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Rakghoul event


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Hi bioware I just wanted to take the time to tell you, This event is awesume. The "Single player Dailies" in tatoonie, the plague, the vendor items, you can tell alot of thought and love went into this.


Thank you once again, i am having a blast.

Darthsabreth :)

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Hi bioware I just wanted to take the time to tell you, This event is awesume. The "Single player Dailies" in tatoonie, the plague, the vendor items, you can tell alot of thought and love went into this.


Thank you once again, i am having a blast.

Darthsabreth :)



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Agreed. It really address 2 complaints people had (leaving old planets forever and not enough world PVP).


I've gotten some great world PVP out of this and it's being able to visit Tat again. Oh, and exploding on people is pretty fun too.


Thanks for some good times so far, BW!

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i am definitely still enjoying it. i really hope this is something we see on a monthly or bi monthly basis and not something that happens every 4-5 months.


i totally agree, if a galactic event like this keeps happening all the time it would make me really happy. i especially like the news center nodes in the galactic fleet.


Keep up the wonderful job BW, your team that made this even should get a pat on the back.


Darthsabreth :)

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Though the event is alright, i find it a huge pain, try'ing to get the infected customization, for my companion. 15 attempts and I still havent gotten it. 1 of them I have gotten 3 version, and i cant do **** with the spare version, as they are legacy bound and arent worth credits, so cant even sell them back. I have gotten for all the companions I havent gotten yet, and for those I never plan on making a char for. I find it ridicules, why the hell can I just buy the one i want, make it 40 DNA samples, in stead of this crap.
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Yes I agree that this has been/is great fun. I have 2 characters permanantly stationed on Tatooine doing all my dailies and partakeing in WB fights and occasional PvP (on a PvE server). Got my main to 50 about 3-4 days befor this kicked in and I started to feel stale with in minutes. I got bored realy quick and was not obtaining anything in WZs as not only am I not geared but I am also not very good. This has been a real pleasure amd doing the same thing day in and day out has helped me start to understand what to do with my L50 once this is all done.
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The event has been ridiculously fun. In my opinion it's the best decision Bioware has made since the game went live.


I've been really frustrated by some of the 1.2 pvp changes to the point that I threatened (for the first time) unsubbing. All of my friends have already quit, so being able to have fun by myself is paramount. The wz rewards fix and the plague event have changed my mind about dropping the game. Still would like to see something done about ttk but I'm much happier than I was.

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Hey Remember that time I went to the Fleet and exploded on about 6 people?







There's my Chris Farley Tribute

On a Serious note, Great Job! Keep it up


I think its a pain to be away from your cpu and come back infected. I guess i will spend all my credits on the serum to remove the infection. I really think this idea is some thing that should be a option for those that dont like it and so it wont hurt others.

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One of the aspects of this event that demonstrates how well thought out it is is that being infected causes almost no ill effects in order to allow it to be widespread but not ruin everyone's good time.


After a while you die and can just respawn where you left off, with no repair costs. And dying gives you a reward. Literally the only thing I can think of that could be a pain is if you had just used an expensive stim or something that is supposed to last an hour, and then your infection cuts it short. Perhaps there's something I'm not seeing here?

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Hi bioware I just wanted to take the time to tell you, This event is awesume. The "Single player Dailies" in tatoonie, the plague, the vendor items, you can tell alot of thought and love went into this.


Thank you once again, i am having a blast.

Darthsabreth :)


Im sorry to offend you this is plain out silly and stupid to say the least. I just want to play the game and be able to not worry about being away from the cpu for a short time and come back infected. Im sorry this to me needs a opt out or a option to disable the getting infected with this fever of virus. It is actually taking time away from me and a lot of credits to stop this silly thing from happening.

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I am enjoying it a lot as well.


So as to not minimize those frustrated by it, I sympathize with the comment regarding the companion customization, RNG, and a short event time. That is a bummer.


With respect to those who are frustrated getting infected, I think the 'one' thing they could have done better was to make the vaccines BoP (if they aren't already) w/ a cost that is justified relative to your level, so as to not be a burden financially. Everything else related to it makes sense. The vaccines remove your infection and then 'prevent' you from getting it again for 6 hours. If they were cost effective...or heck, just make them 1 credit for everyone and not BoP...who would care about that? Then it's really just a 'minor' inconvenience. "Ok, Ha Ha, you infected me. Buy a vaccine that lasts 6 hours. Go back to what you were doing."


But overall, very fun. I enjoy how there's a new quest every day, that's pretty fun as well. Rather than giving it all away it unlocks itself over time.


The news bulletin thing is a lot of fun too.

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Agreed. It really address 2 complaints people had (leaving old planets forever and not enough world PVP).


I've gotten some great world PVP out of this and it's being able to visit Tat again. Oh, and exploding on people is pretty fun too.


Thanks for some good times so far, BW!


I as well had some awesume World PVP today, it was a fight fest for sure. it all started when an imperial killed a low lvl repub. they were swarming the place \o/


Bioware you are the BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Im sorry to offend you this is plain out silly and stupid to say the least. I just want to play the game and be able to not worry about being away from the cpu for a short time and come back infected. Im sorry this to me needs a opt out or a option to disable the getting infected with this fever of virus. It is actually taking time away from me and a lot of credits to stop this silly thing from happening.


Color me confused. I'm pretty sure you listed in your own post the way to disable it. Vaccine my friend. Lots of credits? How many hours you play a day? One vaccine is 2k (free with dailies) and lasts 6 hours. Are playin more then 6 hours a day? 1 vaccine should last a day or two.

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