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Moments when you know a match is lost


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Moments when you know you lost.


Alderaan Civil War. At the beginning squad leader says 2 go left and rest mid. What happens, 2 go left , some go mid, and then one(sometimes two) go right for whatever reason. 9 times out of ten, they die, the other side takes the node along with mid, because we were shorthanded. The rest of the wz is spent with the noob who goes right saying his team sucks and he's all that...blah blah. lol


Yeah. There's always one douche who thinks he's carrying the team, by splitting off to attack either the right Alderaan node, or the far corner in the new warzone.

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Some moments when you know a game is lost...


- When u Que up for a WZ, Playing Republic on a Imperial Server

- When Load a WZ and see the same double Premade again and again.. and again.. again.. again..

- When u play a Republic Healer on a Imperial Server

- When your team doesnt have a single healer

- When your team doesnt even have a single Sentinel ( would be some damage i guess )

- If the enemy known premades use 4-5 sentinel 2 or 3 BH DPS/heal rest heal or heal/DPS

- If u join a active WZ with just 1 Republic Player

- If u join a active WZ with just 2 Republic Players left



This is sad.. there are MANY more but its just sad..

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When every person except the leader is giving orders and none of them are the same.


When everyone passes the ball to the healer that is keeping them alive, (and that normally has less health).


When the leader gives orders and a few people don't bother to follow them because they think their way is better.


When you say WEST DOOR NOW!!! in voidstar and the group floods out of the door and first has to check the east side to make sure it is ok.


When you hit the queue warzone button and instantly get in a game.

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Some moments when you know a game is lost...


1) You're attacking first on Voidstar and four of your team are snipers/gunslingers.


2) Six of the guys on the opposite team all have the same guild...


3) You're in a level 50 match and someone joins the op with 10.5k HPish. You check their gear and they don't even have relics...


hmm, i had quite some voidstar matches of type 1) i don't remeber one losing.

i also won quit a lot of type 2 games, even as solo queued without more than 2 guys of the same guild in my team

3) i never saw anybody with less 11k as fresh 50. but again, i had a lot of matches with <12k hp people, fresh 50s but guess what? the other team usually has them too.


(not) sorry to say but from my experience your 3 points are no where near a 100% loss. but i think many others are as ignorant and are leaving the matches in the first 60s. then i know, we would have lost if these guys would have stayed :p

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Huttball aka Sageball:


When the other team is stacked with 3 or more force users that have Force Speed and Extrication.

Huttball is a joke until they make it where the ball carrier can not use any special movement abilities.




Same as Huttball. Run to victory.


I won't even get into the fact of the supreme class imbalance of Force pool vs non force users. A BH will overheat long before a Force users pool is depleted. The exceptions are of course a really bad force user.


CCs should be balanced with the damage potential of that class. CCs should be spec'd not given.


not a signle line is true. the biggest bull.... i ever read on this forum. never ever though i find something topping what i read in the past. WOW!

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When you're on civil war and your pug team is attacking central and you're solo taking the right cap and your respawns run to your cap instead of going back to central to slow down the enemy so when everyone dies the enemy rotates to the point you're about to cap.


Yeah, retarded.

Edited by ComeAndSee
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Huttball aka Sageball:


When the other team is stacked with 3 or more force users that have Force Speed and Extrication.

Huttball is a joke until they make it where the ball carrier can not use any special movement abilities.




Same as Huttball. Run to victory.


I won't even get into the fact of the supreme class imbalance of Force pool vs non force users. A BH will overheat long before a Force users pool is depleted. The exceptions are of course a really bad force user.


CCs should be balanced with the damage potential of that class. CCs should be spec'd not given.


This is Star Wars... Star Wars is an entire series more or less devoted to Force Users... Force Users aren't going to be canon fodder for Bounty Hunters, this isn't a Karen Traviss novel.

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These are repeats but worth stressing.


Queuing and instantly getting a pop (scary)

  1. Alderaan: 2 left, Rest Mid, and 2+ go right (Mid should never have less people then your opponent)
  2. Alderaan: 2-2-4 This archaic strategy still comes up by some clueless folks. I would correct them, but I would rather have the conversation in rated when I am across the field
  3. Voidstar: Draw them away from door strat called out. 1-49 maybe. Bad 50s possible. Any good team will stick to the door and will not pursue. They just hang back and heal.

Edited by Ravenolf
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Moment when you know a match is lost?


When you see me coming at you, of course.


Can't believe that's not been posted yet.



Aside from that ... I always get cold shivers when I see "2 left, rest mid" ..... and three run left straight away.


Also, fighting five at left from the get go and not seeing mid fall to the six from my team that actually did go there.

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The moment I realize that we will lose and lose horribly, is when I notice that the imp team is a premade. This is easy because its always the same premade, and its always them every match. I don't quit the match because it would make me look bad, but I usually log after we finish getting stomped.
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When you see some hiccups and then see ennemies running like they have a jetpack in the rear, especially if they take about 1/6th or so the damage they should on top of that. Edited by JMCH
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When you see the emote (awesome player) does something to (another player).


In fact, I'm sure it'd be a good strat for a strong premade to simply emote on all their members because as strong as a premade can be, it's obviously a lot easier if the other side ran away before the fight even started.

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I never think a match is lost. I never quit. And I rue playing with all of the crystal ball toting baddies.


Actually if your side has 4 guys with 13K HP against a premade of 4 BM+ it's pretty safe to say you won't win.


But that doesn't mean you should quit. I still got my 8 medals in a game like that fine. 40 comms for an 8 minute Voidstar loss is not very bad when you consider you can only get 100 comms on a 15 minute win, and the winning side probably only got 60, so I got 2/3 of their rewards for being utterly crushed.

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When a ball carrier tries to use the vents in Huttball ...


When your entire team tries to attack one door on voidstar


When your team doesn't try to hold mid in Huttball and starts fighting in its own bottom pit. Free balls for the other guys!

Edited by Akiva_IC
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theres a healer in the back free casting. i attack and within 3 globals i have 3 marauders on me.


i run up to a node and start fighting. within 3 globals i have 4 marauders on me.


i am defending a node and start fighting. within 3 globals i have 4 marauders on me.


the forcefield drops and i jump down. within 3 globals i have 4 marauders on me.


i take a speeder off the dropship. within 3 globals i have 4 marauders on me.

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