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Remove the rakghoul plague now

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You may wish to practice comprehension skills.


I have not yet issued a single Report in game to anyone; failed to react quickly enough when I was Griefed initially. I have encouraged others that are more Tech savvy to include docs like pics vids, etc, in their Reports for increased veracity.


I have known that issuing false Reports also is generally counted as Griefing, so I will try and insure this is the case when I choose to do so. However, if questionable, I will simply file the complaint to Bioware, and let them sort it.


Have a wonderful life!


My apologies; I could have sworn that you said that you've reported multiple people for griefing. Even if that's not the case, you've clearly encouraged others to do so when blowing up on someone is required for a daily.

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I have just had this happen on my alt i created specifically for the event that i was waiting to create till after my sniper, but long story short, 2 lvl 50s turned a 27 pvp flagged and then nuke me, i cant even get back in the area nor do the daily or my actual missions that are there.


there should be some setup in the game where if a lvl 50 attacks anyone below lvl 47 that guards drop from a ship right onto where the low lvl is and defend the low level and kick the shnell out of who ever is greifing, that will stop it instantly.


If you were on a pve server and you were not flagged for pve than that sounds like a bug and should be reported.


If you on a pvp server than if I am not mistake that will happen. (I don't play on a pvp server as I don't like pvp). So if I am wrong, someone else can clarify this.

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I don't see anything relevant in that section. All it really says is, "On these servers, you have the option to role-play as your character, and player- vs.- player fights must be agreed to by both sides."


There is no fighting going on, so that certainly doesn't apply. There is nothing there that says that anyone has to ask your permission for anything other than fighting. Out of curiosity, Are you also offended when someone buffs you without asking?


Can you find any citations claiming that there are safe areas? Or that in said safe areas you'd be immune to everything?


You can't find official PvP rules, because there aren't any.... the rules are the same for everyone, regardless of server.


If a Player attacks or effects another Player w/o permission; could be Griefing. And as far as Buffs; not personally, but I have had to defend myself in another game because of that., as some wish to RP illness and tragedy.


I have had some helpful Player spoil a Heroic+2 recently, when after aiding in smaller encounters, they chose to release their main opponents in the same location as mine, and I was wiped quickly. But these things will happen, so I Logged for supper, and returned later.


Nope; no rules or citations since the original Boards were wiped around launch. Still, we have several strong indicators of Bioware's original intent to restrict Griefing thru the implementation extant; eg; Corpse Camping is removed with the addition of 12 second Stealth and med Center evacs, no blocking, recent discipline issued for PvP explots, etc.


As I said, I plan to Report it and allow Bioware make the call.

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If a Player attacks or effects another Player w/o permission; could be Griefing. And as far as Buffs; not personally, but I have had to defend myself in another game because of that., as some wish to RP illness and tragedy.


Sorry, there is no rule that says a player cannot affect another player without permission. None. If you can find one, I'd like to see it. Technically speaking, there isn't any rule that says a player cannot attack another player without permission even on a PvE server.


Nope; no rules or citations since the original Boards were wiped around launch. Still, we have several strong indicators of Bioware's original intent to restrict Griefing thru the implementation extant; eg; Corpse Camping is removed with the addition of 12 second Stealth and med Center evacs, no blocking, recent discipline issued for PvP explots, etc.


None of which gives any indication that there are areas that are supposed to be safe from everything. Despite any evidence, I'll grant you the fact that pre-launch BW called some area's safe. But safe from what? Even during the beta, it was possible to die on the fleet... so you weren't safe from death. I would argue that the wording was meant to mean safe from being attacked by the opposing faction. Which again, is not what is happening in this event.


As I said, I plan to Report it and allow Bioware make the call.


That is certainly allowed.... I just hope that BW responds to you, because I'm fairly certain what their response will be.

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I can avoid PVP if I stay away from some places in the game..right? But if I was allowed to be attacked by the opposing faction on the Fleet...different situation alltogther. ( this is in response to your last response to my post response...hehe )


My point is...we should not have to avoid a much used central community place like the Fleet when a event like this is taking place...specifically the way it is suppose to be happening...that is a plague. The warning we get on the Fleet PA is telling us to avoid Tatoonie..now that makes sense. Even there the concept the Tatoonie space port is not locked down tite..is not well designed.


use a damn vaccine god it last 5 hours and protect you from it come on dude are you this bad

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Dralanna;4074798]Sorry, there is no rule that says a player cannot affect another player without permission. None. If you can find one, I'd like to see it. Technically speaking, there isn't any rule that says a player cannot attack another player without permission even on a PvE server.


Player-vs-Environment (PvE)


On Player-vs-Environment servers, you have the option to role-play as your character, and player-vs-player fights must be agreed to by both sides or conducted in PvP-designated areas.






So according to this on a pve server you have to agree to pvp which means turning the flag on yourself which is giving permission to another player to attack you or going to a "specific area where there is pvp such as a warzone, outlaws den.


If anyone is using stealth to cause someone to enter pvp when they have no intention then on a pve server it is wrong and they can be reported.

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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Player-vs-Environment (PvE)


On Player-vs-Environment servers, you have the option to role-play as your character, and player-vs-player fights must be agreed to by both sides or conducted in PvP-designated areas.






So according to this on a pve server you have to agree to pvp which means turning the flag on yourself which is giving permission to another player to attack you.


in other news, bioware figured out how to make world pvp happen. also, it takes quite some time for the virus to cause a death that infects others. move/change instance/find a group

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Sorry, there is no rule that says a player cannot affect another player without permission. None. If you can find one, I'd like to see it. Technically speaking, there isn't any rule that says a player cannot attack another player without permission even on a PvE server...


This is covered on the server select screen when mousing over the server's name:


This is the standard server environment where players compete against computer-controlled opponents. However, if you want a chance to fight other players (PvP), fights must be consensual and in designated areas of the world.


Now I agree that we can get all semantical about the word "fight" and say that merely flagging someone doesn't necessarily lead to a fight but let's not get nitpicky. There is definitely in the server defintion the caveat that says that PvP MUST be consensual.

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in other news, bioware figured out how to make world pvp happen. also, it takes quite some time for the virus to cause a death that infects others. move/change instance/find a group


And in this late breaking update: It's a silly thing to change a ruleset on a server in mid-game, so to speak, and not expect that those for whom that ruleset may very well have been the MAIN reason for choosing said server (to avoid PvP unless specifically desired) take exception.


Pretty simple...PvP for those who want it is available on PvP servers AND on PvE servers with consent (and that is not via an event mechanic that forces flagging nor exploits). On PvE servers no action should be required to avoid PvP aside from selecting a PvE server. None.

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And in this late breaking update: It's a silly thing to change a ruleset on a server in mid-game, so to speak, and not expect that those for whom that ruleset may very well have been the MAIN reason for choosing said server (to avoid PvP unless specifically desired) take exception.


Pretty simple...PvP for those who want it is available on PvP servers AND on PvE servers with consent (and that is not via an event mechanic that forces flagging nor exploits). On PvE servers no action should be required to avoid PvP aside from selecting a PvE server. None.


so its ok to run into a designated pvp zone on a pve server and not expect to get attacked?


unfortunate bug is unfortunate bug. the event ends in 3 days, shall we argue semantics? or get on with playing the game.

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so its ok to run into a designated pvp zone on a pve server and not expect to get attacked?


Don't think you're listening too well, here. If I am on a PvE server and I choose to run into a PvP-designated area (such as Outlaw's Den) then I accept that the PvP flag will go on and it's game on. The VERY important words here are "I choose" - not someone else chooses for me. Who are you or anyone else for that matter to choose my playstyle for me? You ain't paying my sub, sunshine!

Edited by TziganeNZ
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so its ok to run into a designated pvp zone on a pve server and not expect to get attacked?


unfortunate bug is unfortunate bug. the event ends in 3 days, shall we argue semantics? or get on with playing the game.


No, nor did I say that. The Den, for example, clearly notifies you that you are about to be flagged giving time to turn tail and leave if you so choose.


As for your last, totally understandable that people who have been caught up in the exploit want to be very sure that BW knows that it is something they want fixed. Sometimes the wheel needs to squeak.

Edited by DieAlteHexe
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so its ok to run into a designated pvp zone on a pve server and not expect to get attacked?


unfortunate bug is unfortunate bug. the event ends in 3 days, shall we argue semantics? or get on with playing the game.


If they go into a pvp zone on a pve server they know they will be attacked. That is expected but they chose to do that and that's the point. They chose what they wanted.


This was in regards to someone saying there is no rule on a pve server that you get to choose if you want to be attacked or not. Really has nothing to do with the event because as I understand it no one is attacking you if you are standing around being infected.

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People need to stop complaining about the inconveniences they have to go through in this game.

I'm actually upset that I'm unable to play the game as this event is going on, as I would love to experience the event.


If in real life, someone who was infected by some plague came up to you, let's say a zombie for instance, do you really think asking them to leave you alone is going to do anything? No, they're going to still rip you to *********** shreds.

The one thing I've always loved about Star Wars is that albeit it being Fantasy and futuristic, containing many elements which are either considered "unrealistic" or "implausible", it still is the kinda world where you can close your eyes and imagine yourself slipping into.


Even though this is a video game, it's a Star Wars video game, so it's going to maintain the same attributes, just presented in a different manner.


Just goes to show people like to complain, no matter what.

Can't please everyone I guess. *shrugs*

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This is covered on the server select screen when mousing over the server's name:


This is the standard server environment where players compete against computer-controlled opponents. However, if you want a chance to fight other players (PvP), fights must be consensual and in designated areas of the world.


Now I agree that we can get all semantical about the word "fight" and say that merely flagging someone doesn't necessarily lead to a fight but let's not get nitpicky. There is definitely in the server defintion the caveat that says that PvP MUST be consensual.


You missed the more important part of the post you quoted:

Sorry, there is no rule that says a player cannot affect another player without permission. None.


He is right. There is no rule. If there were such a rule, I wouldn't be able to buff players. I wouldn't be able to sell my stuff on the GTN more cheaply than another person whom I'd be affecting negatively with my lower prices, I wouldn't be allowed to claim a chest while another player is fighting the mob guarding it...


There are many instances in which one player is affected by another. Yes PvP should be consensual. And yes, and bug or exploit that triggers a flag on a PvE server should be fixed. So excepting the flagging exploit, this event falls safely within the expectations of an MMO.

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Except there is a wolf; several of them, and some of us do not like paying for rabies vaccine. Plus, I for one hope the wolves are banned from future events if caught.


I think you are confusing wolves with cuddly puppies.


I think we all ought to start reporting the people who post on this forum calling other players "Griefers." I think we should report every single post that does this as it is disrespectful and rude....particularly when it is a completely erroneous claim.

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You missed the more important part of the post you quoted:

Sorry, there is no rule that says a player cannot affect another player without permission. None.


He is right. There is no rule. If there were such a rule, I wouldn't be able to buff players. I wouldn't be able to sell my stuff on the GTN more cheaply than another person whom I'd be affecting negatively with my lower prices, I wouldn't be allowed to claim a chest while another player is fighting the mob guarding it...


There are many instances in which one player is affected by another. Yes PvP should be consensual. And yes, and bug or exploit that triggers a flag on a PvE server should be fixed. So excepting the flagging exploit, this event falls safely within the expectations of an MMO.


No, I didn't. If a player uses an exploit (exploding on opposition) to flag them, thus forcing PvP on them, that's against the CONSENSUAL bit in the PvE server ruleset.


Aside from that, interaction which does NOT cause non-consensual PvP is fine. I'm not of the group that is upset by the plague, explosions, "death" from explosions etc. In fact, I'm having a blast with that. My only gripe is that NOTHING should EVER occur on a PvE server that forces PvP on anyone.

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No, I didn't. If a player uses an exploit (exploding on opposition) to flag them, thus forcing PvP on them, that's against the CONSENSUAL bit in the PvE server ruleset.


Aside from that, interaction which does NOT cause non-consensual PvP is fine. I'm not of the group that is upset by the plague, explosions, "death" from explosions etc. In fact, I'm having a blast with that. My only gripe is that NOTHING should EVER occur on a PvE server that forces PvP on anyone.


Honestly, this is the only part of the complaints on this ridiculous thread that I consider valid. You should not get pvp flagged because someone explodes on you. That seems like a bug to me.


That said, it would probably be too difficult to fix for this event since it ends in a few days. Hopefully they'll try to keep this from happening if they do another event like this later.

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No, I didn't. If a player uses an exploit (exploding on opposition) to flag them, thus forcing PvP on them, that's against the CONSENSUAL bit in the PvE server ruleset.


Aside from that, interaction which does NOT cause non-consensual PvP is fine. I'm not of the group that is upset by the plague, explosions, "death" from explosions etc. In fact, I'm having a blast with that. My only gripe is that NOTHING should EVER occur on a PvE server that forces PvP on anyone.

Quite literally I expect (sorry couldn't resist)


Agreed, that bug needs to go, being able to flag someone for pvp against their will is definitely a problem.

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Honestly, this is the only part of the complaints on this ridiculous thread that I consider valid. You should not get pvp flagged because someone explodes on you. That seems like a bug to me.


That said, it would probably be too difficult to fix for this event since it ends in a few days. Hopefully they'll try to keep this from happening if they do another event like this later.


And so we are in perfect harmony. :)

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Quite literally I expect (sorry couldn't resist)


Agreed, that bug needs to go, being able to flag someone for pvp against their will is definitely a problem.


Heh, yup, although I don't go out of my way to explode on anyone. I did it once accidentally and apologised up and down and offered vaccine.

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I think you are confusing wolves with cuddly puppies.


I think we all ought to start reporting the people who post on this forum calling other players "Griefers." I think we should report every single post that does this as it is disrespectful and rude....particularly when it is a completely erroneous claim.


If someone is forcing me to take the puppy, then it bears Reporting; could be Griefing.

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If someone is forcing me to take the puppy, then it bears Reporting; could be Griefing.
And I'm calling shenanigans. If you were really doing that repeatedly, a GM would have reminded you not to report people abusively, and if you had continued, you'd eventually get banned yourself. So no, I don't believe you when you pretend you report all the people you see with the plague infecting others "without permission (lol...)".

What you are doing here is pretty obvious... everybody knows how it's usually called, including yourself ;)

Edited by Korrigan
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If someone is forcing me to take the puppy, then it bears Reporting; could be Griefing.

The only time someone exploding near you can be considered griefing is if it is accompanied by taunts and insults via chat or whisper, or if they've been following you around when you've clearly expressed to them that you don't want to have them near you since you don't want to get infected. That's it.


I too was sure that you yourself had already wasted CS time with reporting people who didn't fall into those two criteria, though encouraging people to do so, assuming that anyone would do that, isn't much better. If you actually convince someone to report people due to merely having exploded near them this person may get into trouble for what would be considered a trivial matter, if they repeat the action enough times that is. Don't think they'd get into trouble for doing so just once or twice, though that is still a waste of CS time.

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And I'm calling shenanigans. If you were really doing that repeatedly, a GM would have reminded you not to report people abusively, and if you had continued, you'd eventually get banned yourself. So no, I don't believe you when you pretend you report all the people you see with the plague infecting others "without permission (lol...)".

What you are doing here is pretty obvious... everybody knows how it's usually called, including yourself ;)


Some may comprehend; some may not read at all:


You may wish to practice comprehension skills.


I have not yet issued a single Report in game to anyone; failed to react quickly enough when I was Griefed initially. I have encouraged others that are more Tech savvy to include docs like pics vids, etc, in their Reports for increased veracity.


I have known that issuing false Reports also is generally counted as Griefing, so I will try and insure this is the case when I choose to do so. However, if questionable, I will simply file the complaint to Bioware, and let them sort it.


Have a wonderful life!

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