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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Moments when you know a match is lost


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Some moments when you know a game is lost...


1) You're attacking first on Voidstar and four of your team are snipers/gunslingers.


2) Six of the guys on the opposite team all have the same guild...


3) You're in a level 50 match and someone joins the op with 10.5k HPish. You check their gear and they don't even have relics...

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The moment you see two premades from the same PvP guild randomly put together


Every PuG Warzone, where you outline the plan, and 1 or 2 still go to the wrong node.


Players zerg to objectives. "east needs help!", "OMG EVERYONE LETS GO!"....


The new warzone, when 4 people line up to go east.

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  • Your Republic team has no healers and the Empire team appears to be constructed from Sorcerers, Operatives, and Bounty Hunters.

  • You queued solo but the enemy team consists of 4 people from one guild and 4 people from another. (Happens way too often.)

  • Your whole team just attacked Center and failed to take it when the enemy only had 4 defenders.

  • Your team has 5 people on it, your opposing team has 8.

  • The first Voidstar door went down within the first 35 seconds.

  • Your team is comprised of ungeared fresh 50's who are playing the current FotM class a week after patch.

Edited by ProfessorWalsh
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Some moments when you know a game is lost...


1) You're attacking first on Voidstar and four of your team are snipers/gunslingers.


2) Six of the guys on the opposite team all have the same guild...


3) You're in a level 50 match and someone joins the op with 10.5k HPish. You check their gear and they don't even have relics...


4. You start civil war with 3 players and 2 of them head for mid...

5. You start the new coast warzone with 4 players...

6. You start a huttball with 4 players and 2 of the players leave within the first minute of the game starting..


Just some random experiences from today's session...

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Huttball aka Sageball:


When the other team is stacked with 3 or more force users that have Force Speed and Extrication.

Huttball is a joke until they make it where the ball carrier can not use any special movement abilities.




Same as Huttball. Run to victory.


I won't even get into the fact of the supreme class imbalance of Force pool vs non force users. A BH will overheat long before a Force users pool is depleted. The exceptions are of course a really bad force user.


CCs should be balanced with the damage potential of that class. CCs should be spec'd not given.

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When you see Imperial cheaters,it is becoming around 40% of the time,they got their extra Valor exploit,that wasnt enougth,they had the Sorc/Inquis army that rolled many Republics,that wasnt enougth,nope they gotta cheat too.


If your an Imperial,you stink by default.

Edited by Sathid
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1) You're attacking first on Voidstar and four of your team are snipers/gunslingers.


Are you joking? Having 4 snipers at least full champ gear is a guaranteed win (if they know how to play the class that is).

Edited by Drungus
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Some think that if u lost 2 turrets in CW at the very beginning its over .... they leave immediately (which is lame TBH...) , and often after that, match is over... but sometimes its not. I had few WZ's that after about 1 min couple of non-believers left, which was good i think couse we got the victory .... and it did taste even better! :cool:


The point is... Fight to the end, or dont queue without guildmates if hate being in pug team, easy as that... just do realize u are wasting others time :wea_03:

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It's probably a tie between seeing how fast people get destroyed in the initial skirmishes due to gear disparity, and seeing a premade that has the right classes and works together in Huttball.


(I usually pug :)

Edited by BDutch
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When you see Imperial cheaters,it is becoming around 40% of the time,they got their extra Valor exploit,that wasnt enougth,they had the Sorc/Inquis army that rolled many Republics,that wasnt enougth,nope they gotta cheat too.


If your an Imperial,you stink by default.


Wow, are you for real ? You are aware that on some servers the reps dominate the imps ? Do they stink too ?

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Moments when you know you lost.


Alderaan Civil War. At the beginning squad leader says 2 go left and rest mid. What happens, 2 go left , some go mid, and then one(sometimes two) go right for whatever reason. 9 times out of ten, they die, the other side takes the node along with mid, because we were shorthanded. The rest of the wz is spent with the noob who goes right saying his team sucks and he's all that...blah blah. lol

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Are you joking? Having 4 snipers at least full champ gear is a guaranteed win (if they know how to play the class that is).


What I'm referring to here is that snipers don't seem to realize it's okay to leave cover and cap a door. They'll sit back 35 meters and by the time they think to run up, the other team has respawned. It's very frustrating when playing a healer, and realizing you have to cap as well.


If you start Defense, there's still a chance to hold the attackers off. But being shut out as attackers makes people start quitting, and it's downhill from there..

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What I'm referring to here is that snipers don't seem to realize it's okay to leave cover and cap a door. They'll sit back 35 meters and by the time they think to run up, the other team has respawned. It's very frustrating when playing a healer, and realizing you have to cap as well.


If you start Defense, there's still a chance to hold the attackers off. But being shut out as attackers makes people start quitting, and it's downhill from there..


Snipers have to cap, but healers don't.

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