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Attention Citizens: The Rakghoul Plague Outbreak


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PLEASE put a DNA vendor back in the game (preferably on the Fleet) for this now-past world event like other mmos do. I don't browse the forums except for patch notes and never even knew when the event would end. I didn't have time to play this weekend and am sitting on 400+ dna samples w/o having bought anything yet.
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Cool event. Could be done a bit better (massive roaming marauder gangs of rakghouls, sorta like a "real" zombie outbreak, but I'm guessing the engine doesn't like that), but it was still good.


Timed events like this give atmosphere and detail to the game world.


Hope to see more in the future, both this one and new ones. Maybe the Rakghoul Plague could have outbreaks from time to time, but on different planets!

Edited by Masakari_
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From my point of view, the event ending should be announced from news in game ( like it was about the virus ) something like * we starting to get control over the virus and so on, well u get the point * becouse i'm not that person who goes every day to chek the forums, i play game, not read forums and today like BOOM nothing ... it kinda disapointing, was colecting DNA and now well... will wait until vendor apiers in some time and space continum. :confused:

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*sigh* No, I specifically mentioned that it doesn't provide anything you need - only things you want.


Don't use my post as a foundation to push your agenda here, because I didn't say what you wanted me to say.


And for the record I didn't get everything I wanted to get, because the ~25 customization boxes I bought weren't enough to get all of the 8 different companion customizations.


I get what you're saying, I really do, but it only comes across as entitlement on this end.


At the end of the day prolonging the event to please everyone will just make the people that did spend time with the event disgruntled instead, and deflating the value and relative rareness of the rewards.


Actually it's you who dont get it and your last comment realy highlights it very well.


Let me but it differently for you. If reward was just mods/armors/crystals/etc somewhere between normal daily and top end raiding/pvp level it would be irrelevant if someone got those or not because there is MANY other ways to get mods/armors/crystals/etc that would do exactly same thing only maybe be different color of beam/laser.


But like you said last this world event is ONLY way to get certain cosmetic/other items that will NEVER become obsolite items and codex etc. Now this is something that can not be replaced with similar reward from some other activity with only difefrence being color of beam/laser.


You keep saying that only if it was mods/armors/crystals/etc thats usable to pve or pvp it would have been manatory when you can get exact same things from other activity that is completely void argument. As if those were only thing this world event gave it would have been irrelevant if people used time to get similar gear elswhere compared to entirely event unique cosmetic/other items.


You allso admitted only reason you think this should be so is that it makes you special as you got that gear most missed because if others got it more you wont be so special and rare. If you did not care about this unique/rare part why then speak so mutch about it its just cometic doesnt matter if all got that choise why would it you dont need it for raid or pvp it is just cosmetic after all.

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Well I lost all faith this game to ever have any well thought world events that are not meant only for players speding everyday on game and forums. Game with this heavy lore I find it huge insult on my face they mess it completely for majority of player base.


Seem only point of world events is make 24hour players another way to brag and get stuff to sell normal players who dont have decent change to get them themself.


Are you for real?


I don't camp the game 24/7. Hell, I didn't start participating in the event until the last week, and I still had fun with it--guildies of mine that have 8-5 jobs also had fun with it and still managed to get a cool crystal or a pet out of it.


If you seriously consider it a giant betrayal that the event was so short, and that you didn't get every last little thing, all I have to say is:


Boo. Freaking. Hoo. Seriously. It wasn't meant to go on for months and months, and it was meant to be FOR FUN. If you take the game so seriously that you're going to get all bent out of shape over this, then I suggest strongly that you just stop playing and find something more constructive to do with your life.

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A notice in-game would of been nice, maybe even the launcher or website. I really don't use the forums. Customers shouldn't have to hunt for things like this. Now i'm stuck with 321 DNA Samples that I was going to turn in today.
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Are you for real?


I don't camp the game 24/7. Hell, I didn't start participating in the event until the last week, and I still had fun with it--guildies of mine that have 8-5 jobs also had fun with it and still managed to get a cool crystal or a pet out of it.


If you seriously consider it a giant betrayal that the event was so short, and that you didn't get every last little thing, all I have to say is:


Boo. Freaking. Hoo. Seriously. It wasn't meant to go on for months and months, and it was meant to be FOR FUN. If you take the game so seriously that you're going to get all bent out of shape over this, then I suggest strongly that you just stop playing and find something more constructive to do with your life.


Like I said earlier I dont expect event to last that long but if it is short event I expect it is made clear to players there is short event. This was not mentioned in patch notes this was only mentioned ingame on fleet on one news report among other news reports it was extremely easy to miss due huge patch and lots of new things added / changed.


And shortly after event started it was announced only in forum in one post that event will be very short but takes long time to completele.


Allso quests opening every day was bound to characters individually not on days so you could have completed all quest/lore on last day.


Intstead if you missed this you missed quests/lore and posibility for some nice cosmetic gear/items.


Compined yes I dont have faith because if only way I can enjoy lore/cosmetics of this game is depending on uterly miserably information that is easy to miss yet takes many days to complete.

Edited by Rezag
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Please bring the dna vendor back. There was no news or in-game announcements about ending the event. Many people have dna samples and there is no vendor.


Unless they were completely under a rock, they knew this. Many people were trying to angle the market at the last minute and were left holding their own sacks (of DNA).


Most people that didn't know didn't farm enough DNA to buy anything cool anyways.

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Hello Bioware,


This was a fun event. I did it many times on imperial toons as well as a lowbie sage on a pvp server. It was a little tedious to do as repub but it wsa great xp. On my imps I would just cruise from spot to spot and only fight the daily mobs. On the sage, I had to fight my way across the zone, mobs, players and daily targets. I enjoyed it. I did not enjoy fighting my way to the capsule at the end of the canyon, clearing the mobs at the end so I could summon the four mobs when the capsule is touched and while in combat a 50 imp comes along and one shots me. But it was momentary and I used the time ot take a break and he was gone.



Anyway, I enjoyed the fact that each mob matched your level and had level appropriate drops. I also like how you could team with others and the mobs were the highest level in the group. I used a 50 to help my guild mates out who were in low 40s.


I liked the dna drops. I liked the scavenger hunt. I did get the title on one toon, but the other did not get the third boss. I read later that you could use 24 people to do that boss. Also something about it scaled based upon the level of the person who hits it first. Being on a small server I wish the event would last longer so I could get groups up again. I would like to try it once more.


Anyway, it was fun. Kudos for you on an interesting event and fun time. It makes me feel better.


Rock on.



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I only ask dears developers to repeat this event. It was really fun and exciting. As for me I enjoy to make event quests. And only thing i ask you is let me earn last piece of event armour set and to spend my honestly earned DNA's. ))


Thank you and let the Force be with you. (and money).

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Fantastic event and great job imitating Sony Online Entertainment by ignoring the community, you're already acting like MMORPG veterans!


well done BIoware, Well done!

Edited by kurzis
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Unless they were completely under a rock, they knew this.

April 23rd - The update about ending the event and vendor disappearing. If I don't read forum every day, how could I knew it?

Most people that didn't know didn't farm enough DNA to buy anything cool anyways.

I have ~200-250 dna samples, I wanted to buy color crystals today, but when I logged in, I realize, that the event ended.

Edited by rurikrok
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I'm sorry, but I have to agree with others that said there should have been some notice In-Game... that it was coming to an end. I was logged in until the servers went down last night (until one minute before) and, ironically, there was one of those announcements on the Republic Fleet Space station just before it went down that the plague was happening and be careful, report any info, etc. There should have been some notice that it was coming to an end, that they had been containing it... something. It would have added to the story!!!


I am sorry, but I am a game PLAYER, not a game forum READER except when I have problems or questions like, "Why do I have open quests, a stack of hard-earned, event-only DNA and no way to finish them and sell it?"


In game announcements would have added to the story and given those of us with DNA a real chance to sell it! I loved the event (please have more!) but give us more info about it in game, especially when it is ending. Again, this helps players, keeps us in the story, and adds to the overall enjoyment of the experience (I think.)


Hell, even a notice on the launcher - although that would not really enhance the story.


Again, I only read the forums when there are issues. (And thankfully, I have had very few - this is a well done game!) I read enough stuff all day long at my job. I don't play an MMO so I can read the forums- unless I am beta testing.


Just my two cents.

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If reward was just mods/armors/crystals/etc somewhere between normal daily and top end raiding/pvp level it would be irrelevant if someone got those or not because there is MANY other ways to get mods/armors/crystals/etc that would do exactly same thing only maybe be different color of beam/laser.

That's not what I'm saying though, what I'm trying to point out that if the event introduced something like +60 Power/Endurance/Expertise etc. color crystals, as opposed to the +41 variant that's freely available already, then the game would have to offer those through another source or risk a disparity in power level between those who participated in the event and those who didn't.


Luckily, there's nothing of the sort - it's all vanity stuff.


Which you may want, but clearly don't need.


You're still only arguing entitlement I'm afraid, nothing new has been brought into this discussion.

If you did not care about this unique/rare part why then speak so mutch about it its just cometic doesnt matter if all got that choise why would it you dont need it for raid or pvp it is just cosmetic after all.

Again, you're failing to differentiate between want and need.


If events like these didn't offer something desirable to the players the eagerness to participate would be much diminished. But it can't offer things you need, or at least not be the only source of such things, because it's not going to be around forever.


You couldn't participate because you had to prioritize other things instead, everyone gets that. But that doesn't mean you're entitled to anything that has no impact on your ability to play the game.

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