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How many hours does it take you to PUG the daily?


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I got my daily on Monday, I play for 2 to 3 hours, warzones only, I need one more win for my daily from monday and I need 8 more wins for my weekly which I will probably have for two weeks since my server seems to be infested with imps. The rebel side has a horrible win to lose ratio :( Sometime I get lucky, like when 1.2 just came out, I did my weekly in one night, the night after, it was back to the same crap, loss after loss. :(
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I got my daily on Monday, I play for 2 to 3 hours, warzones only, I need one more win for my daily from monday and I need 8 more wins for my weekly which I will probably have for two weeks since my server seems to be infested with imps. The rebel side has a horrible win to lose ratio :( Sometime I get lucky, like when 1.2 just came out, I did my weekly in one night, the night after, it was back to the same crap, loss after loss. :(


Thats were I'm at on the Rep side...sometimes its that night most times its a day or two....weeklies can be weekly or couple weeks....Tuesday are worst because the weeklies reset and the Imp premades are out in force....we have some decent players but we're usually out healed 3-4 healers to maybe 2 if we're lucky in the pugs...guild would rather raid...cant say that I blame them but it gets frustrating

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There is a simple fix to this. stop pugging. q wtih a group. you've all played wz's long enough that you know who the good players are on ur server. add them to your friends list....invite them to group...q for warzones. its literally that simple. I hit 50 last friday night. i finished my bm set before i went to bed last night and i only play weekends and evenings since i work 9-5 m-f. i made 1200 comms last night playing from 6-1130. played 14 matches. grouped with 3 other ppl. group q = more wins = more comms. so why would u solo q? be social, get a group, win warzones. its not surprising that a team objective based game is more easily won by a team of players q'ing together than someone solo q'ing.


There is nothing but a plus side to group q'ing. The only issue you might have is if you arent a good player then the good players wont want to group with you and u'll be back to solo q'ing but that should tell u something. improve or get left behind.

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I'm on a Imp dominated realm. Daily started last Friday and completed last night. Played 3-4 daily all pvp. Gear imbalance only getting worse on our server.


gear means very little. the recruit gear has what? 900+ expertise on it.

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Our sever all but died prior to patch 1.2, players bored of the end game and awaiting all the new promises in 1.2 Legacy.


I am a PvPer, I only raided when the ques were so long on our dyeing server that I couldn’t stand the wait. So I’m only here to address the part of the game I focus the most on, PvP.


Prior to patch 1.2 I read so many threads on here about how Expertise was a bad idea, or poorly implemented at best. I myself made a thread about the problems I felt PvP had. A lot of what I read, players wanted Expertise gone, or moved to a set bonus instead of an ever increasing system. The second big complaint was the players could not customize their gear like they had been accustomed to doing up to level 50. Or new looking gear, Operatives that didn’t have 80’s FM radio headsets for head gear. Sorcs and Assassins that didn’t have feather head dresses and skirts, etc. Finally I read a lot about how poorly the que system was, no cross server, horrible pub to imp ratios, and a que system that allowed games to start 4 versus 8.


So Patch 1.2 was looking to be a new rebirth into all these issues. The new gear was going to be strippable so we could customize our gear like prior to level 50. A que system that allows 8 player groups to que against each other 8 player groups. And a revamped Expertise system.


Patch 1.2 hits… and those in the PvP end game had disappointment handed out all around.


1) The gear can be totally removed and customized, but the set bonus stays with the gear anyways, so there goes having any choice of using the gear you like the look of unless you plan to gimp your toon. So that advertised feature literally meant nothing as players are stuck with the gear anyways.

2) The new gear, when did Rainbow Bright get hired as the lead designer for Bioware?

3) Expertise was adjusted, but instead of helping remove it from the game, or bring it down to steady levels, more Expertise was added to the gear.

4) Players that customized their gear prior to patch 1.2 got rewarded for their creative by losing the new Expertise that was added to the Mod and Enhancement slots.

5) The old win-lose system did not give Premades much of an incentive to play, only to finish the dailies fasters. The new system that rewards the win, but gives little to nothing to the loosing team, now offers major incentive for premades. However the que system has no problem throwing 8 player ops groups versus 100% total random groups. So the Que system went from bad to horrible.



Dear BioWare,


Expertise is a STUPID IDEA; please get that through your heads. Remove it from the game. Allow players to customize their gear to affect their outcome in PvP. PvP gear vs PvE gear = how a player decides to customize their gear set stats and looks, end of story.


Your Que system needs a complete over-haul. Ops Groups should not be able to enter a Que against total pugs, period. If the server population means that feature would be totally dead… then re-haul the system for cross-server Ques. Groups of 3 and less should only ever play against other groups of 3 or less. Groups of 4 should only get Qued against groups of 4, so each team has 2 premades on it. Groups of 5-7 should be in their own Que, possibly allowing one or two random players onto a team. Groups of 8 should only get Qued against other Groups of 8. Four different Que levels, for balance and because it’s the logical way to handle it.


Thank you BioWare.




Can we have a Fight Club area on the Fleet Station, a FFA Zone?

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Pre 50:

- before 1.2, it would take me about 3-5 matches to finally win one (light pop server, imp dominated (I'm rep))

- after 1.2, it takes over 10 matches to get 1 which has 8 players. (due to known bug they will soon fix) So, it takes 10 * that same 3-5. Or, 30-50 matches to complete daily. In other words, it takes several days to complete a "daily".



- ha ha ha ha ha ha. I have had the daily quest for 2 months now. Still 1 of 3. I have stopped logging in my level 50 characters at this point.

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I come from a small guild so i only PUG and i can usually finish my weekly in one night in about 4 hours. i would say that happens at least 3 of the 4 weeks in month. It's usually 12-15 matches that night. I only play a few nights a week so i try my hardest to get it done in one night or at least get to 6/9 so i can finish it another night. It usually takes me 2 or 3 weeks to get the weekly played quest done.
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Just wondereing.


Took me ~3 hours today. (last win: 19 medals - but a whoopin 61 commendations... -.-)


Not going to be able to play for 3 hours every day. And I still guess it's going to get worse for the 'random Mr. Niceguy'



----------------------- edit: the calculation on time for pvp gear. -----------------------

Working class player:

40 coms a match.

3 matches an hour.

2-3 hours a day.

= 380 coms a day.

+99 daily = 479.



Premade-10-hours-a-day player:

4 games an hour (thats with waiting, breaks due to random-afkness, ...)

70 coms avg (mostly winning and high on medals)

10 hours a day (you know, that screams 'get help' - seriously, it does)

+99 a day.


4*70*10 = 2899 comms a day. -- WOW! that surprised me just now.


Prices Cheatsheet

at a total of 12475 points for full battlemaster


Thats 4.3 days. For the whole thing.


at my previously calculated 479 comms a day it would be 26.04 days.


At this rate this player will be in full rated before I even complete my BM stuff.


Or - in math:

2899 * 26 = 75374 coms

that makes 62899 coms beyond the full battlemaster

divided by 3 thats 20966 rated warzone commendations

plus the daily and weekly rewards:

+ 26/7*99(weekly) +26*99(daily) = 31977

Giving a total after 26 days of 52943 rated commendations AFTER getting the BM set.


the complete rated set costs 28625 rated commendations


Or in other words - I'm outmatched now, I'll always be. So the making the impact of gear so immense was a nasty way to tell me to **** or die like the scrub I am. ;)


Oh - this also means that in less than a month th pro-players will be bored and asking for stuff to do with all those commendation. ;)


Solo queuing will mean you have a terrible win ratio. Make some online friends that you like to pvp with, and queue together.

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Just wondereing.


Took me ~3 hours today. (last win: 19 medals - but a whoopin 61 commendations... -.-)


Not going to be able to play for 3 hours every day. And I still guess it's going to get worse for the 'random Mr. Niceguy'



----------------------- edit: the calculation on time for pvp gear. -----------------------

Working class player:

40 coms a match.

3 matches an hour.

2-3 hours a day.

= 380 coms a day.

+99 daily = 479.



Premade-10-hours-a-day player:

4 games an hour (thats with waiting, breaks due to random-afkness, ...)

70 coms avg (mostly winning and high on medals)

10 hours a day (you know, that screams 'get help' - seriously, it does)

+99 a day.


4*70*10 = 2899 comms a day. -- WOW! that surprised me just now.


Prices Cheatsheet

at a total of 12475 points for full battlemaster


Thats 4.3 days. For the whole thing.


at my previously calculated 479 comms a day it would be 26.04 days.


At this rate this player will be in full rated before I even complete my BM stuff.


Or - in math:

2899 * 26 = 75374 coms

that makes 62899 coms beyond the full battlemaster

divided by 3 thats 20966 rated warzone commendations

plus the daily and weekly rewards:

+ 26/7*99(weekly) +26*99(daily) = 31977

Giving a total after 26 days of 52943 rated commendations AFTER getting the BM set.


the complete rated set costs 28625 rated commendations


Or in other words - I'm outmatched now, I'll always be. So the making the impact of gear so immense was a nasty way to tell me to **** or die like the scrub I am. ;)


Oh - this also means that in less than a month th pro-players will be bored and asking for stuff to do with all those commendation. ;)


it takes me enough time to pug while waiting for my guildies to get on so we can then group up and finish the daily

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I never Q with more than my healer friend. The two of us still qualifies as pugging imo.


That said, it hasn't taken me more than 5-7 warzones per day to complete the daily since 1.2 went live. Qs are popping so fast lately that there is no waiting between matches. Before 1.2 I could spend 2-4 hours doing my daily as the time between Qs could be anywhere from 10-30 minutes. And with people actually *trying* now I see wins closer to 50% of the time than 20-30% previously.


I would guess it is taking me anywhere between 1-2 hours to do my daily on average now. Haven't been focusing so much on it lately though, theres a lot to do other than being inside of warzones and sitting around on the fleet now.

Edited by Celebrus
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I got my daily on Monday, I play for 2 to 3 hours, warzones only, I need one more win for my daily from monday and I need 8 more wins for my weekly which I will probably have for two weeks since my server seems to be infested with imps. The rebel side has a horrible win to lose ratio :( Sometime I get lucky, like when 1.2 just came out, I did my weekly in one night, the night after, it was back to the same crap, loss after loss. :(


Well, It's thursday, I still have mondays daily. Just need that one *********** win to finish the daily! But every warzone I get into always start off at a disadvantage, it's so hard to win the match as an underdog. I'm actually thinking about rerolling as an imp so I can start winning, I just don't know what class because I'm not a lightning fan.

Edited by Bolanos
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