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Chat Bubbles: We need an option to enable them for say, yell and emote chat!


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After over 100 pages of posts I suppose this has been done to death, and I've come late to the party, but just wanted to put my verbal support behind chat bubbles. It's another helpful visual cue that I feel would help me not miss what people are saying during those active times in a group.


In large scale events, when the chat window becomes next to useless, its extremely helpful.


All the naysayers are just loners or solo players who never do more than 4 man groups, and never attend events.


With an expansion coming up, and riding the crest of the F2P wave, its the perfect time for Bioware to start upping their game and showing that they DO infact care what the customers want.

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In large scale events, when the chat window becomes next to useless, its extremely helpful.


All the naysayers are just loners or solo players who never do more than 4 man groups, and never attend events.


With an expansion coming up, and riding the crest of the F2P wave, its the perfect time for Bioware to start upping their game and showing that they DO infact care what the customers want.

You're right on the money there. It baffles me how EA/Bioware/Disney/Lucas Arts don't get it.


Chat bubbles are what a huge part of the player base and even more potential players want, yet for some reason it always gets sent to the backburner.

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Chat bubbles seem like a thing that most people want, so I would say they'd probably be very well recieved by the community should they appear. I will /sign this idea, as long as I get the option to turn the things off, as I personally don't want a load of text all up in my business. Many people do though, so add chat bubbbles please, for them, but make them toggleable on/off, for myself.
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No chat bubbles in the patch today. I guess the GUI team was busy with inventory sorting and the updates to the character selection screen. On the bright side, this should free them up to work on chat bubbles now. Fingers crossed.
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Great.Just what I need, some poor imp I just killed spamming chat bubbles and lagging out the server because he/she can't handle dying.


No thanks.As far as RP is concerned, it would be better to use your real voice through a voice chat system.

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Great.Just what I need, some poor imp I just killed spamming chat bubbles and lagging out the server because he/she can't handle dying.
So? Put him on /ignore or disable chat bubbles while you're in a warzone. Problem solved. Besides, they wouldn't be lagging the server, as they'd be handled client-side.


No thanks.As far as RP is concerned, it would be better to use your real voice through a voice chat system.
Hardly so. I would find it most immersion breaking to hear a character with a voice different than what fits the character. Unless there is some really good voice changer software involved (and there isn't anything like that yet) and the voice is properly placed in space so you can clearly pereceive which character exactly it comes from along with the lips moving while the characters talk (think an enhanced and much improved version of SOEmote, which in it's current form is hardly sufficient to replace chat bubbles from my experience), chat bubbles are still the way to go. Edited by Stubacca
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I find it frustrating the dev team spent time to change the 'lock' graphic for the quick buttons to some triangle that makes little sense, but we cant even find out if chat bubbles made it off the 'wall of crazy'


I suspect chat bubbles are not in dev, not being worked on, and not on anyone's agenda.


I am at a loss as what to do. I have sent tickets, used the forums, and posted on social media sites they use to communicate.


At this point, the lack of communication really just screams -WE ARE NOT FIXING CHAT BUBBLES...


The size of this thread alone should make sense to address with a communication of 'We see you, but it cant happen for x reason' or 'we are working on it' etc... Ignoring it is now causing more damage to the trust relationship bioware has been trying to rebuild with many of us.


:mad: Come on BW - Read your boards, show some professionalism, and communicate the status of this request.

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Well, we don't have much info on the "Expansion" yet, so I'm hopeful that Chat Bubbles will make it in with it! I'm hoping they put a lot in that "expansion", but I really don't care if the only thing in it is Chat Bubbles! Lol. I just want Bubbles already darn it.
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Well, we don't have much info on the "Expansion" yet, so I'm hopeful that Chat Bubbles will make it in with it! I'm hoping they put a lot in that "expansion", but I really don't care if the only thing in it is Chat Bubbles! Lol. I just want Bubbles already darn it.
And there are many others that feel this way. I really do hope they will make it into the game really soon.


On a side note, I've added a link to the following article from massively.com to the main post, which also includes the desire for chat bubbles:


Hyperspace Beacon: My top five wishes for SWTOR roleplay



Edited by Glzmo
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I think this is a great idea. I want to say WoW or another game I can't think of had these too which added to the social feel of the game. Suddenly it wasn't some dude goofing off in general chat, in a wall of the same text color; it's the dude standing on the rail next to you in fleet being silly that you hope would fall off and have to respawn away from you. lol
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I find it frustrating the dev team spent time to change the 'lock' graphic for the quick buttons to some triangle that makes little sense, but we cant even find out if chat bubbles made it off the 'wall of crazy'


The triangle icon is an unintentional "bug". As you said yourself. A triangle makes no sense at all and devs already stated that it was not part of the update. Should be fixed in an upcoming patch.

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The triangle icon is an unintentional "bug". As you said yourself. A triangle makes no sense at all and devs already stated that it was not part of the update. Should be fixed in an upcoming patch.


Well, thanks for setting me straight on the poo idea of the triangle. I am a bit more disturbed about how that happens on accident, but maybe they can slip up and fix chat bubbles as well! :D

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Well, thanks for setting me straight on the poo idea of the triangle. I am a bit more disturbed about how that happens on accident, but maybe they can slip up and fix chat bubbles as well! :D


Even if it was a bug I'd be happy! Ha. Chat Bubbles just need to be added. Also, that Hyperspace Beacon was a good one.

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Here is an update UI Designer Cory Korek posted on the topic in the Want to Test RotHC (and live in Austin)? thread:

Nice. That should come in handy, especially at high resolutions.

Since you're a GUI guy, would you be the person to work on chat bubbles as well?



I don't have much else to say on the topic than what was already said in that thread.


I can get a bit more technical on the topic though. As it was said before chat bubbles were a huge performance hit on the game when we had initially implemented them in beta. We're talking upwards of 400Mbs of video memory used on chat bubbles alone. Nameplates had the same issue. We fixed nameplates but have not had time to do the same with chat bubbles. If you played in beta and saw our initial implementation of them they weren't very pretty or as fully featured as we'd like them to be. So, yes, we would like to implement them again, but when we do we want to do it right.

It isn't much, but it's at least someone finally took some time to explain the situation a little bit and at least we know they still want to implement them. Edited by Glzmo
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Ehhhh no thanks on the bubbles cluttering up my screen. As long as I can toggle the stupid things off then I don't care if they get added. If toggling them is not optioned then no thanks you can keep em.


Totally agree - if you want to RP and use them. Great if not, turn em off. I never have general enabled.... I just want the option.

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I really don't understand why they still haven't started working on chat bubbles if they say they want them in. PVE and PVP get updates all the time, but how long do us social roleplayers have to wait until we finally get an essential feature? It just isn't acceptable and I will let them know with my wallet when my 6 month subscription runs out soon.
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