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Did former Wow casuals ruin PVP/SWTOR?


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Do you think that everyone in the world has the time to sit through a grindfest in order to get any decent gear?


The new gear has attached costs to it, its very accessible but it's not free plus there's still the very expensive war hero set to get. Also, how does does making gear more accessible to casuals ruin the game? This has to be one of the most nonsensical posts I have ever read.

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Just wondering if you guys think BW is trying to hard to please former WoW casuals with how easy it is to obtain BM gear and starter gear?


I would think the opposite. PvP is being killed by poor mechanics, poor ideas, and like every other mmo out there that killed pvp - pvp gear carrying with it a stat like Expertise. If anything, the former WoW casuals would be wanting a system that wasn't this broken... because that's what would allow them to continue being casuals.

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Do you think that everyone in the world has the time to sit through a grindfest in order to get any decent gear?


The new gear has attached costs to it, its very accessible but it's not free plus there's still the very expensive war hero set to get. Also, how does does making gear more accessible to casuals ruin the game? This has to be one of the most nonsensical posts I have ever read.


Because they don't like an even playing field, they want to be acouple tiers ahead of the competition so that they will dominate everyone and feel like they got mad skillz bro.

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If they kept it the same, PvP progression would continue to become more and more difficult. The people who initially got the best armor would continueously wreck the new PvPers as they slowly work through each and every set to catch up. By then, the top-tier players will probably continue to be a step ahead. This would create a great disbalance and cause much conflict for people that are just now getting into Lvl 50 PvP. So no, I don't believe this action was to favor Casuals, but rather to keep a decent plane of equality regarding armor.
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Do you think that everyone in the world has the time to sit through a grindfest in order to get any decent gear?


The new gear has attached costs to it, its very accessible but it's not free plus there's still the very expensive war hero set to get. Also, how does does making gear more accessible to casuals ruin the game? This has to be one of the most nonsensical posts I have ever read.


Nothing in this game is a "grindfest", it already was about the easiest MMO ever to max out everything, including gear. Anyone who thinks there's grinding in this game is extremely casual and apparently has little previous MMO experience.


OP, I don't think it's ruined PVP, but you're definitely starting to see a lot more clueless casuals in war zone PUGs now, and gear progression in the game is dumbed down, making accomplishments less meaningful.

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No. People who just want "instant gratification" want things to be easy and almost instant. I am pretty casual and had no problem with the old system...heck this game's "grinds" are not tedious at all compared to other MMOs I've played.
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That's the thing. Your perception of casual is different to other people's and not everyone is a previous MMO player either. While the previous system was fine as well for me for the time I could put into the game, it's not for many people. Get off your pedestal.


It really is nauseating that players get up over how other "bads" or "casuals" can get the same gear as them even though they get it much slower and a lot later than they do. Their lack of accomplishments in game shouldn't have any effect on how you feel about your accomplishments. You should even be happier that the "bad" on your wz team actually has some gear now ;)

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Just wondering if you guys think BW is trying to hard to please former WoW casuals with how easy it is to obtain BM gear and starter gear?


Remember kids, if your MMO is falling apart because developers make terrible design decisions blame it on WoW. :rolleyes:

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If they were trying to please us, they'd get rid of expertise all together...


So hardcore raiders can beat your sorry *** before your computer shows their nameplate on your screen?


Expertise is the most misunderstood stat there is.


Most of you lads don't have the slightest clue about why stuff gets implemented. Im not crowning BW by a long shot, but when you guys bash at stuff like expertise it makes you wonder how much Bioware dev's think we're idiots.

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I'm an actual PvPer, I don't want levels, I don't want gear, I don't want items, I don't want progression.


Because the gear in MMORPGS are a handicap, you do 50% more damage, take 50% less damage, and have alot more skills. THat means you come into a game with a 50% (per stat) HANDICAP. If you come into a PvP match with a 50% handicap and don't take 1st you need to ALT+F4 and uninstall.


A player with ACTUAL skill wouldn't NEED a handicap, in fact I'd rather go into PvP with negative stats (like halo skulls) Don't sit here and complain because they're leveling the playing field, making it easier for people to outfit their PvP alts (they barely play) so they can come in and kick your butt royally.


Complaining about PvP armor is complaining that without an advantage you have no skill.


I say give everyone end game armor (or no armor) and let people EARN their 1st place.

Edited by UnclearImage
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The rng attached to the former method was just annoying. Queing with the same players constantly and one person having 5 peices, another having 3, and another having 2 did not differentiate our skill. The same time put in and the same victories and losses did not equal the same reward.


I'm not saying that the new method is better or worse, we can debate how hard or long it should take to get gear all day, but rng just isn't fun.

Edited by khaoimon
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Nothing in this game is a "grindfest", it already was about the easiest MMO ever to max out everything, including gear. Anyone who thinks there's grinding in this game is extremely casual and apparently has little previous MMO experience.


OP, I don't think it's ruined PVP, but you're definitely starting to see a lot more clueless casuals in war zone PUGs now, and gear progression in the game is dumbed down, making accomplishments less meaningful.


I played DAOC previously. You could hit 1 -> 50, ML 10 and Full Template within about 2 days /played. So you was fully ready to go out and PvP where you gained Realm Ranks which didn't create such an imbalance as gear in this game does. But it made PvP fun, competative PvP where all things equal but skill and tactics.....

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What do you consider a casual? And what do you consider a hardcore player?


Does hardcore means you put a lot of time into the game?


If so, hardcore doesn't necessarily mean skilled.

If so, I'm pretty much an hardcore player, however, I consider myself pretty casual.


Some days I can't play the game at all, in others, I play for 5 or more hours straight, I consider myself a casual player because I cannot play under a strict schedule, so I can't actually join a guild and run raids and premades all the time, some days I play at times where there are really few other players online.

I do this not by choice, but because I work shifts and have a little daughter (actually I play way too much considering that :)).

I was a hardcore player in wow back on wotlk, when I was actually single and didn't work shifts, not that much in PVP, although i achieved 2700 rating, but in PVE, where I belonged to a top horde guild, server first horde side to kill LK HC and if I recall correctly, top 200 in the world.


I actually disagree with you, I actually think that what ruins the game is pretty much the opposite, the so called hardcore players, although many of them don't even know the meaning of the word, and i mean the so called hardcore, not the really hardcore players.


What do I mean by that? Well, you wont see that many REAL hardcore players come in the forums and complain that they want "baddies" and casuals to not have gear... Actually, the ones I know, and not in this game, actually want competition, they want to show that they are better then the others, not better geared.


PvP gear in this game as zero connection to skill, it as connection to time investment, if you play alot, you can get full battlemaster while losing 90% of your matches, this was true before 1.2 and is true now.


This is my second time posting in this forums exactly because I hate the way that 99% of the threads derail into a war between casuals and hardcores, baddies and pros, fanboys and whiners...


Also, and this is a side note, all the people in this forums that say they are going to move on to GW2 because they don't like that BW gives their gear to baddies and casuals and that BW doesn't recognizes their time investment in the game, well, I have news for you, GW doesn't have PvP gear, its all about killing other players... And that is the main reason I'm going to buy it, and play it, I however ain't going to quit SWTOR.


Sorry if there are any mistakes, English is not my native language.

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People are not allowed to call this game a grindfest when no other MMO can even come close to how this game is giving out gear. Seriously, even world of warcraft takes 1 month to get welfare gear and another month to climb the arena to get the best gear. This game gives welfare gear in 3 days, and lets people get the best gear in 1 to 2 weeks.


Unless you can show me a gear progression MMO that has a lesser time sink that this game, then you are not allowed to say that this game is a grindfest. It is so freaking casual friendly.

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People are not allowed to call this game a grindfest when no other MMO can even come close to how this game is giving out gear. Seriously, even world of warcraft takes 1 month to get welfare gear and another month to climb the arena to get the best gear. This game gives welfare gear in 3 days, and lets people get the best gear in 1 to 2 weeks.


Unless you can show me a gear progression MMO that has a lesser time sink that this game, then you are not allowed to say that this game is a grindfest. It is so freaking casual friendly.


Are you kidding me? It takes one CTA weekend (especially if its AV weekend) to get welfare geared in WoW, then all you have to do is put together a RBG or 5s team and get to 1800. In a few weeks playing 5 RBGs/arenas a week and 1 random BG a day you can get just about everything you need. WoW is still by far the easiest game to get geared in.

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