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How come Annilhation Marauders...


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Are suddently OP?


Patch 1.2 nerfed Annilhation.


Expertise changes, itemization changes, nerfs to healing and :


Ravage can no longer be interrupted, and its damage has been increased by approximately 15%.

Vicious Throw can now be used on targets at or below 30% of maximum health (up from 20%).


Basically no one survives under fire for very long in 1.2 aside from Marauders/Sentinels (99% dam redux buff for 5 seconds and camo). Damage as a whole got boosted in a huge way. In a 1vs1 fight, classes especially without a knockback or with a knockback on cooldown need to use their stun to block your ravage, which means they can't stun you when you have your defense CDs up, which gives you 5 seconds of tearing them apart. In 1.2 5 seconds is generally all it takes to kill someone.

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Expertise changes, itemization changes, nerfs to healing and :


Ravage can no longer be interrupted, and its damage has been increased by approximately 15%.

Vicious Throw can now be used on targets at or below 30% of maximum health (up from 20%).


Basically no one survives under fire for very long in 1.2 aside from Marauders/Sentinels (99% dam redux buff for 5 seconds and camo). Damage as a whole got boosted in a huge way. In a 1vs1 fight, classes especially without a knockback or with a knockback on cooldown need to use their stun to block your ravage, which means they can't stun you when you have your defense CDs up, which gives you 5 seconds of tearing them apart. In 1.2 5 seconds is generally all it takes to kill someone.


Wearing full BM I did noticing nothing as Sniper on expertise XD


I only noticed that I no longer die to nabs spamming 1 button lol

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Despite the fact that some specs do not make use of Ravage/Master strike on Sentinel its still OP?


Juggnernaut/Guardians are not OP despite the fact they got heavy armor and taunts with more AoE in Focus/Rage Spec.



Stop giving me crap on Expertise change. I saw no difference despite having full BM before and after patch 1.2 as Sniper

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Basically, because people saw things like ravage buffed 15%, execute usable at 30%(just like sin execute), and failed to understand what really happened.


Carnage got buffed, because it was pretty worthless. Still is, as long as people know when to knockback/cc.

Rage got semi-buffed, because it was pretty worthless. Still is the gimmiky, small burst spec.

Anni got somewhat nerfed.


People don't understand how to counter mara/sents, mainly due to the fact that 9/10 still cannot pull 200k damage. That leads to most of the OP whines.

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Despite the fact that some specs do not make use of Ravage/Master strike on Sentinel its still OP?


Ravage is not what makes marauders strong. Not hardly. It's the combination of constant damage (they cannot be kited) and amazing defensive cooldowns.

Edited by hadoken
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Basically, because people saw things like ravage buffed 15%, execute usable at 30%(just like sin execute), and failed to understand what really happened.


Carnage got buffed, because it was pretty worthless. Still is, as long as people know when to knockback/cc.

Rage got semi-buffed, because it was pretty worthless. Still is the gimmiky, small burst spec.

Anni got somewhat nerfed.


People don't understand how to counter mara/sents, mainly due to the fact that 9/10 still cannot pull 200k damage. That leads to most of the OP whines.


This person is a genius. Ravage was near worthless pre 1.2, it needed some help. Pre 1.2 our finisher was 10% lower than other classes, it was buffed because of balancing. Will a good Mara/ Sent wreck? Absolutely, but it is because of the person behind the keyboard, a bad player will get absolutely rolled trying to play this AC.

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(they cannot be kited)


Wrong. Yes we can. But like has been said time and time again, nobody seems to know exactly when to snare us so that you CAN kite us. You about can't snare a Carnage Marauder, but the others are snareable so long as you made the Mara/Sent in question waste their CC breaker. The reason the only spec that cannot be kited is Carnage/Combat is because of the snare/root break on Camo.

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As arrogant as this is going to sound, I believe the majority of ranged classes in this game have No idea how to utitlize their skills for proper kiting. Nor do they time Anything correctly. Nor do they utitlize strafing. Warriors in WoW had a low CD charge, much like Mara's do, and yet were one of the most kiteable classes in that game. The skill level of most people in SWTOR is low, and thus more pvp takes place on the forums with people claiming "Mara's cant be kited" instead of doing the PvP itself and becoming better. I absolutely despise the L2P insult, but at this point, with record breaking whining daily on the PvP forums, there is no other explanation.
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Basically, because people saw things like ravage buffed 15%, execute usable at 30%(just like sin execute), and failed to understand what really happened.


Carnage got buffed, because it was pretty worthless. Still is, as long as people know when to knockback/cc.

Rage got semi-buffed, because it was pretty worthless. Still is the gimmiky, small burst spec.

Anni got somewhat nerfed.


People don't understand how to counter mara/sents, mainly due to the fact that 9/10 still cannot pull 200k damage. That leads to most of the OP whines.



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Expertise changes, itemization changes, nerfs to healing and :


Ravage can no longer be interrupted, and its damage has been increased by approximately 15%.

Vicious Throw can now be used on targets at or below 30% of maximum health (up from 20%).


Basically no one survives under fire for very long in 1.2 aside from Marauders/Sentinels (99% dam redux buff for 5 seconds and camo). Damage as a whole got boosted in a huge way. In a 1vs1 fight, classes especially without a knockback or with a knockback on cooldown need to use their stun to block your ravage, which means they can't stun you when you have your defense CDs up, which gives you 5 seconds of tearing them apart. In 1.2 5 seconds is generally all it takes to kill someone.


You consider 5 seconds very long? Against good opponents, as soon as they see you've popped Undying Rage/Guarded by the Force they will stun/CC/kite/root/etc you immediately until it wears off. Or they will just stun you when you get low to preemptively stop you from using it and burst you down before you can.


Since when is this game balanced around 1v1? And classes without a knockback? That's only Marauder/Sentinel and Operative/Scoundrel. Marauder/Sentinel is the class in question which has counters for Ravage such as Obfuscate, Force Camouflage, Undying Rage, Force Choke, AoE mezz, etc. Operative/Scoundrel can Vanish, Debilitate, Flashbang, etc. Not to mention they hardcounter us anyway and will win 100% of the time in a 1v1 if both play perfectly.


Every other class has a knockback. Most classes also have a mezz they can use or a stun/stuns as well as other things. I don't understand how something being on CD makes something else OP'd. If that's the case, when Undying Rage is on CD there are plenty of things that are OP'd that need nerfs in this game. Alternatively, if their stun is on CD when Undying Rage is popped as I've already said earlier in my post there are a number of ways to neutralize the Marauder in question.

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As arrogant as this is going to sound, I believe the majority of ranged classes in this game have No idea how to utitlize their skills for proper kiting. Nor do they time Anything correctly. Nor do they utitlize strafing. Warriors in WoW had a low CD charge, much like Mara's do, and yet were one of the most kiteable classes in that game. The skill level of most people in SWTOR is low, and thus more pvp takes place on the forums with people claiming "Mara's cant be kited" instead of doing the PvP itself and becoming better. I absolutely despise the L2P insult, but at this point, with record breaking whining daily on the PvP forums, there is no other explanation.


Quoted for truth and accuracy.

Edited by getdownsb
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For the record you goons. Ravage is only uninterruptable in the rage spec......... Ravage is un dodgable in the carnage spec...... Annihilation tree has neither get your facts right. Annihilation is and will be the best mara tree because its high sustained unsoakable damage with self healing and shorter leap cooldowns........ Carnage is still relatively useless because bioware broke it more by changing the ataru forstrike damage to weapondamage which is highly negatable. Rage is decent if you dont have a hurp durp using it. I can survive 2 v1 almost all the time on my annihilation marauder because the tree is fantqstic for pvp. Otherwise carnage is broken and it has no defensive survivability. Annihilation has heals from bleeds and rage has insta ten percent heal and almost ten percent damage reduction if you spec into it.
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You consider 5 seconds very long? Against good opponents, as soon as they see you've popped Undying Rage/Guarded by the Force they will stun/CC/kite/root/etc you immediately until it wears off. Or they will just stun you when you get low to preemptively stop you from using it and burst you down before you can.


Since when is this game balanced around 1v1? And classes without a knockback? That's only Marauder/Sentinel and Operative/Scoundrel. Marauder/Sentinel is the class in question which has counters for Ravage such as Obfuscate, Force Camouflage, Undying Rage, Force Choke, AoE mezz, etc. Operative/Scoundrel can Vanish, Debilitate, Flashbang, etc. Not to mention they hardcounter us anyway and will win 100% of the time in a 1v1 if both play perfectly.


Every other class has a knockback. Most classes also have a mezz they can use or a stun/stuns as well as other things. I don't understand how something being on CD makes something else OP'd. If that's the case, when Undying Rage is on CD there are plenty of things that are OP'd that need nerfs in this game. Alternatively, if their stun is on CD when Undying Rage is popped as I've already said earlier in my post there are a number of ways to neutralize the Marauder in question.


Pre 1.2 this would be true, but with our quality of life changes in 1.2 (obfuscate out of GCD/free interupt/free AoE Stun/ravage buff) marauder can defeat operatives even if they open on you on stealth. The ONLY way an operative can defeat a marauder is when they take 50% of your hp on their opener (knockdown + backstab crit combo = 8k damage). So when they open up on you, immediately pop a defensive CD and you'll win the 1v1 for sure. Also keep your dots and BOTH slows on them (seeping wound + crippling slash) and they can't cleanse your dots al the time.


Pre 1.2, Assassins/Operatives/Powertechs/Marauders were the best 1v1 classes, they all had equal chances to win a 1v1.

But in 1.2, marauders defeats them all without even using all their CD's.

Edited by WokeSmeed
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For the record you goons. Ravage is only uninterruptable in the rage spec......... Ravage is un dodgable in the carnage spec...... Annihilation tree has neither get your facts right. Annihilation is and will be the best mara tree because its high sustained unsoakable damage with self healing and shorter leap cooldowns........ Carnage is still relatively useless because bioware broke it more by changing the ataru forstrike damage to weapondamage which is highly negatable. Rage is decent if you dont have a hurp durp using it. I can survive 2 v1 almost all the time on my annihilation marauder because the tree is fantqstic for pvp. Otherwise carnage is broken and it has no defensive survivability. Annihilation has heals from bleeds and rage has insta ten percent heal and almost ten percent damage reduction if you spec into it.


Note all of the inaccuracies in this post then reference my previous post.


Pre 1.2, Assassins/Operatives/Powertechs/Marauders were the best 1v1 classes, they all had equal chances to win a 1v1.

But in 1.2, marauders defeats them all without even using all their CD's.


Note all of the QQ and absurd claims in this post then reference my previous post.

Edited by getdownsb
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There is nothing inaccurate about my post at all. Its not opinion its facts. Look at your skill trees. Rage uninterruptable. Carnage undodgable. Annihilation has no ravage talents. Annihilation is the best marauder tree for pvp. These are facts.


Ravage is baseline uninterruptable.

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If it was baseline uninterruptable then why have a talent for that in the rage tree


It is baseline uninterruptable, carnage gives it an immob effect for its duration, so you have to trinket out of it unless you can knockback. The rage talent is probably gone, you just havent noticed it.

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