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Welcome to the new Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ website!


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How about instead of worrying about the *********** look of the website you actually fix the many in game problems. Get your priorities straight. *** is the point of a pretty website if no one plays the game.


This post you put on the forums is not nice at all do not do it again ok.

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I like the new template for the site - it matches the launcher and feels a bit smoother. One thing that *would* be nice, would be too see fewer ads on the site saying 'Buy the Game Now'. I feel like if I'm logged in and a key has been assigned to my account, I should not still be seeing 'Buy the Game Now' on the forums and main site pages. It's a minor thing, of course, but with the new template, the ads stand out a bit more.


Also, my own opinion, on the forum topic lists (e.g. http://www.swtor.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=255), it's not as easy to pick out specific topics as you scroll down. On the previous template, it was easy to scroll down quickly and find strings of text that match what you were looking for (just general browsing). On the new template, with everything so dark and all of the text contrasting so well (not a bad thing in itself), it 'feels' like there's a lot more text, and it's harder to quickly scan titles/descriptions.


Just my two cents - overall, I like the makeover :)

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The layout of the new site is good, but the color scheme definitely needs work. I would recommend under forum management that you allow people to set the color scheme using a bit of PHP and selectable CSS layout files.


^ This would be nice :)

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Yeah, option for old/classic style would be very welcome. Keep the upper part of the site if you wish, but please give option to have the old appearance for threads. Especially the spacing, I could have 19 threads visible on my screen before, now only 14. And if at all possible the old colors would be so much better as well. Just make it an option, I know plenty of game websites/forums where people can choose from different appearances.


Give option to change spacing and colors (and disable that mouse highlighting, thats like '99 :p) and usability would go up a lot in my book :)

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Holy Crap!!! What happened to the forum - it looks absolutely hideous and things are hard to find now. Everything is so bunched together and crowded. Is there a way to use the previous version. I understand the game devs have made a mess of the game but that doesn't mean we have to do it here. It is so user unfriendly. Who designed this?? :( What? Are we trying to make this like the game now??? Or is it maybe the browser I'm using? Just looks so "cheap" now...


Why does everything associated wtih this game/company have to go to hell?? Why can't there be nice things here? God, what a strain on the eyes this board is now.

Edited by DarthSublimitas
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Is that all you can say.


Your one line replies to anyone that doesn't like the new layout are rather annoying. You have yet to state why you like it only that "It is better". Nobody wants to read your trollish comments on others' opinions. If all you can do is ask unintelligent questions about clearly stated responses and make even worse 1-liners you should just not post at all. You are entitled to your opinion, but not entitled to harass others for theirs. If you don't stop I will be reporting you.

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