll spend 80% of the entire WZ locked behind the screen doors if things are left the way they are.

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Well, without any attempt at causing a flame, I could really use help in a situation where you get charged by a skilled vengeance specced jugger, then pushed and charged again. Please explain how you would deal with this particular situation.


Questions like this are the exact reason I made this post. A can't recall, does jump push jump give full resolve? Either way, don't stunbreak the push as the animation to get up takes too long anyway.


First thing to keep in mind is your initial positioning, try to stand somewhere out of their LOS so they can't leap you, barring that, keep your back to a wall so they can't easily push you.


Once they are on you, you have to create distance. Electric Bindings should still root even if the knockback fails. You can Electric Bindings and Force Speed to LOS and heal. To win you will have to manage their resolve bar(this is why I don't like exploding bubble), I suggest avoiding affliction so that you can get full value out of Whirlwind. I don't play the spec so I can't give you detailed advice, but some things to keep in mind:


Glowing shields circling them = immune to knockback and stuns.

Purge cures their snares.

They can't leap when rooted.

Practice casting Deathfield behind you while kiting. (Run, jump, camera turn, Deathfield, camera turn, run)

Resurgence/Innervate make us so much better (I think we should all hybrid)


Edit: Read one of your follow up posts.

Trying to fake cast is just wasting precious time, even getting 2 force lightning ticks is more beneficial. No one should ever see a Crushing Darkness cast bar. It's way more efficient to cast it off of Wrath.

Edited by _Minmaxer_
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Questions like this are the exact reason I made this post. A can't recall, does jump push jump give full resolve? Either way, don't stunbreak the push as the animation to get up takes too long anyway.


First thing to keep in mind is your initial positioning, try to stand somewhere out of their LOS so they can't leap you, barring that, keep your back to a wall so they can't easily push you.




Once they are on you, you have to create distance. Electric Bindings should still root even if the knockback fails. You can Electric Bindings and Force Speed to LOS and heal. To win you will have to manage their resolve bar(this is why I don't like exploding bubble), I suggest avoiding affliction so that you can get full value out of Whirlwind. I don't play the spec so I can't give you detailed advice, but some things to keep in mind:


Glowing shields circling them = immune to knockback and stuns.

Purge cures their snares.

They can't leap when rooted.

Practice casting Deathfield behind you while kiting. (Run, jump, camera turn, Deathfield, camera turn, run)

Resurgence/Innervate make us so much better (I think we should all hybrid)


Edit: Read one of your follow up posts.

Trying to fake cast is just wasting precious time, even getting 2 force lightning ticks is more beneficial. No one should ever see a Crushing Darkness cast bar. It's way more efficient to cast it off of Wrath.


As far as I know, after Leap they are immune to all movement impairing effects, including snare and grenade slow (and I otherwise love my 3min cs aoe 70% slow), but I might be wrong.


I completely agree on the exploding bubble, it is unfortunate, because otherwise it would be an amazing skill.


As far as Force Speeding to LoS is concerned, the Jugger against which I practice saves his cc exactly for this moment and makes me either waste my cc break or just stand there like an idiot in force speed.


I disagree on fake casting, that CD interrupt was one of the few times when I have managed to get him under 50% HP, since I could fire the whole relic, adrenal, recklesness lightning barrage combo without interrupts. Needless to say, he has not made the second mistake a second time. Now I'm better of just fake casting FL.


And aoe kiting, for some reason it seems that in SWTOR you can drop aoe directly behind you, including grenades and casting slow behind you does not require too much turning midjump, so I'd have to say I had a bit of practise in this.


The main reason why I asked this question is that frankly, there is almost nothing you can do to a well played vengeance juggernaut in a situation where you need to stay close to a certain spot (ie duel or guarding an objective), which is the reason I think the class needs to be altered to either to give us a bit more staying power by means of high cd dmg mitigation or some form of burst dmg, since we are sorely lacking in these two areas.

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Well, without any attempt at causing a flame, I could really use help in a situation where you get charged by a skilled vengeance specced jugger, then pushed and charged again. Please explain how you would deal with this particular situation.


After push, spam Overload (if you haven’t used it already). Despite you still looking like you're getting up off the ground, Overload will still proc – and 99% of the time, the jugger will immediately charge after the push, only this time he'll bounce back as soon as he lands,, then hit him with a Slow. Works every time for me.

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After push, spam Overload (if you haven’t used it already). Despite you still looking like you're getting up off the ground, Overload will still proc – and 99% of the time, the jugger will immediately charge after the push, only this time he'll bounce back as soon as he lands,, then hit him with a Slow. Works every time for me.


Yes, that would be the natural reaction which would make you waste two cds, since vengeance jugger is fully immune to any ccs and movement impairing effects during and 4s after leaping.

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Yes, that would be the natural reaction which would make you waste two cds, since vengeance jugger is fully immune to any ccs and movement impairing effects during and 4s after leaping.


Overload is not a CC or a movement impairing, it's a knockback - unless you mean this is also part of the list of immunities.

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It is a part of the list of immunities. Vengeance jugger is utterly immune to every form of control for full 8 seconds, which is why I find this opponent problematic and thank god that most ppl still want to see those big aoe numbers so they do not bother with this spec.
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I understand the reasoning behind these posts. Because if you look at the forums you become utterly depressed. So I appreciate the fact that you are trying to be possitive and help others adapt to the situation.




The fact of the matter is that we are, at the moment, a very weak class when it comes to 1 on 1 situations. And anyone who is saying anything differnt is either satisfied by playing a 100% support role in warzones or lacking the understanding of how the class plays atm.


I find it somewhat offensive to see people who lack the understanding of competitive PvP comment about how the class stands in the competition right now. It is one of the worst classes at the moment. We are being utterly destroyed by force-melee, powertechs etc.. If another DPS class are equally geared and knows what they are doing we are dead.


Ofcourse we can win some situations but with equal gear and equal skill we are on the recieving end atm.

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As far as I know, after Leap they are immune to all movement impairing effects, including snare and grenade slow (and I otherwise love my 3min cs aoe 70% slow), but I might be wrong.


I completely agree on the exploding bubble, it is unfortunate, because otherwise it would be an amazing skill.


As far as Force Speeding to LoS is concerned, the Jugger against which I practice saves his cc exactly for this moment and makes me either waste my cc break or just stand there like an idiot in force speed.


I disagree on fake casting, that CD interrupt was one of the few times when I have managed to get him under 50% HP, since I could fire the whole relic, adrenal, recklesness lightning barrage combo without interrupts. Needless to say, he has not made the second mistake a second time. Now I'm better of just fake casting FL.


And aoe kiting, for some reason it seems that in SWTOR you can drop aoe directly behind you, including grenades and casting slow behind you does not require too much turning midjump, so I'd have to say I had a bit of practise in this.


The main reason why I asked this question is that frankly, there is almost nothing you can do to a well played vengeance juggernaut in a situation where you need to stay close to a certain spot (ie duel or guarding an objective), which is the reason I think the class needs to be altered to either to give us a bit more staying power by means of high cd dmg mitigation or some form of burst dmg, since we are sorely lacking in these two areas.


The dueling size area is so small that it greatly favors melee, but all of the objectives have an object where you can LOS and still remain withing range of someone capping. Does Leap-->Push-->Leap not give full resolve? If it does you should be immune to his stun if you try and force speed after. Otherwise purge his snare, apply bubble and start kiting until his immunity drops and you can apply proper CC. I haven't noticed their immunity affecting snare effects, but I could be wrong. This does seem like a bad match-up for your spec. If you are really concerned about soloing ability I think a Corruption/Madness hybrid is the best. It supplements our slower kill time with healing ability. No spec is good for all situations, so you have to decide what you want to do and spec accordingly.

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That's not me, it's a guildie. Regardless, people saying Sorcerors are broken aren't playing properly. There were numerous occasions in that wz where the enemy almost had planted the charge and 1 occasion they did, and I disarmed it. Regardless, 1k hps with only 1 other healer on our team in patch 1.2 is something to be marvelled at imo. No longer are you guys the DI spamming class you once were, and people need to learn to adapt their playstyle as the situation demands.


The other side didn't play AND the stats are padded.


Please, anyone can hit 500K under those circumstances.

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sorc right now is a great dot class and a great scoreboard class regardless of what ppl that don't know how to play that way think. However, sorc right now is a very boring and easy to play class along with a weak class in competitive pvp.


Long term good pvp mages understand that dot classes can look great on scoreboards and against somewhat above avg teams and below however they lack what is required in competitive pvp matches and fall far short of their burst companions in both skill required and ability to turn the tide in a good premade vs good premade match or even a close pug match with healers and tanks that work together (rare as that may be lol).


Also, sorc is pretty good 1v1 against most classes still so don't say that either. We have our weaknesses and counters but we aren't weak 1v1.


The hybrid class was pretty annoying to play as well and pretty easy. What I would like to see is an improved lightning spec based on single target burst. Until then sorcs will just run around spreading dots (consistent but lower dps) and staying mobile (keeping consistent lower dps up) and so many that stick with it will still win 1v1s with no healers present and still do well on the scoreboard. They may even have some people thinking they are good but they will never actually be major threats in a competitive match.


BTW my first 600k match was in cent gear as a dot spec. I made it after getting 4 extricate scores in a huttball match and no mvps. I got a bunch of mvps that 600k match and then went back to my previous spec. So I am not someone who sucks at it. All I did was fight a long voidstart with decent healing (but no cleanses apparently rofl) and spreaded dots around and aoe'd when able. As my hybrid spec (or if they fixed lightning) I would have done less dmg but I would have killed healers. Just one example but I hope it makes sense.

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I play 21/2/18 mostly and some 0/18/23. Guard is required. Sorceror's are utility ( I can live with that but most people can't). Competent will beat me 1v1 because my burst and survivability are lacking. With 18/23 I can still kite like a monkey-funky and can even kite ok in the other spec. If you are pugging and are not with a reliable pealer (either because they are: bad, don't like you, or you are not doing anything to help them- extricates, purge, shield, cc enemy when their in a sling usually gets enough attention and cred that you will get peels).


Find a tank type, follow that person like a shadow, profit .


Don't be a solo hero you will just end up at a spawn point. Be in the right position on the map. Don't get angry. Dot targets before letting them see lightning if there is time. Keep moving. I switched to more Dark Heals than Dark Infusion (too much burst and too slow). Dark infusion can maybe used to get your partner back into fight I generally make sure they are at 35% first.


Also, focus on objectives and cast to help others even if you have to sit in some damage. Then either force speed away to Los or die but keep the stronger class up ahead of yourself.



That's about all the generic advise I can offer. Oh, lightning looks cooler than pebbles.

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Practice casting Deathfield behind you while kiting. (Run, jump, camera turn, Deathfield, camera turn, run)


You didn't realize that if you turn off smart camera, your camera angle doesn't snap back to forward view? I'm not trying to rain on your pro-tips thread. Like I said in my other thread where you were hitting us with the skinny on sorcs, I have no clue if you are a good player like you and your friends (in that thread you linked to us) claim, but let me just throw this out there because it is a very basic but important tip for pvp'ing for sorcs and really any toon. Despite my very slight sarcasm, this really is a very important pvp tip...


Hint: Go to preferences, controls, camera and uncheck smart camera.


Turn it off and you don't need to jump and camera turn in order to cast deathfield behind you. All you need to do is turn your camera around while continuing to run forward to cast deathfield behind you. You gain so much more control by doing this. Even better, you have total control of your camera angle at all times because it will never snap back to forward view!.


The only time you should ever need to jump-turn-cast is for spells that require you to face the enemy...Electrocute is one example if I remember correctly. Camera control is one of the most basic yet important aspects to seeing the map. If you aren't doing this already, I guarantee you will notice a big improvement on seeing enemies behind you, casting behind you while continuing to move forward, etc. It takes a little bit more work to control your camera if you've relied on it snapping forward this whole time, but in return you can keep an eye on bad guys behind and to the sides of you much easier.


edit: Ok, I'm not going to post anymore. I was supposed to stop after my post in that other thread. This is too good of a tip to not post though; i just assumed every uber pvp'er did this because you are at a big disadvantage if you can't control the camera 100% of the time. In addition, having the damn camera snap forward all the time is annoying. See stafaureus, I posted a tip here so please don't post your garbage in my sorc healing thread and get it deleted. I have fun reading what people write about top-notch sorc play there.

Edited by Genttry
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Omg. The OP didn't even know to turn smart camera off to kite cast and get a better view of the field? And this knucklhead is still in other threads posting tips. LMAO. This is what I am talking about, the difference between posers and gladiators in the other thread. Seriosuly, jump turn cast deathfield, lmao. Oh well, at least we have more insight into the kind of player offering us help lol.
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You didn't realize that if you turn off smart camera, your camera angle doesn't snap back to forward view? I'm not trying to rain on your pro-tips thread. Like I said in my other thread where you were hitting us with the skinny on sorcs, I have no clue if you are a good player like you and your friends (in that thread you linked to us) claim, but let me just throw this out there because it is a very basic but important tip for pvp'ing for sorcs and really any toon. Despite my very slight sarcasm, this really is a very important pvp tip...


Hint: Go to preferences, controls, camera and uncheck smart camera.


Turn it off and you don't need to jump and camera turn in order to cast deathfield behind you. All you need to do is turn your camera around while continuing to run forward to cast deathfield behind you. You gain so much more control by doing this. Even better, you have total control of your camera angle at all times because it will never snap back to forward view!.


The only time you should ever need to jump-turn-cast is for spells that require you to face the enemy...Electrocute is one example if I remember correctly. Camera control is one of the most basic yet important aspects to seeing the map. If you aren't doing this already, I guarantee you will notice a big improvement on seeing enemies behind you, casting behind you while continuing to move forward, etc. It takes a little bit more work to control your camera if you've relied on it snapping forward this whole time, but in return you can keep an eye on bad guys behind and to the sides of you much easier.


edit: Ok, I'm not going to post anymore. I was supposed to stop after my post in that other thread. This is too good of a tip to not post though; i just assumed every uber pvp'er did this because you are at a big disadvantage if you can't control the camera 100% of the time. In addition, having the damn camera snap forward all the time is annoying. See stafaureus, I posted a tip here so please don't post your garbage in my sorc healing thread and get it deleted. I have fun reading what people write about top-notch sorc play there.


I have toyed with the smart camera setting and played without it for a while, but I prefer the snap back feature. I like to have my camera return to the "previous view" after mouse looking, generally there is a reason I was looking that way to begin with. It also didn't fix the bug where the camera will randomly snap to looking at the sky, which is all kinds of rage inducing. The jump turn for death field is not strictly required (though I seem to recall funny things happening when trying to mouse look and click on the ground for the gtaoe, might depend on keybinds), but the jump/turn skill is still useful for Force Slow, Shock, Electrocute, and Whirlwind.


I would say the smart camera feature is all a matter of player preference, and probably all depends on what game you learned to pvp in. I don't care how people do it, as long people look behind themselves(far too many nodes get capped by stealthers sneaking behind).


Glad you raised the point as its one of the things I take for granted as I have been doing it for so long. Feel free to keep posting, this isn't MY thread, I just started and was hoping all the knowledgeable sorcs/pvpers would contribute their thoughts/experiences.

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Omg. The OP didn't even know to turn smart camera off to kite cast and get a better view of the field? And this knucklhead is still in other threads posting tips. LMAO. This is what I am talking about, the difference between posers and gladiators in the other thread. Seriosuly, jump turn cast deathfield, lmao. Oh well, at least we have more insight into the kind of player offering us help lol.


I guess I am well and truly horrible for costing myself a few ms by jumping and turning instead of just mouse looking. It is certainly horrible that I am this inefficient when most players don't know they can even cast behind them. Maybe I should contact the mods to delete all my posts so that I don't lead any other poor sorcs astray. With all your infinite wisdom and succinct, thoughtful contributions to the sorc forums, I nominate you as my successor. Do us all proud stafaureus.

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I have toyed with the smart camera setting and played without it for a while, but I prefer the snap back feature. I like to have my camera return to the "previous view" after mouse looking, generally there is a reason I was looking that way to begin with. It also didn't fix the bug where the camera will randomly snap to looking at the sky, which is all kinds of rage inducing. The jump turn for death field is not strictly required (though I seem to recall funny things happening when trying to mouse look and click on the ground for the gtaoe, might depend on keybinds), but the jump/turn skill is still useful for Force Slow, Shock, Electrocute, and Whirlwind.


I would say the smart camera feature is all a matter of player preference, and probably all depends on what game you learned to pvp in. I don't care how people do it, as long people look behind themselves(far too many nodes get capped by stealthers sneaking behind).


Glad you raised the point as its one of the things I take for granted as I have been doing it for so long. Feel free to keep posting, this isn't MY thread, I just started and was hoping all the knowledgeable sorcs/pvpers would contribute their thoughts/experiences.


You've got to be kidding me. Just admit you learned something new for heaven's sake instead of playing it off as "meh." There really is no doubt about which is better for control. Hell, I will even admit that I've learned a few things reading some of these threads, although i assumed most people knew about camera control. Time to step up to the plate son, camera control is much better the other way with complete control whether you want to play it off or not you just learned something new too. For the simple economy of motion it is dumb to jump turn cast when you don't have to. By the way, it also lets you cast deathfield to each side and slightly behind with much more control.


Ok, you win though now. How can I even try to make a point with you when you think uneeded jump turning is a preference issue on deathfield when it really is about economy of motion? Or controlling your camera completely is just a preference over snapping back? If you can't admit you just learned something new without playing it off, then what has this swtor forum world come to? i'll tell you: HEdblhockeystix! oh man my hed hurts now, bye.

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