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Remove the rakghoul plague now

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First of all, no one is posting as much as Ferroz, I should know, I was nr 3 on that list, think your name was above mine.


Secondly it's not like you'd find as many people opposing the event for every 65 pages you cover, by the looks of these threads you'd see a diminishing return. Are there more than the 4 or 5 of you that keep posting? I'm ceratin there are, and I'm willing to take your word on that list you compiled. I've never seen you call a dictionary invalid just becuase it stated something contrary to your opinion. That still doesn't change that the people in favour of this event, who hare enjoying it, far outweigh those that dislike it.


While I haven't taken the time to look through the other threads, I am certain that the ratio is relatively consistent because I can off the top of my head bring to mind a large number of posters opposed in the more recent renditions of this topic.


Now, you are correct that there is a large majority in favor - about 70 - 75%, I'd say. That doesn't make the fact that the minority is also large insignificant.

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In a game where money has no real cap and is constantly generated, 2000 *is* a small sum. Particularly when the materials you might gain for no having "protection" against the plague can be sold for far more than this.


I call 1/3 of your total a heft sum. And that was because I chose not to die for some quirky reason.

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At the time, that 17 people was approximately 25% of the posters in the thread. It is likely that that ratio has been maintained, as from what I saw the number of additional people opposed/in favor grew at similar rates. Over time, the ratio likely fluctuated between 20 - 30%, and likely still remains somewhere in the middle.


It is not an insignificant number, and you simply need to accept the truth that the facts do not support the selfish views of those who want to silence the people who dislike the plague mechanic.


It is an insignificant number, there are more than a million people playing this game. 2 dozen people is such a small portion it's not even worth caring about.

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compared to the amount of people playing this game 17 people might as well be 3 or 4. It really makes no difference even if there's several dozen of you complaining.


Spin spin spin ....


... meme ...


Very small percentaget that play the game post at all. We will never know how many people actually do not like this verse who likes it. While I will conceeed that it seems that the majority who post here like it, we will never actually know. I suspect the "all of a sudden" time stamp on the event (e.g. ends on the 24th) is a form of BW spin control as was the band aid of adding legacy 6 for the 30days of free play instead of just having a level 50.


BW screws up. Doesn't man up and admit they screwed up. And quietly shows that they were wrong with an oh btw er ... this will fix things.


I suspect based on past performance that BW thought that everyone would embrace this event. And were surprised by the reaction of non support and with tail between legs closes it with a limited duration.


Just sayin ...:rolleyes:

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I call 1/3 of your total a heft sum. And that was because I chose not to die for some quirky reason.


Whats so bad about dying from the plague? You were the one who doesn't want to die, so you were the one who spent the credits. You could have just died and called it at that.

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Hi, You're playing an MMO. This is a world event, it's an event that has made this game feel more immersive. I've seen what 1.2 and this event has done to the population on my server, it's booming. If you don't like it and can't tolerate it perhaps an MMO isn't for you.


I don't want Bioware to change a daym thing because a very obnoxious, vocal minority won't stop debating endlessly in this thread about why they don't like it, but won't even try it.


It's fun, it's really not harming your gameplay in any detrimental way. If you truely believe it is... you're no one I wish to play with.


So we must play the way you prefer, as opposed to having an option out of said Events? That is so kind of you; not so much fun for some us, but have a nice life.

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Spin spin spin ....


... meme ...


Very small percentaget that play the game post at all. We will never know how many people actually do not like this verse who likes it. While I will conceeed that it seems that the majority who post here like it, we will never actually know. I suspect the "all of a sudden" time stamp on the event (e.g. ends on the 24th) is a form of BW spin control as was the band aid of adding legacy 6 for the 30days of free play instead of just having a level 50.


BW screws up. Doesn't man up and admit they screwed up. And quietly shows that they were wrong with an oh btw er ... this will fix things.


I suspect based on past performance that BW thought that everyone would embrace this event. And were surprised by the reaction of non support and with tail between legs closes it with a limited duration.


Just sayin ...:rolleyes:


You should prbably use more conjecture, it might make you sound smarter :rolleyes:

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So we must play the way you prefer, as opposed to having an option out of said Events? That is so kind of you; not so much fun for some us, but have a nice life.


There is an opt out, you're just to lazy and selfish to use it.

Edited by daibakuha
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So we must play the way you prefer, as opposed to having an option out of said Events? That is so kind of you; not so much fun for some us, but have a nice life.


No, you're supposed to play it the way BW intended it. And by all accounts it's working as intended. I see no reason for them to waste time on an opt out for such a small minority, especially since this may force them to cave again and again everytime a small group has a minor upset.

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No, you're supposed to play it the way BW intended it. And by all accounts it's working as intended. I see no reason for them to waste time on an opt out for such a small minority, especially since this may force them to cave again and again everytime a small group has a minor upset.


agreed, this has happened in other games before, a small minority ruining the fun of the overwhelming majority.

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Particularly when you figure there are several thousand people that play that don’t post on these forums for every one that does. And the people that do post here are more bent on complaining anyway.


I have yet to see a single person complain about this event in general chat, most love it.


I am pretty sure we are talking about less than 1%


An event that pleases over 90% of the players?


Well done Bioware!


Saw one complaining last night, in fact was having a right royal hissy fit 'til it was explained that the vaccine existed. Then there was an apology for the hissy fit. :)

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An update. Since the consistency of these numbers over time was questioned, I briefly looked at the first 10 pages of this third version of the thread. This time, I did not take the time to distinguish between people objecting to the mechanics themselves and those objecting to the behavior of others, though I believe it was only one of these people objecting to behavior as opposed to design. Also note that for all of the names I have listed, some of them do like the event (as I do myself!) but simply believe the implementation was flawed in some way that has led to unnecessary problems.


In any case, the new players in the first 10 pages of this thread are:









That is 5 for 10 pages of new players only, or an average of 2 per page. This is actually a greater ratio than in the original thread, which averaged only about 1 per every 3 pages.


The numbers are consistent. There is an approximately 25% objection rate.

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So we must play the way you prefer, as opposed to having an option out of said Events? That is so kind of you; not so much fun for some us, but have a nice life.


No you must play the way the game is designed. World events are part of that.


The event does nothing to change your character, get in the way of what your doing, or even cost you anything. Except you explode 1 time every half hour of being infected. Takes 1 second to hit the respawn, and you have no repairs...


Oh and they give you DNA samples which is valued in the community right now.


If this effected your game play it would be one thing, but it doesn't.

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The person with the Yellow eyes chose for me, and did force me to participate. Actually, I dunno if they had yellow eyes as they were behind me at the Med Station in a crowd waiting for max effect; just a guess.


And Yes; I believe I did have to utilize the Trainers on the Fleet, I believe, as they had a special AC training session unseen at other locations


Events are good; Griefing is bad.


Ok, just a thought on this one here:


Just because someone is infected, and they explode near you, does NOT immediately mean that person is griefing or doing it intentionally. Hell, if I was infected and needed to go to the fleet for something, I wouldn't waste a vaccine curing myself first, and just go and do what I need to do. If I explode, it happens. I'm not targetting people who don't want to participate, I'm not having some ulterior motive, I'm just playing the game. Accidents happen - it's the same as if I used Force Leap onto a target that then suddenly got hit by Disturbance - it's my fault that I didn't see the Sage there casting it, but the damage is done and I'll head to another spot after apologizing.



The worst part of the plague is unintentional PvP flagging, in my opinion. They really need to fix that one.

Edited by Calsetes
Changed an "if" to "is."
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While I haven't taken the time to look through the other threads, I am certain that the ratio is relatively consistent because I can off the top of my head bring to mind a large number of posters opposed in the more recent renditions of this topic.


Now, you are correct that there is a large majority in favor - about 70 - 75%, I'd say. That doesn't make the fact that the minority is also large insignificant.


I wouldn't think the opposing side is a large as 20-25%, more like 10%ish %, on the forum, ingame it mey very well be even smaller.

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So we must play the way you prefer, as opposed to having an option out of said Events? That is so kind of you; not so much fun for some us, but have a nice life.


That's exactly what we are saying I guess, if you want to spin it that way. The thing is, it's how BW wants you to play, so yeah.


In the event that EA supplies any Software updates, patches, improvements, upgrades or other modifications to the Software, you agree that you will be required to install or patch the Software in the manner decided by EA in its sole discretion so as to continue Game play.


Have a nice life.

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At the time, that 17 people was approximately 25% of the posters in the thread. It is likely that that ratio has been maintained, as from what I saw the number of additional people opposed/in favor grew at similar rates. Over time, the ratio likely fluctuated between 20 - 30%, and likely still remains somewhere in the middle.


It is not an insignificant number, and you simply need to accept the truth that the facts do not support the selfish views of those who want to silence the people who dislike the plague mechanic.


I understand people don't like it. Fair enough.


Create "Boring"-flagged severs for them and"Hectic"-flagged servers for the rest of us.

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And then you have to test it. That takes time. Just because it can be changed doesn't mean it won't have an effect elsewhere.


Spoken like a true non-coder.

... it's a data change, to a specific item. The persist through death flag and cost flags are already tested, so in this case testing is pretty much "did the change take effect?"
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Ok, just a thought on this one here:


Just because someone is infected, and they explode near you, does NOT immediately mean that person if griefing or doing it intentionally. Hell, if I was infected and needed to go to the fleet for something, I wouldn't waste a vaccine curing myself first, and just go and do what I need to do. If I explode, it happens. I'm not targetting people who don't want to participate, I'm not having some ulterior motive, I'm just playing the game. Accidents happen - it's the same as if I used Force Leap onto a target that then suddenly got hit by Disturbance - it's my fault that I didn't see the Sage there casting it, but the damage is done and I'll head to another spot after apologizing.



The worst part of the plague is unintentional PvP flagging, in my opinion. They really need to fix that one.


But even if they were...so? That's what I love about these games...the fact that I actually sometimes am the one being played. My friend and I spent all night last night ganking overt Imps trying to do the quests. We did attack only level 50's...we tried to leave the others alone. But it was awesome! I'm sure we'll get it sometime, but that's the point- we're not playing a single person game...it's multiplayer. If you're getting hit by other players...do something about it.

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That's exactly what we are saying I guess, if you want to spin it that way. The thing is, it's how BW wants you to play, so yeah.


In the event that EA supplies any Software updates, patches, improvements, upgrades or other modifications to the Software, you agree that you will be required to install or patch the Software in the manner decided by EA in its sole discretion so as to continue Game play.


Have a nice life.


Correct, but remember, this debate is about whether or not BW should have implemented their design in this way, and it is relevant because BW is desirous of tuning the game to suit the players' liking. If, therefore, some small difference in design could satisfy more players, it's relevant.

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I wouldn't think the opposing side is a large as 20-25%, more like 10%ish %, on the forum, ingame it mey very well be even smaller.


On reddit, on the SWTOR subreddit the number opposed is something like 1-2% of the total subscribers to that subreddit. On a subreddit of nearly 30,000 people.

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It's also worth noting that as I read, I noticed a large number of people supporting the plague who were posting just as much, if not more, than myself, Elhanan, or ferroz.


Out of the 982 posts on this thread I'm betting you and Elhanan alone make up about 250+ posts if not more. Check your history.... Check his.


I've felt passionate about certain issues, I usually try to make sure that it's a valid issue that actually matters though.


To hate this event.. the thought almost makes me laugh its so ridiculous. It has effected my server in an extremely positive way.

So we must play the way you prefer, as opposed to having an option out of said Events? That is so kind of you; not so much fun for some us, but have a nice life.


No you get to play the MMO you're paying for in the manner that Bioware provides it. I don't think an opt-out or an opt-in should be an option, don't change it please. It's a WORLD EVENT.

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On reddit, on the SWTOR subreddit the number opposed is something like 1-2% of the total subscribers to that subreddit. On a subreddit of nearly 30,000 people.


How are you getting this number? Is there a poll?

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An update. Since the consistency of these numbers over time was questioned, I briefly looked at the first 10 pages of this third version of the thread. This time, I did not take the time to distinguish between people objecting to the mechanics themselves and those objecting to the behavior of others, though I believe it was only one of these people objecting to behavior as opposed to design. Also note that for all of the names I have listed, some of them do like the event (as I do myself!) but simply believe the implementation was flawed in some way that has led to unnecessary problems.


In any case, the new players in the first 10 pages of this thread are:









That is 5 for 10 pages of new players only, or an average of 2 per page. This is actually a greater ratio than in the original thread, which averaged only about 1 per every 3 pages.


The numbers are consistent. There is an approximately 25% objection rate.

Valkirus has been going since the begining. Redo your math.


Not that it matters because if this was a 25% issue, the forums would be flooded. It wouldn't be a person shows up in an isolated thread at the rate of 5-10 a day. It would be 5-10 a minute.


Yet we do not see that. We see a very subdued protest, mainly crusaded by 4 dedicated individuals.

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