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Daniel Erickson on Server Population.


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Not happening for the same reason a cross server LFG will not happen. This is not a shooter. It is not "Call of Duty". It is an MMORPG developed around the concept of community, not just log on, pick an event and get grouped with random players that you will never see again. Guild wars required one to join a guild, no? Rather then a server, one joined a guild as its "community".


Cross Server will happen. It's inevitable. You're naive if you believe otherwise.


Also your concept of community no longer exists in todays MMORPG world. You really need to get over it.

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Well, Merging servers and character migration are definetely good news but... when? In the mean time I just cancelled my subscription. To connect is boring and depressing.... so the 13€ are not worth it, at least for me.

Yeah, I have done the same and now my "free month" from patch 1.2 has kicked in. I am not saying I won't come back to this game, but until they can fix the server issues I will just stop paying for this game.

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Lol, the tech is there for a lot of things BW has made a disaster out of from the game engine, the GTN, to character transfers. Every other MMO has had character transfers where applicable. It shouldn't take this long to get something together. Even if it is difficult, if BW was smart they would have had a contingency plan for population issues. But they aren't and they didn't.


The article linked in the OP is just a bunch of PR and BS to try to justify why they are dragging their feet.

Would they really want it in less than a day work of effort a Database programmer could write the select request to extract all data related to any character and then insert them into another BD with the same schema this with the name comparison and change popup included.


For a DB programmer this is like programming hello world. We are not even speaking of data conversion here.


In fact in MMO asking money to do character transfer is a scam.

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Cross Server will happen. It's inevitable. You're naive if you believe otherwise.


Also your concept of community no longer exists in todays MMORPG world. You really need to get over it.


Give us a hard explanation why? Do you think Bioware/EA would invest all that time and money to see their worlds they created empty? When was the last time you saw zones in WoW bustling with activity? This is not a lobby game

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If they did that and I lost my character names, I think I'd probably just up and quit right then and there. The name (and legacy name) IS my character and put a lot of thought into it, a swell as into the names of my alts.


id name every single one of my toons dbag# (example: dbag1, dbag2, dbag3 ect) if it let me actually play this game the way it was intended. so tired of logging in and not being able to find a group for 45 mins. I could give two craps about what name i have. The fact that you cling so tightly to this as your identity blows my mind. Just put a ' in there somewhere and you can keep your name. Good lord, is a name really that important that you'd rather play a broken game?


"a rose by any other name would smell as sweet"-Juliet


a jedi killer is a jedi killer regardless of his name

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i have my best friend in swtor and he HATE!!!! swtor, but i love swtor, he love TSW now and he is saying all the time that swtor will die in 2 month as max and will be F2P, i am worry for this because as i said, i love this game lol Edited by LUCASCASADEIS
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I wish they would just get rid of the idea of selecting a server. You just pick PVP, PVE, RP, or RP-PVP. When players enter the game they join the "Galaxy"


Planets would have dedicated servers. When one fills up it opens up a second instance and so on. There may be 3 instances of a planet or 30 or 300 depending on current players online on that planet. You'd still be able to group with any other player on another instance and move to their instance.


This basically creates a Galaxy that is always full and bustling with 100,000's of players to interact with. I want a real Star Wars Universe! There are 7+ billion people on Earth yet it feels like the entire Star Wars galaxy only has 1000.


World of Warcraft recently announced they are moving towards a hybrid of this idea. DC Universe also uses a system similar to this. So the technology is their and already being utilized.


This is an idea I could get behind and would excite me about the future of the game.

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I wish they would just get rid of the idea of selecting a server. You just pick PVP, PVE, RP, or RP-PVP. When players enter the game they join the "Galaxy"


Planets would have dedicated servers. When one fills up it opens up a second instance and so on. There may be 3 instances of a planet or 30 or 300 depending on current players online on that planet. You'd still be able to group with any other player on another instance and move to their instance.


This basically creates a Galaxy that is always full and bustling with 100,000's of players to interact with. I want a real Star Wars Universe! There are 7+ billion people on Earth yet it feels like the entire Star Wars galaxy only has 1000.


World of Warcraft recently announced they are moving towards a hybrid of this idea. DC Universe also uses a system similar to this. So the technology is their and already being utilized.


The solution you are referring to is called "phasing". DC universe did not implement it until August, a full 8 months after the game released (trust me, I was fully subbed all the way until the game went F2P, at which point I stopped playing). It involves using just one single "Super Server" as they called it, with new phases added all the time for new players wishing to enter the world. It worked extremely well.


Now, he is the problem: DC Universe Online uses the Unreal Engine. SWTOR uses the HERO Engine. Implementing phasing technology ON SUCH A MASSIVE SCALE (i.e. using just ONE server) on the Hero Engine is much more complex (not to mention difficult), if not downright impossible, and would require quite an overhaul of the entire game.


Having said that, it is a great idea and I give you a +1.

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I hope they will never ever merge servers. It killed Warhamemr for me, no fun if you lose all your char names :(


Yep renaming my characters once was cool with me, renaming them 4 times not so much.


The thing that would truly free up some of the issues is a cross server LFG tool. Single server tools are great if the server is full 24 hours a day but lets face and the DEV's know it they have hit the spot were people aren't playing all that much anymore. I waited 20 minutes for an under 50 pvp queue yesterday, then just said screw it and went and played Rift for a bit.


The thing is this game is pretty great! I'd hate to see it fail because they recognize an issue, but are unwilling to bend on something as simple as cross server/single server for LFG tool.

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I would love to see "free transfers" for people who would be willing to separate their characters (i.e.- move only their Republic characters to servers which have low population, and then move their Empire characters to low Empire servers (yes they exist).



that would break up legacy characters and family trees so i doubt bioware will do it.

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"One of the problems we have right now is the classic problem of Dev's lying too the community"


I've seen entire guilds and more then two thirds of my friends list quit. It's not that they are logging in less, it's they are not logging in at all!

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I would be curious how the Legacy system would work, I would consider transferring 2 characters to a different realm, however neither are the originator of my original Legacy, but are in my legacy at level 17.

I dont even play my original character that started my current legacy.


I would want to keep my current legacy intact with the new characters on the new server, Any other option would kill the deal, unless the other character was free, and necessary to keep my legacy setup intact.

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"One of the problems we have right now is the classic problem of Dev's lying too the community"


I've seen entire guilds and more then two thirds of my friends list quit. It's not that they are logging in less, it's they are not logging in at all!



Same, I came from a big WoW guild, they all returned to WoW, I think WoW is beyond boring now, so...


they dont even log in, I had to switch guilds to get SOMEONE in guild to BS with, now it seems the new guild is quitting, getting ready for GW2....

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This is niche mmo, and not to everyone's liking...but EvE Online to me, is the pinnacle of how an MMO should be built from the ground up, when it comes to setting the technological structure of it.


Its an MMO....on ONE server. - You...can...not....beat...that.


Obviously, this will NEVER happen in SWTOR....but, being able to do what WoW is about to due, could help, with combining servers together to fill up low population areas.


Surely there must be the technical horsepower in server technology today, with mostly everybody on high speed internet connections, to support, much LARGER servers, where we wouldnt need 200+ stinkin servers. Talk about alienated your community, wow.


Heres my breakdown:


Server Mergers happen - Knocks out like 100 useless dead servers

Server Transfers happen - Weeds out the remaining useless servers

Cross Server Linking to create Super Server happens - Now you might just have a handle of these servers that hold a much, much larger playerbase in each.


But im only dreaming...

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I would be curious how the Legacy system would work, I would consider transferring 2 characters to a different realm, however neither are the originator of my original Legacy, but are in my legacy at level 17.

I dont even play my original character that started my current legacy.


I would want to keep my current legacy intact with the new characters on the new server, Any other option would kill the deal, unless the other character was free, and necessary to keep my legacy setup intact.


For the Oceanic transfers, you took your legacy level with you. Not sure about unlocks.

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Surely there must be the technical horsepower in server technology today, with mostly everybody on high speed internet connections, to support, much LARGER servers, where we wouldnt need 200+ stinkin servers. Talk about alienated your community, wow.
Do you live in a large urban area? Or even a medium-sized city?


I live between two large industrial cities (Detroit, MI and Toledo, OH). We do not have cable access. We did not have city water available until five years ago. We weren't even able to get low-speed DSL connectivity until 2010 (we had dialup for nearly two decades before that). The United States as a whole does not even break into the top 20 when it comes to national broadband penetration.


H***, there are still people playing WoW on dialup. Try to remember that.


Back on topic, I agree that Daniel Erickson looks to have been ordered by EA's/Bioware's PR to talk out of his a** regarding server loads and subscriptions. I have no idea how they would go about moving people's characters safely across servers without breaking something, although I do have one small request: give us the option to transfer by GUILD, not just by character or by Legacy.

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Heres my breakdown:


Server Mergers happen - Knocks out like 100 useless dead servers

Server Transfers happen - Weeds out the remaining useless servers

Cross Server Linking to create Super Server happens - Now you might just have a handle of these servers that hold a much, much larger playerbase in each.


But i'm only dreaming...


Actually you are not. Just some time before the launch someone from EA or Bioware hinted that this could happen in the future, and I think the down-under Asia Pacific is among the first set up in this regard.

I also think that the reason for many servers at launch was also the engine capability of the moment. 1.2 have improved some performance issues but we are still a way from idle when at 100+ you start lagging on the fleet.

Before the engine is really optimized merging a lot of servers would create more havoc. In my thinking the engine will be idle at around end of the year.

I would think that Bioware will start removing about 10-30% of low pop servers and I think this will be in a one to 2 weeks time.

I think for the good of the game it will also be good for this to be controlled by them, where people can go.

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Don't see a problem for us having to pay for transfers, because of a mistake of theirs?


I feel that even after they introduce server transfers, that's just a temporary solution. The game and lack of content is the problem. If they make you pay for character transfer, that's going to be a complete disaster for this game.

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Do you know why people who play warcraft pay for transfers?


Due to the things basic in Warcraft - the corss server PvP and PvP they have short queues for Instances and BG's and even the cross server Raid Finder they can experience almost all of the game.


They pay for transfer to either play with their friends or to get on a server with good raid progress. They dont pay for transfer to be able to do a random instance or to have short BG queues.


If you transfer a char in warcraft its because you want to, in SWTOR it goes down to "because you have to".


Ofcourse if swtor finally gets their server transfer going...

Edited by Adderdin
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It is really nice that BW is aware of the players frustration. Excellent. But....


...WHEN the heck is something going to happen? Every day more and more players leave the game. BW, you should handle this problem immediately. No more political blah blah - EVERYONE knows at the time that there are too much servers and not enough players. If you don't want that this great game die - give us server merges! We want to play a MMO and no singleplayer game with MMO aspects.


My server is already starving. At main time (e.g. saturday) we have max 50 ppl on the fleet. Fantastic. WZ queues roundabout 30-45 min, when finally a WZ opens mostly we have teams like 4vs8 oder 5vs8.


WE NEED MERGES / TRANSFERS NOW! Not in Summer or whenever - NOW!

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