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Will you take Sniper/Gunslingers in Ranked Warzone?


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You can do all your damage at 30 meter range, I can put out the same amount of BURST as I do at 10 Meter range as I do at 30 Meter range.


I don't know about snipers so I can't comment on that but this statement about pyro PT is just plain wrong. I'm sorry.


Pyro can't do ALL of their damage at 30m. A key ability in the rotation is rocket punch (or stockstrike for Van) which needs to be done at melee range. Also pyro NEEDS to do some flame burst (ion pulse) in order to be effective.


That's why the sequence of how pyros or assault vans fights usually involves starting the fight at 30m, diving into 10m, than melee range to stockstrike/rocket punch, snare, come back out to 10m and circle, than depending on the enemy's class/situation/health, either wind back out to 30m or diving back in to melee range for the kill.


Without the 10m phase the likelihood of finishing anyone from full health is pretty low.


Snipers, on the other hand, are built to finish at 30m.


So to say PT/Van has the ability to burst the same at 30m as they are at 10m is totally wrong.

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This is the funniest post I have ever seen on these forums... its like writing from a bad movie about gamer nerds. You know, the scene where the bully nerd is frightening the lesser nerds with talk of how bad *** he is.




Well when people say I apparently have no idea what I'm talking about, feel required to obligated to point out where I have gotten my experience from... Sure there was a bit (a lot) of ego rubbing in there. But the fact still stands I have a fair bit of experience across the board.


I'm nerdy and I know it.* Any other personal attacks you would like to bring up there Mr. Internet Tough Guy?


Extra points available.

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What competitive rated WZ premade would want an AC that has the best single target burst dmg, ranged healing debuff, and more than acceptable target calling benefits?


Whether or not I would take 2 in a premade is another question, but taking at least 1 is a no brainer.

Edited by booshido
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I am one of the best gunslingers in my server and i am sad to say that we are easily countered by good operatives.


But, like what most people say, gunslingers/snipers give utility to the team from a different angle. It is hard to capture objectives when a gunslinger/sniper is near any objective because of the AoE and stuns they can provide.


Taking out people should only be the 2nd job of a gunslinger/sniper.


It is so easy to take objectives when a gunslinger/sniper is around.

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I play all three parts of the trinity Healer ops, Jugg tank/dps, and Gunslinger.


I made a Gunslinger after I had so much time supporting snipers in 50 premades.


If a Sniper/Slinger is supported its only a matter of time before everything is dead around you. I’ve supported many other class. It was always very easy to support a sniper and not worry about him not doing his part.


So, then I made a Gunslinger to see how this class feels. I was stunned by the effect you have on the battle field. The first months I played on SWTOR I never played much attention to the sniper thought they were week. It was ignorance to say the least it was not till I was stuck on my jugg one void star, with my legs glue to the ground I saw sniper true colors.


I now started playing with another slinger when I can and when we bring a healer with us. hahahha Calling shots is what makes this class shine having a marauder stuck on a endless cycle or how about 2 marauders stuck with 2x XS freighters coming down and Incendiary grenades we own Aldrean mid and Void star. Shadows are annoying with their stealth but can be stuck in place for a endless amout of time with 2x leg shots.


Sniper and slingers are a fire support class if a melee gets 2 them, yes we can CC and run away fine, but u get a team mate 2 peel off and support you., in the brief sec the area goes back to zone denial.


Any melee class can be taken out 1 vs. 1 by a sniper or slinger. If you say no , then you do not know how to CC on your sniper/slinger. If you have never played this class and say no, you have not met a good slinger that can CC you. I can CC a melee for 30 sec. I can easily do enough damage 1vs1 in that amount of time. Only stealth class have a chance, if they can get a jump then it’s 50/50 on the players. I even met some smart marauders that stealth in but that like seeing a blue moon, kind of like seeing a good sniper/slinger.


What makes this a week class is dog piles; which premade do. The only way to beat a dog piles is CC and then calling targets, only Premade vs Premade can do this not pugs.


Melee in pug are so tunnel vision they never peel off but if a melee literally zone guards a sniper/slinger from other melee, now you have area denial and lets the slinger keep consistent Heavy damage.


"well marauders, assassins, pt can do heavy damage consistently better"

Wrong maybe the same, but slinger can take a melee out of the fight permanently and consistently with range CC.


BTW at the Guild summit Sniper and Gunslinger were mention to be the hardest class to play. In my opinion not really, but it is the hardest class to pug with and in my opinion best class to be in a premade.

Edited by IronScarlet
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They have their uses- they're great for guarding bridges/ramps/corridors- and can halt an enemy advance between doors in VS- can even give a free door to your team if you're lucky, which is huge. For huttball they can deny a carrier- and unlike everyone else aren't a leap target. They also do hit very hard- so while not nearly as useful as a marauder, they still are more useful than most other classes.


That said- I would never bring more than two of them, would generally stick with one- and having zero on a team won't hurt you.

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That said- I would never bring more than two of them, would generally stick with one- and having zero on a team won't hurt you.


I'm calling it right now, first FOTM-Build when ranked WZ's hit the ground with at least 5 Teams in the Top-20 of the World ranking playing it:


4 Sniper

2-3 Tanks (1 sin 1+ jugg)

2 Healers (1 merc 1 ops)

1-2 Support (1+ sorc)


1-2-3-spiking their way to victory.


basically no way of countering the spikes cuz you can't rupt them, extremely high DPS which is almost impossible to heal up, enough utility with 2 supporters and tanks to be effective in any situation and on any map.


The 2nd best Build will probably countain 3 Tanks and 1 Offtank with taunts just to counter this build. ^^'


This would even beat a team of 4 Maras and rest support/heal pretty handily :p

Edited by kickinhead
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Keep talking, I want another buff!


5% to the two best combos for 1-2-3-spikes, which are already heavily OP because of the lack of burstheal, which makes 10% more damage from the Slinger in a spike every 5-8 seconds and they already made well over 5k with their combos.


It's not the world, but it's definitely a buff to an already OP class in a well-organized spike.


If we had 4 Gunslingers on our guild, I'd list with 2 teams, one being 4 of them and **** everything if we get in the same WZ....


Really, do you guys have no Idea how to play together or how a 8-man-team is supposed to win a game and deal effective DMG? Just look at how much heal a Healer can dish out in the same time 4 Sniper deal up to 25k DMG. Even a team with 4 Healers couldn't heal that DMG away in time....

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They are probably going to be the desired ranged DD in ranked. More damage than the other 2. Less survival than a commando/merc, but not by much and more utility imo than a dps sage/sorc. On huttball, maybe their worst map objectively, their survival and damage skyrockets because of the catwalks.
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The reason some teams will invite a sniper is the ranged healing/ armor debuff. Pure and simple.


You can craft niche applications for snipers (like some have done in this thread), but, frankly, any other class could do the exact same.


The good thing about the WZ scoreboard is that you can accumulate data on classes from damage, to healing, to objectives, to numerous medal opportunities. When sniper's stats in those areas are benchmarked against other classes, you will then have the best possible evidence of whether a sniper is worth taking over other classes or not.

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The reason some teams will invite a sniper is the ranged healing/ armor debuff. Pure and simple.


You can craft niche applications for snipers (like some have done in this thread), but, frankly, any other class could do the exact same.


The good thing about the WZ scoreboard is that you can accumulate data on classes from damage, to healing, to objectives, to numerous medal opportunities. When sniper's stats in those areas are benchmarked against other classes, you will then have the best possible evidence of whether a sniper is worth taking over other classes or not.


This debuff is godlike. It cannot be underestimated

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I'm calling it right now, first FOTM-Build when ranked WZ's hit the ground with at least 5 Teams in the Top-20 of the World ranking playing it:


4 Sniper

2-3 Tanks (1 sin 1+ jugg)

2 Healers (1 merc 1 ops)

1-2 Support (1+ sorc)


1-2-3-spiking their way to victory.


Consider this team has between 9 to 11 members, one would hope they'd be able to defeat a team of 8 quite easily.

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Being a good GS is a lot more than just seeing how much damage you can put up on the leaderboard. Sometimes it is better to back off on dps. It just depends on the team you are facing and what is needed. And I have noticed more and more folks zero'ing in on GS/Snipers lately.
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Being a good GS is a lot more than just seeing how much damage you can put up on the leaderboard. Sometimes it is better to back off on dps. It just depends on the team you are facing and what is needed. And I have noticed more and more folks zero'ing in on GS/Snipers lately.


They're kind of like the old Arsenal mercs where if you didn't kill them first they will dfeinitely kill you.


But since some classes can still definitely kill them first, in an idealistic setup you'd always just take a class that can defeat them 1on1. In reality you don't always have an unlimited number of most powerful classes to access to, so a strong decoy is the next best thing. There are a lot of specs that aren't even strong enough to be used as decoys.

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My server has more than enough people abusing tank spec shadow/assassins. They counter my GS pretty hard. Other than those folks I feel I am more than worth while to have around for ranked and I will be there. If it doesn't work well I have a fall back Guardian at any rate.
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Snipers and Gunslingers are pretty potent. Had one finish off the last 13% of my health in one shot. Probably Aimed Shot


Edit: Juggernaut, 50% damage reduction, 22% defense chance, 38% Shield Chance, and 35-37% absorb


Not a whole lot of expertise, I think I got a 5% boost from it

Edited by FalcoLombardi
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