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Shameless plug on CBS?


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So yeah, SWTOR got a small mention on NCIS on Tuesday. I was playing the game last night and didn't see it till I watched the episode this morning.


Conversation went something like this...


McGee, "Did he say anything about the Watcher Eight?"


Buisness guy, "No but he was always going on about Skyrim and The Old Republic. Those are online games right? You look like like you play those."


McGee, "I did, but then I took an arrow to the knee."

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I fail to see how that's any more shameless than a camera zooming in on someone holding an iPhone, and then panning around to show the Mercedes logo on the hood of their car.


As well (as you say, I don't watch NCIS so I wouldn't know) Skyrim was mentioned.


If taken in context, Skyrim is a single player only game, right? So, the character saying "they are both online games right?" renders it somewhat redundant.

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That's a hell of a lot better than I heard they did on The Big Bang Theory - or as I call it The Fake Geek Show where they had the characters playing Old Republic but hadn't bothered to even research the game. Apparently, according to them, Republic are Light Side and the Empire are Dark Side and Jedi's can weild blasters.
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That's a hell of a lot better than I heard they did on The Big Bang Theory - or as I call it The Fake Geek Show where they had the characters playing Old Republic but hadn't bothered to even research the game. Apparently, according to them, Republic are Light Side and the Empire are Dark Side and Jedi's can weild blasters.


I'm quite sure BBT researched the game. But they also likely made some artistic choices that conflicted with the actual game. They wanted to show a neat looking outfit...we all know the Empire has some of the coolest looking gear...but the guys always play the good guys. Thus the compromise.

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