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Welcome to the new Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ website!


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Well I'm no big fan of the new look.


It looks alright, more in line with the launcher, loads faster, and some info are sorted into sub categories - This is as far as the positive goes.


I dislike the fact that I now have to scroll down to see all of each page, unless I zoom out to some extreme absurd distant where i can't read the text.


It feels more all over the place and less like a tool/pad where info was presented and easily found.


Brings nothing new usefull options to the table.


Conclussion: Tried to fix something that wasn't broken.

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I, and probably others, are used to forums where they have a 'thread tools' link at the top of pages where all of the sub, search, mark as read, rate thread stuff is to be found.


Do you like it th

Edited by Meluna
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I like the design, but it still needs tweaking, namely it needs contours BADLY. :eek:


The grey areas in particular need contours. Right now, reading the black backgrounds posts is easy on the eyes, whilst the grey background posts is like trying to find a grey needle in a grey haystack. It's very tiring for the eyes.


Otherwise, good work.



TL, DR : Change the tone of the grey background behind the posts, they are very hard to read otherwise!

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This is one of the ugliest websites I have seen since Geocities was open. Even more difficult to navigate then before and not user friendly at all. Your web designer should be fired and a 14yr old from the local school brought in to redesign this entire site and all it will cost you is a bag of Dorito's and a 6 pack of Mt' Dew.


Now I know why everyone is puking on the fleet stations, they saw this nasty looking change.

Edited by Mercyflush
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Am I missing something, or has "Advanced Search" for the entire Forum disappeared? ("Advanced Search" at the bottom of a thread page only searches that thread AFAICT.)


Greetings GymQuirk,


Currently, the Advanced Search option can be found by performing a search using the default Search option. One the results page, there is a link to the "Advanced Search" page in the upper right of the search results. Clicking this link should bring you to the Advanced Search page.


Hope that helps!

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I'm not sure I like the new look. Yeah, it's pretty and all, but...


... the header at the top of each page is too large. It's especially annoying on the forums, where I find I need to scroll down just to read the entire first post on ANY thread. We ALREADY know this is the website for "Star Wars: The Old Republic". That's why we came here. You don't need to use so much space to tell us.


Along the same lines, the "Community News" section at the top of the main "Community" page is also too large. The individual items could be MUCH smaller, or use less whitespace (grayspace?) around them.


But the real space hog is the "news slideshow" on the site's homepage. By default, that "slideshow" area takes up over three-quarters of my screen's vertical real estate. I can't even see the entire first "news" item down below it without scrolling! And this is on an HD monitor with 1920x1080 resolution! Seriously, don't you people bother to test this site on smaller screens anymore??? I beg of you, cut that thing's size in half!


In fact, there seems to have been a general tendency to make EVERYthing on the site bigger, except for the ACTUAL PAGE BODY TEXT. Sure, I can zoom out in my browser to reduce the size of all the headers and fit more REAL information on the page, but then the body text becomes teeny-tiny and unreadable!


As some in this thread have stated, this seems to have been a website redesign in search of a purpose...

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Oh, one more thing I just noticed: In each forum's list of threads, and on any multi-page thread, in the area where it shows the page numbers ("Page X of Y 1 2 3 ..."), the current page number is hard to make out in the sequential numbered list of pages. You have the current page number emboldened, but it just doesn't stand out in that font and at that point size. You really ought to make it a different color as well.
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I'm not sure I like the new look. Yeah, it's pretty and all, but...


... the header at the top of each page is too large. It's especially annoying on the forums, where I find I need to scroll down just to read the entire first post on ANY thread. We ALREADY know this is the website for "Star Wars: The Old Republic". That's why we came here. You don't need to use so much space to tell us.


Along the same lines, the "Community News" section at the top of the main "Community" page is also too large. The individual items could be MUCH smaller, or use less whitespace (grayspace?) around them.


But the real space hog is the "news slideshow" on the site's homepage. By default, that "slideshow" area takes up over three-quarters of my screen's vertical real estate. I can't even see the entire first "news" item down below it without scrolling! And this is on an HD monitor with 1920x1080 resolution! Seriously, don't you people bother to test this site on smaller screens anymore??? I beg of you, cut that thing's size in half!


In fact, there seems to have been a general tendency to make EVERYthing on the site bigger, except for the ACTUAL PAGE BODY TEXT. Sure, I can zoom out in my browser to reduce the size of all the headers and fit more REAL information on the page, but then the body text becomes teeny-tiny and unreadable!


As some in this thread have stated, this seems to have been a website redesign in search of a purpose...


The top banner isn't just saying you are on SWTOR's site, but it is also showing featured news. You'd really only need to scroll down if you are looking for old news. Common on most websites.


I am on a 1920x1080 monitor and have no issues with header height as the sub pages all have much shorter headers.


Not standing up for the design because I'm not a fan (I've said before, seems very unfinished/rushed). But I don't find merit in your feedback.

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