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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Remove the rakghoul plague now

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Then avoid area's with a high population? Let me guess, you QQ as well when there are other players in a quest area and the quest takes longer than you'd like due to having to share quest nodes? There's really no difference. Either leave the area and do something else or deal with it. If you don't want others affecting your play time, stop playing MMOs.



EDIT: Seriously... who wouldn't waste 30 seconds of their time to make 25K credits? Heck, you probably waste more time than that posting stuff on the GTN and not making nearly as much....


The assumption runs strong in this one. :rolleyes:


I have stated before I don't use the GTN at all.

I have stated before that the time it takes to unload the DNA is not worth it for me.

I have stated before that I am avoiding this event all together.


And what you wrote has NOTHING to do with what you previouosly wrote about the benefits of this event? What do quest nodes have to do with what assume are bennefits of this event that I should want?


What does what I quoted above have to do with what you said priviously?


Nothing you or anyone has said to me has swayed me from thinking that the inffection sanctioned or not is NOT a form of griefing.


If something a player does messes with another players game experience and adversly effects the way they choose to play within the server rule set, it is griefing.


I even consider it griefing in WoW for instance to stand on top of a quest giver with a huge mount so that you can't interact with the quest giver.


Anything that is effects anothers play even if its "technically" legal is a form of greifing to me. Anything.

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I was talking to all QQ'ers of it. Mainly you. I guess I quoted wrong person. Sentiment stands.. you are the anti-social, anti blah blah.. enjoy.
The sentiment remains incorrect ... I'm not asking for it's removal either.


I'm really clear how "doesn't like rakgouls and is thus not interested in any of the rewards of a rakgoul based event" = anti-social


and seriously... where have I QQ'd?

Edited by ferroz
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-Guards do attack infect players who try to board their ships. If guards on fleet attacked players, the guards would simply die non-stop. It wouldn't change a thing.


-The vaccine is really only necessarily if you spend all your time on fleet. I've encountered very few people on the home worlds or other planets while questing this past week. And the plague is so blatantly obvious, it's extremely easy to avoid even if you do run by someone.


-The even encourages you to infect others. I guess Bioware though that since the plague had almost no side effects (a 2 second stun a few times through out it's 30-45 minute duration) and since they give you free loot tokens for exploding, I don't think they realized that people would still QQ because they feel like they're being picked on.


-Again, there's a GTN on your home world. If you're no longer on your home world, then you have enough credits to afford the vaccine if you're really that miffed about the accumulative 4-6 seconds worth of stuns plus the burdenless death....



The way Bioware did this whole thing is brilliant. The rewards are bought with DNA tokens. You get these through dailies on Tatooine, or by exploding. If you're sub level 25, you can't do the dailies at all. But, since you can still explode and receive tokens, you still have the ability to rack up tokens and buy the pale Rakling pet or the companion skins. They literally made it to where EVERYONE in the game has an opportunity to buy some cool event only stuff. And yet people QQ.... It's all very mind boggling.



I hope the next even does offer you guys an opt out clause. With the stipulation that it be permanent over the course of the entire event. That way, when you see others gaining cool gear/pets/etc, you can come here and QQ about that as well.


1. Sure it would. It would give that player browsing the GTN audible warning that somebody nearby is infected. And they could always bump the guards up to lvl 50 champions.

2. Most of my characters DO spend most of their time at fleet, crafting stuff and selling it.

3. I realize the event encourages you to infect others. That a large part of why it makes no sense. You should be getting rewarded for containing it.

4. Sure, a one time 2k fee isn't bad. But it isn't. If it was a permanent opt-out I'd be relatively fine with that cost. 2k every 6 hours adds up.

5. Like I said, I'd be fine with a permanent opt-out. As is I'm not doing a single aspect of this stupid event in protest. ('course, not interested in any of the rewards anyways, so it's no big loss. I prefer my orokeet to that pet rakghoul, and you can only have 1 out)


What I find bizarre is how many people are against making the opt-out easier. Does it really affect you all that much if other people don't participate? Seems like only griefers would be complaining about being deprived victims.

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The whining in this thread is ridiculous.


No doubt, it's disgusting really. Give the players new immersive content that we didn't expect and instead of praising Bioware for an awesome event they have provided.. a small minority who really just don't get it and haven't even tried it are voicing their displeasure here.


People who don't like it can ***** and moan all they want to but it won't do a bit of good.


It won't negate the fact that Bioware knows how many people are actively involved and loving the overall concept behind this event. These people will only be begging for more of it after 4/24 too.

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Normally I might agree with you but unfortunely I know of an instance that this could be used for griefing and it was.


A group of my friends was setting up a group to do a heroic and they specifically asked people joining them if they had been infected (they didn't want anyone exploding on this misson) and one person said he wasn't. Well they got the group together and got to the boss and he explode and stood there laughing and of course they were upset that he had deliberately did this when they asked specifically for non infected people.


So in a situation like this that could be considered griefing because he tricked and lied to them.



Sorry, but this story has to be made up. You can not only see the debuff on their bar, but the person also has glowing eyes in the phase before they explode. There's absolutely no way he could have tricked them.

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Sorry, but this story has to be made up. You can not only see the debuff on their bar, but the person also has glowing eyes in the phase before they explode. There's absolutely no way he could have tricked them.


Wasn't made up they did't check the debuff and were not paying attention. They were too interested in getting the heroic done. How many times have you actually pay attention to somone in the midst of fighting? Unless I'm a healer I not paying attention to what buff they have or what they don't have. I concernated on the enemies instead. I don't have the time to check everyon'es buffs .

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Prolly the same impression I had of Lineage 2. In 2005 when I tried Lineage 2 you could delevel from max level and still wear the max level gear. People would delevel all the way down to level 4. Then they would camp the character creation zones and gank people as soon as they logged into the game. Needless to say I played Lineage 2 for about 2hrs.


I beta tested that game. I feel your pain.


I can imagine being a new person to this game creating a character and right off the bat getting infected and wondering "what the heck is going on" and getting frustrated. Especially if SWTOR is their first MMORPG and if their experience is bad enough it could cause a veritable garcia effect toward MMORPGs and the people that play them.


BTW, this IS a form of greifing.


Several people are using this word to refer to things that are not, technically, griefing. This is a liminal case; it's griefing sometimes and not griefing at other times. Griefing comes down to intent; if you don't have the intention of causing suffering in another then it's not griefing. So then the question is, if someone flies to a lowbie planet and infects players who might not be able to afford a vaccine... what is their intent? I strongly suspect that in many of these cases those people do intend to cause suffering, so it is griefing. But then I also have only heard about this happening in a couple of instances, and I truly and sincerely hope that this is very very rare overall.


If there's a quest to do something to another player, then doing that thing isn't griefing; it's simply playing as intended. It's only griefing if you go out of your way to affect players who normally wouldn't be involved - e.g. chasing someone down, or using the plague to force someone to flag for PvP then killing them.


The vast majority of what people are referring to as "griefing" in this event is not truly griefing. A tiny minority of people are using this event to grief others. Let's please not lump all the people harmlessly enjoying the event with a tiny number of bad apples.

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What I find bizarre is how many people are against making the opt-out easier. Does it really affect you all that much if other people don't participate? Seems like only griefers would be complaining about being deprived victims.
Personally I suspect that they're people who get their jollies out of intentionally infecting people that don't want to be infected. It's the only reason I can think of that they'd be so vehemently against it.


Not from what I've seen.
No, I'm pretty sure you haven't seen me asking for the event to be removed. Care to quote me doing so?


I notice that you didn't respond to the question there; there's a word for people who are evasive when questioned about their unfounded accusations and then flat out lie about them like that...

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No doubt, it's disgusting really. Give the players new immersive content that we didn't expect and instead of praising Bioware for an awesome event they have provided.. a small minority who really just don't get it and haven't even tried it are voicing their displeasure here.


People who don't like it can ***** and moan all they want to but it won't do a bit of good.


It won't negate the fact that Bioware knows how many people are actively involved and loving the overall concept behind this event. These people will only be begging for more of it after 4/24 too.


Meme and assumption runs strong in this one. :rolleyes:


Had plenty to do before the event.


Will have plenty to do after the event.


And plenty more to do before and after the next event.


Never QQ'd about having stuff to do.



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Wasn't made up they did't check the debuff and were not paying attention. They were too interested in getting the heroic done. How many times have you actually pay attention to somone in the midst of fighting? Unless I'm a healer I not paying attention to what buff they have or what they don't have. I concernated on the enemies instead. I don't have the time to check everyon'es buffs .



So, no one in the group saw this person's very obvious glowing eyes and the green mist flowing from him? You have about 10-20 minutes once a player hits this stage. Again, I have a very hard time believing not one person would have noticed something so obvious.

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Several people are using this word to refer to things that are not, technically, griefing. This is a liminal case; it's griefing sometimes and not griefing at other times. Griefing comes down to intent; if you don't have the intention of causing suffering in another then it's not griefing. So then the question is, if someone flies to a lowbie planet and infects players who might not be able to afford a vaccine... what is their intent? I strongly suspect that in many of these cases those people do intend to cause suffering, so it is griefing. But then I also have only heard about this happening in a couple of instances, and I truly and sincerely hope that this is very very rare overall.


If there's a quest to do something to another player, then doing that thing isn't griefing; it's simply playing as intended. It's only griefing if you go out of your way to affect players who normally wouldn't be involved - e.g. chasing someone down, or using the plague to force someone to flag for PvP then killing them.


The vast majority of what people are referring to as "griefing" in this event is not truly griefing. A tiny minority of people are using this event to grief others. Let's please not lump all the people harmlessly enjoying the event with a tiny number of bad apples.


The voice of reason, kudos.

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Personally I suspect that they're people who get their jollies out of intentionally infecting people that don't want to be infected. It's the only reason I can think of that they'd be so vehemently against it.


^ This!


Totally agree with you Ferroz. I also suspect these are the same people that like to trick people into flagging PvP. :rolleyes:

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Wasn't made up they did't check the debuff and were not paying attention. They were too interested in getting the heroic done. How many times have you actually pay attention to somone in the midst of fighting? Unless I'm a healer I not paying attention to what buff they have or what they don't have. I concernated on the enemies instead. I don't have the time to check everyon'es buffs .


Flashpoint groups contain 4 players. One of them is the player. You should know if you are infected or not.


How long does it really take to look at 3 other players and see if they have the cute little green Lightheaded/Feverish icon? I could understand if the story had been about a 16 man raid. I could understand examining 15 other people as a steep task - but seriously... it's too much work now for someone to examine 3 other players?




as in THREE?

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The assumption runs strong in this one. :rolleyes:


I have stated before I don't use the GTN at all.

I have stated before that the time it takes to unload the DNA is not worth it for me.

I have stated before that I am avoiding this event all together.


And what you wrote has NOTHING to do with what you previouosly wrote about the benefits of this event? What do quest nodes have to do with what assume are bennefits of this event that I should want?


What does what I quoted above have to do with what you said priviously?


Nothing you or anyone has said to me has swayed me from thinking that the inffection sanctioned or not is NOT a form of griefing.


If something a player does messes with another players game experience and adversly effects the way they choose to play within the server rule set, it is griefing.


I even consider it griefing in WoW for instance to stand on top of a quest giver with a huge mount so that you can't interact with the quest giver.


Anything that is effects anothers play even if its "technically" legal is a form of greifing to me. Anything.


Wow, seriously dude this isn't exactly rocket science. Its not griefing if there is a mission to do it in the game. Your example is flawed because there is no quest in wow to stand on top of a quest giver, its obviously griefing and ive seen Blizz give out warnings for doing that.


If your really actually truely believe its griefing, which i dont think you really do and are just trolling badly, then report this action to Bioware and see the response you get. The force tells me you will be dissapointed. ;)

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Infected player "Hey, here's a plague worth 25K and it'll only cost you about 30 seconds of your time!!"


QQer "OMG, My game is ruined! I can't play now! I'm unsubbing and suing Bioware for promoting griefing!!"




And on a side note, I yelled out several times in fleet yesterday on Jedi Covenant (about 200 people) that I was giving away free vaccines and only 1 person asked for one. And even then, it was a level 50 about to pop. They wanted it so they could do some heroics after.

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So, no one in the group saw this person's very obvious glowing eyes and the green mist flowing from him? You have about 10-20 minutes once a player hits this stage. Again, I have a very hard time believing not one person would have noticed something so obvious.


Considering they were in a heroic with enemies around and they were paying more attention to the enemies than anything else. They all wanted to complete this though I am betting now they are going to pay more attention to the ones joining the group. This happened once to them but I seriously doubt they will let it happen again. And the heroics in belvasis are not fun lol, so they say, I hven't done those yet.


We have a rule fool me once your fault, fool me twice our fault.


If they had noticed they would have pulled back and let him die so he would be "cured".

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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Wow, seriously dude this isn't exactly rocket science. Its not griefing if there is a mission to do it in the game. Your example is flawed because there is no quest in wow to stand on top of a quest giver, its obviously griefing and ive seen Blizz give out warnings for doing that.


If your really actually truely believe its griefing, which i dont think you really do and are just trolling badly, then report this action to Bioware and see the response you get. The force tells me you will be dissapointed. ;)


I post in the hopes that BW reads. NOT so much to take events like this out of the game but to somehow implement an OPT OUT for people that don't want to participate that costs neither time or treasure.


All along I have been in the just give us an OPT OUT camp. 2k repeatedly for vaccines can be alot to some ( some have posted that they were to low to afford the 2k ). Inteneded or not the result ends up in the same as greifing.

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Its the same as those that try to make people flag PvP by using "in game mechanics".


I feel about these people as this person posted in the involuntary PvP thread:






I got squarshed like 15 times on Sunday due to that. At first I was totally confused, then I was a bit torqued and finally I just laughed about it. No harm, no foul and I got to make some saddo's day whilst he ganked someone 24 levels below him.

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Meme and assumption runs strong in this one. :rolleyes:


Had plenty to do before the event.


Will have plenty to do after the event.


And plenty more to do before and after the next event.


Never QQ'd about having stuff to do.




How long have you been level 50? I've had one since early January (and several more after) and I have voiced displeasure in the lack of content for people at level 50 prior to 1.2. The black hole dailies and this event have given me something different/fun to do on my first level 50 character again that I actually enjoy doing.


I'll be fiending for the next outbreak, trust me.

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^ This!


Totally agree with you Ferroz. I also suspect these are the same people that like to trick people into flagging PvP. :rolleyes:


Or, maybe we like an event that breaks up the monotony and gives awesome rewards.


I've played daily since Monday on multiple toons. The number of times I've been affected by blowing up: 1

The number of times I've been infected by others while off the fleet and playing: 0


To those whining about how this disrupts your ability to stand around and contribute your awe-inspiring wit to the Fleet's General: go hide in your ship's docking bay. You are still in fleet and nobody can give you the cooties.


Cooties that pay you 10,000-75,000 creds every 10 minutes.

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No, I'm pretty sure you haven't seen me asking for the event to be removed. Care to quote me doing so?


I notice that you didn't respond to the question there; there's a word for people who are evasive when questioned about their unfounded accusations and then flat out lie about them like that...


Sigh .. pathetic.


All I've seen from the last few pages of this thread is you whining about the Plague. Saying the benefits don't match the penalties, and how you can't even be bothered to log in any more to be around it.

I'd call that whining. If not QQ'ing. I'm new to these MMO terms, but it seems pretty reasonable.


Evasive? nah. Just see no point replying to useless posts



edit- laptop battery about to run out. So won't be able to do this for a while. But will be reading on my phone, taking huge amusement from the whine and anger. Love it. Will be back replying later on if you're around! ciao

Edited by Kampori
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Personally I suspect that they're people who get their jollies out of intentionally infecting people that don't want to be infected. It's the only reason I can think of that they'd be so vehemently against it.



QFT. The only people who are against other players not being negatively affected by their actions, be it a quest in a game or not, are griefers.

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I post in the hopes that BW reads. NOT so much to take events like this out of the game but to somehow implement an OPT OUT for people that don't want to participate that costs neither time or treasure.


All along I have been in the just give us an OPT OUT camp. 2k repeatedly for vaccines can be alot to some ( some have posted that they were to low to afford the 2k ). Inteneded or not the result ends up in the same as greifing.


Ok, I can concede that they could improve the event for people who dont wanna deal with the plague by making the vaccenes free or last through death, or both. Thats definatly more fair than trying to say end this event right now for all.


I apologize for coming at you a bit strong since your reply was respectful :o

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