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Remove the rakghoul plague now

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"roleplaying" is never a valid excuse for griefing.


I didn't; I took the fleet pass and headed to the GTN, just like any other day. They're easy to miss.


Actually, several RPers have pointed out that "this kind of thing" totally immersion breaking ...


Warning: This is an Imperial New Network Alert


There are increasing reports of rakghoul plague outbreaks in Imperial space and bordering systems. The infection rate is growing exponentially. Officials indicate the death toll exceeds ten thousand, with many infected still at large. Anyone mutated by the rakghoul plague represents and extreme threat. For your own safety, interstellar travel has been restricted by the Ministry of Logistics. Remain vigilant, keep calm, and report all suspicious activity to the nearest Imperial military post. Failure to comply is treason.


This is.. immersion breaking how? The Rakghoul Plague has been part of KOTOR/TOR as far as I'm aware. The fact that you choose to ignore it doesn't mean it isn't happening. Will Guild Wars 2 be a terrible RP environment because things.. y'know.. HAPPEN?

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You didn't notice the containment probes and troopers? You didn't notice (if you went to Tatooine) the civilians being killed as a result? Man, this is the kind of thing that RPers LIVE for. New story content, new things to have your character react to and figure out how they'd behave in such a situation.


This is my whole point, which he seems to be disregarding completely.

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"roleplaying" is never a valid excuse for griefing.


I didn't; I took the fleet pass and headed to the GTN, just like any other day. They're easy to miss.


Actually, several RPers have pointed out that "this kind of thing" totally immersion breaking ...


The plague is spreading. That's not immersion breaking, that's immersion. There's even a quest about people smuggling samples of the plague off Tatooine.


Also, your fleet pass is more immersion breaking. You basically took a shuttle, that shouldn't of come to pick you up because the planet is under quarantine. Even normally that would mean you just left your ship somewhere, yet when you go to the hanger in fleet, there it is. Very immersion breaking.

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No, based on their chat, I'm quite sure that they were. You get less "trolololol" out of people who aren't trying to grief you, for a start.


Yes, we know... the mechanics encourage griefing. That doesn't make their actions ok.


So everyone who is doing the quests or simply farming is griefing you? Or is it just the ones that abuse you in chat as well? Personally I'd say it's the latter, which also means that the vast majority of players participating in this are in fact not greifing anyone.


What doesn't make their actions ok is the part where they insult and ridicule you in general chat, and you should report them for that. Lumping so many people on this forum in with that bunch is just insulting.

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Oh please. Spreading the infection is always part of the fun.


People will always say things to get under your skin. "Another newb dead" is irrelevant since it'd hit a level 50 just the same.


Spreading the infection is part of YOUR fun not MINE. As I said before the level of selfishness in this thread is astounding. The arrogance to assume other people don't mind having their characters killed out of the blue so you can complete a quest is just astonishing.


"Another newb dead" was directly specifically at my character that is level 28 on that server and was surrounded by nothing but level 50 characters. But no, I'm sure that wasn't griefing or harassing to say that. :rolleyes:

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No, based on their chat, I'm quite sure that they were. You get less "trolololol" out of people who aren't trying to grief you, for a start.


Completely and utterly false. So what you are saying is anybody laughing and having a good time with the event are griefing? It's funny when somebody dive bombs off the top. Not because we relish the oportunity to harrass you, because it's FUNNY. The only thing missing is a jizzz band in the VIP lounge so I can feel like I am stage diving.


I will concede the point (which I already have) with the players going to low level planets.

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Here's the deal..


The Rakghoul Plague is on the Fleet, both Republic and Imperial. Containment Troopers have been dispatched to each as well as Tatooine themselves. People have managed to smuggle the plague off the planet while some are trying to find ways to either weaponize it, or cure it.


You, in your character's infinite wisdom decides to not heed the warnings of a spreading infection. You die as a result. You then come on here and complain about being "inconvenienced" or "griefed" when short of putting a giant neon sign in your face saying "YOU ARE LIKELY TO BE INFECTED HERE" you refuse to pay attention.


Man, this argument is like EvE Online's PvP all over again. Adapt, and pay attention. You won't have to pay credits, you won't have to waste time if you actually pay attention.

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So the fact the players stood there in general laughing and making comments about "another newb dead" about my dying does not lead itself to conclude they were griefing? Classic.


The fact there is a quest to infect others is horrible and extremely lazy and ignorant programming. Having others players run around griefing others to complete a quest does not change the fact it is anything other than griefing. I was harassed and griefed and apparently so have quite a few other players.

Then report them for that. Harrasing and mocking you over chat is indeed greifing but far from everyone taking part in this are doing so. A distinction I have yet to see you make.

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I really don't have to try.


2 weeks from the last time you were in fleet. Have you been playing every day? Seen the notification at login? I still call shenanigans at your inflated responses of your ingame activities to try to give your opinion more merit.


You sir, try again. And less exaggeration might be helpful.


Actually one comment there was no notification at the login screen about the world event. The only noticifation there is about the tauntaun pet.

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This remains a very strange, disconnected discussion.


There are a few groups of people here.


The first group is vanishingly small. They want the event removed. That simply isn't reasonable and they aren't getting much if any support, even from openminded people like me. ;)


The second group seems to be around 20-30% of posters. I include myself in this group. These are people who enjoy the event, like me, or simply don't care. The distinguishing characteristic of this group is our desire for everyone to get what they want, insofar as it's possible. We want the folks who enjoy the event to carry on enjoying it, and we want the folks who don't enjoy the event to be able to play in peace.


The third group is the majority. They enjoy the event and enjoy that the event isn't opt-in; they like that it just happens. This does NOT make them griefers, incidentally.


The fourth group is a small minority. These people lack compassion and sensitivity and simply enjoy imposing their will on others. Some of these people are griefers. Many are jerks.


So where is communication breaking down here? Simply put, people are being sorted into the wrong groups. People who really don't enjoy the event, such as members of the first group, might assume that everyone who enjoys the event is a member of the fourth group. People who do enjoy the event (and are doing so in the manner Bioware seems to have intended) might mistakenly assume that anyone who doesn't share their enjoyment is a member of the first group.


It's easier to generalize and lump people together, than it is to sort through everyone's actual viewpoints. Extreme views, such as the first and fourth groups hold, tend to be more memorable than the moderate views held by the second and third groups, and so it's easy to think anyone who doesn't share your views must belong to one of the extreme groups - the ones who want to remove all events, or the ones who want to ruin all events. But this simply isn't true.


There remains a middle ground here, folks. Respect the rights of others to play the game their way, and expect them to respect your rights to do the same.


If the cure were free, and everyone knew how to get it, there would be no cause for complaint from the reasonable people; the only complaints then would come from the extremists. The first group doesn't like the event and doesn't want anyone else to take part, so they aren't going to be pleased. The fourth group wants to be able to grief people and otherwise use game mechanics to be jerks to people, so they aren't going to be pleased. But the second and third groups should have no problem at all with this.


I keep raising this point, in different ways, challenging anyone to explain the downsides to making the vaccine free. Nobody has yet even attempted to do so. Every single response has been along the lines of "it doesn't bother me so it shouldn't bother you", which is about as self-centered a response as one could hope to see from a kindergartener.


I like this event. I want to see a LOT more events like this. I'd like Bioware to do a better job allowing players to opt out next time though. That's both simple and reasonable.

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"Another newb dead"


Newb. they really used that in a sentence?


What server are you on? Im curious as to that community there. And would like to visit it, as I personally haven't heard ANYONE use that statement since... 2005. Really. In all honesty, someone actually typed that in general? How do you know it was directed at you? Did they emote your character? Did they specifically call out your characters name?


Shenanigans I say.

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I really don't have to try.


2 weeks from the last time you were in fleet. Have you been playing every day? Seen the notification at login? I still call shenanigans at your inflated responses of your ingame activities to try to give your opinion more merit.


You sir, try again. And less exaggeration might be helpful.


I do not play every day as I have a family and a hectic work schedule. I truly could not give a bantha's *** if you believe me or not. The idea you think I would make something as trivial as this up is as laughable as your belief that your idea of fun is magically shared by all of humanity.

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Gotcha. So I'll expect to see every player who has spread the plague to another to be promptly banned for griefing.


How long should I wait?


Won't happen. The people complaining on here about the Rakghoul plague happens to be the extreme minority of players that can't adapt to a multiplayer game.

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Actually one comment there was no notification at the login screen about the world event. The only noticifation there is about the tauntaun pet.


Odd, I seem to recall one. Or maybe I am mistaken by the amount of ingame notifications. Apologies. Thanks for pointing that out.

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Completely and utterly false.
No, it's definitely true.


So what you are saying is anybody laughing and having a good time with the event are griefing?
No, the people that are griefing other players and laughing about doing so are griefing other players.
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This remains a very strange, disconnected discussion.


There are a few groups of people here.


The first group is vanishingly small. They want the event removed. That simply isn't reasonable and they aren't getting much if any support, even from openminded people like me. ;)


The second group seems to be around 20-30% of posters. I include myself in this group. These are people who enjoy the event, like me, or simply don't care. The distinguishing characteristic of this group is our desire for everyone to get what they want, insofar as it's possible. We want the folks who enjoy the event to carry on enjoying it, and we want the folks who don't enjoy the event to be able to play in peace.


The third group is the majority. They enjoy the event and enjoy that the event isn't opt-in; they like that it just happens. This does NOT make them griefers, incidentally.


The fourth group is a small minority. These people lack compassion and sensitivity and simply enjoy imposing their will on others. Some of these people are griefers. Many are jerks.


So where is communication breaking down here? Simply put, people are being sorted into the wrong groups. People who really don't enjoy the event, such as members of the first group, might assume that everyone who enjoys the event is a member of the fourth group. People who do enjoy the event (and are doing so in the manner Bioware seems to have intended) might mistakenly assume that anyone who doesn't share their enjoyment is a member of the first group.


It's easier to generalize and lump people together, than it is to sort through everyone's actual viewpoints. Extreme views, such as the first and fourth groups hold, tend to be more memorable than the moderate views held by the second and third groups, and so it's easy to think anyone who doesn't share your views must belong to one of the extreme groups - the ones who want to remove all events, or the ones who want to ruin all events. But this simply isn't true.


There remains a middle ground here, folks. Respect the rights of others to play the game their way, and expect them to respect your rights to do the same.


If the cure were free, and everyone knew how to get it, there would be no cause for complaint from the reasonable people; the only complaints then would come from the extremists. The first group doesn't like the event and doesn't want anyone else to take part, so they aren't going to be pleased. The fourth group wants to be able to grief people and otherwise use game mechanics to be jerks to people, so they aren't going to be pleased. But the second and third groups should have no problem at all with this.


I keep raising this point, in different ways, challenging anyone to explain the downsides to making the vaccine free. Nobody has yet even attempted to do so. Every single response has been along the lines of "it doesn't bother me so it shouldn't bother you", which is about as self-centered a response as one could hope to see from a kindergartener.


I like this event. I want to see a LOT more events like this. I'd like Bioware to do a better job allowing players to opt out next time though. That's both simple and reasonable.


You forgot a group of people who just want a method to OPT OUT that incures neither time nor treasure (which I believe is the majority of the people that are not infavor of how this event is implemented). 0_o

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Newb. they really used that in a sentence?


What server are you on? Im curious as to that community there. And would like to visit it, as I personally haven't heard ANYONE use that statement since... 2005. Really. In all honesty, someone actually typed that in general? How do you know it was directed at you? Did they emote your character? Did they specifically call out your characters name?


Shenanigans I say.


That character is on Rubat Crystal. It was also the first negative experience I've had with the community there so I take it as an exception and not the rule.


Please note again I could not give a bantha's *** if you believe me or not random internet guy.

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Actually one comment there was no notification at the login screen about the world event. The only noticifation there is about the tauntaun pet.


Thank you. There was no notice about this when I logged in and AFAIK there is still no notice about this when you are logging in.

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Won't happen. The people complaining on here about the Rakghoul plague happens to be the extreme minority of players that can't adapt to a multiplayer game.







really? Really? *stan marsh voice*

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You forgot a group of people who just want a method to OPT OUT that incures neither time nor treasure (which I believe is the majority of the people that are not infavor of how this event is implemented). 0_o


Why should you be able to "opt-out" in such a way? Should you be able to play this game locally only as if it weren't a Massively Multiplayer Online Game? Should people who don't want to die be able to opt out of dying without paying time or money simply because it's inconvenient?

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You know what I'm mad about? The fact that the Sith have weapons and can kill me. It totally ruins my experience when I have to play the game. I wish that the devs would leave all the NPC's in one place, and never change anything...that way I know where everything is, and what to do, and I don't have to worry about thinking, or playing, or even moving for that matter.


As a matter of fact, I think I'll go whine on the forums now...or just sit here and stare at the screen, my mind a complete blank.


Seriously guys...you'll complain when the Devs don't add content, saying there's nothing to do. Then you complain when the devs add content. If you don't like it, /ragequit already.

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why should you be able to "opt-out" in such a way? Should you be able to play this game locally only as if it weren't a massively multiplayer online game? Should people who don't want to die be able to opt out of dying without paying time or money simply because it's inconvenient?



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