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CC Locks - resolve bar is working as should be?


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cc breakers are situational. if u predict stun-lock attempt - dont break cc untill ur resolve is full. when u break with full resolve - the only problems can come are roots and snares.


You are dead long before resolve is full.

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If you are Cc'd right before your resolve bar fills up, it will last even after your resolve bar is full, you are only immune CC that is used against you after it is 100 percent full. Good or bad, I am pretty sure this is how it was designed to happen.
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I got hours of vids but i din't find 1 single resolve not working as intended. To bad because i do think stun locks are game killers. There are simply to many CC, snare, root, knockbacks in this game. When i play as my marauder i feel like a ping pong ball.


This, way too make knockbacks and other minor CCs. I used tp play a gunslinger so i didn't notice the knockbacks as much. As a Vanguard now, I charge someone and BOOM, i'm knocked off a ledge or away from my target.

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If you are Cc'd right before your resolve bar fills up, it will last even after your resolve bar is full, you are only immune CC that is used against you after it is 100 percent full. Good or bad, I am pretty sure this is how it was designed to happen.


Your correct its working as intended.

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Your correct its working as intended.


damnit..pretty sad special with this INSANE TTK. Most of times I see my resolve bar going down AFTER revive while Im waiting at spawn area. Resolve bar get fill when you are 2 seconds to die..thats the real joke.


Like some people already suggest, they need change how resolve bar works. Few games does like this:


Every time you got one CC you gain a buff that protects you against that same CC for 30 seconds.

So if you get one stun you are immune for stuns for the next 30 seconds, they still can knockback you. But after that, you are immune too.


To keep this resolve bar system, they need increase how fast the resolve bar fills and lower the unbreak CC skill to 1minute asp.

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Just a question:


Im a full dps BM Jugg and some class are able to CC lock me to the dead or 10% of life. When I start try CC they just break every single one. E.g. smugglers and Agents does that alot. I have NO CHANCE to fight back. idk, I have a feeling that CCs are not right.


is the resolve bar working as should be? anyone else Is having problem with CC locks?


I have no problem to die, but die without even have a chance to fight back its pretty annoying.


OPs/scound have a knock down for1.5 sec, we have a 4 sec stun, a root and 2 mezzes 1 of which can only be used from stealth. The knock down happens as part of opener, if you use your cc breaker then or its on cd that gives us a full 4 sec stun, so it would feel like for 5.5 sec you have been locked. The key to this is eat the KD and wait for the 4 sec stun. As to getting out of your CC all the time we can only break 1 just like everyone else. However if we cloak, we can cleans roots, snares, slows, but have to spec into it.


But yes i too have issues with cc locks, esp against sage/sent combos,

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I gotta disagree with you there. If I am rooted I can still fight, I can stun you, hell I can pop a pot or use my defensive cooldowns. When I'm stunned I can't do anything.

Resolve is only useless as a JK or SW because the force choke/stasis apparently ignores the resolve bar. I don't mind taking the dmg but when the bar is full you should still be able to move.


No it doesn't. I can't force stasis anything with full resolve. You take the damage but you aren't stunned.

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the thing that annoy me the most is that a full resolve bar doesnt start the resolve countdown it stay full waiting for the next one that will actually trigger it.... but you cannot tell when is full and "wating for the next tick" and when is full and already triggered (maybe by an extra %) and it stay white but actually you are under resolve already


when you are under resolve FOR REAL it should turn RED


i hate beeing there and staring my resolve bar figuring out should i use the CC break or is not triggered yet it's only just "full"


and if u want to make it work bettre just lower the "cooldown effect" now it's 1 tick for second if you dont get CCed make it cooldown 1 tick every 2 or 3 second (while not trigged) and you will see less CC already

Edited by Pekish
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No it doesn't. I can't force stasis anything with full resolve. You take the damage but you aren't stunned.

I guess I'm seeing wrong or something. Also how much resolve does that move cause because I've been chainned choked three times after an operative stun.

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the resolve bar is even more broken after 1.2 then it was before. right now it feels like its not even working. im getting stunned 9 times in a row sometimes and thats just pathetic. stun stun stun stun stun stun stun stun


Decreased TTK plus Stunlock = Instagib. How is this fun? Resolve sucked before 1.2, but PvP was still fun overall, now it's just about killed the fun. :(

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I guess I'm seeing wrong or something. Also how much resolve does that move cause because I've been chainned choked three times after an operative stun.


thats the point. the resolve bar fills really slowly. also, the mez effect fill more quickly...Like I said, if they make resolve bar fill a little more fast and goes down more slowly pvp will flow better.

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OPs/scound have a knock down for1.5 sec, we have a 4 sec stun, a root and 2 mezzes 1 of which can only be used from stealth. The knock down happens as part of opener, if you use your cc breaker then or its on cd that gives us a full 4 sec stun, so it would feel like for 5.5 sec you have been locked. The key to this is eat the KD and wait for the 4 sec stun. As to getting out of your CC all the time we can only break 1 just like everyone else. However if we cloak, we can cleans roots, snares, slows, but have to spec into it.


But yes i too have issues with cc locks, esp against sage/sent combos,


well, pretty much more then two like someone here said.


also, many times my Force Push does not work when the guy is cover. No resolve full. Is that a spec too?

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as a guardian-defense i can use:

hilt strike - 4 secs

force choke - 2 secs i guess (without channeling)

awe - 6 secs in area (break on dmg)


the problem is, we dont have a skill that allows cc immunity, only resolve that is a cc breaker.

while some other classes have ccimunity for like 5 secs + resolve and cc's

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as a guardian-defense i can use:

hilt strike - 4 secs

force choke - 2 secs i guess (without channeling)

awe - 6 secs in area (break on dmg)


the problem is, we dont have a skill that allows cc immunity, only resolve that is a cc breaker.

while some other classes have ccimunity for like 5 secs + resolve and cc's


i dont think they need chance some class right now. But with this INSANE TTK they need do something about resolve goes. PVP right is pretty much goes throw 1 or 2 big damages, die in 10 seconds, revive and come back.


They NEED do something about resolve. PVP are really ridiculous right now.

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damnit..pretty sad special with this INSANE TTK. Most of times I see my resolve bar going down AFTER revive while Im waiting at spawn area. Resolve bar get fill when you are 2 seconds to die..thats the real joke.


Like some people already suggest, they need change how resolve bar works. Few games does like this:


Every time you got one CC you gain a buff that protects you against that same CC for 30 seconds.

So if you get one stun you are immune for stuns for the next 30 seconds, they still can knockback you. But after that, you are immune too.


To keep this resolve bar system, they need increase how fast the resolve bar fills and lower the unbreak CC skill to 1minute asp.


or better yet, ditch this POS system and run a dimishing returns for stuns, mezz, and root. cant even remember how many times i've been double stunned from having just used my cc breaker before death the last time. have to stay stunned for 8 seconds(or more), and then get rooted twice or three times right after that..


fun times in swtor




especially when the last fun time i gave someone. me and another assassin were defending a node on alderaan.. we had 2 incoming... i ran out. cc'd the first guy with mind trap. the second still rushed in, got killed. and then the guy who just got mind trapped. picked up a instant whirlwind for 8 more second. and then to top it off. he bit another 2 second stun AFTER that because of the spec into whirlwind. and then for ***** and giggles while he was still losing resolve after eating that 10 second mezz, me and the other assassin chain rooted him until his resolve fell and then double stunned him again.. im sure he was pissed off. but its easy to do when someone has just used their cc break last death and is forced to eat every single stun that comes at them because resolve only lasts so long and roots don't affect it at all.


fun times in alderaan





oh right..... working as intended !

Edited by Kracin
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or better yet, ditch this POS system and run a dimishing returns for stuns, mezz, and root. cant even remember how many times i've been double stunned from having just used my cc breaker before death the last time. have to stay stunned for 8 seconds(or more), and then get rooted twice or three times right after that..


fun times in swtor




especially when the last fun time i gave someone. me and another assassin were defending a node on alderaan.. we had 2 incoming... i ran out. cc'd the first guy with mind trap. the second still rushed in, got killed. and then the guy who just got mind trapped. picked up a instant whirlwind for 8 more second. and then to top it off. he bit another 2 second stun AFTER that because of the spec into whirlwind. and then for ***** and giggles while he was still losing resolve after eating that 10 second mezz, me and the other assassin chain rooted him until his resolve fell and then double stunned him again.. im sure he was pissed off. but its easy to do when someone has just used their cc break last death and is forced to eat every single stun that comes at them because resolve only lasts so long and roots don't affect it at all.


fun times in alderaan





oh right..... working as intended !


Quite possibly the first time I've ever seen QQ about WINNING a 2v1 situation when a person was on the side with 2...

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or better yet, ditch this POS system and run a dimishing returns for stuns, mezz, and root. cant even remember how many times i've been double stunned from having just used my cc breaker before death the last time. have to stay stunned for 8 seconds(or more), and then get rooted twice or three times right after that..


fun times in swtor


Yea, with diminishing returns you would be mezzed for 8 sec, then mezzed for 4 sec, then mezzed for 2 sec, then stunned for 4 sec, then stunned for 2 sec, then stunned for 1 sec, then rooted for 5 sec, then rooted for 2 sec, then your DR for mezz would be over and we can start from the beginning! That would be REAL fun!!!


Seriously people, you dont know what you are asking for...


PS. You lie - after mezz nr 1 you have to wait 25 seconds before you can use whirwind without filling his resolve, and white resolve protects from stun if you break talented WW with damage. I tested that, I know how it works and I know you just made up this story. Go troll somewhere else.


PS2. To make your story even remotely possbile you should have used some other class than assasin as example-only sin spec that has any roots is madness, and they have 2 sec root on a long CD, you cant chain-root anyone with that.

Edited by Kaarsa
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Resolve needs to last longer... your bar goes to full after being rooted like 3 times, knocked back like 2, rooted a couple of times, etc., etc., and the resolver bar just last for like 10 seconds...


Roots do not affect resolve, knockbacks give 400 points. You would not reach immunity in yor example. Resolve bar last 12 sec minimum, 25 sec theoretical maximum, around 20 sec on average. Get your facts straight.

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