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Remove the rakghoul plague now

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this did not disrupt your normal play, as events are a normal part of massively multi-player role playing games, some might be optional others might not, as even if you avoid this you might loosely be involved, just sell your dna samples and move along like a logical customer rather than someone who wants to ruin the fun for everyone else and put red tape all over events to keep the hypersensitive happy.
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this did not disrupt your normal play, as events are a normal part of massively multi-player role playing games, some might be optional others might not, as even if you avoid this you might loosely be involved, just sell your dna samples and move along like a logical customer rather than someone who wants to ruin the fun for everyone else and put red tape all over events to keep the hypersensitive happy.


The hypnosis needs some work, as this Plague did disrupt the play of several.; many posts and threads confirm this.


However, for myself it was more about the discourteous rather than the Event itself. And no DNA; no deaths from the infection.


Only wish to ruin the Griefing. Permenantly.

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The hypnosis needs some work, as this Plague did disrupt the play of several.; many posts and threads confirm this.


However, for myself it was more about the discourteous rather than the Event itself. And no DNA; no deaths from the infection.


Only wish to ruin the Griefing. Permenantly.


I believe you misunderstood the previous poster.... his point, I believe, was that you can't call it a disruption of "normal" gameplay... as events like this are in of themselves "normal" elements of MMO games. A point I'd have to agree with. You said yourself that this is your first MMO, so perhaps you're not aware that things like this are normal.


One thing we can agree on is the need to eliminate griefing as much as possible. Where we differ is what should be considered griefing. Since you are new to MMOs I doubt you've experienced true griefing in an MMO environment before. If you had, I'd suspect your obvious outrage over this event would be substantially lessened.


Once again, your outrage is misplaced. Blame BW, if you must, but the player base (with some exceptions... like the intentional flagging of people) was only playing the game BW gave them.

Edited by Dralanna
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if it makes you feel better. the person you quoted as well as many others did this in the pre launch forums. the game wasnt centered on exactly how they wanted it, so it was DETRIMENTAL.


Heh, not at all uncommon in games like this. I know I'm not going to "win" this argument which is fine by me; as long as I'm entertained, I'll keep on posting.


...as for wz....it wasnt a huge deal. oh noes we have a new cc tool that goes off maybe twice in a match. a 2 second stun isnt going to get you killed, the part that got you killed was a player knowing when to take advantage and a lack of expertise gear.


Not sure if people realized this but you could remove the stun affect with an escape ability.

Edited by Dralanna
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...and it's GONE!


Now you can rest easy that your precious RP environment or whatever weird fantasy construct you've built around a video game is safe and secure again.


Sniff good bye my chances of my BH having the full armour set :(

Edited by Shingara
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Sniff good bye my chances of my BH having the full armour set :(


I hear y. The InnerTubes in our area have been all cloggy this week and my connectivity has been abysmal. No way I could function well enough in game to get all the bits and pieces. But...I did manage to accrue enough DNA to get a rakghoul or two and the crystals needed as well as share DNA with others.


I mean when you can't move, might as well join the PlagueParty, right? Heh.

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You are right in that there were, and apparently are many of us concerned of Griefing.


Given that Griefing interferes with another's enjoyment of the game, and the style I prefer does not, it is rather an easy choice. Or so I believe.


I want to congratulate you on keeping up your ridiculous arguments for the entirety of the event. While 99.9 percent of us had a great time over the last 10 days, you spent all of your free time on here complaining about something that had no negative consequences. You called everyone who played the game as intended a "griefer" so many times that I think the word has officially lost all semblance of meaning it might have ever had. Now that the event is over, you can go back to pretending there are no other players in this massively multi-player game.


What I find especially funny is that if you had just leveled your characters instead of posting here thousands of times, you would have made tons of progress while potentially never coming across this terrible plague that had no consequences associated with it. Instead, you wasted hours and hours making the same tired and illogical arguments. YOU are the only one who griefed you. You kept yourself from playing the game for 10 days. Bravo. Don't forget to report yourself to the devs for this masterful job of griefing.

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I want to congratulate you on keeping up your ridiculous arguments for the entirety of the event. While 99.9 percent of us had a great time over the last 10 days, you spent all of your free time on here complaining about something that had no negative consequences. You called everyone who played the game as intended a "griefer" so many times that I think the word has officially lost all semblance of meaning it might have ever had. Now that the event is over, you can go back to pretending there are no other players in this massively multi-player game.


What I find especially funny is that if you had just leveled your characters instead of posting here thousands of times, you would have made tons of progress while potentially never coming across this terrible plague that had no consequences associated with it. Instead, you wasted hours and hours making the same tired and illogical arguments. YOU are the only one who griefed you. You kept yourself from playing the game for 10 days. Bravo. Don't forget to report yourself to the devs for this masterful job of griefing.


I think the griefing he did to himself might be the most heinous and worst example of griefing I've ever seen. I've never seen a griefer do something that wasted so much of a person's time as he did in this thread. It really is epic.


Congrats to the most vicious griefer ever who has only himself for a victim.

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A few points for the narrow minded...


I appear the hater, but the event was, in concept, fine. I consider it among the worst events I've been a part of not because it didn't have a good basic idea, but because it violated several key unspoken rules of a MMO event - particular when it's taking place on PVE servers.


"No negative effects" - I was taken off my speeder more than once due to being stunned by the plague. I consider that negative. I was attacked by a mob while stunned because of the plague - a mob I would have avoided easily had I not stopped to puke in my stunned state. I consider that negative. Last, but not least, I'm not fond of listening to random puking. Are these huge negatives? No. A drop of water landing on your forehead is also not much of a negative, but look up Chinese or Spanish water torture... ;)


"You know you can buy the vaccine right?" - at a cost of 2k. My toons that are working on improving crewskills almost never have 2k until they reach max. If I have 2k, then I have enough for people to be out on missions.


"On my server, almost everyone stayed in one place" - Mine too, and had that place been somewhere other than one of the most traffic'd spots on the server (landing spot for zone in, and between the cargo holds and the mailbox), it would have solved 90% or more of the issue. Unfortunately, that's where momentum seemed to put it, As to the other 10%, yes, I was among those pursued several times by those trying to infect others.


Again, overall, I think the concept was good, but some finer points were borked such that, if you weren't all wrapped up in the event, you were pretty much hassled by it - not much middle ground to be had.


Suggested changes:

  • Make the infection require duration (essentially, make it channeled to completion). I don't think this has to be long at all in order to make the vast majority of griefing not worth it, and avoid most accidents.
  • Alternatively, allow an easy *free* cure in the early part of the exposure.
  • Put the detection robots that were in hangar bays at popular points in the fleet along with a few level 50 champion cleaner type mobs that would wipe out infected in the area. This is very much in tune with the story line if you think about it - the Imp or Rep forces would, of course, be very protective of places were many could be exposed.

Edited by Singsang
Added specific suggestions for improvement...
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A few points for the narrow minded...


I appear the hater, but the event was, in concept, fine. I consider it among the worst events I've been a part of not because it didn't have a good basic idea, but because it violated several key unspoken rules of a MMO event - particular when it's taking place on PVE servers.


"No negative effects" - I was taken off my speeder more than once due to being stunned by the plague. I consider that negative. I was attacked by a mob while stunned because of the plague - a mob I would have avoided easily had I not stopped to puke in my stunned state. I consider that negative. Last, but not least, I'm not fond of listening to random puking. Are these huge negatives? No. A drop of water landing on your forehead is also not much of a negative, but look up Chinese or Spanish water torture... ;)


Barely noticeable effect.


Like I said earlier in this thread - if all players could completely disregard the world event, then there is no "danger" perceived from the event and the playerbase will reflect on it as "a failure".


From the amount of QQ in this thread (and others) about the event, then the event was successful to some extent at invoking a perception of danger among the playerbase. I get that you don't like that aspect, but it is a necessary aspect.


"You know you can buy the vaccine right?" - at a cost of 2k. My toons that are working on improving crewskills almost never have 2k until they reach max. If I have 2k, then I have enough for people to be out on missions.


That's is your own choice. You could easily have done the Tatooine dailies one time and got enough stims for free to keep you safe for days of playtime, not to mention having additional credits for your missions.


"On my server, almost everyone stayed in one place" - Mine too, and had that place been somewhere other than one of the most traffic'd spots on the server (landing spot for zone in, and between the cargo holds and the mailbox), it would have solved 90% or more of the issue. Unfortunately, that's where momentum seemed to put it, As to the other 10%, yes, I was among those pursued several times by those trying to infect others.


One stim prevents all of that for 6 hours. The cost of one stim is less than the deposit cost of putting most level 50 items up for sale on the market.


Again, overall, I think the concept was good, but some finer points were borked such that, if you weren't all wrapped up in the event, you were pretty much hassled by it - not much middle ground to be had.


Suggested changes:

[*]Make the infection require duration (essentially, make it channeled to completion). I don't think this has to be long at all in order to make the vast majority of griefing not worth it, and avoid most accidents.


No. If anything, I would have preferred the player be changed into a rakghoul and then be able to attack players of both factions to spread the plague. The damage could have been minimal but it would have made more sense than just "exploding".


[*]Alternatively, allow an easy *free* cure in the early part of the exposure.


The cure was almost free as it is. The only change that needed made was to make it persist through death. If you are having problems buying one 2000 credit stim every six hours, then you need to learn how to manage your money. My brand spanking new Jedi Knight at level 8 has enough credits to buy an immunity stim. He's level 8 and has received no help from my main.


[*]Put the detection robots that were in hangar bays at popular points in the fleet along with a few level 50 champion cleaner type mobs that would wipe out infected in the area. This is very much in tune with the story line if you think about it - the Imp or Rep forces would, of course, be very protective of places were many could be exposed.


No. High level IMA_PWN_YOU guards wreck world events. I'll agree that the containment npcs could have been stronger, but not champion level.

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Okay all, I have been away for a month or so, and just came back to an event I didn't know about, so I apologize if anything I ask here has been said before because this is new to me.


I can see some rakghoul event is on right now ... awesome.


But apparently I got caught up in it while using the Galactic Network on the Republic fleet .. someone died near me and I'm infected.


I am not sure what to do. I read in the many topics on this about a serum, but where do I get it from? Is it worth it?


Should I just let myself die?


I'm not upset at the event or anything, just surprised why my trooper kept barfing when I was on my ship (the food isn't that bad)! Any help is appreciated.

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Okay all, I have been away for a month or so, and just came back to an event I didn't know about, so I apologize if anything I ask here has been said before because this is new to me.


I can see some rakghoul event is on right now ... awesome.


But apparently I got caught up in it while using the Galactic Network on the Republic fleet .. someone died near me and I'm infected.


I am not sure what to do. I read in the many topics on this about a serum, but where do I get it from? Is it worth it?


Should I just let myself die?


I'm not upset at the event or anything, just surprised why my trooper kept barfing when I was on my ship (the food isn't that bad)! Any help is appreciated.


The event ended last week. There are some linger infected players, like any real world plague. But it is dying out.

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I think the event was cool, ad the fact the plague is still around is a bit more realistic, it's lingering.


The only thing that does not make sense is the removal of the vendor - we can collect tokens still but not spend them, and that is pretty dissapointing.

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I think the event was cool, ad the fact the plague is still around is a bit more realistic, it's lingering.


The only thing that does not make sense is the removal of the vendor - we can collect tokens still but not spend them, and that is pretty dissapointing.


Removing the vendor is the only way the plague will die out. If you kept the vendor, people would still form plague parties to keep it going to farm DNA.

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cept on fatman.. as said if you PVP it becomes impossible to avoid it, which is keeping it running rampant in PVE as people pop on the fleet then infected bring it to the planets. Was just on nar shadda on my alt and a lot of lvl 20 somethings running around infected so it's still pretty prevalent here.


Getting a bit annoying actually, dieing on my alts during boss/elite battles, exactly timed, it seems.


If there was some actual short term buff (then maybe short term debuff before you go pop?) or anything justifying it staying around to "impact" the world and lore I wouldn't mind, but as it is right now it's just a nuisance.

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I am glad its still around. I hardly ever get the virus and when i do I blow up, not really a big deal. It is something that makes me feel like my toon is more interactive with the world around him and i find that a good thing.
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Believe the Plague is concluding after the next maintenance, based on a Twitter quote seen earlier


Staavis Republic‏@StaavisRepublic

· Open


@Rockjaw Ok, was just curious. Any timeframe when the plague might be gone for good?


Stephen Reid‏@Rockjaw


@StaavisRepublic Should be after next week's maintenance.

Edited by Elhanan
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