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Hi I just felt like chiming in to say that...


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My Jedi Guardian is now Level 40, and 16-25 Was a Pain in the *** I agree, very underpowered, but once you get Stasis, and Force Push and If you spec fairly balanced, Its a very nice class. I'm very hard to take down in PvP, can solo 2 players at once ( given they arent as high level or as good :p ) but Its very nice class post 25. So I agree slightly with what you say.
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Sensational I completely understand your Rage, theres many times I got annoyed with certain quests, and getting Rhaped by certain mobs on the beta, then I read up tactics and peoples opinions and specs and when Early Release came I still had some problems but most were behind me. I was so frustrated that the Class I longed to play was Underpowered in all senses till a higher level. Now Im level 40, I Rhape in PvP, and Im great Solo, Win/Win. Edited by Alohen
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I feel very sorry for you then, truly. Because I have had nothing but positive experiences with this class since beta.


Currently I am level 35 and defense specced while levelling and it's a blast. I have also been Vigilance and had a few more issues pop up but nothing to make me say this is the worst experience ever or anything close to that.

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Sensational I completely understand your Rage, theres many times I got annoyed with certain quests, and getting Rhaped by certain mobs on the beta, then I read up tactics and peoples opinions and specs and when Early Release came I still had some problems but most were behind me. I was so frustrated that the Class I longed to play was Underpowered in all senses till a higher level. Now Im level 40, I Rhape in PvP, and Im great Solo, Win/Win.

I have no problems anymore either, occasionally I may pull a gold mob when I have half health and no cooldowns and go like "oops".


Pre-30 it's just terrible though, and that's not even mentioning specifics. I could go far beyond terrible like saying "Pre-30 Vigi". You shouldn't have to play perfectly on every single pull aand have every single cooldown up to just barely compare to other classes.


Most of the rage stems from the fact that they knew all about it in beta, claimed they were working on it, yet did nothing.

Currently I am level 35 and defense specced while levelling and it's a blast. I have also been Vigilance and had a few more issues pop up but nothing to make me say this is the worst experience ever or anything close to that.

From a purely class balance standpoint I couldn't name a worse one.


Don't get me wrong, I've still had a blast in SWTOR so far. The many positive aspects most definitely more than make up for the few flaws I can think of, but then again we've yet to see what they will develop world PvP and endgame raiding into.

Edited by Sensational
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I don't Know...


My Guardian is Lvl 28. I Soloed all Heroic 2s up to Narshada and most Heroics 4 thow H$s I did not solo I duoed with my Healer buddy. I honestly feel OP for PVE some times. I even did all of Nar Shada wearing the Slave girl outfit i bout for Kira to make it a achanlange.


PVP I feel Balanced considering my roll is to protect others. I usualy leap into a fight target the nearest friendly and guard him then Taunt his target (ALT-T) Sunder and Reposte when ever they are up. Stasis/combat ficus for some cheap focus then rip into them with my focus consumers even a master strike for good mesure if they are still standing. rinse and repeat.


I only use my bubbles when facing more than one oponet in PVP


Hint Hint... Don't underestimate C2-N2 Healing abilities. Strap some T7-leftover parts and mods and bring him out when you need a healer.


I love My Guardian

Just sayin.

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I was along the lines of;


"hmm not sure it's as bad as your saying, im having fun on my guardian...."


but then playing my brother's shadow/sorcerer it's pretty shocking how bad guardian actually is at low levels. Seriously, if you think guardian is fine below the mid 30s' go try another class and you will see what the OP is talking about.


Don't get me wrong though, I love my guardian <3

Edited by fife
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My guard is almost lvl 30, in both pve and pvp - the only problem I had was sub 14 pvp, before you get guard. Honestly I don't even know what you'd have to do to die in pve, as half the time I'm soloing green 2+ heroics just fine.


Guard is massive in pvp, and as you pick up more utility in force kick, stasis, and push you just become better.


I think the only real problem with guards is that the defense tree is severely lacking at the top when compared to Vig -- other than that, if you're having real issues it comes down to the player and what you're doing wrong (or that you're trying to play WoW with lightsabers, and finding headbutting your keyboard like you did in Warcraft to win doesn't net the same results here).

Edited by Drakks
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Yeah, popping your 3/20 minute cooldowns and owning silver mobs is pretty beast compared to just facerolling the same content without using your CDs with any other class, pre-30 Guardians sure are powerful.


Well there you have it..you do suck. Popping your 3 minute cool downs for silver? Christ.


You just don't know how to play the Guardian..pure and simple.

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I've had a very challenging time with my Guardian. It is not uncommon that I die fighting a quest boss and have to take a moment and reflect on the way I fought and reconsider my approach.


And because of this, I have been afforded the opportunity of learning so much.


I enjoy the reality that the Guardian demands dedication (Having to learn and constantly stay present, and then having to work hard into the higher levels where I begin to get to new moves and open the the trees). To me, it enhances the experience of pretending to be a Jedi. It adds more to the lore, for myself, that because of the demands of the Jedi Guardian it is not for everyone.


When I have the attitude that I just want to attack and kill I play terrible. And that's ok; that's not the way of the Jedi.


When I am present and execute my abilities properly not only is it more fulfilling, but I tend to do fairly well. In PvP I can tank well and dish out damage.


Honestly, it can be so frustrating to learn. Yeah we might punch a wall and have to vent our emotions, but hey, no one ever said the path of the Jedi was easy. Keep climbing the mountain my friend!

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I have to admit, the Guardian I've been playing the last few days seems noticeably weaker in solo situations than my Commando (who can solo even-level 2+ Heroics without breaking a sweat) or the Mercenary and Operative I played in beta.


I haven't tried another tanking class to compare it to, so I assumed that was simply a problem with leveling a character speced for tanking. (It probably didn't help my perception of the class that as a Guardian my first companion was a tank I couldn't heal or pull aggro from even with his high aggro abilities turned off and Guard up, leaving me entirely in the neglected DPS role while soloing the first half of Coruscant.)


I'm hoping it picks up a bit in the 20s. Right now it's mildly frustrating, and I'm thinking of redoing my talents for dps instead of tanking until later.

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I personally think you guys are crazy, I am playing a vigilance guardian, not only do I have a blast with my character, I can do my pve just fine, pull aggro from vanguards, and even be consistantly top 4 in Warzones for damage.


this class just has a bit of a learning curve apparently and people don't get it for some reason.

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Well there you have it..you do suck. Popping your 3 minute cool downs for silver? Christ.


You just don't know how to play the Guardian..pure and simple.

I can almost guarantee that I am better than you though, purely based on statistics.

I have to admit, the Guardian I've been playing the last few days seems noticeably weaker in solo situations than my Commando (who can solo even-level 2+ Heroics without breaking a sweat) or the Mercenary and Operative I played in beta.


I haven't tried another tanking class to compare it to, so I assumed that was simply a problem with leveling a character speced for tanking. (It probably didn't help my perception of the class that as a Guardian my first companion was a tank I couldn't heal or pull aggro from even with his high aggro abilities turned off and Guard up, leaving me entirely in the neglected DPS role while soloing the first half of Coruscant.)


I'm hoping it picks up a bit in the 20s. Right now it's mildly frustrating, and I'm thinking of redoing my talents for dps instead of tanking until later.

It does, the further you go the better it gets. At around 30-35 you're probably at around the same level as other classes in general, once you get your healing companion (Not the robot) you can solo some gold/silver (Champion?) mobs with some effort.


Believe me when I say that you should absolutely NOT go DPS specced Guardian while you level. It is incredibly poor compared with the tank spec. I suggest the hybrid tank where you hit up shield chance/warding in Defense and then put the rest of your points in Vigi.

I personally think you guys are crazy, I am playing a vigilance guardian, not only do I have a blast with my character, I can do my pve just fine, pull aggro from vanguards, and even be consistantly top 4 in Warzones for damage.


this class just has a bit of a learning curve apparently and people don't get it for some reason.

What level are you?


If below 30: Are the vanguards you mention horrible players (Because even as a Guardian there's no way to lose agro on a mob once you have it)? Oh and lets see some screenshots of you consistently pulling 200-250k damage (More if you're 50) in a Warzone where you haven't queued with a premade against pugs.


If above 30: You missed the point.

Edited by Sensational
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I can almost guarantee that I am better than you though, purely based on statistics.


It does, the further you go the better it gets. At around 30-35 you're probably at around the same level as other classes in general, once you get your healing companion (Not the robot) you can solo some gold/silver (Champion?) mobs with some effort.


Believe me when I say that you should absolutely NOT go DPS specced Guardian while you level. It is incredibly poor compared with the tank spec. I suggest the hybrid tank where you hit up shield chance/warding in Defense and then put the rest of your points in Vigi.


What level are you?


If below 30: Are the vanguards you mention horrible players (Because even as a Guardian there's no way to lose agro on a mob once you have it)? Oh and lets see some screenshots of you consistently pulling 200-250k damage (More if you're 50) in a Warzone where you haven't queued with a premade against pugs.


If above 30: You missed the point.


Well first off, I've been playing Guardian since I got in the Head Start and I personally have found myself unable to focus on any other class for long because I just want to get back to him. I am currently around level 20ish, and I do not PvP. I have only died twice. Once on Elissle because I got over-confident and once on Courscant, because I entered into _THAT_ fight with half health. I currently play the tank-spec.


And that brings me onto my second question. WHY are you playing a DPS spec in the Tank class? The clue is in the name, "Guardian". Now yes I admit it SHOULD be balanced and every tree should be viable... but the game is uhh *Looks at clock* 7 hours and 20 minutes old here in the UK and the servers have been up for three of those. Let em gather the meta data first.


I just don't get it though... if you wanted to DPS, that's what the Sentinel is for. Also one last point... In my guild there is a level 31 DPS Specced Guardian. He's just made a good point "Who the hell dies as a Guardian? You have TeeSeven. If you can't kill anything in two health bars, you suck." He said that, not me >.>


My advice? Take TeeSeven with his tank moves on, turn Soursu Form off and keep saber ward up, and use your interupts.


Good luck!

Edited by LilPika
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So take whatever you say with a grain of salt cause your flat out lying. Ok got it.


Fatesender stop winding him up, What he means is, and I know this to be true on the beta, when I played my Guardian then, If I pulled a Silver, and 2-3 Adds, I would kil them and be on about 20% health, even with good gear ( That was on Narshaddaa for me personally ) But Your 3minute cooldown isnt there just for Elites and Champions... Its there to stop you from dieing.. use it on a normal mob 3 levels lower than you if your on very low health and about to die... What the whole problem about when and where you do it?

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I'm up to lvl 16, been playing a defense specced guardian, and its boring as hell. I feel as if the interaction is missing. I don't mind the sub par dps, I'm a tank, but I feel as if all I do is force leap and strike. Boring. Everything else is on cool down or not enough focus.


With my vanguard I'm cycling through abilities and I feel part of the game. With my guardian I leap in and stand there striking.

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