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Remove the rakghoul plague now

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What was I doing? Innocently using the AH and dying not too long after I closed out the windows and noticed I had some kind of sickly green glow around me and a mob of level 50 players had gathered around myself and others intentionally spreading the plague at a public area. Roleplaying had nothing to do with it so please try another less disparaging argument.


You think that people infected by a completely mind/personality/biologically altering plague attempting to infect others around them has nothing to do with RP? There are parasites in the animal kingdom that cause their host to purposefully get themselves eaten so that they can spread to others.


And your RP is quite strong, shopping for clothes during a deadly plague outbreak, on a highly populated fleet hub, with announcements blaring every few minutes warning you to watch for the infected.

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Yes, they are spreading the plague on purpose. There is a quest to do so.

They are not misusing or abusing in game mechanics, they are doing exactly what is intended by the developers of the game, in the manner it is supposed to be done.

Your cries of "Victim" are entirely unfounded.


Let's recap:


I am doing nothing to anyone except standing in a public area in a safe area.


Other plays run up to grief myself and others and take advantage of the fact that with AH windows open you can't really see anything around you.


I die as a result of their griefing and seflishness.


Sounds like a clear cut case of griefing trying to hide in game mechanics to me.

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To prevent myself from being impacted by the plague in the warzone.

This might come as a shock to you... but I've done warzones with a single death. Nor am I going to get a warzone queue pop immediately after being infected; it will take X minutes. Nor is the death at 20 minutes the only thing about the plague that can impact my performance in a warzone.


So I need to use one for every warzone that I run, since I'll be stunned at (10-X) minutes and die at (20-X) minutes.


So which is it? You need a bunch of vaccines because you die alot in WZ's or you only need one because you are so über at PvP? And seriously with all the stuns, roots, etc.... in PvP who would even notice a puke stun every 10 min lol.

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There's also the ones that run over to the GTN terminals to explode, to catch people who have their screen taken up by UI windows.

And the ones standing at the fleet pass entry point, to catch the people as they zone in.

And the ones divebombing from the lounge

And the ones going to Tyhon to infect the little n00blets



Do you realize that they probably not trying to grief you? Maybe with the exception of the last group. The reason they are doing this is because alot of the people by the fleet load-in, where most people are infecting each other, are already infected. They are trying to finish the daily faster by going to areas where there is less infected people so they can get their 10 easier.

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You can't run while exploding. You are rooted in place for at least 5-10 seconds before the actual explosion and are unable to move during the explosion. No one knows exactly when they are going to blow up, unless they are sitting there with a stop watch.


Even then, there's a random factor in it.


To: OP

Bottom line, the event could have been a LOT more disruptive. (Consider players turning into Rakghouls themselves and attacking anyone and anything.) Die once, move on. Stay away from populated areas worst case, and just ride it out. This event lasts till the 24th. If you can't be bothered to deal with... y'know, the multiplayer aspect of a multiplayer game then maybe it isn't for you. Other players can and WILL have an impact on you. I'm happy to see some disruption, otherwise the game gets stale.


#Edit: Yes, I play on a PvP server.

Edited by Freyar
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What was I doing? Innocently using the AH and dying not too long after I closed out the windows and noticed I had some kind of sickly green glow around me and a mob of level 50 players had gathered around myself and others intentionally spreading the plague at a public area. Roleplaying had nothing to do with it so please try another less disparaging argument.


But your initial point was the RP server for a reason... In which Bioware has facilitated RP greatly with their elements of immersion.


You still didn't answer any of my questions. 20+minutes at fleet in the same spot. 2 Stuns that close open windows. Didn't hear any notifications of said plague, nor saw anyone infected during that time...


This event has been going on for 3+days now and this is the first time you heard/happened to die from it?

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You think that people infected by a completely mind/personality/biologically altering plague attempting to infect others around them has nothing to do with RP? There are parasites in the animal kingdom that cause their host to purposefully get themselves eaten so that they can spread to others.


And your RP is quite strong, shopping for clothes during a deadly plague outbreak, on a highly populated fleet hub, with announcements blaring every few minutes warning you to watch for the infected.


I like how you ignore the several posts where myself and others point out that with AH windows open you can't see hardly anything around your character. Try again. And btw I was not shopping for clothes but for better modificatons and parts for crafting to better wage war against the Republic's enemies. My RP > your inane sarcasm.

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You think that people infected by a completely mind/personality/biologically altering plague attempting to infect others around them has nothing to do with RP? There are parasites in the animal kingdom that cause their host to purposefully get themselves eaten so that they can spread to others.


And your RP is quite strong, shopping for clothes during a deadly plague outbreak, on a highly populated fleet hub, with announcements blaring every few minutes warning you to watch for the infected.


OK ... lets go with this from an RP angle. IF there is a virulent plague why are there not TSA agents on steroids at every hanger on the fleet seeking to quarenteen the infected that are hopeful, and outright killing those that are too far along? In every hanger AND roming the fleet in multiple patrols stopping people so the medical officer in the patrol can randomly question and diagnose if necessary? You know the governments take the time to warn their citizens but not the time to protect them?


Just sayin... from an RP perspective people wouldn't be dive bombing from the VIP tower to spread the infection in a maximum yeild or standing around having 'splode parties in publically trafficed areas.



Edited by Urael
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The vast majority of players experiencing this event truly enjoy it. Do have future galaxy wide events. I honestly do not understand why anyone could not like this event. I could wager that after this event is over the same people who wanted it removed will be complaining that they didn't get the title or the full containment officer gear set.


People will complain about anything and for any reason. Keep up the good work! I am sure that if there was a poll for every player in-game for how they liked/disliked this event the results would show an overwhelmingly positive: "It was awesome! Make more events in the future!"


Thank you.



/agree 100%

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Let's recap:


I am doing nothing to anyone except standing in a public area in a safe area.


Other plays run up to grief myself and others and take advantage of the fact that with AH windows open you can't really see anything around you.


I die as a result of their griefing and seflishness.


Sounds like a clear cut case of griefing trying to hide in game mechanics to me.


We can keep recapping, if you like.

And I'll repeat....

There is a quest to infect others.

10 other people to be exact. You died because you didn't get a vaccine.


They are NOT misusing in game mechanics. They are doing exactly what the quest tells them to do. A quest designed and implemented to be used exactly in the manner you described.

You may not like it, but it isn't griefing or a misuse of mechanics.

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Let's recap:


I am doing nothing to anyone except standing in a public area in a safe area.


Other plays run up to grief myself and others and take advantage of the fact that with AH windows open you can't really see anything around you.


I die as a result of their griefing and seflishness.


Sounds like a clear cut case of griefing trying to hide in game mechanics to me.


No, you died because Bioware implemented a new game mechanic that you don't like and you refused to use counter measures, simple as that.

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Do you realize that they probably not trying to grief you?
No, based on their chat, I'm quite sure that they were. You get less "trolololol" out of people who aren't trying to grief you, for a start.


They are NOT misusing in game mechanics. They are doing exactly what the quest tells them to do.
Yes, we know... the mechanics encourage griefing. That doesn't make their actions ok. Edited by ferroz
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But your initial point was the RP server for a reason... In which Bioware has facilitated RP greatly with their elements of immersion.


You still didn't answer any of my questions. 20+minutes at fleet in the same spot. 2 Stuns that close open windows. Didn't hear any notifications of said plague, nor saw anyone infected during that time...


This event has been going on for 3+days now and this is the first time you heard/happened to die from it?


I haven't been to fleet in almost two weeks before I made that trip. So no, I did not hear any announcements. I was standing there at the AH and would close windows and reopen them to look for what I needed for specific companions while I was catching them back from crafting missions. And no, I did not see it odd that a large mob of players were hanging around the AH kiosk because, call me crazy here, the few AH kiosks in fleet are usually highly populated.


So try again. There is no reason I should have to adjust my play style or waste credits to avoid what should be a purely optional world event.

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What was I doing? Innocently using the AH and dying not too long after I closed out the windows and noticed I had some kind of sickly green glow around me and a mob of level 50 players had gathered around myself and others intentionally spreading the plague at a public area. Roleplaying had nothing to do with it so please try another less disparaging argument.


Yeah, roleplaying can only be used in defense of his argument, not against it. Duh.

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I like how you ignore the several posts where myself and others point out that with AH windows open you can't see hardly anything around your character. Try again. And btw I was not shopping for clothes but for better modificatons and parts for crafting to better wage war against the Republic's enemies. My RP > your inane sarcasm.


It seems you're just unable to pay attention, and even then it's such a minor inconvenience anyway that I'm surprised you're still complaining about it. You get a debuff? Great, jump off the VIP to get rid of it, or buy (or hell, earn) a vaccine. Move to other planets if you want, or just deal with it as you will. Seems like it takes 20 to 40 minutes to explode and there are a number of voiceovers indicating that there's a plague and that it's spreading.


You didn't notice the containment probes and troopers? You didn't notice (if you went to Tatooine) the civilians being killed as a result? Man, this is the kind of thing that RPers LIVE for. New story content, new things to have your character react to and figure out how they'd behave in such a situation.

Edited by Freyar
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We can keep recapping, if you like.

And I'll repeat....

There is a quest to infect others.

10 other people to be exact. You died because you didn't get a vaccine.


They are NOT misusing in game mechanics. They are doing exactly what the quest tells them to do. A quest designed and implemented to be used exactly in the manner you described.

You may not like it, but it isn't griefing or a misuse of mechanics.


So the fact the players stood there in general laughing and making comments about "another newb dead" about my dying does not lead itself to conclude they were griefing? Classic.


The fact there is a quest to infect others is horrible and extremely lazy and ignorant programming. Having others players run around griefing others to complete a quest does not change the fact it is anything other than griefing. I was harassed and griefed and apparently so have quite a few other players.

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No, based on their chat, I'm quite sure that they were. You get less "trolololol" out of people who aren't trying to grief you, for a start.


Yes, we know... the mechanics encourage griefing. That doesn't make their actions ok.


Continually using the word "griefing" does not make you any more correct. This is not griefing. If it were griefing, then I suspect that you would have had some form of justice handed out by the Bioware GMs. You have reported them for this "griefing," I trust? If you haven't, then why are you complaining? If you have, then why haven't you seen some form of action by Bioware?

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Yeah, if only there was some way to tell that they might explode soon. Bioware should put that in. Like some kind of fumes coming off of them that make them look diseased.


Yeah, 'cause when I'm browsing the GTN in fleet trying to look out for griefers should be the top thing on my mind... unfortunately, now it pretty much is.


NPC Containment officers/droids should auto-aggro anybody infected. At least then there'd be audible indication that somethings going on behind that GTN dialog.

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Yeah, roleplaying can only be used in defense of his argument, not against it. Duh.
"roleplaying" is never a valid excuse for griefing.


IYou didn't notice the containment probes and troopers?
I didn't; I took the fleet pass and headed to the GTN, just like any other day. They're easy to miss.


Man, this is the kind of thing that RPers LIVE for. .
Actually, several RPers have pointed out that "this kind of thing" totally immersion breaking ...
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There's also the ones that run over to the GTN terminals to explode, to catch people who have their screen taken up by UI windows.

And the ones standing at the fleet pass entry point, to catch the people as they zone in.

And the ones divebombing from the lounge

And the ones going to Tyhon to infect the little n00blets



the even encourages griefing. I'm not sure why you continue to advocate for the griefers.


To prevent myself from being impacted by the plague in the warzone.

This might come as a shock to you... but I've done warzones with a single death. Nor am I going to get a warzone queue pop immediately after being infected; it will take X minutes. Nor is the death at 20 minutes the only thing about the plague that can impact my performance in a warzone.


So I need to use one for every warzone that I run, since I'll be stunned at (10-X) minutes and die at (20-X) minutes.


Actually, it's most likely people who happen to be infected running over to the GTN to... use the GTN. Unless you're timing it as someone said, you don't know when you will pop. Even timing it doesn't always seem to be consistent. We know there are some things that reset the timer, but it also likes to glitch a lot.


People standing there in fleet aren't trying to "catch people zoning in" because that would require two things: Knowing exactly when you're going to explode (see above) and knowing exactly when someone is going to zone in. You can't know the second unless they told you. Most people standing there are just standing there because it is a convenient place. You can zone in and go afk while zoning and not worry about moving to afk-farm.


The ones divebombing off the lounge usually aren't trying to spread it. It's your bad luck if you get hit by someone. Most of them are just trying to kill themselves to explode faster. It's like if someone jumped off a bridge and you happened to be in a boat under them and you tried to call them a griefer.


Tython? Really? I haven't seen anyone care enough to leave tatooine or fleet. I'm not saying that it doesn't happen, but that's actually kind of funny.


Seriously, not everything people do in game is to grief you. You just happen to be there. I bet 99% of the player base doesn't even care enough to grief you because they're too busy trying to do their own thing for their own rewards. That other 1% that actually is trying to grief you, probably thinks you started it. I had a guy trying to pull a bunch of mobs to me to kill me while leveling because I "stole his quest node," which I only did because he stole one from me 2 minutes before that. it was funny watching him pull an area to me only to die and have it reset because I didn't bother to attack it. After he did it four times he finally gave up and I only ever saw him once since then.

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So the fact the players stood there in general laughing and making comments about "another newb dead" about my dying does not lead itself to conclude they were griefing? Classic.


The fact there is a quest to infect others is horrible and extremely lazy and ignorant programming. Having others players run around griefing others to complete a quest does not change the fact it is anything other than griefing. I was harassed and griefed and apparently so have quite a few other players.


Oh please. Spreading the infection is always part of the fun.


People will always say things to get under your skin. "Another newb dead" is irrelevant since it'd hit a level 50 just the same.

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Continually using the word "griefing" does not make you any more correct. This is not griefing. If it were griefing, then I suspect that you would have had some form of justice handed out by the Bioware GMs. You have reported them for this "griefing," I trust? If you haven't, then why are you complaining? If you have, then why haven't you seen some form of action by Bioware?


If they are joking around about how they are annoying people and laughing at people who ask them to leave them be, it is griefing and it is prohibited. If he has not reported them, all this means is that he does not feel the need to "tattle" everytime somebody does something that bothers him.


Not everyone reports every little violation of the rules whenever they see it. A lot of people are mature enough to ignore it and go about their business.

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So try again. There is no reason I should have to adjust my play style or waste credits to avoid what should be a purely optional world event.


I really don't have to try.


2 weeks from the last time you were in fleet. Have you been playing every day? Seen the notification at login? I still call shenanigans at your inflated responses of your ingame activities to try to give your opinion more merit.


You sir, try again. And less exaggeration might be helpful.

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Continually using the word "griefing" does not make you any more correct. This is not griefing.
Sure it was ...


It's kind of absurd of you to claim that it wasn't griefing; I was there, you weren't.


If you have, then why haven't you seen some form of action by Bioware?
aside from not logging in the well known slowness of Bioware to deal with anything, and the fact that they never tell you the results of such a report? It's not like I'd know anything even if I had reported them.


Instead I just logged off in disgust; I wasn't willing to deal with that, and I shouldn't have to be the server police because the developer can't be bothered to.

Edited by ferroz
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So the fact the players stood there in general laughing and making comments about "another newb dead" about my dying does not lead itself to conclude they were griefing? Classic.


The fact there is a quest to infect others is horrible and extremely lazy and ignorant programming. Having others players run around griefing others to complete a quest does not change the fact it is anything other than griefing. I was harassed and griefed and apparently so have quite a few other players.


Dude I hate to break it to you but if you have tunnel vision that bad dying once in fleet is gonna be the least of your troubles. The fact that you didn't notice the announcements, didn't notice the icon on your status, didn't notice the explosion that happened in order for you to get infected, etc... Doesn't speak well for your gaming future. You ARE aware there is a world that actually doesn't revolve around you right?

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