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Silly PvEmo Rakghoul disease


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Dear BioWare,


Hi I'm a PvP'er who queues for warzones alone. I didn't killtrade in Ilum or play WZs 7 days a week prior to 1.2, so I started this patch wearing Champion gear. So, not only did you make the penalty for being in a pug having to operate at a loss most games, but now you're also extorting 2000 credits from me every 6 hours of play time for some vaccine or have to fight off mobs in every spaceport.


You.....do realize that the life blood of this game is PvP, right? So, why force this mandatory PvE nonsense down our throats on top of everything else? The average non-premade playing PvP'er is being made to feel like an unwanted disenfranchised commodity as it is. Why throw forcing us to PvE on top of it?


The life blood of this game isn't PvP or PvE...it's both. If you haven't figured that out yet then your loss. 2k isn't much at all, hell, you can run down to ilum, do 1 quest, get your 7-10k and be back queue'd up and ready to go in under 15 minutes. If you're going to complain about doing PvE then those who only do PvE have every right to complain about the nerfs they got cause of PvP.


You can either join the good majority of us who do both and have no credit issues or you can sit there and QQ over 2k and give us all a good laugh.

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The life blood of this game isn't PvP or PvE...it's both. If you haven't figured that out yet then your loss. 2k isn't much at all, hell, you can run down to ilum, do 1 quest, get your 7-10k and be back queue'd up and ready to go in under 15 minutes. If you're going to complain about doing PvE then those who only do PvE have every right to complain about the nerfs they got cause of PvP.


You can either join the good majority of us who do both and have no credit issues or you can sit there and QQ over 2k and give us all a good laugh.


But.... I don't want to do ANY PvE... at all... ever... for any reason... no matter what. Sink in that time? Why should I be further penalized for that?

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But.... I don't want to do ANY PvE... at all... ever... for any reason... no matter what. Sink in that time? Why should I be further penalized for that?


And as for the 2k not being an issue, get in a warzone late against a pre-made and don't manage to get the minimum 3 medals you get nothing... nada... zip.


Like myself, many people are leaving losing warzones so as not to waste time and resources. So a lot of the warzones you get into are like this. The tail end of a losing situation.


But.... I don't want to do ANY PvE... at all... ever... for any reason... no matter what. Sink in that time? Why should I be further penalized for that?


You don't have to do any PvE. AT ALL.


I'm not sure what part of this you aren't understanding.


I'll try again.




You don't have to go anywhere special. You don't have to do anything special. Just keep PvP'ing.


When you explode, you'll infect other players; you do not have to do anything different from what you normally do AT ALL.


When you infect other players, you'll get a quest to infect more players. You still do not have to do anything different at all.


When you've infected enough players (2 explosions if you are fighting in good battles), you will get FREE VACCINES AND CREDITS.


You don't have to go somewhere to turn it in, it's automatic. You don't have to do anything special whatsoever.


The vaccines are free and you don't have to PvE for them.


In fact, I got my 5 vaccines in Warzones before I even had any idea that there was an event happening at all.

Edited by Varicite
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Have you done the new dailies for the event? There will be some great 1v1 and skirmishes going on.


And 2k? Really? That's like nothing.


Hey that 2k makes a difference when you're level 12 on the second planet you go to....when you have only 5k to work with. With all the other crap you got to pay for to level that 2k adds up. So ya its kinda steep for a new character.

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Hey OP you do realize that just because you only pvp the other people in the WZ with you do both and since they do both you are subject to the event, they cant lock those people out of the WZ just because YOU dont want to deal with an event that in no way effects you... if ya dont wanna spend 2k credits then dont, I personally just let the damn thing reset when I die in WZs and laugh about how my body exploding just infected other ppl even tho im not participating in the event.
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Even when the disease caused me to explode inches away from the goal line I thought it was amusing. Rakghoul plague doesn't bother me at all. It's just a fun way to give us story. Why pay 2k for something NOT game-breaking?


Get the sand out of your ****** already!

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But.... I don't want to do ANY PvE... at all... ever... for any reason... no matter what. Sink in that time? Why should I be further penalized for that?



But.. we dont want to see any /emo threads... at all... ever... for any reason... no matter what. Sink in that time? Why should we be forced to see this kind of threads in the forum?



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Why are you complaining about this rackgoul thing? Just let it run its course and get DNA samples for it, sell them, and make money. It doesn't prevent you from competing in pvp unless you just happen to pop while playing.
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But.... I don't want to do ANY PvE... at all... ever... for any reason... no matter what. Sink in that time? Why should I be further penalized for that?


You don't but thats your loss. Those who do both will always have an advantage over those who only do one or the other. It's just how the MMO world works. Pre-1.2 it was that way and I'm sure it'll be that way post 1.2. I do both and it benefited me greatly. I used my 2 old Columi blasters with the 41 expertice crystals which increased my damage done over the Champ weapons. When I first started out I was able to swap enhancements I got from dailies/PvE content to use to my advantage to increase the stats I wanted.


Post 1.2 will be the same way. I'll have more money for crafting my War Hero set and swapping the mods at will. I'll have the money for the augments I want for them. I'll be able to buy my low lvl toons full sets of Recruit gear when they hit 50.


No one is forcing you to do PvE. Most of us see the advantage in doing both. So if you don't want to dedicate a couple hours a week to making credits instead of coming here to QQ about it, then sorry, that's your problem, not ours.

Edited by Swaggz
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Why do i have to participate if i dont want to in the first place ? does my sub count for less than anyone elses ? Just as you have the right to play the event I also SHOULD have the right not to, or am I wrong to think that as a paying customer I have a right to my version of fun as well ?


I have to say that it doesn't count for anymore.Due to the fact that a MMO company cannot make 100% customer base happy you should just let them do their event and pay the 2k. If all you guys do is pvp then you have nothing to spend credits on anyways.So 2k every 6 hours(when you make nearly 50k from pvp alone in 6 hours if you dont nerd it up)

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You don't but thats your loss. Those who do both will always have an advantage over those who only do one or the other. It's just how the MMO world works. Pre-1.2 it was that way and I'm sure it'll be that way post 1.2. I do both and it benefited me greatly. I used my 2 old Columi blasters with the 41 expertice crystals which increased my damage done over the Champ weapons. When I first started out I was able to swap enhancements I got from dailies/PvE content to use to my advantage to increase the stats I wanted.


Post 1.2 will be the same way. I'll have more money for crafting my War Hero set and swapping the mods at will. I'll have the money for the augments I want for them. I'll be able to buy my low lvl toons full sets of Recruit gear when they hit 50.


No one is forcing you to do PvE. Most of us see the advantage in doing both. So if you don't want to dedicate a couple hours a week to making credits instead of coming here to QQ about it, then sorry, that's your problem, not ours.


The thing is that he doesn't even actually have to PvE to get the vaccines. <.<

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I totally understand a level 20 complaining about 2k, but a 50 complaining about it is pathetic.


Don't want to pay the 2k? Jump a railing and die, no repair costs.


But... bottomless pits [and Huttball traps] are part of the environment! That's like a total of two seconds wasted on PVE, which is entirely unacceptable! Probably.


There are going to be mass cancellations over this. You'll see.

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But.. we dont want to see any /emo threads... at all... ever... for any reason... no matter what. Sink in that time? Why should we be forced to see this kind of threads in the forum?




Unlike the PvE event... you CHOSE to click on and then troll this thread.

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I want the game EXACTLY MY WAY!






Life is a continued serious of doing crap you don't want to because it's part of a bigger picture you do want. Take it or leave it; these are your only options.


So ... grow up. Some people think it's awesome (me included). You can't please anyone, and as pissed as you may be they pleasing me today and not you, that's life.


Next week I'm sure they will do something I hate that you love.


That's life.

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I want the game EXACTLY MY WAY!






Life is a continued serious of doing crap you don't want to because it's part of a bigger picture you do want. Take it or leave it; these are your only options.


So ... grow up. Some people think it's awesome (me included). You can't please anyone, and as pissed as you may be they pleasing me today and not you, that's life.


Next week I'm sure they will do something I hate that you love.


That's life.


Except for the first three lines of obvious trolling, you make a good point. Also, I posted before I realized that suicide would clear the silliness. So, not such a big issue.

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Unlike the PvE event... you CHOSE to click on and then troll this thread.


I like how you chose to ignore the fact that you can bypass this easily by just jumping over the rail on the fleet, or continuing to PvP and finish the quest.


As a PvPer, do you also NEVER do the PvP daily? Because that is the exact same level of "PvE" required to complete the vaccine quest.

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theres a daily that makes you infect players. you can get quest credit while pvping. getting infected starts the daily from what I saw on one of my characters.


doing this daily gives you 5 items that protects you for 6 hours. so basically get the quest done once and you dont have to pay 2k each you will infact make money.

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theres a daily that makes you infect players. you can get quest credit while pvping. getting infected starts the daily from what I saw on one of my characters.


doing this daily gives you 5 items that protects you for 6 hours. so basically get the quest done once and you dont have to pay 2k each you will infact make money.


I told him exactly that, but he seems to rather like whining about the event instead of just getting on w/ his life. <.<

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Dear BioWare,


Hi I'm a PvP'er who queues for warzones alone. I didn't killtrade in Ilum or play WZs 7 days a week prior to 1.2, so I started this patch wearing Champion gear. So, not only did you make the penalty for being in a pug having to operate at a loss most games, but now you're also extorting 2000 credits from me every 6 hours of play time for some vaccine or have to fight off mobs in every spaceport.


You.....do realize that the life blood of this game is PvP, right? So, why force this mandatory PvE nonsense down our throats on top of everything else? The average non-premade playing PvP'er is being made to feel like an unwanted disenfranchised commodity as it is. Why throw forcing us to PvE on top of it?


Uh no this game was always about the story .... if you think different you should move on. PvP was always a side note. The Devs have reduced XP and money gains through pvp many times since retail hit.


2000 creds really?



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I told him exactly that, but he seems to rather like whining about the event instead of just getting on w/ his life. <.<


Here's what I'm confused about:


If all he does is pvp, and every time you die you lose the infection... what's the problem? The virus doesn't even do anything.



Let me clarify:


All I ever do, also, is PVP. In what way are you forced to participate? I don't even know what the daily is, or how to do it, because I have literally chosen not to participate and so far I've had 0 reprocussions. What game breaking side effects of the event have you been encountering that I've somehow managed to dodge?

Edited by Scoobings
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I want the game EXACTLY MY WAY!






Life is a continued serious of doing crap you don't want to because it's part of a bigger picture you do want. Take it or leave it; these are your only options.


So ... grow up. Some people think it's awesome (me included). You can't please anyone, and as pissed as you may be they pleasing me today and not you, that's life.


Next week I'm sure they will do something I hate that you love.


That's life.


Except for the first three lines of obvious trolling, you make a good point. Also, I posted before I realized that suicide would clear the silliness. So, not such a big issue.


**Reposted since every post after seemed to have ignored it...**

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Have you done the new dailies for the event? There will be some great 1v1 and skirmishes going on.


And 2k? Really? That's like nothing.


I had some great fights in the daily area, having 1v1/2v1's and 3v1's. Then more Imps turned up, more repubs turned up and guess what happened...the repubs did not want to fight, they just let the Imps do the quests = PvP ruined :rolleyes:

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