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Remove the rakghoul plague now

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Just as a friendly reminder... from the forum Moderator..."[*]Keep in mind that everyone has different viewpoints. Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean they're trolling. If you believe someone is trolling, please use the Flag function to report their post


So...because some disagrees with you does not mean they are trolling. So we do have tools to deal with trolling..use them. You may be surprised what BioWare considers as trolling. And it is not trolling when anyone states if you go to the Fleet and lag or take a while to zone in and get infected it does require you to ether purchase a stim or die..both of which should not be the options for those who wish not to take part in the plague. :)


Yeah, and I reported the trolls. I didn't call anyone out by name. But it's important to point out when the conversation turns in a direction that is not just counter-productive but openly trying to instigate by calling people names.

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I don't think it is. An NPC or a stim/vaccine, whatever. I love this event, having a great deal of fun with it. It's an MMO and I love it when MMOs toss s wrench into the works; livens things up, makes us break out of that routine. I also know that some people hate that. Give 'em an option!


It's the most fair compromise and doesn't hurt either party. The only ones who would be put off by people getting a free and permanent opt-out would be those simply looking to grief.

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It's the most fair compromise and doesn't hurt either party. The only ones who would be put off by people getting a free and permanent opt-out would be those simply looking to grief.


Ohh...now we have the word again...grief. You make a good point and I agree.


We need to understand the term grief is also relative to the person and what they feel is happening to them. What would not cause me any grief, may certainly cause another person grief. And this does apply to this event when you stop and think along those lines.

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There's a difference between inadvertently causing someone what they percieve as grief and griefing though, calling someone a griefer for exploding on the wrong person at the wrong time is out of line.


Especially considering the fact that all you have to do is move your character and you won't get exploded on. It's not like people can follow you around an infect you, they are rooted after all.

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An MMO is supposed to be a living breathing world, meaning the players take the result of actions made in the game toward them just like they do in real life. They never asked you to like it. Drawing the line on when is too much is dependent on the developer.
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Ohh...now we have the word again...grief. You make a good point and I agree.


We need to understand the term grief is also relative to the person and what they feel is happening to them. What would not cause me any grief, may certainly cause another person grief. And this does apply to this event when you stop and think along those lines.


It's a ridiculous argument to call it grief. It's a rhetorical fallacy...specifically termed an 'appeal to emotion'. The minority is trying to make its case by invoking a hot button word that is totally out of line. By their definition, someone who undercuts my prices on the GTN is griefing me. Those sellers are costing me money, time, and forcing me to play the game in a way I don't want to play. At least that's the same line of poor reasoning the minority is using here.

Edited by Cerion
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I hate to be That Guy, but are all the people crying about this event the same ones who cried about the WOTLK zombie event? Because you literally sound the same.


I'm sorry your little daily routine was ruined by a plague that is curable by a stim that you get for free multiple times from dailies, and otherwise costs a pithy 2k.


I for one am glad that we have a fun event that gives out vanity items and pets. I loved the WOTLK zombie event, and I love this event.


Suck it up. The plague only blows you up every twenty-so minutes if you don't get the stim anyhow. It's not like you blow up every thirty seconds or something. Sheesh.


As for all the people complaining about the idlers: Who are you to judge what they do with their game time? If they want to sit in the station and infect people, let them. Nobody is making you do it.

Edited by Beslley
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I hate to be That Guy, but are all the people crying about this event the same ones who cried about the WOTLK zombie event? Because you literally sound the same.


I'm sorry your little daily routine was ruined by a plague that is curable by a stim that you get for free multiple times from dailies, and otherwise costs a pithy 2k.


I for one am glad that we have a fun event that gives out vanity items and pets. I loved the WOTLK zombie event, and I love this event.


Suck it up. The plague only blows you up every twenty-so minutes if you don't get the stim anyhow. It's not like you blow up every thirty seconds or something. Sheesh.


As for all the people complaining about the idlers: Who are you to judge what they do with their game time? If they want to sit in the station and infect people, let them. Nobody is making you do it.


not everybody like sxxt as someone does,

so stop this stupid event NOW.

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not everybody like sxxt as someone does,

so stop this stupid event NOW.


So somehow your opinion is more important than mine?

What rubbish.


Please, enlighten me as to why they should listen to you rather than keep the event in for the full duration.

You're not going to drop your sub because of a ten day event. Be realistic.

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Thank you Bioware for adding this event, it's tons of fun! I recall the WoW plague event when people used to kill off battleground masters so no one could queue, and it was really funny seeing people QQ in trade. It's even more funny to see people QQ now in SWTOR, because the current event has no negative impact on anything at all, there are no repair costs, it does not prevent you from doing anything else in the game, quite the opposite - it gives you free loot :D


We explode around a designated GTN on the fleet, if you don't want the plague, don't use our terminal :)

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Thank you Bioware for adding this event, it's tons of fun! I recall the WoW plague event when people used to kill off battleground masters so no one could queue, and it was really funny seeing people QQ in trade. It's even more funny to see people QQ now in SWTOR, because the current event has no negative impact on anything at all, there are no repair costs, it does not prevent you from doing anything else in the game, quite the opposite - it gives you free loot :D


We explode around a designated GTN on the fleet, if you don't want the plague, don't use our terminal :)


Pretty much this. The WOTLK zombie event was wayyy more disruptive than this one!


I remember spending hours in shattrath infecting all the shattered sun soldier NPCs and then when I got bored of that, fighting the zombie hordes :)

Good times, man. Good times.

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It's a ridiculous argument to call it grief. It's a rhetorical fallacy...specifically termed an 'appeal to emotion'. The minority is trying to make its case by invoking a hot button word that is totally out of line. By their definition, someone who undercuts my prices on the GTN is griefing me. Those sellers are costing me money, time, and forcing me to play the game in a way I don't want to play. At least that's the same line of poor reasoning the minority is using here.


Quoted for truth

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Haha, conversation between me and a guild member just now:



Her: OMG

Her: Qucik

Me: What?

Her:The cure

Me: Haha

Me: so, I hate the stupid plague, but it doesn't do anything to you that matters

Me: and you can buy an antidote at any medical droid

Her: I don't want it

Me: neither do I

Her: whew

Her: Some ******e chased me down to give it to me

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Well, seems more like you insist you should be left completely spotlessly out of it even in the slightest regard and for the relatively short period of time this event will run, where as the event is 10 days or so and offers numerous ways to mitigate, so not sure I share your view that turning that around is in any way equal...you see? Absolute perfection for your concept...short duration with much thought toward your comfort on the other end?


Indeed, there may be creative ways to improve without botching the actual event, so let's hope there are lessons learned and better times ahead.


But it really does come across that you are insisting that nothing should stray one bit outside your expectations. Total control of your game play choices.... even if it be brief, and relatively minor (although you clearly don't seem to see it as such). That sir does indeed seem to be insisting that everyone who doesn't see things your way get in line just as much as the other way around.


the fact that you won't entertain that this thing goes both ways dependent on where you stand seems to leave your position looking just a bit rigid.


I have to say that I do hope BW finds creativity to keep you happy, but not at the cost of the concept that we are indeed all in this game world together. Keeping things sterilized for those who wish to not rub elbows with the great unwashed has a place, to an extent...but sharing the world and what others do and enjoy, though sometimes a pain, is really part of the experience. And I am a solo'er as well, so I do indeed understand not wanting to get ganked and griefed.....I just don't mind giving the game a little room for a while if it makes with the happy so much.


That's enough for me, have the last world sir. good luck with the bubble.


I have plenty of content to keep me entertained, and the bubble is relatively warm and toasty. Thanks!


But if people wish to smoke in a non-smoking area, then get testy when I complain about it to Mgt, that would seem to be on them. I can live with the stigma of being rigid in my stance; sure beats being a Griefer, IMO.

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I hesitated to get into this but I think some enlightenment might be due here. Some folks have problems with movement, using mouse/keyboard. Might be arthritis or a rheumatic issue or something altogether else. And most people who deal with ailments/issues like this don't like to give in to them so they keep trying either because they don't wish to be totally sidelined or because it's helpful to keep moving.


Personally, I cannot use a mouse, I have to use a trackball. I use as many hotkeys as I can but some of the keystroke combinations are problematic. Now, I love gaming! But I also don't want to hold others back on days when I'm not at my best. PvP generally isn't a good thing nor is anything that requires quick movement. Big difference between me getting myself mashed because I couldn't get ctrl-1 hit fast enough and getting a group squarshed.


So, I can see where he's coming from (even though I disagree with his stance on the event :D )


Thanks for the empathy. Besides the natural reasons mentioned, I also have some nerve damage, and am recovering from a stroke suffered last year. I am not great with WASD movement, and also am a second away from Death if I misfire on the GUI Simon game (which the new customized GUI helps improve quite a bit; FTW).


That said, I am better off than some other Players I know, and am able to handle the mechanics well enough, though at a slower pace than many would probably prefer. So solo it is for now, and avoiding the maddening crowd at Tatooine until after the 24th.

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There's a difference between inadvertently causing someone what they percieve as grief and griefing though, calling someone a griefer for exploding on the wrong person at the wrong time is out of line.


Not if that line is located at a Rest/ Safe Zone on a PvE server. Common sense would seem to beckon this event elsewhere; not the places that are supposedly the most secure.

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It's a ridiculous argument to call it grief. It's a rhetorical fallacy...specifically termed an 'appeal to emotion'. The minority is trying to make its case by invoking a hot button word that is totally out of line. By their definition, someone who undercuts my prices on the GTN is griefing me. Those sellers are costing me money, time, and forcing me to play the game in a way I don't want to play. At least that's the same line of poor reasoning the minority is using here.


I offered a compromise and possible solution for both sides that is entirely devoid of emotion and born out of completely cold detachment to either side of the argument. Simply let people who don't want to take part a permanent opt out. No vaccines. No running around getting infected by others. No money spent. None of it.


Both sides get what they want.

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Thanks for the empathy. Besides the natural reasons mentioned, I also have some nerve damage, and am recovering from a stroke suffered last year. I am not great with WASD movement, and also am a second away from Death if I misfire on the GUI Simon game (which the new customized GUI helps improve quite a bit; FTW).


That said, I am better off than some other Players I know, and am able to handle the mechanics well enough, though at a slower pace than many would probably prefer. So solo it is for now, and avoiding the maddening crowd at Tatooine until after the 24th.


Out of curiosity, why play a social game when all you do is play solo? I'm asking this honestly, and without ridicule. I really play MMOs for the social aspect, so I don't get why anyone would pay a monthly fee to play by themselves. I'm not saying that it's wrong, just that it is completely alien to me (I quit WoW after all my friends left. Didn't matter how good the game was if I didn't know anyone).

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From where I'm sitting, I'm not seeing much of a difference


Well, for one small thing, this is a Forum; not the game. And one has the option to Ignore me if they wish, as I have also used that preference several times now.


But I would call a Player attacking another Player (ie; PvP) in a Safe Zone of a PvE server a decent way to gain the Griefer tag.

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Well, for one small thing, this is a Forum; not the game. And one has the option to Ignore me if they wish, as I have also used that preference several times now.


But I would call a Player attacking another Player (ie; PvP) in a Safe Zone of a PvE server a decent way to gain the Griefer tag.


Well, I'd dispute that it's attacking another player.... I also dispute the statement that the fleet is a safe zone. Has that been stated anywhere? Even if so, clearly BW intended people to be infected and intended them to spread that infection. Therefore, it can hardly be construed as griefing. Griefing(A), is against the TOS(B).... doing what the developers intended© cannot reasonably be considered against the TOS(B). So logically if A=B and C<>B then A<> C

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Out of curiosity, why play a social game when all you do is play solo? I'm asking this honestly, and without ridicule. I really play MMOs for the social aspect, so I don't get why anyone would pay a monthly fee to play by themselves. I'm not saying that it's wrong, just that it is completely alien to me (I quit WoW after all my friends left. Didn't matter how good the game was if I didn't know anyone).


I had ME3 on pre-order, and chose to cancel due to personal pref. During the wait, I was invited into three of the beta tests, though I was only able to make two of them. It was there I discovered that solo was quite possible, even for me.


So I was able to practice WASD on the ME series, as well as 800+ hrs on Skyrim. Then I took the funds from the pre-order, and placed it on SWTOR instead, and received my sub as a Christmas gift.


For social gaming, I still play m/p NWN1 with a much smaller crowd..

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