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Remove the rakghoul plague now

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And if they intended for players to never leave Tattooine while infected they would have put in measures to make sure they couldn't.

Obviously they did intend for people to leave and spread the infection.


Because that is how a lot of people actually found out there is an event. :cool:

Else there would be a bigger pack of complainers that would cry that there was an event they knew nothing about.

Because that is just the way people are.

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And if they intended for players to never leave Tattooine while infected they would have put in measures to make sure they couldn't.

Obviously they did intend for people to leave and spread the infection.


Of course they did. Thus the poor design of the event in the way the plague is spread.

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I think what we can agree on is that despite the apparent popularity that this event has there are some who, while they may have enjoyed the quest aspect of it, did not enjoy the idea that their gameplay could be hindered in some way by other players and not just simply in one area or the other but in every area where they may find them. While I can understand the idea that this is an event that is supposed to have an effect on everyone I do think that what Bioware should have done was make the vaccines at least persist through death. People would still be participating in the event in a way by having to purchase cheap vaccines so as to avoid the plague part of it.


Since I doubt most people play for 12 hours a day (heck there probably are not too many that play for 6 hours on weekdays) they would essentially be paying 2k to 4k credits a day to "sit out" if you will. If they do the event dailies they would basically be getting enough vaccines to protect them for a day for free.


I know some people have kneejerk reactions to negative and positive feelings about things in this game but for those who are pro-plague ask yourself this question that I asked myself which made me change my mind a bit. Considering the sheer number of people who are spreading the plague like herpes in a college dorm is it really going to ruin anything for you if the minority of the players wish not to be infected and are given a way to avoid it? You won't even notice the difference. Who will notice the difference? The people who didn't want it but are forced to deal with it. Most of them are not asking for it to be removed completely from the event. That's just a couple of negative nancies who don't like any kind of change however temporary it may be. Most just want a way to effectively avoid it that doesn't include becoming a hermit on their ship or constantly having to repurchase an item every time they die and not just from the plague.


See that would work. If you could use the cure once a day and not worry about it the rest of the time you are on if you died. Thank you

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Of course they did. Thus the poor design of the event in the way the plague is spread.


It isn't poor design.

It's inclusive for people who may not read the forums and who wouldn't know about it, and more to the point...it's realistic. If we have learned nothing else, it is that people will always flaunt laws or disobey authority. If you have enough money, there's always a way around road blocks.

Simply because you hate world events, doesn't make them poorly designed.

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While I generally don't like this event and would love for it to just plain go away. I will give BioWare kudos for giving us, those who don't care to participate, a way to essentially opt out, ie the vaccine. Though I have to pay for it, I'll make sure I am vaccinated and thank my lucky stars I have the option.


When WoW was doing pre-launch for Wrath of the Lich King, they had a similar mechanic, you became undead. Peeps ran around infecting others and the game really became unplayable. I'd log in, stay in flight, go to my raid and log off. It was extremely annoying and I felt like I was being cheated out of my play time by those who were enjoying themselves but infringing on my enjoyment. It wasn't cool at all.


BioWare solution of an antidote is perfect. It allows those who enjoy the event to take part. And those of us who don't wish to take part, shoot the antidote into your leg and go about your business. The best of both worlds.

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True but I wouldn't have known until I came to the fleet and heard the announcement. I just think the announcement should be done in more places than just on the fleet to inform players as to what is going on. It is really common coutesy if your going to do a world event you make every effort to let people know what is going on and what to do.


And the forums well that is a different story. Most will avoid the forums to the pain of death. Though I can understand why.


Refusal to use a fount of knowledge like the forums, regardless of the irritations found there, is even worse than refusing to ask a question in general. Ignorance is no excuse for those who refuse to learn.

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Then you have the choice not do the event if you feel that is such a burden. Ateast my char who is not infected can go there without worry of others infecting him. You want make all those silly easy credits, but not have to work for it or have any downsides of it?


But I am not farming credits. I am actually having fun. First day I did the 12 pieces of starship quest. That is when I blew up near some who were actually hunting the same stuff and infected them, had no idea about that, but it was unexpected and kinda funny. I do the dailies and like how they introduce one every day. I grouped up with some guys to clear the 3 codex bosses (and had to clear some imps before the Den one-being on a PvE server, mind, you). All I got till now is 2 pets, and maybe I will get the companion kit. But it was different, a change from all the routine: Do Fp;s, do warzones, do dailies, raise alts thing.

You know...fun. Or maybe you do not.

Edited by CheshCat
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Yes it's griefing.



I have provided multiple definitions of "griefers" that are directly applicable to online gaming environments and they all agree that intent to disrupt someone else's gaming experience is required to be considered griefing. You are using this term in error. It isn't doing you any favors by doing so. It just makes people dismiss you and everything you say.

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Yep, only cares for his own agenda and is not going to listen to anyone. He has been enlightened by the true meaning of griefing but he can't accept this knowledge. We are all out to get him and really just want to grief rather than enjoy the event.


Epic! +10 internetz for you!

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Pretty sure the majority of people on the forums would complain if Bioware solved world hunger


Don't know about the majority, but you would find 2-3 "crusaders" that would be somehow offended, of course. because that is the new weapon, nowadays: be offended and ask for support. You do not need real arguments, you do not need logic, you only need to say that some evil dude heart your feelings somehow. And there goes the freedom of expression.....

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One of the better MMO world events I've ever participated in. Just absolutely fun and well done! Had some good OPvP fights, experienced some fun content, and even got some new shinies. What is there not to like?


You can even elect not to participate if you choose by using the vaccine. Really well done. Great job BW! More of these types of events are welcome. A shot of OPvP from morning one of the event:



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Don't know about the majority, but you would find 2-3 "crusaders" that would be somehow offended, of course. because that is the new weapon, nowadays: be offended and ask for support. You do not need real arguments, you do not need logic, you only need to say that some evil dude heart your feelings somehow. And there goes the freedom of expression.....


I take it you have been getting warnings too?

Edited by Lundli
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Personally I love it. I think it's a great idea but I would've added another quest for ppl to contain the plague by killing those that have it and allowing inter faction pvp on fleet...now that would be epic!


As for those who want to complain, let em complain. This will be over soon. If you truly want to leave the game over this then just do it. Don't threaten to do it...just do it! I love this game.


Remember...you can please some of the ppl all of the time and all of the ppl some of the time...but you can't please all of the ppl all of the time.


It's just a game

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Don't know about the majority, but you would find 2-3 "crusaders" that would be somehow offended, of course. because that is the new weapon, nowadays: be offended and ask for support. You do not need real arguments, you do not need logic, you only need to say that some evil dude heart your feelings somehow. And there goes the freedom of expression.....


you don't get freedom of expression on a private forum. just make sure that youa re not insulting anybody, and you are all good.

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Actually, I'm pretty sure the request is for bioware to make a change so that the selfish people who don't care how other people feel about being used and abused in such a fashion don't have to make a change to their behavior.


Which still amounts to the same thing the person you quoted said

Yes it's griefing.

No it isn't ... see I can do that to. The difference is that I seem to have a better understanding of the term.


Multiple times per day that I go to fleet.


How do you know people aren't answered? I've asked things in chat and been whispered the answer by a few people.... I've done the same myself. How do you know that this hasn't happened? Unless of course the person asked then says in chat, "How come no one is answering me?"

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The point is....we should'nt be dying on the Fleet. This whole thing of there is a galactic concern of a widespread epicedmic from Tatoonie and then have tons of players coming to the Fleet to infect others is totally unrealistic in a RPG way when any civilized society would have the Fleet locked down super secure to keep the spread of the infection isolated to Tatoonie.


Thats a different argument. If you want to complain about the in game logic of peoples behavior, I cant argue with that, I happen to think you're right. But, if you want to complain about the mechanics of the event, well, in that I happen to think you're wrong.

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Or they could simply not let you get pass the hangar or use your quick travel if you are infected. Simple solution.


Yes simple, but unintended consequences are huge on this solution.


So you don't let people get past the hanger or quick travel if they are infected. The infection takes 20 minutes to run it's course so instead of inconveniencing people if they choose not to buy a vaccine by 10 seconds waiting for the Medical Droid button to light up and costing them no money at all you'll have them wait an additional 20 minutes to be disease free so they can go to the fleet? The crying would be epic (and amusing).


I'm fine if they want to do incredibly cheap and persistent through death vaccines. Frankly, I also don't get what the big deal is that you die once every 20 minutes with no death penalty but if people are that upset over it, whatever.


What I am totally opposed to turning world events into the complete sterilization that it has become in other games where the only thing that really happens is grinding a bunch of dailies (ala the terrible pre-Cata event and holidays). At least this event (while it could have been implemented better) effects all reaches of the galaxy and makes the world feel more "alive". This event should be effecting the fleet. I'm not sure standing in a pack is the best way it could be, but it's a start.

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you don't get freedom of expression on a private forum. just make sure that youa re not insulting anybody, and you are all good.


Agreed, yet I find getting called griefer and terrorist insulting but that seems to be fine :D

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Agreed, yet I find getting called griefer and terrorist insulting but that seems to be fine :D


I'm actually really frustrated about this too. If you call someone a troll when they are obviously trolling on these forums you will get a warning, but there are several people in this thread who are repeatedly and quite incorrectly calling all of us griefers and terrorists for simply playing the game and that apparently is ok.

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I am a bit surprised by the amount of complaint. I was playing World of Warcraft during the infamous Zombie plague that was part of the event before the launch of Wrath of the Lich King. Compared to that this event is tame. The WoW zombie plague could effect NPCs as well as players so it truly could shut down a city by killing the Auctioneers and Bankers plus potentially killing quest givers.


This plague only effects players and once you explode you are back to normal. The only real issue I have seen with it is it can spread the PvP flag which can allow for an unusual type of ganking out in the world on PVE servers.


My personal opinion is it is a better event than the similar Zombie plague one since it does have associated missions and nice rewards from participating in the event at least for players that like pets, companion customization items, or unusual color light saber crystals.


Little fun fact about the WoW plague.


Blizzard did one way back in Vanilla to hype up the new Naxxramus instance. Same plague, same complaints about griefing. And even worse, the capital cities Stormwind and Orgrimmar would be attacked. Elites falling out of the sky and attacking players regardless of level. Plague spreading amongst NPCs and killing everyone in the city except faction leaders.


Then they turned around and did it again. Why? Because it was FUN and relevant to the storyline. Like this one.


Again, for those that don't like it, find another way to occupy yourself for the week. Or, just a shot in the dark here, stay off the Fleet. Run the new Corellia dailies.

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