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Remove the rakghoul plague now

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Any change would set a precedent for Bioware giving in to a tiny minority of whiners on the forums, when nobody in game is complaining. That's why so many of us are against any change.


BW and every game company gives way to a small vocal whiny group of players.


You know the ones that ruin PVE because ....


a) the don't know how to play their class

b) want everyone nerfed so they can be special snowflakes

c) oh are PVP ONLY.


So its done all the time and ruins the game for the majority. But hey ... :rolleyes:


Yeah an opt out of an event is SOOOOO restrictive to the rest of the community. Not like all the PVP nerfing that fracks the heck out of PVE most of the time. :rolleyes:

Edited by Urael
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The number of posts most likely do; strange seeing that this is a complaint thread as opposed to the ones supporting the event. And as this is round three, and being that we are 'such a small number', that would seem to mean that it it those opposing such dissent that are keeping these threads thriving and alive.


Thank you for your support! :D


You and Sko have posted hundreds of times here. It's simply obnoxious. Why so much hate for an event you won't even try, it's not that hard to avoid and when you can't big deal... you can profit from it.


I said this before and I'll say it again...

There's like four or five vocal people in this thread that won't let it drop, I think you're all just Skolops alts atm trying to keep this ridiculous conversation going when people should be praising Bioware for a job well done.

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The number of posts most likely do; strange seeing that this is a complaint thread as opposed to the ones supporting the event. And as this is round three, and being that we are 'such a small number', that would seem to mean that it it those opposing such dissent that are keeping these threads thriving and alive.


Thank you for your support! :D


Ironic. :rolleyes:



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You and Sko have posted hundreds of times here. It's simply obnoxious. Why so much hate for an event you won't even try, it's not that hard to avoid and when you can't big deal... you can profit from it.


My understanding is there is nothing wrong with skipping things. Removing the option to skip something or opt completely out is a rather stupid design move from a game that sells itself with a "play it your way" approach.


I said this before and I'll say it again...

There's like four or five vocal people in this thread that won't let it drop, I think you're all just Skolops alts atm trying to keep this ridiculous conversation going when people should be praising Bioware for a job well done.


I think there are more than that. A clear minority of course but more than you seem to want to accept. A job well done would have been one that actually had you keeping out the infection, not spreading it be it through questing or griefing.

Edited by Quraswren
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You few are seriously complaining about content in an MMO??


Also, there are several opt-outs in addition to vaccine. Including, but not limited to:-


1. Avoid standing within 10m of the GREEN fuming person with GLOWING YELLOW EYES. It's a bit of a giveaway.

2. GTN has 4 separate alcoves with terminals in. Pick one that doesn't have 1. In.

3. Use the Coruscant or (imperial) alternate GTN. Or buy one for your ship.

4. Use Vaccine.

5. Use Guild/friends (although it sounds like you don't have any) to put stuff on/buy stuff from GTN. Meet somewhere other than fleet if role playing/ guild meetings.

6. Several planets have skill trainers/crew vendors so you don't have to go to fleet for those either.

7. Don't log in til event ends.

8. Unsubscribe. Especially since it appears you'd be much happier in a single player game.


No-one forces you to participate. Just like no one forces whiners to post this kind of garbage about fun events.


MMO stands for massively multiplayer, which infers that there will be interaction between everyone inside the game. Don't like it? Don't play MMOs. Simple. I definitely won't miss you.


Edit: to the above, there's no griefing involved as 1. It's not repeatedly happening within a short timeframe and it doesn't prevent you doing anything AT ALL. The only thing it does is put a little green box on your buff bar and turns you green/ stuns a couple times over a20 minute period. Then it's gone.

Edited by Phuzz
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The number of posts most likely do; strange seeing that this is a complaint thread as opposed to the ones supporting the event. And as this is round three, and being that we are 'such a small number', that would seem to mean that it it those opposing such dissent that are keeping these threads thriving and alive.


Thank you for your support! :D


Almost 1/10th of the posts in this iteration is yours (89/957) I'll let you guess who the other big hitters are :)

Edited by Lundli
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I believe that the reason why you can't understand why some players have a problem with this is because it seems your particular play style is concerned with finding an enjoyable dynamic of rewards, resources, and meeting goals. This is fine. In fact, its largely the way I play. However, many other players do not play with this particular mindset. Some are more concerned with the role playing elements, while others are more concerned with some third thing. To them, the problem with the plague may have nothing to do with time or money, at least not in isolation, and the rewards may be irrelevant.


With due respect, your arguments would be far more compelling if you stopped presuming upon other people and their preferences. Unless you take a step back from your assumptions, you're only going to continue looking self righteous. You know nothing about my preferred mode of play. In fact, you're very much incorrect in your assessment. But I'm sure the notion of that possibility never crossed your mind, did it?


The point stands. There are no appreciable costs. Until you can argue for the existence of some more than "minor annoyance" (and that's a generous concession on my part, mind you), you're argument is going to hold as much water as a sieve. Dodge the issue all you want. Frankly, with each assumption and failure to defend yourself, you only do harm to your argument and not anyone else's.


As a side note: myself and members of my guild have been distributing vaccines IC to other players who wish to have them. In large quantities. How does this factor into your model of costs when I'm making it a point to assume costs for lowbies and those who wish to remain, as they see it, inconvenienced? I'm handing more vaccine to some individuals then they will need for the entire duration of the event itself. What cost are they putting up with now?

Edited by AlyxDinas
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Are you kidding?


If there was a cure to the zombie infection, you'd bet you butt that companies would try to profit off of it. What do you think war is far? Ideals? Pfffttttttt


Bioware didn't present us with this explanation because it doesn't actually make any sense at all. Try to think of this in realistic terms for a second. There's a plague that literally kills people in under an hour after exposure, which apparently has a 100% infection rate for nonvaccinated individuals. If this weren't a video game... if we were to try to treat this as "realistic" as you seem to want to, then the ONLY sensible solution would be mandatory vaccinations, combined with hard and fast control on travel. Nobody passes through any ports without being screened and passing. I mean, come on, our current TSA inspections when trying to board a plane IRL are a lot more thorough than what our characters have to face when hopping from planet to planet.


These groups of people standing in packs on the Fleet, infecting each other, are a lot of fun... I like it personally... but they are completely inconceivable and indefensible in-character. Which is to say, this only makes sense from the point of view of the players who want to have fun infecting each other; not from the point of view of the game world.


The galaxy is at (cold) war (whether it's cold depends on how far you've progressed in your class story). Both the Imperial and the Republic governments would seize control of the vaccine production, realistically, and would make certain the plague could not spread. I remember flying through Hong Kong years ago when there was a bird flu outbreak, and security was TIGHT. The rakghoul plague is a million times more virulent, but you expect people to believe that both the Republic and the Empire would just stand back and let some corporations make a profit? Not a chance.


All of which returns to the main point: you really shouldn't try to justify the prices of the vaccine with some in-character rationalization. This event is fun, and fairly awesome overall, but it does require a little suspension of disbelief. Most players are so used to suspending their disbelief that they don't even pay attention to this anymore.


I still maintain that the vaccine ought to be free or very very cheap. That solves all the complaints, while leaving players who want to participate free to do so with no concerns.


I truly hope we have a lot more events like this. Not precisely like this of course, because that'd get tedious, but in this style. And I hope that in the future it's easier for players to opt out, so we won't have unhappy people complaining, and everyone can just play the game and have fun in their own ways.

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My understanding is there is nothing wrong with skipping things. Removing the option to skip something or opt completely out is a rather stupid design move from a game that sells itself with a "play it your way" approach.




I think there are more than that. A clear minority of course but more than you seem to want to accept. A job well done would have been one that actually had you keeping out the infection, not spreading it be it through questing or griefing.


Hi, You're playing an MMO. This is a world event, it's an event that has made this game feel more immersive. I've seen what 1.2 and this event has done to the population on my server, it's booming. If you don't like it and can't tolerate it perhaps an MMO isn't for you.


I don't want Bioware to change a daym thing because a very obnoxious, vocal minority won't stop debating endlessly in this thread about why they don't like it, but won't even try it.


It's fun, it's really not harming your gameplay in any detrimental way. If you truely believe it is... you're no one I wish to play with.

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update Itemdatabse set buycost = 0, sellcost=0, persistthroughdeath=true where itemid=X


assuming itemid is indexed, it should be done in seconds.


And then you have to test it. That takes time. Just because it can be changed doesn't mean it won't have an effect elsewhere.


Spoken like a true non-coder.

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Well I broke down and finally got inoculated against the plauge last night. It made me sad but our raid leader didn't want people exploding during named fights and wiping the raid.


Kudos to the design team for bringing this awesome live event


There have been alot more players out and about and it is fun to kill (and be killed) by pvp flagged toons out on tatoine

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You and Sko have posted hundreds of times here. It's simply obnoxious. Why so much hate for an event you won't even try, it's not that hard to avoid and when you can't big deal... you can profit from it.


I said this before and I'll say it again...

There's like four or five vocal people in this thread that won't let it drop, I think you're all just Skolops alts atm trying to keep this ridiculous conversation going when people should be praising Bioware for a job well done.


Because I'm sick of this false accusation, I just wasted 20 minutes of my time to prove it is false. It was originally going to go through all three versions of these threads and find the total count for people who are against the plague in one way or another, but I ended up doing only the first 65 pages of the first thread, because A) it was getting very boring, and B) I found plenty in even just that sample to make my point.


In those 65 pages, the following people objected in some way to the design of the plague mechanic. This covers people who dislike the event as a whole, those who dislike the way you can infect other people, those who dislike that it can be on the fleet, and those who dislike any other aspect of the design:



















The following players either like or are neutral towards the event and even plague itself, but are unhappy with the way other players have chosen to handle the event:











Again, note that this covers only the first 65 pages of the first version of this thread. There are a TOONNNN of additional people not only in the remainder of that thread, but also in the following two editions of it (this one included, of course), and in at least 5 other threads in the forum about this topic. Note that many of the people in the other posts have not even commented here, making the numbers even greater.


It's also worth noting that as I read, I noticed a large number of people supporting the plague who were posting just as much, if not more, than myself, Elhanan, or ferroz.


Finally, something to consider: At the point when the very first post asserted that there were only "3 or 4 people" objecting to the event and the rest of the posts were in favor of it, there were already 17 people opposing it for one reason or another, and that number has at least tripled since then. It's simply NOT TRUE to claim that there are only a select few people complaining, here.

Edited by Skolops
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And YOU are selfish to want us to be FORCED to participate. Our participation or not has nothing to do with YOUR enjoyment of the game. Pot meet kettle. :rolleyes:


Three words; working as intended. Besides, according to the philosiper Thomas Hobbes we are all selfish in everything we do. You an stretch the defintion of the word as far as you please.

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At first I could have been on board with some changes like free persist through death vaccines. I have since changed my stance on this. Since the majority of people against this are only concerned with their own narrow view, while calling other people selfish, I'm going to adopt the same line of thinking.


I hope they don't change a darn thing because it will negatively affect my gameplay by not being able to infect other people. I no longer have an ounce of care whether your gameplay is not how you want it to be, it's all about me, me, me. Your arguments are petty and pathetic and I just don't care anymore.


Also, since I've been repeatedly grouped with griefers, (which I am slightly annoyed by) I am going to embrace it. BW created a mechanic that is working as intended no matter how you look at it and I am going to take great pleasure infecting other people from now on.


So have fun inflicting grief, since the only griefing being done is what you are doing to yourselves. See you next event!

Edited by Lugosi
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Finally, something to consider: At the point when the very first post asserted that there were only "3 or 4 people" objecting to the event and the rest of the posts were in favor of it, there were already 17 people opposing it for one reason or another, and that number has at least tripled since then. It's simply NOT TRUE to claim that there are only a select few people complaining, here.


The 3 to 4 opposed was a meme perpetuated by the lazy. Thank you for your research! :)

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Because I'm sick of this false accusation, I just wasted 20 minutes of my time to prove it is false. It was originally going to go through all three versions of these threads and find the total count for people who are against the plague in one way or another, but I ended up doing only the first 65 pages of the first thread, because A) it was getting very boring, and B) I found plenty in even just that sample to make my point.


In those 65 pages, the following people objected in some way to the design of the plague mechanic. This covers people who dislike the event as a whole, those who dislike the way you can infect other people, those who dislike that it can be on the fleet, and those who dislike any other aspect of the design:



















The following players either like or are neutral towards the event and even plague itself, but are unhappy with the way other players have chosen to handle the event:











Again, note that this covers only the first 65 pages of the first version of this thread. There are a TOONNNN of additional people not only in the remainder of that thread, but also in the following two editions of it (this one included, of course), and in at least 5 other threads in the forum about this topic. Note that many of the people in the other posts have not even commented here, making the numbers even greater.


It's also worth noting that as I read, I noticed a large number of people supporting the plague who were posting just as much, if not more, than myself, Elhanan, or ferroz.


Finally, something to consider: At the point when the very first post asserted that there were only "3 or 4 people" objecting to the event and the rest of the posts were in favor of it, there were already 17 people opposing it for one reason or another, and that number has at least tripled since then. It's simply NOT TRUE to claim that there are only a select few people complaining, here.


compared to the amount of people playing this game 17 people might as well be 3 or 4. It really makes no difference even if there's several dozen of you complaining.

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At first I could have been on board with some changes like free persist through death vaccines. I have since changed my stance on this. Since the majority of people against this are only concerned with their own narrow view, while calling other people selfish, I'm going to adopt the same line of thinking.


I hope they don't change a darn thing because it will negatively affect my gameplay by not being able to infect other people. I no longer have an ounce of care whether your gameplay is not how you want it to be, it's all about me, me, me. Your arguments are petty and pathetic and I just don't care anymore.


Also, since I've been repeatedly grouped with griefers, (which I am slightly annoyed by) I am going to embrace it. BW created a mechanic that is working as intended no matter how you look at it and I am going to take great pleasure infecting other people from now on.


So have fun inflicting grief, since the only griefing being done is what you are doing to yourselves. See you next event!


In otherwords .. you find it fun to grief ... gotcha! :rolleyes:

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You few are seriously complaining about content in an MMO??


Also, there are several opt-outs in addition to vaccine. Including, but not limited to:-


1. Avoid standing within 10m of the GREEN fuming person with GLOWING YELLOW EYES. It's a bit of a giveaway.

2. GTN has 4 separate alcoves with terminals in. Pick one that doesn't have 1. In.

3. Use the Coruscant or (imperial) alternate GTN. Or buy one for your ship.

4. Use Vaccine.

5. Use Guild/friends (although it sounds like you don't have any) to put stuff on/buy stuff from GTN. Meet somewhere other than fleet if role playing/ guild meetings.

6. Several planets have skill trainers/crew vendors so you don't have to go to fleet for those either.

7. Don't log in til event ends.

8. Unsubscribe. Especially since it appears you'd be much happier in a single player game.


No-one forces you to participate. Just like no one forces whiners to post this kind of garbage about fun events.


MMO stands for massively multiplayer, which infers that there will be interaction between everyone inside the game. Don't like it? Don't play MMOs. Simple. I definitely won't miss you.


Edit: to the above, there's no griefing involved as 1. It's not repeatedly happening within a short timeframe and it doesn't prevent you doing anything AT ALL. The only thing it does is put a little green box on your buff bar and turns you green/ stuns a couple times over a20 minute period. Then it's gone.


The person with the Yellow eyes chose for me, and did force me to participate. Actually, I dunno if they had yellow eyes as they were behind me at the Med Station in a crowd waiting for max effect; just a guess.


And Yes; I believe I did have to utilize the Trainers on the Fleet, I believe, as they had a special AC training session unseen at other locations


Events are good; Griefing is bad.

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compared to the amount of people playing this game 17 people might as well be 3 or 4. It really makes no difference even if there's several dozen of you complaining.


At the time, that 17 people was approximately 25% of the posters in the thread. It is likely that that ratio has been maintained, as from what I saw the number of additional people opposed/in favor grew at similar rates. Over time, the ratio likely fluctuated between 20 - 30%, and likely still remains somewhere in the middle.


It is not an insignificant number, and you simply need to accept the truth that the facts do not support the selfish views of those who want to silence the people who dislike the plague mechanic.

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Because I'm sick of this false accusation, I just wasted 20 minutes of my time to prove it is false. It was originally going to go through all three versions of these threads and find the total count for people who are against the plague in one way or another, but I ended up doing only the first 65 pages of the first thread, because A) it was getting very boring, and B) I found plenty in even just that sample to make my point.


In those 65 pages, the following people objected in some way to the design of the plague mechanic. This covers people who dislike the event as a whole, those who dislike the way you can infect other people, those who dislike that it can be on the fleet, and those who dislike any other aspect of the design:



















The following players either like or are neutral towards the event and even plague itself, but are unhappy with the way other players have chosen to handle the event:











Again, note that this covers only the first 65 pages of the first version of this thread. There are a TOONNNN of additional people not only in the remainder of that thread, but also in the following two editions of it (this one included, of course), and in at least 5 other threads in the forum about this topic. Note that many of the people in the other posts have not even commented here, making the numbers even greater.


It's also worth noting that as I read, I noticed a large number of people supporting the plague who were posting just as much, if not more, than myself, Elhanan, or ferroz.


Finally, something to consider: At the point when the very first post asserted that there were only "3 or 4 people" objecting to the event and the rest of the posts were in favor of it, there were already 17 people opposing it for one reason or another, and that number has at least tripled since then. It's simply NOT TRUE to claim that there are only a select few people complaining, here.

First of all, no one is posting as much as Ferroz, I should know, I was nr 3 on that list, think your name was above mine.


Secondly it's not like you'd find as many people opposing the event for every 65 pages you cover, by the looks of these threads you'd see a diminishing return. Are there more than the 4 or 5 of you that keep posting? I'm ceratin there are, and I'm willing to take your word on that list you compiled. I've never seen you call a dictionary invalid just becuase it stated something contrary to your opinion (I really mean that, this is not some kind of sarcy remark directed at you). That still doesn't change that the people in favour of this event, who hare enjoying it, far outweigh those that dislike it.


Edit: apparently some people are posting more than ferroz, and I was bumped down to nr 4 in the second thread, the nerve.

Edited by Runeshard
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In otherwords .. you find it fun to grief ... gotcha! :rolleyes:


In otherwords...again...you feel the need to twist things to fit your own agenda. :rolleyes:


Seriously, that's all you could gather from that post? No I don't want grief people, I want to finish my daily. I hate griefers just as much as the next guy and that's why it bothers me to be grouped with them.

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compared to the amount of people playing this game 17 people might as well be 3 or 4. It really makes no difference even if there's several dozen of you complaining.


Particularly when you figure there are several thousand people that play that don’t post on these forums for every one that does. And the people that do post here are more bent on complaining anyway.


I have yet to see a single person complain about this event in general chat, most love it.


I am pretty sure we are talking about less than 1%


An event that pleases over 90% of the players?


Well done Bioware!

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