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Remove the rakghoul plague now

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Dude, He CLEARLY stated that he moved away and they kept following him. He CLEARLY stated that he asked them not to explode on him and flag him. He Clearly asked them not to kill him and didn't fight back.


THIS is a CLEAR case of griefing that was a result of this stupid event.


HOW could you miss that? -OR- more importantly are you one of those that claim the victim deserves their fate?


He also CLEARLY stated that he had a vaccine on him at the time. If he had enough time to move away and say "Stop!!", he had enough time to use a vaccine. Vaccine = crisis averted! Again, he griefed himself.

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He also CLEARLY stated that he had a vaccine on him at the time. If he had enough time to move away and say "Stop!!", he had enough time to use a vaccine. Vaccine = crisis averted! Again, he griefed himself.


I can avoid PVP if I stay away from some places in the game..right? But if I was allowed to be attacked by the opposing faction on the Fleet...different situation alltogther. ( this is in response to your last response to my post response...hehe )


My point is...we should not have to avoid a much used central community place like the Fleet when a event like this is taking place...specifically the way it is suppose to be happening...that is a plague. The warning we get on the Fleet PA is telling us to avoid Tatoonie..now that makes sense. Even there the concept the Tatoonie space port is not locked down tite..is not well designed.

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Urael...my sincere apologies, I went and confused you with Bulwyf.


I shall go stand in the corner for awhile and grief myself over this egregious error. :)


Seriously, ooops and sorry.


Are you going to infect yourself? ;)

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You people know that the vaccine can be used after you're infected right?


Yeah, they know. We've tried telling them that for something like 350 pages now. They still are unhappy because the stim doesn't last through death, isn't free, or they don't automatically log in with the stim buff on so they don't have to exert any effort at all.


Oh and there is apparently some way to flag someone to PvP through the explosion.


I think I covered it all. Nonetheless, a lot of QQ over a harmless event.

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I can avoid PVP if I stay away from some places in the game..right? But if I was allowed to be attacked by the opposing faction on the Fleet...different situation alltogther. ( this is in response to your last response to my post response...hehe )


My point is...we should not have to avoid a much used central community place like the Fleet when a event like this is taking place...specifically the way it is suppose to be happening...that is a plague. The warning we get on the Fleet PA is telling us to avoid Tatoonie..now that makes sense. Even there the concept the Tatoonie space port is not locked down tite..is not well designed.

Just use the vacine (sp?).

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He also CLEARLY stated that he had a vaccine on him at the time. If he had enough time to move away and say "Stop!!", he had enough time to use a vaccine. Vaccine = crisis averted! Again, he griefed himself.


Testa Dura.


*bangs head against wall*


Why do I even try. :rolleyes:

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Yeah, they know. We've tried telling them that for something like 350 pages now. They still are unhappy because the stim doesn't last through death, isn't free, or they don't automatically log in with the stim buff on so they don't have to exert any effort at all.


Oh and there is apparently some way to flag someone to PvP through the explosion.


I think I covered it all. Nonetheless, a lot of QQ over a harmless event.




This isn't like the similar event that happened pre-wrath. You have the ability to defend yourself against this plague. The stim doesn't cost much, lasts a few hours, and can be easily reapplied after it wears off.

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I can avoid PVP if I stay away from some places in the game..right? But if I was allowed to be attacked by the opposing faction on the Fleet...different situation alltogther. ( this is in response to your last response to my post response...hehe )


My point is...we should not have to avoid a much used central community place like the Fleet when a event like this is taking place...specifically the way it is suppose to be happening...that is a plague. The warning we get on the Fleet PA is telling us to avoid Tatoonie..now that makes sense. Even there the concept the Tatoonie space port is not locked down tite..is not well designed.


The fleet announcer has been saying that rakghoul infections have been confirmed on several core worlds for the past couple days now.

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Haha! I would if they gave it to me for free. :) I am not buying one out of protest the event was not designed right.


Out of idle curiosity would you accept it from another player and use it? Would that help your concerns?


I keep tryin' to give mine away and nobody wants it. :confused:

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Out of idle curiosity would you accept it from another player and use it? Would that help your concerns?


I keep tryin' to give mine away and nobody wants it. :confused:


lol! I guess I would. But that would defeat the purpose of the protest would'nt it?

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lol! I guess I would. But that would defeat the purpose of the protest would'nt it?


I don't think I've bought a single stim. I get like 5 of them a day from doing the Tatooine dailies. I've gave them to guildmates to cure off the infection before our raids.


I have /general filtered off but if I heard someone asking for one on the Fleet, I'd hand it to them immediately.

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The fleet announcer has been saying that rakghoul infections have been confirmed on several core worlds for the past couple days now.


Thanks..I would'nt know sence I hav'nt been on the Fleet of late. :D Tells me the so called civilized factions are failing terribly in controling it. If they can have a stim which prevents it from infecting you...or makes you immune to the infection...why would'nt they past those out like crazy in the first place? And maybe logic should have told them to contain it on the space ports. Would not be that hard to do. :cool: This whole idea of a plague spreading across the Galaxy without some form of space port security to check for infections.......

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I don't think I've bought a single stim. I get like 5 of them a day from doing the Tatooine dailies. I've gave them to guildmates to cure off the infection before our raids.


I have /general filtered off but if I heard someone asking for one on the Fleet, I'd hand it to them immediately.


That is cool. You are enjoying the event and wanting to take part in it. Nothing wrong with that..:)

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Thanks..I would'nt know sence I hav'nt been on the Fleet of late. :D Tells me the so called civilized factions are failing terribly in controling it. If they can have a stim which prevents it from infecting you...or makes you immune to the infection...why would'nt they past those out like crazy in the first place? And maybe logic should have told them to contain it on the space ports. Would not be that hard to do. :cool: This whole idea of a plague spreading across the Galaxy without some form of space port security to check for infections.......


Agreed. Its a fail event from the "writing" perspective.


The Empire would most likely scoop up infected people and subject them to scientific experimentation to weaponize the virus and or find a way to have Rakghoul shock troops. The Republic would most likely have bombed the site from space after seeing the results of taris. The whole event makes no sense. It may be "fun" for those that like it from a mechanic standpoint, but it clearly doesn't fit into the history that BW wrote in KoTOR or the ingame quest on Taris both imperial and republic sides. There is NO WAY that either government would blythy allow a pandemic to spread.

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Agreed. Its a fail event from the "writing" perspective.


The Empire would most likely scoop up infected people and subject them to scientific experimentation to weaponize the virus and or find a way to have Rakghoul shock troops. The Republic would most likely have bombed the site from space after seeing the results of taris. The whole event makes no sense. It may be "fun" for those that like it from a mechanic standpoint, but it clearly doesn't fit into the history that BW wrote in KoTOR or the ingame quest on Taris both imperial and republic sides. There is NO WAY that either government would blythy allow a pandemic to spread.


But, but, what about we sneaky smugglers, for example, who are very mercenary and would say: Buggerit and sneak off planet and become a TyphoidMary type?


Only, y'know, lots of us. :D

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But, but, what about we sneaky smugglers, for example, who are very mercenary and would say: Buggerit and sneak off planet and become a TyphoidMary type?


Only, y'know, lots of us. :D


You could try. I think you would fail. Besides..Smugglers in TOR are not actually..."smugglers".:cool:

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