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Healing still wins WZ's


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Sorry, but it's true. 2 to 3 good healers can still carry a well organized WZ. Considering trooper/BH and agent/ republic counterpart healers have always been the best healers (in my opinion), they certainly are now... uninterrupted healing shields, stealth and survivability are strong, and with their m 'mates protecting them, they can possibly never die. In node capping WZ's you either try to kill their mates (impossible) or focus the healers (will get healed by other healers) or try to cap the node. pick one, its still a loss.



I'm not calling for another nerf healer thread by any means, im merely encouraging all the healers who quit to come back! we'll protect you ;)

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So your going to CC 2-3 sentinels? I don't think so. Also, when they force leap chain on you, your going to be looking pretty stupid when Slashes and Ravages go off on your face, and theres no healing that can do anything about it.
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Me and any healer can form a dynamic duo to stop pretty much any other group in 2v2 as long as he isn't moron geared. You just can't forget about them or have tanks guard and then loligag.


you must must must burn your taunts to cut dps output when they're jumped, CC and burst down their attacker while the healer... heals. It makes fights more tactical in nature when you're operating in a full team set up, and I like it.

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So your going to CC 2-3 sentinels? I don't think so. Also, when they force leap chain on you, your going to be looking pretty stupid when Slashes and Ravages go off on your face, and theres no healing that can do anything about it.

have your own teams sentinel/marauders to deal with that, or any other that can do so actually.

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have your own teams sentinel/marauders to deal with that, or any other that can do so actually.


That doesn't fix the problem, your saying basically, "if you can't beat 'em, join em". DPS is out of control, and needs to be fixed. It doesn't make any sense that some healing classes have no way to stop a sentinel from killing them 1 on 1. Nor can they get away with the force leap immobilize, and ranged Execute.

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That doesn't fix the problem, your saying basically, "if you can't beat 'em, join em". DPS is out of control, and needs to be fixed. It doesn't make any sense that some healing classes have no way to stop a sentinel from killing them 1 on 1. Nor can they get away with the force leap immobilize, and ranged Execute.

umm, no?

teams with healers still wins vs teams with no healers. work together.

no way to stop a sentinel from killing them 1 on 1? not only healers have that problem.

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I just started playing a healer after 1.2 and I feel pretty immortal with the recruit set. Thats mainly because my previous healing experience is from the 10-49 bracket where you suffer really hard from no expertise, lack of skills/resource management.


There are three pvp issues that really grind my gears though.


1 People not wearing the recruit set. Seriously your 2 bm pieces and 200 total expertise is not helping anyone. And I have to heal you...

2 Operation frames still bugging and people missing from it. Seriously how is this not fixed???

3 dps sin's / PTs and Juggs that don't know how to use taunts. Like C'mon, they are off gcd, don't require tank stance and they make you **** medals and magically makes the whole team survive longer.


I win more than I lose, and I solo queue or queue with a recruit geared dps. Most my fights are against my own faction.

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So your going to CC 2-3 sentinels? I don't think so. Also, when they force leap chain on you, your going to be looking pretty stupid when Slashes and Ravages go off on your face, and theres no healing that can do anything about it.



not me alone, but I have team mates yea, and free cast healing is almost as powerful as free cast dps, if not more

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OP is 100% correct.


On my server the Imperial side often fields 2 or even 3 healers. The difference between 1 and two healers is huge...having 3 healers breaks the game and makes their team invincible.


I don't feel there is a place for dedicated healers in PvP. There should be a seperate PvP spec and medpacks for all.

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not me alone, but I have team mates yea, and free cast healing is almost as powerful as free cast dps, if not more


But you see, its not. Check Expertise stats to see the difference. DPS > Healing. After I popped adrenal/self buffs/and landed a big heal, and my target still died from 2 marauders in one GCD, I knew 1.2 was broke. Next time you play a healer and your in this type of scenario, try to heal your comrade up from the damage of those 2 marauders. I assure you, you will fail.

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But you see, its not. Check Expertise stats to see the difference. DPS > Healing. After I popped adrenal/self buffs/and landed a big heal, and my target still died from 2 marauders in one GCD, I knew 1.2 was broke. Next time you play a healer and your in this type of scenario, try to heal your comrade up from the damage of those 2 marauders. I assure you, you will fail.



situation hypothetical discussion involving 1 marauder vs 1 target you are healing, assuming that target is fighting said marauder, not 2 of them on the target you are healing. take into count cc's from you and your target (team mate you are healing), all 3 parties free casting, essentially it is a 2v1 in your favor, as both of them take dmg, you are 'dealing damage' by increasing the gap between your target's health and the marauder at a faster rate than he is dealing damage to your target.



at least that is how i think about things, if that makes any sense :confused:

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But you see, its not. Check Expertise stats to see the difference. DPS > Healing.


You fail dramatically at maths.

If two people have the same expertise, the damage bonus is cancelled completely by the reduction bonus, leaving only the healing bonus in play.


However, when someone with a lot of expertise attacks someone with very litte, the high expertise shreds the poor sap meaning the guy a couple of posts above you is as correct as you are incorrect: Buy the recruit gear and get some expertise.

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and my target still died from 2 marauders in one GCD.


What ability from Marauders does 6.5k damage+ to a 900 Resilience target? I'd like to put it on my hotbars.


Or was your target already low, or not in at least a full Recruit set? Or are you exaggerating? Or maybe all three?

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So your going to CC 2-3 sentinels? I don't think so. Also, when they force leap chain on you, your going to be looking pretty stupid when Slashes and Ravages go off on your face, and theres no healing that can do anything about it.


Ah yes, poor you. So unfair that 3 players out of an 8 man team jump to you and focus on killing you, their success in killing you (probably over a long period of time despite your no doubt bs claim) is totally overpowered.



Also can we delete any spec outside of healing? I feel other specs are just poorly designed FOTM's like this guy and every class/spec just needs to be healing with a 100% healing buff please, otherwise its BLATANTLY broken and unplayable as a healer. Healers should be the only classes or specs that exist, anyone who argues this is obviously a broken DPS'err. Seriously everyone knows this.





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I agree healing still wins warzones, they just don't dominate as much.


On my server there is a premade that consists of heals + sintanks and they are very difficult to beat, sintanks though are a whole other issue.

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Sorry, but it's true. 2 to 3 good healers can still carry a well organized WZ. Considering trooper/BH and agent/ republic counterpart healers have always been the best healers (in my opinion), they certainly are now... uninterrupted healing shields, stealth and survivability are strong, and with their m 'mates protecting them, they can possibly never die. In node capping WZ's you either try to kill their mates (impossible) or focus the healers (will get healed by other healers) or try to cap the node. pick one, its still a loss.



I'm not calling for another nerf healer thread by any means, im merely encouraging all the healers who quit to come back! we'll protect you ;)


Ok maybe this is becaus I play sage/sorc, but what is this uninterrupted healing you are talking about?

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Ok maybe this is becaus I play sage/sorc, but what is this uninterrupted healing you are talking about?


uhh, i'm not sure what it's called, but commandos have a shield that makes it so they can't be interrupted, not even sure if BH mercs have the same ability

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Ok maybe this is becaus I play sage/sorc, but what is this uninterrupted healing you are talking about?


Ops/Smugs can take cover, which makes them immune to interupts and Commando/Mercs have a 1 point talent in their healing tree which buffs their 12 second 25% DR shield to also give interupt immunity.

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You fail dramatically at maths.

If two people have the same expertise, the damage bonus is cancelled completely by the reduction bonus, leaving only the healing bonus in play.


For one, EVERYONE on these forums forget about adrenals/buffs and CDs. The burst 2v1 with a heals never would have happened pre-1.2 because TTK was lengthend.


What ability from Marauders does 6.5k damage+ to a 900 Resilience target? I'd like to put it on my hotbars.


Or was your target already low, or not in at least a full Recruit set? Or are you exaggerating? Or maybe all three?



http://i.imgur.com/Nhp8R.jpg - 7,204 power relic, attack adrenal, inspiration. this is only with BM gear, no war hero gear yet.


http://i.imgur.com/K0ZrB.jpg - 7017 power relic, attack adrenal, inspiration. No war hero gear.


http://i.imgur.com/PzTTS.jpg - 618k WZ against fully battlemastered players on both sides.


I am consistently hitting for close to or over 6k on my force sweeps/ smash, and I have hit master strikes final tick for 5.5-6k. I can't imagine what sents/marauders will be hitting for when we are fully equipped with war hero gear. Probably somewhere between 8 and 9k. I feel that the class was fine before 1.2 came out and now that we are buffed it is a straight up faceroll for me and other good sents/mars. I do think the master strike skill should have been reworked but to give it a dmg increase wasn't really necessary, it hit hard enough before 1.2. I think in general to have a 3 second channel ability as the best damage per second skill for a melee class is really silly in the first place but hey I guess thats why I just play games instead of develop them. Either way I would just like to see some sort of balance with that skill and the class because right now between my 6k force sweeps, force exhaustion ticks, blade storm crits, master strike crits I can mow through multiple enemies very quickly.


Ah yes, poor you. So unfair that 3 players out of an 8 man team jump to you and focus on killing you, their success in killing you (probably over a long period of time despite your no doubt bs claim) is totally overpowered.



Also can we delete any spec outside of healing? I feel other specs are just poorly designed FOTM's like this guy and every class/spec just needs to be healing with a 100% healing buff please, otherwise its BLATANTLY broken and unplayable as a healer. Healers should be the only classes or specs that exist, anyone who argues this is obviously a broken DPS'err. Seriously everyone knows this.


Also, I was free casting, 1 healer should be able to keep a dps alive against 2 dps as 2v2 should cancel out theoretically. My guild mates are all in at least 2-3 piece war hero gear and the rest BM, so pretty freaking geared. Finally, I popped CDs to compensate for the added damage. Your fooling yourself if you don't think TTK is broke right now, and the healers have become less defiant because of that.

Edited by Rollento
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Sorry, but it's true. 2 to 3 good healers can still carry a well organized WZ. Considering trooper/BH and agent/ republic counterpart healers have always been the best healers (in my opinion), they certainly are now... uninterrupted healing shields, stealth and survivability are strong, and with their m 'mates protecting them, they can possibly never die. In node capping WZ's you either try to kill their mates (impossible) or focus the healers (will get healed by other healers) or try to cap the node. pick one, its still a loss.



I'm not calling for another nerf healer thread by any means, im merely encouraging all the healers who quit to come back! we'll protect you ;)


lol you will find that healers die in about 3 seconds a good maurauder or pyrotech and it takes 3 healers just to keep the target they are attacking alive.


healing is not a problem at all and even before 1.2 healign wasnt a problem. the problem lay in how many healers could enter a warzone. but because there is no system that devides specs into categorys this cant be done yet.

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I have to agree.

At start I did felt a bit overwhelmed with the changes and that made frustrated, but now. It's all good in my opinion. We're more balanced.


Let me show you 2 screen shots


Started the WZ on round 2 defending:



Half premade team with the best PVP guild republic side on Progenitor EU



We're not broken, we're different! Any veteran MMO player knows how stuff like this can happen. I'm not gonna deny it wasn't brutal. It was! But it's done. Just adapt to the new play style and you'll see we're still on the biggest Ivory Tower out there, it's just 10% smaller!

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