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Rakghoul Event Feedback - What was good, What was bad


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One question I haven't seen answered:


Was this just an event for level 50s? I never saw anything about it at all, until I had to go back to the fleet for something and saw the new kiosks. Even then, no quests available, no sign, other than annoying infection crapola, that anything special was going on.


Events like this work a whole lot better if people know about them. For me, this one is a colossal FAIL on Bioware's part due to a complete and utter lack of notice. Not all of us sit on our characters 24/7 waiting for the next warzone to pop on the fleet.


And if this was a level 50 thing only, why the heck is one of my level 20-something alts infected? If we can't play the fun parts, don't bother us with the rest of it.

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One question I haven't seen answered:


Was this just an event for level 50s? I never saw anything about it at all, until I had to go back to the fleet for something and saw the new kiosks. Even then, no quests available, no sign, other than annoying infection crapola, that anything special was going on.


Events like this work a whole lot better if people know about them. For me, this one is a colossal FAIL on Bioware's part due to a complete and utter lack of notice. Not all of us sit on our characters 24/7 waiting for the next warzone to pop on the fleet.


And if this was a level 50 thing only, why the heck is one of my level 20-something alts infected? If we can't play the fun parts, don't bother us with the rest of it.


If only there was some sort of forum you could go onto... one that would probably be filled with all sorts of threads about this event, and what was going on...


Or how about a search engine... something I could just type in rakghoul event, and have a guide appear at the very top of the result list...


I know, I'm not a level 50 either, and this whole week I was wondering what was going on. It wasn't like there was big glowy holoterminals everywhere begging to be clicked in fleet... and after a whole week, I never bothered visiting fleet either...

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If only there was some sort of forum you could go onto... one that would probably be filled with all sorts of threads about this event, and what was going on...


Or how about a search engine... something I could just type in rakghoul event, and have a guide appear at the very top of the result list...


I know, I'm not a level 50 either, and this whole week I was wondering what was going on. It wasn't like there was big glowy holoterminals everywhere begging to be clicked in fleet... and after a whole week, I never bothered visiting fleet either...


You're assuming that I'd know what to search for, before the event even started, or maybe while it was running. Most of us have better things to do than hang about on forums, or running constant searches for the latest info.


I know about it now, way too late to be involved. Other than to know that I won't be signing in again until it's over, to avoid the time wasting parts, since the lack of advance knowledge denied me the fun parts to balance it out.

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The random infected companion box is what got me. How could you set something like that up and not have some sort of contingency in place if you got the same companion skin twice. Or in my case, the same companion skin 4 times out of 7 boxes.


That was the biggest turn off of the whole game. What the hell am I suppose to do with 4 of the same companion skin? Cant trade them with friends, cant swap them for a different skin. All in all, that's a big thumbs down. You did not think this through Bioware.

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As today was the first day that I was able to log in during the event, I too am a little sad about the progressive dailies. I logged in this morning and worked my way through the first quest chain, reading every quest description and codex entry eagerly along the way. Then when I finished and headed back to the start area to begin the next quest, it wasn't available. Although I do really think opening a new quest every day is a cool idea, a part of me wished they had made them all available today regardless of how far you had progressed since it is the last day of the event. I don't care about not being able to get the set of gear, the vanity pet, or the green crystals, I just would like to be able to play the quests that they made.
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What I didn't like about it:

The event also punished casual players because of one mechanic, and that is the progressive dailies thing. There are 6 pieces of armor you can get, but if takes 6 days to do all of them. You can't do them all in one or two days because the game won't let you. You have to do the first one, then come back the next day before the second one will unlock, and so forth. ... so you essentially had between the 15th and 23rd to do them. That is 9 days, so if you started doing dailies a tad late, or missed a couple days here and there, it is impossible to finish the set of armor. Not a problem for people who can log in and play for an hour or two every single day, but not everyone can do that. This is why casual players are hurt by this mechanic.

... I'm just trying to point out how it is a bad mechanic that punished casual players, whom I bet are a large portion of the player base.


Thank you for saying this. I was thinking the exact same thing about the event. I am a more casual player and my two highest level characters just happened to be running the Tattooine missions as this event took place. I hadn't even finished exploring the planet yet. It took me a few days before I even figured out what was going on with the event or how to get involved with it, and after that I didn't get to play every day. I might get the whole set on one of my characters, but I'll be at least one piece short on the other. I didn't like feeling rushed to try to complete the set, but the way they gated that part of this event, I had no choice if I wanted to experience the missions and get the rewards.


The other thing I think they did that punished the casual player was to tie some parts of the event to defeating lvl 50 bosses. That's great, I guess, if you're level 50. If not, tough luck! Granted it's not impossible for players below level 50 to get credit for killing the bosses, but it makes it a lot tougher. There are fewer spots in world boss (WB) groups for lowbies - if the groups will even let you in at all. I did manage to get in one group and got credit for the bantha - basically by getting one-shot killed and lying there dead for most of the battle - a lot of fun that was! But out of the three bosses for my two sub-50 characters I got credit for one on one character. I didn't have any real chance of collecting all the event rewards for one of my characters, much less two.


I think the problem is that Bioware is catering too much to the type of player that crunches through the content as fast as possible, and not nearly enough to the more casual players who are in it more for the long term. My highest character is level 34 and I've only gotten as far as Tatooine on planets I've explored (although I did fight a WB on Hoth with my guild a couple times on one character). I don't even have a level 50 character yet, nor have I even enabled Legacy yet. The way they designed this content, it is as if they assume that everyone has a level 50 character or close to it, and that everyone is going to start the content on day one or day two, and finish it as soon as they can, and that is their mistake. I for one don't play that way, and I know I'm not the only one. This isn't even the first time they've done this (the 30-day subscription bonus for the Legacy promotion).


I personally think the irony is that they are worrying too much about the content crunchers who are most likely to drop the game as soon as they get bored with it anyway, while neglecting the more casual players who will play at a slower pace and more for the long term to more fully explore the game with all its planets, content and crafting and will stay longer. You'd think they'd want to try to incentivize us, but I guess they don't consider us to be as important.

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I don't like the Title tied to the world bosses achievments. Wish it were more easily acquired. That's my beef, and it's pretty minor, just a title after all. Having to wait a day to unlock the next daily is a pretty unfavorable idea imo.



my only complaint as well. especially when swtor is not very group friendly to begin with (ie, no lfg tool), tying the title to putting together ops with plenty of 50's in it just made it that more unreasonable. even on fatman, you could spend hours and hours waiting and spamming and never see any ops groups forming for the event bosses. obviously, i imagine well established guilds had no difficulty

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My main thought is that from a story perspective the event failed miserably. Constant warnings about the plague on the fleet emphasizing the seriousness of the plague and then they have a quest which rewards you for actually getting the plague, blowing up and infecting others.


It is just laughable.


Basically just another token driven lott pinata. Event? Hardly.

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I've read through a few of the beginning and ending pages, so not sure if this has been covered in the middle somewhere but ...


What I liked:

* Setting was good and the daily progressive quests were fun.

* Under lvl 50 you couldn't do the bosses too well, but there were a bunch of other appropriate quests for Tatt level characters. So there was something for high & mid level characters.


What I didn't like:

* Time period. If it takes 6 days to get through the progressive dailies, then the event really needs to go on for longer. There are a lot of people that can't play every day, and if you missed a couple of days, you are screwed.

* Standing around at Fleet with a bunch of others to get infected. BORING! It was the quickest way to get the DNA though. Next time, maybe lower the amount of tokens need and have quests that you can only do when infected/whatever. I would much rather spend 1hr running around Tatt looking for a cure to get my tokens than spend 1hr standing around in Fleet.

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What was good:

- The theme was really fun. I loved how the quests flowed. Most of the quests were fairly easy to discover if you knew the ballpark of where to go. I didn't feel like I had to go to outside sites until I got to the scavenger hunt sequence (which was fun but crazy hard)

- As a casual noob with no guild, I felt like the event still offered me fun stuff to do. No I didn't have a group of 50s to carry me through the world bosses, but that's okay, because I could do everything else.

- At least on my server, there was good community stuff. Lots of higher level characters would see I was struggling with one of the minibosses and help me squish the boss ("helpful" and "impatient" are two sides of the same coin, right?) And the plague infection tango was fun.

- The disease explosion thing? So amazing, I can't even express it. KABOOOOOOOM!


What was bad:

- If I hadn't been leveling on Tattoine at the time, I feel like I wouldn't have even known about the event. I don't spend much time at Fleet, and I already had breadcrumb quest for the next area, where I would have flown directly.

- I don't have any characters at or near the level cap, so I felt like I put in a ton of time into finishing the dailies. The challenge was interesting and all, but it took me a looooong time to do the dailies every day. Especially the sand people parts, because everything aggroed on me every time, and the respawn rates were kinda painful.

- The random companion customization box was I think maybe the biggest mistake. I'd rather they were a bit more expensive but I could actually pick (or if it could have had a way to not give you a duplicate of a customization you already have in, that would be ok too). WTT 3 Kiras (companion for a class I haven't even rolled yet) for 1 Elara (my highest level character's companion) plx...

- PVP flagging issues. I play on a very small, friendly PVE server and nobody ganked me (well, except when I asked them to for sample farming), but I don't think I should be flagged without my express action.

- That one part of the scavenger hunt where you have to either go through the FFA PVP area or deathrun through the Imperial town? Yeah, that sorta sucked (though that's mostly because I didn't know about the PVP area entrance, so I got ran through the town naked. Those guards hit hard, owie.)


Overall, it was an incredibly enjoyable event. Gonna keep farming DNAs for a bit and hopefully get my Elara customization :)

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What I loved about the event

Quest Related

I liked the progressive daily quests, it gave you enough to want to come back each day to see what was new. I came back each day to do dailies.

The fact that it was at level for everyone who participated was ingenious. If you had been to Tatooine you could do everything except the world bosses, which is great.

It was a great place to grind, if you are into that, or you could skirt around the Rakghoul and hit the missions only. I also thought it was great that loot dropped at level. I gained a few levels and tens of thousands of creds grinding these dailies.

The secret mission was a nice touch, and I'm glad that all levels could complete it.

Making the world bosses temporarily 50s was a smart move, although I would have enjoyed doing the final quest World events are a great way to throw in some variety for the level 50s qq'ing about end game content.

I really enjoyed the plague bearer event, and had a lot of fun with it. For some reason, I couldn't get it after the first day though. Making a vaccine so the qq's had a way to avoid the plague was also a smart move.


Loved the crystals, especially having level 31 and level 50 crystals. That gave most everyone a worthwhile reward since this was ~ a level 25-50 event. Also, green-black looks great.

I also enjoyed the two pets that were available, Pale Rakling and Red Rakling.

Story Related

I really enjoyed how this was integrated into the world. The news casts and announcements got people interested, and the ability to run around and explode on others was fun.

The buff events near mos Ila were also cool, and got people excited about the event immediately.

Codex rewards were well written and interesting.


I thought the pricing on rewards was right, especially since you got 5 dna every time you exploded.

What could be improved

Quest Related

While I enjoyed the quest chain, I really wish it had not had parts put into such high density sand people areas. While higher levels were ignored by sand people, I had to fight them each day. For future events, please consider avoiding high density areas that having unavoidable overlapping aggro like the mural, Reek, and passanger pod parts of the quest chain did.


While I liked the companion customization idea, I'm disappointed how they were implemented. Either unbind the customization so they can be sold, or allow players to pick the customization they want. I have several alts, but none of the customization matched up with any of my toons, which is a bit of a let down. By making them random, and bound to legacy, it made repeats an absolute waste of DNA compounded by the fact that the custs are 0 creds at a vendor.

A note on PvP

While PvP was not an official part of this event, bringing high volumes of diversely leveled players to the same area highlighted some issues with PVE server PvP. A consistent problem across servers was player griefing. Many high level losers would stealth themselves so that area attacks on an unsuspecting lowbie would turn on their flag. There are several fixes to this solution, one would be to only let PVE players with their PvP flag on do damage to flagged players. In that way, you can't have your flag inadvertently turned on by someone trying to grief you. If you want to attack a flagged player, you would first have to turn on your flag to deal damage. I personally think this is the best solution to the issue that emerged during this world event.


Another possible solution to the PvP issue would just be to let players turn their flag off so that they can quite PvP if they are being griefed by high levels. If you don't go this route, maybe consider having the flag toggle off after you log out. Getting griefed by a large number of 50s is a real pain, and having ways to get rid of the flag without having to relocate to a cantina and sit down for 5 minutes would be appreciated.


Some Bugs

- in WZ pvp, if you blow up you get 5 vaccines instead of DNA.

- there were several times my illness would get bugged, and in order to progress I would have to use a vaccine and then get reinfected. I noticed this happened most often when I used any sort of quick travel.

- after the first day, my plague bearer quest (which was at 8 of 10) was deleted. I was never able to get it again, although I heard others say they could. Not sure if it was a bug or me doing something wrong.

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My main thought is that from a story perspective the event failed miserably. Constant warnings about the plague on the fleet emphasizing the seriousness of the plague and then they have a quest which rewards you for actually getting the plague, blowing up and infecting others.


It is just laughable.


Basically just another token driven lott pinata. Event? Hardly.


Absolutely a great post and one which reflects my feelings for this event perfectly. Some posts can say a ton with only a few words.

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my only complaint as well. especially when swtor is not very group friendly to begin with (ie, no lfg tool), tying the title to putting together ops with plenty of 50's in it just made it that more unreasonable. even on fatman, you could spend hours and hours waiting and spamming and never see any ops groups forming for the event bosses. obviously, i imagine well established guilds had no difficulty


There is an LFG tool. You can flag yourself as LFG and set an LFG comment under the "Who" part of a planet. You can also see others that are LFG there.

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i thought the event was cool. the first time i transformed into a rakghoul and exploded was pretty funny. i also didnt mind the free income that came from selling the DNA samples. i probably made 300k off of mine, and i didnt have to put in any effort to get that cash.


i was disappointed that there was no mechanic on PvP servers to openly attack those that were infected. the news announcement said something to that effect, but we couldnt shoot the infected people.


overall i thought i was a good idea. it was one of the few things bioware has done so far that i really thought they did a superb job with

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Don't sit back and pretend to know my preferred mode of play, please. I remain IC as often as possible. I simply never make the mistake of assuming that game mechanics are necessarily subordinate to my own whims.


I can only go by what you posted. Now if I misunderstood you, then I apologize...but from my understanding of your post, you was telling the other poster just because he felt the event was not good for his immersion in the story, he had no real complaint and should not expect others to get involved with his immersion..is that basically it?


His complaint is really like mine ..which is with how the event was designed and our complaint then is not with the players, but with BioWare. By designing it in such a way to have a negative effect on the immersion feel for some players. After all it is BioWare which really controls the story and thus how deep the immersion is for us in the game.

Of course we ourselves do have some input into how we look at the game world. But such "immersion" can be affected in a bad way by the developers also.

Edited by Valkirus
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Oh yeah, and the containment troopers attacking infected players as they entered the fleet was great. I laughed so hard when that scanning droid turned red and I got swarmed by troopers.


Also having the KABOOM be free was the way to go. No repair costs ftw.


And I found it laughable how ineffective they were. :cool:

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Overall I really enjoyed the event, I enjoyed the fact that it added a new element to the game for a temporary period of time that effected everyone on the server.


The only downside is the restriction on the unlocking of the dailies, its great to reward players who invest time daily in the game.


I was unfortunate to not be able to get on consistently to unlock all the dailies and acquire the full set of gear which feels a little bit like a kick in the ***** for the effort that I did put in.

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So far I really enjoyed the event. However, tonight when I turned in my DNA I got 2 Kira customization and 2 Mako out of 4. I don't even have a BH on the server. I really hope that Bioware lets people trade Customizations beyond your own legacy because this sucks.




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