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PvE sets are too hard to get.


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Get into a guild that will help you out. Simple. You are asking for end game progression equipment but you are not an end game player. You need to find a group of people that can assist you, and you assist them.


PVE gear in this game is ridiculously easy to get.


People are ignorant.


I am in the most active guild on my server.


We run Hard Modes on average a couple of times a week. And at least one Operation. That is better then most guilds on ANY server, nevermind my pathetic server.


I have been a member for two weeks and I have done 2 hard Modes. The reason being the Rakghoul plague event , all of our Raiding time has gone to fighting World Bosses in order to get the Containment Officer Title. Next week when the event ends I will probably get another handful of Flashpoints in, maybe an Operation.


That is pathetic. This is supposed to be an MMORPG. There are only 50-70 players on Fleet, maybe 200 players total on each side per server.


Bioware is dropping the ball. Its not my guilds fault. Its not my fault.


There are just not enough people to support pug's or "Hard" content. I am on a first name basis with 90% of the players on my server. That is sad.

Edited by implementofwar
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People are ignorant.


I am in the most active guild on my server.


We run Hard Modes on average a couple of times a week. And at least one Operation. That is better then most guilds on ANY server, nevermind my pathetic server.


I have been a member for two weeks and I have done 2 hard Modes. The reason being the Rakghoul plague event , all of our Raiding time has gone to fighting World Bosses in order to get the Containment Officer Title. Next week when the event ends I will probably get another handful of Flashpoints in, maybe an Operation.


That is pathetic. This is supposed to be an MMORPG. There are only 50-70 players on Fleet, maybe 200 players total on each side per server.


Bioware is dropping the ball. Its not my guilds fault. Its not my fault.


There are just not enough people to support pug's or "Hard" content. I am on a first name basis with 90% of the players on my server. That is sad.


You get into raid, you do hard modes. Why are you complaining again?

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Hmm..kind of hard to do considering it is bind on pickup.


not the ones that are crafted, which is the ones i see for sale. I was actually about to buy a Col earpiece off someone (BOE) but he took too long and i ended up getting a Rak one before he got back to me.

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People are ignorant.


I am in the most active guild on my server.


We run Hard Modes on average a couple of times a week. And at least one Operation. That is better then most guilds on ANY server, nevermind my pathetic server.


I have been a member for two weeks and I have done 2 hard Modes. The reason being the Rakghoul plague event , all of our Raiding time has gone to fighting World Bosses in order to get the Containment Officer Title. Next week when the event ends I will probably get another handful of Flashpoints in, maybe an Operation.


That is pathetic. This is supposed to be an MMORPG. There are only 50-70 players on Fleet, maybe 200 players total on each side per server.


Bioware is dropping the ball. Its not my guilds fault. Its not my fault.


There are just not enough people to support pug's or "Hard" content. I am on a first name basis with 90% of the players on my server. That is sad.


No, that's your guild's fault. My guild is casual and we still do ops twice a week and do HMs nearly every day. Your guild may be self-proclaimed one of the most active around, but they're not really if that's all they do.


It's entirely up to players when they do content, not BioWare. There not being enough people for pug content is a valid complaint however.

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It is not that the actual raids are too difficult....its just almost impossible to get into a HM/Op. If you cant get into one...what are you supposed to do?


This is the first valid question that I have seen that everyone should be making a guide to help with. I was lucky enough to be in a guild by the time I was 30 so I have a group of guys I came up with that could help me.


If you don't have that then the first thing I would do is start farming Black Talon/ Esseles and running with PUGs. I'm sure after a few runs you will be able to find 3 good people who could make a regular team, hell you could even start a 4 man guild and look for more people to join when one of you isn't online. There are alot of unguilded names on fleet sometimes, looks like an opportunity to start something- maybe not something epic but something that could grow. If you can put together 2 4 man groups then you have your Op.


Now your probably saying that its hard to get people for a HM, I'll tell you what people don't want to see in general chat.

1) Spam. People hate spammers, if your asking more than once every minute then your going to be labeled a spammer and people won't wanna help you.

2) Attitude. If your acting all needy or like your the best in the world that will work against you, check your ego and your security blanket at the login screen.

3) Inflexibility. You start asking for a False Emperor run and someone asks you if you wanna do Kaon, why on Earth would you say no just because you got the gear already. A run is a run and there is no such thing as wasting time in a video game.


Late at night when the guild runs have been done for the day I'll hop into a PUG and run something, there are alot of good nice people out there, its become our new recruiting tool for the guild to "slum it" in the easy flashpoints.

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You might want to read the OP before posting smart-aleck responses that make you look dumb. Dude plays at least eight hours a day.


I wasn't even refering to the OP. I know what his issue, on all the time and can't find a group. It was in response to the post I quoted, that's why people usually quote things but hey, what do I know. I'm the dumb smart-aleck :rolleyes:

Edited by Lugosi
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Hm, with BM mods and enhancements and the armoring from dailies... doesn't that amount to the 1st tier PvE gear?

(I honestly don't know now, but they had similar stats before the armoring slot was unlocked, so I just pulled them out of the pvp gear and put them into my pretty orange gear. Who wants the silly PvE shells, anyway?)

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not the ones that are crafted, which is the ones i see for sale. I was actually about to buy a Col earpiece off someone (BOE) but he took too long and i ended up getting a Rak one before he got back to me.


There are probably like 2 or 3 Armormech's that probably even have the Columni schematics on my server. Chance in hell that any would be on GTN. That would require them to leave fleet to go find materials.


I would have to make an ALT and take up Armormeching, and buy the schematics msyelf.


This game is pathetic economy wise. The GTN is barren.


Like I said I usually play 6-10 hours a day.



We will get character transfers soon, and some kind of LFG tool, which I bet will be as restrictive as possible in order to make groups only slightly easier to find. What good is a LFG tool if there are still only 500 people per server? The population will be reshuffled around with character transfers and we will be back to square one.


Bioware needs to rework Flashpoints, and Raiding content, because its not being utilized. The gear only being dropped instead of crafted is hurting the economy. PvE gear has been an impossible goal for me, despite the time spent. Not even crafted Implants or Weapons are better then dropped gear.


The fact that there are people in this community that would defend Bioware on these points is /facepalm. its not about Population as it is about design choices.

Edited by implementofwar
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not the ones that are crafted, which is the ones i see for sale. I was actually about to buy a Col earpiece off someone (BOE) but he took too long and i ended up getting a Rak one before he got back to me.


You can get the implants and earpieces from doing dailies. The OP said ran the stuff for the dailies. You most certainly cannot buy head, chest, belt, legs and boots (which I am pretty certain this is what the op is talking about, maybe I'm wrong). Some of the stuff can be crafted but it is bop.

Edited by Lugosi
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Let me start this with saying that this is my personal opinion and that I am not trying to force it on you.


Running dailies is not supposed to be "fun", its supposed to be work. Why? Because if every person who hit level 50 was given a complete set of end game gear then what would be the point. Rare items are not supposed to be handed out to the masses like candy, BW is already taking rare items and handing them out to people who did not earn them, eg: SE Crystal. This leads to a dumbed down game where everyone looks the same and no one sticks around very long when they log in because there is no point to play.


Columi is good enough to run hard mode EV or KP, Columi drops from the 4 man Flashpoints, 2 weeks of dailies and your set on at least the implants and earpiece, and if your really dedicated armormech can make 2 rakata piece.


If you don't have the patience to handle that then you are not a long term player anyways and you are probably preparing for Diablo. I for one am damn proud of my toons. Level 50 sniper in full rakata,level 50 assassin in full columi, level 42 sage for crafting weapons, and any time I had to spend more than 5 minutes looking for a party I started an alt and got it over level 30 all to help my main in one way or another. Our server is not heavy during the day but it isn't dead either, we have several end game raiding guilds- last night there were 32 total people in Denova. My point is that if you really want it you can go out there and earn it, but the crying about dailies is getting old and if that is all that BW sees all the time, because only the QQ'ers are posting, then this game is going to be dumbed down to the point that no long term player will stay.


Cowboy the F up and git 'er dun.

I stopped reading after "not supposed to be "fun", its supposed to be work". If you think playing a games work, get a job.

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I play maybe 2 to 3 hours a night during the week and a bit more on the weekends...and honestly I'v ealmost got a full set and we've only been doing HMs for like 3 weeks. Granted I have 2 other friends I play most of the time with and a fairly nice guild with a minimum of 12 people on at all times so finding a fourth person is never hard...but hell since 1.2 its easy to get a pug group for an HM...are you playing during the low hours of your server?
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I have a job, thanks for caring. And you my friend missed the entire point of the post, grats to you.

I didn't just miss it, I avoided it all together.


And a job as what, seeming as you think playing this games work. a chinese credit farmer?

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My Sith Assassin started off with minimal gear with all blue 50s, and I played some PvP before 1.2 and geared up to centurion until I could run dailies with ease. After that, I solo'd the heroics (Stealth FTW :p) and pretty much got the purple mods in everything I have. I then played some HMs whenever I can and ripped the champion pieces I got off PvP and placed them into my PvE gear.


It's been almost a month and I have 2 Rakata pieces, 2 Columi, and 2 pieces of Champion gear. Funny thing is, I'm not geared for PvP anymore but I have 21k health unbuffed. Not bad for a tank if you ask me, though I'm striving towards more columi gear until I can get up to 23k health.

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What PvP gear do you have? A battlemaster set it super easy to get and is more than enough to run HM FP's and SM OPS.


Battlemaster is easy to get, they only take a week of farming PvP commendations (And there is a Warzone finder tool which aids you in finding PvP matches). You also get ALOT more commendations per PvP match then you do by completing a Hard Mode Flashpoint for example.


Rakata, Campaign, Black Hole, or even Columni is not so easy.


Hence the title of the thread. "PvE gear is too hard to get." Because of the commendation system (lack of crafting or credit buyout alternatives).


Flashpoints/Operations are impossible to attempt with any frequency because of population problems. Bioware acknowledges that only a small percentage of the playerbase even attempts to participate which magnifies the population problems.

Edited by implementofwar
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Very bad advice but I appreciate it anyways.


Running dailies over and over is not FUN. Orange gear is not very good. I have all the MOD's I need. I have the Implants.


Its the rest of the PvE gear that I cannot obtain because of bad design, ignoring server population issues, etc. Sure the stories are great and 1-50 is cool, but I want to do Flashpoints and Operations too.


Your solution is just join the status quo. Which is not going to get things changed.


doesnt matter, i run all dailies and have rakata ear and both implants, got even both speeders, so?

yesterday in fleet was 250+ ppl and i seek for any FP but lost island for more than an hour and nothing, and im a tank

while the BM armor i have it within 3 weeks of full pvp runs

i try to find ppl to do the world boses for the speeder, even in that its impossible, standing in fleet doing nothing but shouting dont leave me with much of choices to do solo things or lvl up another char cuz i want to do something

the game needs LFG tool definately

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All I can hear is ex Wow player crying that he isn't fully geared in less than a month which he obviously would be in WoW. Boo hoo, go back to Blizz game.

Never played WoW for more then a week free trial.


I played Eve for awhile, Everquest 2, and Planetside.


A little Dark Age of Camelot.

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Sorc in full rakata. Assasin in full columi/rakata. Its very easy to get gear in this game. Join and active guild who raids/runs HM and build your own groups. I am on one of the lowest pop Rp servers and there is never and issue making groups. Orange gear and daily Mod/armor/enc awards will get you started.. It takes less than 5 days to get 5 pieces of armor with full purple lvl 49 mods. Edited by Thegriss
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I am very frustrated on how hard it is to get the PvE gear sets. I am coming up on the end of my first month and I am still wearing "PvP" gear in comparison to like a Tionese or Rakata PvE gear set which is what I really want.


I play 8 hours a day which is alot more then most people. The problem is that it is IMPOSSIBLE to find groups to do the Hard Mode flashpoints. Alot of groups that actually run Hard Modes will not take a person in their group that is wearing "less then maxxed" gear. How does Bioware expect players to get into this gear when you need the gear in the first place. ?


Im sure it was alot easier at the beginning of the game because noone had the gear yet so more people were doing them everyday. I'm not blaming other people because 99% of the problem is server population it's not peoples attitude to crappy geared players. Combine both problems though and you find yourself in my position.


I recently joined the only real active "raiding" guild on my server, but Raids are only every few days. And sometimes not even that much. For example I have only completed two Hard Mode Flashpoints, ZERO Operations, and I still have not even completed some of the regular mode flashpoints.


I have MILLIONS of credits yet I cannot buy or obtain the gear I want. I AM FULLY WILLING to spend every credit I have to get this gear, but these gear items are not for "sale", Since I cannot run the flashpoints, I can never get the commendations for the gear. Since I can't get the gear, I cannot join most Operation groups or even some HM PUG's.


So half of the game's content is unavailable to me. I am seriously debating wether I should quit because it's becoming more frustrating then fun. I have lowered myself to collecting Pet's and selling on the GTN. And running dailies.




Bioware really needs a CROSS SERVER FLASHPOINT FINDER (Because it would hurt their pride if god forbid they merged servers). THey need to create "Alternate" means in obtaining gear other then collecting commendations. They need to make CRAFTING gear better because its junk compared to the set's (Even after 1.2).


Bioware is like the Soup Nazi in Seinfield. "NO GEAR FOR YOU!"


easily solved get a guild and run Ops..


I got 4 pieces or rakata on my Op healer last night alone doing EV hard mode.


HM FPs are worthless unless you just want to try to get that 1 piece you need or want the comm drops.


but people still line up to do Ops every single night..


went in to EV hard wearing all champ and some OJs.. walked out with Rak Pants gloves tunic and rifle.. and the car off Soa =P


I was the only Op ;) and flat won the roll on the car ;)

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