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Force Sweep.


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So i am a 950 expertise sage. and i just got hit for 4.5k by force sweep... an instant cast ability taht does 4k dmg.. followed by hit strike for 4.5k 9k with instant cast spells in 2 global cd's


guess how much i can heal in 2 globals. oh yeah none cause iw as stunned form 100% hp to dead by one player.

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You need to give your head a shake.

I am a 50 guardian ( in full vindicator battlemaster ) and even when i pop relics and adrenals I dont crit for 7k, more like 4.5k against low expertise players.

Other than our 1 trick pony sweep focus guardians got gutted in 1.2.

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You need to give your head a shake.

I am a 50 guardian ( in full vindicator battlemaster ) and even when i pop relics and adrenals I dont crit for 7k, more like 4.5k against low expertise players.

Other than our 1 trick pony sweep focus guardians got gutted in 1.2.


i hit for 7.4k the other day... dont know what youre talking about. Just because youre in full BM doesnt mean youre doing it right >.<



Edited by fuzzDONTEVENTRIP
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You need to give your head a shake.

I am a 50 guardian ( in full vindicator battlemaster ) and even when i pop relics and adrenals I dont crit for 7k, more like 4.5k against low expertise players.

Other than our 1 trick pony sweep focus guardians got gutted in 1.2.


I had a mostly centurion geared JK pre 1.2 and I hit for 4.5k easily.


Logic would suggest that you are downplaying it, by quite a bit.

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exactly pre 1.2 the damage got lowered, I am a full BM guardian and it does not hit that hard. so get off the damn knight hate wagon and realize that there are also other classes doing rediculous damage like powertech or snipers ect ect, oh thats right they all have the ability to do alot of damage so quit the ******** its expertise not 1 specific class. if you disagree l2p thats all I have to say.
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exactly pre 1.2 the damage got lowered, I am a full BM guardian and it does not hit that hard. so get off the damn knight hate wagon and realize that there are also other classes doing rediculous damage like powertech or snipers ect ect, oh thats right they all have the ability to do alot of damage so quit the ******** its expertise not 1 specific class. if you disagree l2p thats all I have to say.


JK were slightly above par pre 1.2.


Disagreeing with you is not a L2P issues, I assume you realize this but is affected by frustration.

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I am a BM guardian and have been reminding my gear post 1.2 with power/surge.


My expertise is at 1100 and my surge on force attacks is at 108.5%.


I hit BM sorcs for 5k consistently. If I pop my relic I can hit non BM's for 6k, with my highest being around 6.2 on an undergeared marauder.

However I do not have hilt strike.... I have force storm ( I think that's what it's called) and it can crit for 3.5k... So after a force leap, I can easily do close to 10 k in 3 seconds on the undergeared.


Is that balanced? I believe it is since you have 26 meters to attack me before I can do anything.


P.s. I hit most melee classes for 3- 3.5k with my sweep except for marauder... But they don't need a buff.

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This is what you get when you have braniacs designing spec trees who think the best spec tree design is to have each tree buff one ability ridiculously.


It is seriously laughable. Whoever was responsible for spec design needs to go back to school because the trees are full of fundamental noob mistakes.


Sweep spec is just one of many. PTs have a similar issue with one tree just buffing rail and the other dps tree just buffing flamethrower.


I could go on and on. There are tons of spec trees in this game that are built around buffing a single ability.

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The game is turning into 1,2, 3 enter panic mode then die!


Mercs Heat Seeker hitting for 8k, Sins doing 12k - 15k in a rotation and so on....


1049 expertise currently and a Heat Seeker hit me for 4875. I am a sorc, but a nearly 5k instant crit is pretty ridiculous. Then again, every melee in this game has hit me for that as well and master strike//force sweep combos are out of hand. (In all fairness, I was playing pretty dumb and was out in the open with nothing to LoS the guy and CD's were down...and I didn't run when I knew I was about to be blown the eff up. I had that destruction coming.)


Are Sorc/Sages the only DPS class in the game that doesn't have an instant cast spell critting for over 4k? (Deathfield with pots/expertise buff hits for that on NON geared people.)

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I assure you, that force sweep is the least of your problems. It is buggy, it needs set up first, it can be avoided in most cases EVEN if you don't have slowing ability, and it shines only in mass zergings, which really is far from important.
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1049 expertise currently and a Heat Seeker hit me for 4875. I am a sorc, but a nearly 5k instant crit is pretty ridiculous. Then again, every melee in this game has hit me for that as well and master strike//force sweep combos are out of hand. (In all fairness, I was playing pretty dumb and was out in the open with nothing to LoS the guy and CD's were down...and I didn't run when I knew I was about to be blown the eff up. I had that destruction coming.)


Are Sorc/Sages the only DPS class in the game that doesn't have an instant cast spell critting for over 4k? (Deathfield with pots/expertise buff hits for that on NON geared people.)


Just 4875? You haven't seen nothing yet, my friend. Check this out: http://imageshack.us/f/163/8270dmg.jpg/

And yes, we are the squishiest dps class that just happens to have the lowest burst on top of that. Welcome to the club :)

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Force Sweep damage by itself is nothing noteworthy, but since it's AE you might get hit by 3 of them at the same time and have 3 guys instantly die. Still, if 3 guys can hit you with Force Sweep then you can hit all 3 guys with a KB too and KB is a pretty standard counter (knocks them just far enough so they can't hit you).
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